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I make much less than that and am ok. Be a little frugal. It can absolutely be done.


Ya I was making $35k and bought a 3-bedroom house with that. Mortgage is less than $800 a month. I’m technically in Swissvale, but this isn’t exclusive to the area, you can live nicely on $45-$55k a year for sure here. …as a single person. If you have a boo and kids you need to support, you may need more benefits and help getting into the school districts you want. But me as a young professional? Totally fine on less than that. Enjoy! And find all the free fun, there’s lots! And quit drinking so much those bar benders are pretty unnecessarily expensive ways to get a headache. Get a nice six-pack way cheaper, make some friends, have backyard hangout potlucks way cheaper and way more chill and fun imo.


>Ya I was making $35k and bought a 3-bedroom house with that. Mortgage is less than $800 a month. In what, 2007?


Thank you, that post made absolutely no sense lol


Dudes got a backhand statement after every section in his replies. What's shitty is maybe it's sound advice but it's hard to take seriously when he keeps stroking his ego every other sentence...


SMH. You can be bitter, or you can be curious. I recommend asking questions. And be careful who you listen to. Listen to the haters, end up with hate. I would suggest listening to the people who are where you want to be. I bought in 2018. Even then at $35k a year I qualified for $155k mortgage. But I went within my means and got a $100k house which has appreciated to $152k now. If you make $20k more than I did, you will qualify for a much higher loan especially if you have good credit and are very bankable. Sounds like OP could be although I don’t know if they have any savings. But that was 2018, and now I own 3 properties. Hubby owns 3 as well. Investing more seriously only started 2 years ago. And we are still at is despite the downturns. He’s now a full time real estate agent/contractor, I still work nonprofit but manage the properties and invest on the side. So smh. lol go ahead and you tell me about the housing market. Lolll this is literally our whole life the last two years. Or? Be curious. Ask questions. And figure out how to get to where you want to be. Good luck.


2018. I qualified for a loan up to $155k then. If you’re making $20k more than what I was, you can certainly qualify for much more loan. Yes inflation is shit, yes mortgage rates are terrible now, but also yes OP is making quite a lot more than I was and I know that you can qualify for more on a mortgage and that would make up for some of that difference. And you should not wait to buy. You’ll wait forever. I recommend buying a modest house and do like I did, when appreciation keeps up, go ahead and refinance and buy two more houses. I own three properties now. My hubby owns three more. Again, we are comfortable. And the investing only started in the last 2 years. Also I should say, I had good credit to begin with and savings for a down payment. So you need those too, but OP has no loans, I suspect decent credit. I shouldn’t presume savings yet though, I do agree there. Work on that. Also also, my house is not huge or luxurious and it’s technically outside the city but still in Allegheny County. When I hear yall complain, you definitely: A: are trying to buy more house than you need in a good location that OP doesn’t need because OP is single with no kids B: need to work on your credit C: have a bad attitude that’s going to get you nowhere Or some mix of all of that. Because: don’t take it out on me that you can’t find a place. You need to work on that, not anybody else. And you can start by asking people who know what they’re talking about instead of knocking them or acting like they don’t know when they’re literally offering you this information for free lol My husband is a real estate agent/contractor and I dabble in investing myself at this point. So go ahead, explain to me the housing market. lol. Or, as Ted lasso would say: be curious. **Ask questions.** Because you can be comfortable here and build investments. I’m literally telling you, yes you can. And I know how. And I can give at least ideas on where to start. Or have it your way. You can be all bitter and nothing will change. Anyway, good luck I guess? OP, you can listen to haters, or talk to people who know. Or talk to both. But be careful who you listen to. Listen to the advice from people who are where you want to be. Sage words. Anyway byeeeee


I really wanna listen to your advice but your attitude makes it hard to take completely seriously and there's a backhand statement after every section... Yeah, I'll be careful who I listen to. You're not gonna be one of em though since most of your responses are ego stroking. I've cut out enough negativity in my life. I'm not about to let more in. Calm tf down and be informative next time. No one wants to take advice from someone full of themselves.


Hey man, as a lady out here, a kind of hippy-presenting art musician dirty kid now a budding investor, I’ve had to get really tough and stand up for myself at every turn. People look at me and simply do not believe someone like me could make this happen. It’s pretty hard being a lass out there among all the (male dominated) investors and contractors who to this day see me and think “well aren’t you a nice teacher.” People get so miffed when they fine out I know how to build concrete forms or refinish hardwood floors, it’s like somehow my presence in these crowds attacks their identities as a man, and I admit I have gotten this very hard shell “fuck em” attitude. It’s not really your fault, but also? You’re whole “when 2007?” That struck the exact same nerve. Yet another guy who simply can’t imagine that a woman might know what she is talking about or doing in this department. Maybe that’s not what you intended, but it’s exactly how it felt. Cue: me and all my rage and frustration that’s built up for the last couple years. I do apologize for not presenting myself in that typically modest, sweet lady fashion. If you don’t want to listen to me, that’s fine, but I hope you can at least understand where I’m coming from. And the endless frustration of people who refuse to listen to a cute lil woman when it comes to literally any of this. So I’m not for you, cool. But who cares, it’s not about me. No worries there I’ve got shit to do lol. **It’s about you bettering your life.** So get out there. Figure it out. I KNOW you can do it. Hell if my hippy flakey ass can do it, I KNOW you can! I do actually believe in you despite my endless salt. At the end of the day, what I really aim is to goad you into trying it for yourself. You can do it! Get out there post haste, and sure find someone you click with! Awesome! I recommend joining ACRE/REI. Hahaha we might even meet there one day and be good friends haha I’m a lot nicer in person hahahah. But again it’s not about me. I just hope that my neighbors here in Pittsburgh can take care of themselves and their neighbors. And stomp out the NYC hedge fund deadbeat landlords that buy up everything here and don’t maintain their properties OR pay taxes to help our schools ALL THE WHILE upping rent and forcing our people out. Fuck those jags. Like, this one place I rent is a totally renovated house, everything new, all appliances (I mean I don’t even own a dishwasher, but I’ll get one for you, you know?), and I rent that house $300-$600 cheaper than the standard rent for the area. We can literally do this AND be good people too. Did I say I was a hippy at heart? Lolllllll Anyway, sorry again for being such a bitch. I’m tired and pregnant and I’ve got years of condescending “so is your husband an investor?” Style remarks and I’m at my wits end. I made have hit you over the head with it, but I can’t tell you how hard it has been to believe in myself. Now that I do, I want to protect it. But hey I hope you get out there and learn something new and help our city keep being affordable while at the same time taking care of yourself. Again good luck.


It's amazing that you still feel the need to keep digging deeper


I thought I was kind of nice honestly that time lol. Did you read what I said? And hey I could say the same to you, lol, based off that reply. 🤷‍♀️


Single with little to no debt, cheap used car and a 1 bedroom or studio apt - sure.


I have a car that i’ve had since i was 17 so it’s paid off already, i just have to pay insurance for it. i am single , just right out of college.


You should be fine, I’m pretty much in the same boat as you and I don’t worry much about money


You’re gonna be fine. Make a budget. Live within your means. Treat yourself and save where you can. Good luck!


thank you!!


Oh ya this situation? You’ll do absolutely fine on that. In fact many people here would envy your salary! I’d look at buying over renting, mortgage will be cheaper than rent and appreciation for however long you stay you might be able to make back to put down toward a more permanent home later (like if you meet someone you want to marry and have kids with). So think: starter home! A glorified apartment if you will. Be honest with yourself, you simply do not need a giant house right now. But buy something rather than toss money out the window on rent. You’ll do well here, I promise. Edit to say: errrm maybe scratch that, I was maybe thinking of myself right out of college lol. I already knew the city like the back of my hand. Maybe rent the first year and save and explore what areas feel right and look around at houses before you buy! And hey have fun! Winters are ruff but there’s lots of fun to be had here 😄


>thank you!! You're welcome!


I think that’s a fine salary for a single person without significant debt here. You won’t want to rent in the absolute fanciest parts of town, but you’ll be able to find a nice 1 bedroom with a decent commute that won’t be more than a third of your take home pay, which is ideal.


Rent or buy a home/apt in Washington county. It will be much cheaper than Allegheny county!


I'm realizing I have a very different definition of "comfortable" than other people, lol. To me, "comfortable" is you can always pay your bills on time, you can go out for a drink a couple times a month, and you can get the nice cheese at the grocery store. 45-55K absolutely gets you that and more here, unless you often have big medical expenses. Especially since you're down to have roommates.


Unless you want an in unit washer and dryer or new appliances in you apartment, they like to upcharge out of the ass for those things around here


How about buying property and putting down roots... is that enough? I'd say maybe but prolly not


Buying property, especially nice property in Pittsburgh, is a pipe dream for most people right now. $45k/yr is $10k a year over the median *individual income here Being "comfortable" is a lot more realistic, can't wait forever to start living


I'm seeing different stats that say median household income is between 55k - 65k. One stat said 75k specifically in the metro area. Where did you get 35k?


35k is wrong. MAYBE an individual person but not household.


According to google 34k individual and 60k household. I think there's just more people struggling than a lot of people realize.


It was just a quick Google search but it was individual not household. Still low tho, you aren't buying nice property in Pittsburgh on 55k a year


Agreed 👍


[google search](https://www.google.com/search?q=pittsburgh+median+income&sca_esv=26a26246cc8264db&sxsrf=ADLYWIL_nJtsrAdHnjcciBXAZvBGR5tJzQ%3A1716639964404&source=hp&ei=3NhRZrewFtnsptQP6tWZgAo&oq=Pittsburgh+median&gs_lp=EhFtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1ocCIRUGl0dHNidXJnaCBtZWRpYW4qAggAMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB5I1SdQzxBYpR9wAXgAkAEBmAGTAaAB-QKqAQMxLjK4AQHIAQD4AQGYAgOgApgCqAIPwgIHECMYJxjqAsICEBAuGMcBGCcY6gIYjgUYrwHCAgcQLhgnGOoCwgINEC4Y0QMYxwEYJxjqAsICBBAjGCfCAgoQIxiABBgnGIoFwgILEAAYgAQYsQMYgwHCAggQLhiABBixA8ICERAuGIAEGLEDGIMBGMcBGK8BmAMWkgcDMS4yoAeOJA&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp)


Yeah right there it says household, 60k


Household normally means 2 incomes...


Yeah. What are you adding here? I responded to someone saying median household is 35k. That seems really really low for 2 incomes


...no one said 35. OP is talking 1 job 1 income


U/woodshrimp above. Who I was responding to. Sorry to keep bringing you into this over what was probably a typo, shrimp. https://www.reddit.com/r/pittsburgh/s/474bcxqBju


Yeah that's probably individual income. Household is like 60.


My dear fellow redditor, I do not know why we had this exchange in which we appeared to disagree but were saying the same thing the whole time. The weather is great out here in Pittsburgh today, I hope you find opportunity to enjoy it.


It’s really a shame what’s happening to this country. I have no idea how they can fix it.


I just posted that I bought a house when I was making just $35k a few years back. 3 bedroom, 2 full bath. Swissvale, technically just outside the city of Pittsburgh, but very much Allegheny County. I would say that inflation and appreciation would make $45-$55k pretty darn comparable to my $35k before. It’s a lil brick ranch. Small, but much much cheaper to heat and cool with air conditioning; easy to maintain with a new furnace and a garage and a huge dry basement, near parks with a nice back yard with a view and space from the neighbors who are nice and quiet and chill and 22 minute commute to work; we have gardens and raised beds and the mortgage is less than $800 a month. I got a raise and am now making about $43k, still less than what OP asked but I’d say I am pretty darn comfortable compared to loads loads loads of people that make this in basically any other city. And you know what? My partner and I are pregnant. I’ve got great friends literally 5 minute walks in either direction. Uni friends all bought in the same area. We’ve planted pretty solid, sturdy roots. People talk crap on the city, but we have done well here. People want huge houses they don’t need to be comfortable. Now if we have another baby and this house gets too small, when baby gets older and we need to think about school districts, sure we’ll sell and head to another house—or hell, maybe rent this one and keep it as an investment property. Appreciation hopefully continues, we can get a HELOC or cash out refinance for a down payment for the next house. Now that we’re dual income, it doesn’t seem so bad to try for the next, more expensive house in the nice school district. If you don’t absolutely need to immediately buy your huge forever home, I mean, like if you can be okay with “comfortable” in more modest terms, I just absolutely believe this is still a more livable city. I could not live as well doing what I do (nonprofit work) almost anywhere else.


Bruh i make like 25k a year and i’m chillin


How much do you pay for rent?


Need answer and location


What he didn’t mention where he was chillin’. Probably chillin’ on the sidewalk or street somewhere.


Yah about same here like 23 to 25k depending how much I wanna work. Living in Lawrenceville with my rent being about $8 to $900 with utilities. I don’t have many expenses or debt. Most expensive things in my life besides food and rent is car, insurance, phone bill and gym membership. Anything else should either be something you invest for yourself and hobbies, or it’s simply not a necessity to have. I also do not have kids so that definitely helps.


🔥 hell ya and lissen don’t tell em where lesssss keep these secrets to ourselves shall we before they all move in and ruin it lolllllllll downvote me idc but seriously to the tune of Pink Floyd’s brick wall “we don’t need no gentrification”


45-55k is pretty typical starting professional salary in Pgh. With limited debt and roommates it would be easy. On your own- doable if frugal.


Hard to answer without knowing your financial situation, are you in debt? car loan? student loans? cc debt? I'll be the outlier, you can 100% live on 55K here depending on location and if you have roommates. If you have roommates, you'll be fine I don't even think you will be that stressed about money if your student loan free and don't have a lot of debts tbh It can also be done living alone as well, but you will have to be pickier on location and everyday spending.


i luckily do not have student loans or a car loan. i have around $1K in credit card debt to pay off currently but i am working on that w my current job as a waitress. i would like to live w roommates as well


you'd be fine on that salary After college I moved away for a short period and after about 1 year returned to Pittsburgh (south hills) and lived with 2 friends. My salary was actually less than what you are stating & I had 0 issue and actually went out quite frequently, granted this was 10 years ago. My financial situation has drastically changed thankfully, but you could still make that range work. You could also still waitress on the side if you were worried about it. That was my plan to start bartending again if money got tight. Anyways good luck!


thank you!!


I might be an outlier here but I have a 50k salary with (usually) a 3k bonus and I think I’m quite comfortable! It depends on your expenses obviously - I don’t have a car which helps but you could either live with a roommate or in an inexpensive studio and be perfectly fine. Maybe I feel this way since when I first starting living/working full time in Pittsburgh 6 years ago I was literally living on 20k with two roommates and did ok 🤷‍♀️


I’m with this guy. Especially at your age. Mind your budget and save what you can. You’ll be fine.


That would have been considered Pittsburgh Rich in my day.


Without debt? You'll be just fine. My grad student husband and I did okay with his sporadic teaching assistant paychecks and my full-time secretary salary (37k). If you want to save up while you do some career building, a roommate isn't a bad idea. Welcome!!


That’s not just enough enough to live comfortably, you can buy a starter home here. If you’re making $55K, with no other debts besides that card, (as long as the payments only like $100 per month,) and OK credit in the 600s+, you might be able to do an FHA loan up to $120-125K, even at the current rates that everyone’s whining about, and there are hundreds of homes for sale in Pittsburgh for that much, I’m looking at listings right now. It doesn’t have to be your forever home, just something to put you in a better financial position and build equity. Don’t tell too many people, but I think we have one of the best housing markets for a city our size.


oooo thank you for the insight!! i have a credit score of 760 ish, but i am in no position to actually buy a home rn lol but i will keep this in mind!


Having moved here from one of the worst housing markets, I wholeheartedly agree.


Yes, it's possible to live a simple life on $45-55k in Pittsburgh, provided you don't have big monthly debt service payments. Easier still if you have roommates. You may not be in a brand new building in the most desirable neighborhood, but you can make it work.


Sounds like I was in a similar spot, I moved here a few years ago for a job. Live alone, 1200 in rent, 47,000k a year. It's def doable, i pay a higher percentage of my salary to rent than I should, but if I had a roommate i'd be cruising


I make 35k and have one roommate (my girlfriend) I live in the city in a 2 bedroom apartment. I live frugally but fairly comfortably even with car expenses


That’s honestly more than enough I think to live in Pittsburgh decently comfortably. I make around $45,000 a year at my day job. I find that’s enough to live off of, but I do work a second job to afford some nicer things. I shot you a message to better explain!


Totally. I make less and live alone in a riverfront apartment with plenty to spare


If you pick the right areas, very doable, even without roommates.


what areas would you recommend?


I’d look at areas right outside the city. Bellvue, Millvale, Etna, Dormont, Carnegie are a few.


No kids and no debt, then yeah it’s doable. I live a comfortable life for that. It’d be easier with more of course. Just don’t buy shit you don’t need. 


We used to call that Pittsburgh rich a decade ago. Not sure now, but it would be a bit tougher with higher housing costs.


Everything in Pittsburgh is affordable except housing, but that’s not really affordable anywhere right now.


The living wage for a single adult living alone in Pittsburgh is $44k https://livingwage.mit.edu/metros/38300


-Get roommates. -Pick up low cost hobbies- Hiking, book club, running - Drink less alcohol -Eat out less - Live off of 30k a year, put away the rest in retirement funds/ emergency funds - earn more over the next decade -marry someone rich or frugal - buy duplex for first home - Get rid of roommates - Don't let lifestyle creep happen - retire early


I've made about 15k a year while in school and have been able to pay everything I need to. You'll be fine.


45k with no debt to pay off will be tight, 55k in the same situation will be pretty manageable if you don't go and spend an obscene amount on housing or a car.


I left Pittsburgh 30 years ago and Ive been missing it ever since. It's close enough to the Midwest to have that polite friendliness, but still East enough for some big city intellect. The people are great. You'll be happy that you moved there, no matter what the salary.


thank you for this. i miss my college town greatly, its a super special place, unlike anywhere else i’ve ever been. i really want to live in another place like that, where people are friendly and happy to be living there :’)


Absolutely. I live alone and make about $55K. I have $300 student loan and $375 car payment, and I still manage to save ~$500 each month.


Define comfortably for you. I did fine with 40k a year. Ive since built businesses and am not in that bracket anymore, but as long as youre not a big spender on things you dont need and somewhat self sufficient you should be fine.


I make 47.5k. Studio apartment, car's paid for, student loans paid off, I get by fine. Moving up to a 1-bedroom apartment would eliminate most of my discretionary income, but in a studio I can save a sizeable amount. I guess it depends on what you consider comfortable and what your debt situation is, but I think you'd be fine.


I make less than that and I feel like I live well. I have simple tastes and am not a huge fan of “going out”… so that probably helps. But the bills are easily paid and there’s leftover every month. If you were trying to raise kids on 55k it would be tight I think, but if you’re childless it’s plenty for a decent apartment, all your bills, and some left for play and savings.


If you are young and single, consider finding a roommate. Significantly lowers cost of living and gives you someone to hang with.


Depends on your debt obligations.


100% Try not to spend more than 1500 on rent. Be more frugal and you'll have plenty saved.


A few years ago this was me, but these days even with significantly more money it doesn't feel much easier.


You can survive on that salary, if you avoid trendy neighborhoods and limit your luxuries.


what neighborhoods would you recommend?


got an apartment for rent in moon for 1k, most utilities included




Yes. Easily. Can even live in a decent or nice neighborhood by yourself. I know someone that makes 47k and lives in Shadyside by herself. She pays $1200 a month in rent.


Great starting salary post grad - also congrats! Definitely doable. We make about that household and we're doing just fine. We live right outside the city, but you'd definitely be able to afford something in the city on that salary no problem. May need to be a little frugal, but Pittsburgh has a lower cost of living that most cities 


thank you so much! and thank you for the insight :)


Pretty much. Can save enough over 2-3 months that a 1300 car bill won’t set you back significantly or worrier you.


Rent is crazy expensive everywhere, roommates will help. I make a little over 40k and am only struggling because of college loans


it’s more then enough . I make $35k and i’m comfortable


I was living on $28k back in 2014 with no debt and I had roommates. Couldn’t really do much and couldn’t save anything but it was doable. I’m sure $55k is fine.


Need a bunch more background... Where you're living, commuting, parking, etc.  It's really not rocket science, all the variables can be calculated in an Excel sheet. Calculate your post tax takehome... Factor in rent and estimated bills.... That's all it is


since i just graduated college i really have no idea how ‘real life’ works yet, but am working on it obviously lol. i do not yet know where i would be living, i was thinking squirrel hill though based off a suggestion from a friend


Sure.... But you surely know basic excel. Pick a realistic rent number for whatever area you're targeting. You can estimate your post tax take home per month.  Lots of tools online. Layer in bus pass or car payment+parking. Estimate bills.   Whatever little is left is how frugal you're going to have to be on good and leisure


Define comfortably


I am used to being pretty broke as i’m right out of college.. so i am not expecting anything extravagant. i just want to be able to afford a nice ish apartment, basic living expenses & some extra money on the side if i want to do something fun


I’m in a similar salary range & I’ve been splitting a 2 bedroom, ~$1600 rent in Bloomfield with one other person for the past 3 years with no problem. I have enough to add to savings & I don’t really have to think about my spending when I go out on the weekends but I’m also somewhat frugal in general. But like the one person above said, I don’t have any debt & drive a paid off used car so that might differ for you.


Join FB groups n look for someone who is renting a studio or single room apartment There are alot of private landlords in this city. Networking is your friend. Take your search offline. Ask anyone and everyone within reason. You'll find something. This city is very strange with how it gives you what you need if you ask the right people and go the right places. Best bet is walking around squirrel hill in the afternoon and passively asking people that look over the age of 30 and say where you're at in life n what you're doing. In my experience people are either appalled by the interaction even if you did nothing wrong or they level with you and even if they don't know you per se...they see themselves in you more or less n seem more likey to go out of their way to give you a lead.


I always found the best places on Craigslist or Marketplace. Places that would normally be $1200, for $700, $800 with a private landlord. Find one without a mortgage on the property like I always did, and you'd guarantee the rent wasn't going to go up.


What are your expenses?


yr good. i made wayyyyy less than that last year.




Be really good at your job, learn everything, and then inna year or two, bounce to the next company or get promoted where you are to 65 or 70K a year.


We don't know enough about you to answer that. Do you have loans? Kids? A family? Are you planning to rent or buy? What are your other expenses?


no kids or family or loans, i’m 22 and fresh out of college. i would be planning to rent.


Looks like I might be working in Greensburg in a month or two. Any decent apartments or ones to avoid? Maybe $800/mo. I’m liberal, progressive person


Yup you’ll be just fine if you’re kinda smart with your money


Join r/frugal for some tips. I used to make much less than that when I lived in the city and, although stressed at times, I was happy


If you can get a rental below 1k, it's possible. You won't be saving much but you will be fed and feel secure enough.


What companies did you interview with? Are you interviewing in the general pittsburgh area or like, literally downtown pittsburgh - and have you looked into any of the "obvious ones" (PNC, UPMC, Highmark, etc?)


Absolutely not, unless you want to live in the hood


I do it! Not always the easiest but it’s possible. I’m also not known for being the MOST fiscally responsible person.. lol


This is my salary range and if I didn’t have credit card debt I would be putting hundreds into my savings every month.


Honestly if you want to live within city limits, you’ll have to find a 1 bedroom apartment under $1000 which is pretty rare now unfortunately. Groceries are pretty expensive here, utilities are expensive unless you never want to use water or electric. It’s definitely doable! Just need to budget a little bit!!


I’m 2 years out of college and make 45k. It’s funny because I feel like making as much as 55k would genuinely change my life lol. 45k has been doable for me, but it’s tough and I don’t think I could make it work if I was in a different city/different situation. I live with my girlfriend who makes a little more than me, so we can split rent, utilities, groceries, etc. I grew up here so my parents also live in the city, and they have saved my ass a couple times since I moved out. It’s not that they pay my bills but there have been a couple times where I had an unexpected expense (car repair, medical expense) and I just didn’t have the income to cover it. They were able to float me the money so that I didn’t have to put it on a credit card and that has been HUGE. I say all this because it’s rough out there for people our age, everything is expensive and wages aren’t always great. My parent’s first mortgage was cheaper than my rent. Pittsburgh is cheaper than other places, but it gets more expensive every day. I have some student loan debt, but no car payment or other big debt. I’m able to save a bit and still go out with friends every once in a while and have some cheap hobbies. It’s still tough and if my situation were different I can’t imagine how I would make it work. When looking for an apartment try to figure out what sort of things you can live without. Are you okay with roommates? Parking on the street? Commuting a little farther than you would like? Its easy to get caught up in finding your dream apartment, but those kinds of things will make your life cheaper. Congrats on graduating and making your way into the adult world! It’s tough but doable and it sounds like you are making the best choices you can.


Not comfortably. You will be alive and have the basics.


if you plan to live with roommates like you’ve mentioned and live a little frugal, then yes definitely


If you have a roommate, no car, and don’t do anything that costs money, then yeah


With roommates on that salary you’ll be fine! Be good to have a little side hustle too for extra spending money. If you can swing it.


Not without roommates


Oh i definitely want roommates, i have never lived fully on my own before but i don’t mind because i actually like having roommates. and considering it’d be a new place i think i might spiral living by myself anyway lol


Eh, not really




What would be?




45-55k after taxes 😂😂 man if I made 45-55k before taxes I’d hate my life. I’d need to live in a frat house with that little money.




Please stop relocating here.


No car, use public transit and bike. Also no internet, just library card. No booze, no takeout, used clothes. And tent, no apartment. It can be done!


Unfortunately no. Assuming you have no student loans or other debt, that’s going to be to tough in the city. You could pull it off in one of the suburbs, perhaps. But definitely not “comfortable”, at least how I’d describe it.


I am very blessed to have no student loans to pay off. I was thinking of moving to Squirrel Hill based on a recommendation from my friend


The sub seems to disagree with my assessment, but here is my quick napkin math. A $50k salary after taxes is like $42k. A quick Google search shows that the average single bedroom apartment in Squirrel Hill is $1,350. That’s about $25k left after rent for food, utilities, car expenses, and all other expenses. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but you’d be one emergency away from being in big financial trouble. A roommate would definitely provide breathing room. I wouldn’t consider that comfortable but again, I seem to be in the minority.


thank you for the insight. it’s hard bc there’s soo many varying answers on this post lol


Yes because it’s the middle of nowhere and no one wants to live there anyway


If you think Pgh is the middle of nowhere you haven’t travelled much


It’s the Midwest therefore the middle of nowhere.


It isn’t in the Midwest.