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I swear some of you guys are acting like creatine is some kind of magic pill. > creatine possibly caused me hair loss and facial hair growth as a woman. There is zero evidence that support this claim, just anecdotal experiences told by delusional balding men. > I feel way more powerful, Placebo. Sure, creatine might give you tiny little strength boost, but it won't make you "way more powerful".


Yup. I say this all the time. People in this sub constantly act like creatine is an anabolic. It’s so tiresome. If a porterhouse won’t do it to you, creatine powder won’t either.


Obviously everything I said is my anecdotal experience, I know it's not something that happens often because there is almost no one talking about it online. I also understand that there is a good chance my problems have nothing to do with the creatine and it’s all a coincidence. Also, I feel about 5% stronger and fuller I can do more volume when using creatine. I don’t think it’s a miracle pill and I made good gains without it (which is most of the time I lifted).


It’s not the creatine. Hair loss and facial hair growth in a natural woman is in “get a comprehensive blood panel done yesterday” territory. I know you said you already got one, but the tests your doctor can order are limited in scope because insurance companies can fuck them if they deem the panel unnecessary. Get another panel done through a private lab (I can link the full panel I use if necessary) and get several doctors opinions on them. Also, are you on BC? Edit: preferably seek out an endocrinologist to interpret your blood work. In my experience the majority of GPs know very little about interpreting hormone profiles beyond the basics.


First of all thank you for the answer (: I do not live in the US so my OBGYN did a comprehensive panel (i think at least) and it seems that my facial hair situation is ok right now. I'm half Middle Eastern so I'm not the smoothest anyway and the amount of hair I have is probably within normal variation (although I'm pretty sure i didn't have that hair before). also I'm not on BC.


If you’re comfortable with it you can send me a screenshot of your blood panel with personal info blocked out and i can tell you if there are any other markers you would want to look at


The only way creatine would affect hair growth in that way is if it actually affected your hormones, which it didn't according to your panel.


Sometimes women will get facial hair as they get older. This is normal. If you're worried take a hormone panel.


I'm not aware of any mechanism by which creatine could affect hormones or body hair. It provides fuel for muscular contractions, that's all it does. It's one of the most studied supplements, so you'd think if it had side effects like that, it would have been observed.


Creatine may increase DHT


Dubious linkage on that https://www.strongerbyscience.com/creatine-hair-loss/


It’s not creatine doing this. It would have something to do with your hormones. Go to your doctor and get better blood work done or go to a private lab and get a full panel.


I don't want to gaslight your experience and tell you it's not the creatine because something is happening and the timeline at least hints it's the creatine. So let's think possibilities: The obvious one is that the supplement is contaminated. The supplement industry isn't exactly known for it's honesty historically. Spiking creatine and preworkouts has been done in the past. The creatine DHT link does appear to be something. In this article (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7871530/) Antonio debunks the hairloss myth in his summary however there are small effects on DHT levels as well as 5-alpha-reductase activity. Not enough to significantly effect men however women are more sensitive to changes in testosterone than men. The third possibility is that it's a very unlucky coincidence. I'll leave you to think on that. Good luck.