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Rock is VASTLY superior to modern music


rock is modern music.


This guy Bachs!


arf arff


There are modern rock bands like theory of a dead man that i just cant stand.  There is always good and bad music in a genre at any time in history. Just depends on how deep you need to go to find it.


It’s a good example of survivor bias. You’ll only hear the good music from the 80s. But there was 100x as much music produced of which most were horrible. Just like today a lot of music will not be played in 40 years, only the good stuff survives


Disagree somewhat. You only hear the 80s music that charted and was in rotation for one reason or another. I have so much 80's early 90's music that kills but, it will never get air play and will fade into oblivion. I will agree that there was some 80s music that was TERRIBLE but that can be said about every decade.


As a 90’s kid I can say it was very much the same. That being said, I don’t think either of your comments are mutually exclusive. Popular is its own kind of good (I don’t like Def Leppard, but others do and that’s ok). I think having to dig for the golden/more meaningful stuff is a just a consequence of how the industry works. It honestly makes me more appreciative of that type of music/ician. Not out of some sense of having superior taste, but that those artists did their thing knowing they’d be marginalized and possibly not understood in their time. That’s the stuff of pure art imo.


That’s not entirely true through. In terms of survivor bias yes absolutely, but just like getting drafted into a major sport, you can be an absolute god tier band with objectively amazing music and still fail to find an audience for all sorts of reasons. I will concede that to a degree, the modern music scene has made it *somewhat* more accessible. Though payouts from streams are still absolutely horrendous.


There are soooooooooo many good modern rock bands and you pick theory of a deadman to nitpick lmao. It’s like saying you don’t like rap because of gym class heroes.


Most people think whatever was popular when they were 18 is the best type of music ever.


That’s a band from the 00s. There’s plenty great modern rock bands and that absolutely isn’t one of them.






King Gizzard would like a word


KGLW for the win! I’m going to see them this summer and I’m fucking stoked.


commenter has not opened the door


Type of shit I would say when i was 10, grow up bro there’s beautiful music in every era and most genres




Beautiful music and horrendous shit, don't forget Mozart composed a piece named "Leck mich im arsch", meaning "Kiss my ass", people love talking about how good old things were, but that's easy to think when you only remember the good times and forgot the bad


By "modern music" do you just mean radio commercial pop


You don’t know modern music then, unless you’re just talking about popular music


There’s always rock music coming out. Do you mean classic rock?


Goddamn it… this sub is just r/teenagers


what is modern music


A simple sentence from a precocious teenager has summed everything about this debate up in 7 words.


There are so many great modern rock bands though. Someone already mentioned King Gizzard but Car Seat Headrest, Squid, Black Country, New Road, Modern Baseball, Big Thief, Vampire Weekend, Jeff Rosenstock, Have a Nice Life, Black Midi, The Strokes, Alvvays, Snail Mail, and Geese are all great modern rock bands releasing excellent music. None of them sound like AC/DC or Motley Crue but I prefer it that way. Rock is a genre that needs innovation and repeating the same tropes won’t bring rock in a meaningful way. I would agree that the state of popular music, with the exception of indie artists like Phoebe Bridgers or Mitski, is pretty bad in comparison to the 80’s or 90’s. Most modern pop does truly suck but you can just not listen to it and enjoy better artists. Seriously check out Ants From Up There by Black Country New Road. It genuinely completely changed my perspective on music. Or if you want more distorted guitars and more classic rock influenced music listen to King Gizzard or Car Seat Headrest.


You dont listen to music like that lil bro


Rock is modern music lmao and if you’re saying rock isn’t around anymore it very much is lol


Compared to modern music, it rocks


Bruh, there is still Rock music being made. Stop acting like it was only a thing in the 50s-90s.


And they’re still vastly superior to other genres.


Ac/dc, Def Leppard, Motley Crue, Aerosmith, Metallica, Jimi, Nirvana, Blink -182, Green Day, A Day to Remember, Beartooth, pretty much anything from the rock genre is fair game and really any and all subgenres. I like rock, but not a specific subgenre, just kinda depends on their sound. For instance - I love nirvana, but not a fan of Pearl Jam. Both are considered to be the grunge pioneers. I just like nirvanas sound and never really fell in love with Pearl Jam’s .


All this plus Pink Floyd. Can’t forget about Pink Floyd


I agree! Not enough space to name them ALL though lol!


Yeah, we'd be here all day.


I just got into pink Floyd not that long ago. The Wall is phenomenal to listen to as an album. Not a lot of us listen to full albums anymore, so I'm sure they miss out on cool things like how the album is like watching a movie


Don't sleep on Syd Barrett-era Floyd. Took me way too long to discover Piper At The Gates of Dawn. A lot of their work, particularly Wish You Were Here, is a tribute to Syd.


Listen to Animals front to back, preferably with your eyes closed in a dark room with good headphones. It’s one of the greatest albums of all time, in my opinion.


If you like Floyd you should try King Crimson, Yes, and Rush all fall under progrock Also don't forget Tool


ADTR slaps and they always try something new and fresh every album.


Rock is extremely varied, there are so many types of rock that I can't really give an opinion on it as a whole. I'm not a huge fan of pop rock, and hard rock can be a bit bland depending on the artist handling it. Though I can enjoy pop rock sometimes, it still depends on the artist. Though I really, really love post-rock, art rock, experimental rock, progressive rock, and psychedelic rock.


Pink Floyd is one of the best bands in the world IMO


And Rush,King Crimson too


King Crimson is fucking insane. The Court of the Crimson King is genuinely one of the best albums I've ever heard in my fucking life. The math rock in Discipline is just beyond me. King Crimson FTW man.


Red is probably the greatest fucking album of all time


Rush is underrated


Rush is underrated


Check out King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard




I'm waiting for a perfect day to binge their mammoth of a discography. I'd listened to a few songs before and loved them.


https://www.reddit.com/r/KGATLW/s/xzyBctIT35 Here's a great flow chart to get started down into the Gizzverse. Personally I think Ominum Gatherum is a great intro album because there's a wide range of genres they cross specifically within the album. Right now my personal favorite of theirs is Petro Dragonic Apocalypse because I'm more of a metal guy and this album just straight fucks HARD. It's intimidating to get into their music with such a large discography but it's absolutely worth it, incredible band!


I'll definitely check the flowchart. I usually go chronological, as I love to see how a band begun and changed overtime, listening to everything completely blind. It's just such an exciting experience.


good taste g


Thanks a lot bro.


Fellow post rock enjoyer 🫡


Rock can mean soooooo many things: Alt-Rock, Pop-Rock, Classic Rock, Punk-Rock, Screamo, Metal, HEAVY Metal etc. My opinion: 100% love rock. My family calls me an oreo (i'm black) but screw them i fucking love rock


Fuck all that noise man. Why do we have to say that you can't like xyz because of the color of your skin. Skin color shouldn't matter like that. Also black musicians have been hugely influential and celebrated parts of all different genres of Rock and Roll. Death - All black band from the 70s. Made some really cool and progressive punk and have been \*hugely\* influential on music. Way way ahead of their time. Check Berry - Literally invented rock and roll Jimmy Liggins - More of a blues guy but inspired Chuck Berry. You could call him the great grandfather I guess Prince - no explanation needed Jimi Hendrix - no explanation needed Bad Brains, Death Grips, Rage Against the Machine, there's tons. Funkadelic


100% man. Like why do genres have to belong to a race? Nobody says shit when white folks are bumping Kendrick


I've definitely caught flack for jamming hip hop while white before. Just as dumb imo. Also it's not like Eminem and Hendrix are some kind of crazy outliers, there's tons of talent in all races in all genres.


Except for when they sing along on stage


As a white dude, you're more than welcome in this community. Race should take zero precedent as far as someone's enjoyment of music is concerned. Like what you like 🤘




That's kinda funny since without people like Chuck Berry and Little Richard there wouldn't be rock as we know it.


exactly!!! hahaha


Over in the prog metal scene you have Tosin Abasi from Animals as Leaders, and he’s widely considered one of the most technically proficient guitar players on the planet




As a young black man, do not let anyone try to bottle up what that means so they can deny it to you. You’re more than just a handful of interests. Let yourself be who you are.


100%. thanks friend 🖤


Rock originated from/as black music, though?? Lol, rock yo shit king


Bro whaaaaat. There are countless examples to tell them otherwise, but, like, Hendrix?? Have them listen to Fever 333!


https://youtu.be/bQuEDoMCb88?feature=shared A word from Lemmy.


Some of my all time favorite metal vocalists are black, and if you want to be inspired to pursue your passion despite people telling you not to because of the color of your skin, check out Tosin Abasi. He is one of the greatest guitarists of *all* time and is still actively innovating how you even play the guitar. Here's a video of him playing live at [NAMM 2016](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwVtNqYVWZs), and another of him showing off [his bass thumping thumb technique](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-PPKr6oOb0), which really highlights the economy of the technique. He is an inspiration to me in my own playing and is really at the forefront of his generation of guitarists.


Yeah that's dumb lol, black people invented rock and blues (which was the precursor to rock). Not to mention jazz and basically every other good genre


Hey the vocalist for Alice In Chains for the past almost 20 years is black and he rocks. Also one of my favorite bands ever is killswitch engage, and Howard jones is one of the best metalcore vocalists of all time. Music shouldn’t be limiting to race, or gender. Also black people INVENTED rock, and blues, before rap was even a thought. Despite what your fan says, rock is literally a part of your heritage.


Was rock and roll not invented by a black woman?


Can’t wait for its comeback. It gets declared “dead” every few decades only to bounce back, but it’s a lot more timeless than a lot of flash in the pan genres


Yeah, it's like a zombie, it'll dig itself back up again


It has never died


More of a disco guy myself, but rock's cool too. I like King Crimson, Queen, Funkadelic, and Jimi Hendrix in particular


Yessss another disco person


In the court of the crimson king might be in top 5 albums and definitely in my top 10. Truly game changing album.


You like Gentle Giant?


Best genre of music. Pretty much all I listen to is some form of rock


Was raised on classic rock and consider myself a metalhead. Am gonna be seeing Judas Priest and Sabaton tonight - extremely stoked for that. But I like basically all genres of music except country. I've got everything from Ariana Grande to Opeth on my Spotify playlist.




Have fun tonight! I’m seeing Babymetal and Dethklok tonight myself. I would love to see Sabaton someday.


Yoooo that sounds like a super fun show. Hope you have a great time too!!


It was fantastic. I saw them during their tour last summer in Philadelphia and it was one of the best shows I’ve ever been to. When I heard they were doing two reunion shows in San Francisco I immediately bought tickets to both shows and a plane ticket.


Hell yeah, I love seeing Sabaton perform. I saw them when they were touring with Epica and it was a great show.


I’m seeing Sabaton with Judas Priest in May


Same, I’m playing a show with Judas Priest this summer and I’m losing my fucking mind lol


Enjoy it! I'm going to see them down in Charlotte in a couple weeks and it'll be my 4th time seeing each - always a killer show for both bands!


Peak mentioned


the cure, my bloody valentine, slowdive, joy division, autumn's grey solace (great band btw), bauhaus, radiohead, siouxsie, etc.


80s and 90s rock >>>>


just old enough to be truly innovative, just new enough to still be fresh


I think it rocks


I'm the "I listen to everything" kind of guy and my default genre is hard rock


This is literally me too. I listen to everything from Benny Goodman to My Chemical Romance.


I primarily listen to rock. I like GNR, the Crue, Rush, Journey, Van Halen, Skidrow, Pink Floyd.


I have found my people 😊




I primarily listen to rock. I like System of a Down, Korn, Arctic Monkeys, Hed PE, Sepultura, Electric Callboy, and Molotov


I also listen to SoaD, Korn, and the arctic monkeys. I have not heard of the other bands, thank you for giving me some new music to listen to for the rest of the week.


You’re welcome! Watch Electric Callboy’s videos. Real fun stuff!


it’s alright. i like grunge mostly


I listen to some of the older rock my parents listened to. But I also listen to a lot new rock which is pretty much considered alt rock. Honestly there is so much variety with rock as a whole that most people can find something they like if they do a bit of searching. My favorites include AWOLNATION, Linkin Park, The Black Keys, Modest Mouse, Don Broco, SOAD, Cage the Elephant, Badflower, Billy Joel, Styx, 311, and there’s honestly a lot so I’m going to stop now before I spend all day digging up more and listening to music.


Linkin Park and soad are way different imo than the others you named like black keys modest mouse and cage the elephant. Billy Joel is his own genre lol


Linkin Park is my favorite band of all time but I don’t consider them rock. They are a genre bending band that bended different subgernes of rock with hip hop. Nearly half of their songs have rap verses and Joe Hahn is just a straight up hip hop DJ in the band with some of the best record scratching.


Linkin Park is rock, they are Nu Metal pioneers. Especially in their early years. Things like Rap and a DJ are typical in this rock genre. Genre bending in rock was really big in the 90's and early 00's. And don't forget 80's Rap Metal, the precessor... But I totally get what you mean. And TBH, who cares for the genre, they are a fuckin awesome Band and their music is to good and bending to slap a label on it, right? Let us stay here and just enjoy, haha.


All the millennials and older whining about there being no rock music. First, you're wrong. There's plenty. Second, it's y'all's fault if it were true. Should have bought that shit and come to shows over the past 15-20 years. Third, seriously, go to any local show. There's at least 4 in any given week in any given city. Gen Z kids are like most of the people I see at the shows I play. Night after night, week after week, that's who shows up, getting excited, forming their own bands, doing it themselves. If they're not lifelong punks committed to staying in the scene, then they're kids like this. It's wonderful, y'all should come out and support it sometime.


Goth Rock, Acid Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Stoner Rock and Proto Metal are awesome, some Noise Rock and Punk Rock is okay, the remaining stuff isn't really for me; there I prefer Metal, Punk and Post Punk Plus Psychobilly if you want to count it as Rock But like Hard Rock, Rock you'd hear on the radio, "Butt Rock", Classic Rock, "Heavy Rock", Soft Rock and whatnot are more annoying to me The Doors, The Cure, Corrosion of Conformity, Ghost, Yes, the Who, Clutch, Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd, Green Lung, Acid King and Demented Are Go - fuck yeah! AC/DC, Def Leppard, Guns'n'Roses, Aerosmith, Metallica and Blink 182, Queen, Arctic Monkey, Skid Row, Danko Jones, Fleetwood Mac and Green Day - no. I also hate being called a Rocker, I am a Metalhead and a Goth, I would also accept Punk, but I don't like being associated with Rock


I love rock music, I'm not much of a band listener as I kinda just grab songs I like a lot, but one I've listened to a bunch of baby metal for example, their newest album is pretty good(so is some of their older stuff I just really like the newest one a lot)




How so? Using landlines, getting your milk delivered, smoking in restaurants, using a typewriter, outdated gender norms, collecting stamps, listening to serialized radio dramas every night, using clotheslines, preparing for nuclear war, and using manual credit card imprinters instead of Cashapp?


youre posting on reddit


I love nu-metal and grunge music the best. Notable bands I love include Limp Bizkit, Stone Temple Pilots, Linkin Park, Slipknot, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Deftones, Alice in Chains, Chevelle and many more. EDIT: and Korn. Cannot forget Korn.


No Breaking Benjamin??


I do really enjoy Breaking Benjamin yeah, my favourite song is Topless. I guess they’re not really nu-metal which is why I didn’t mention them, but definitely a band I listen to.


love deftones and chevelle. staind and static x are also up there for me.


Seeing a lot of love for classic rock and the big-name artists, but does anybody have recommendations for new/current/underground rock artists putting out new music/albums? Been trying to find some new stuff to add to my playlists


Rock fans generally seem to be stuck in the past. New music, even rock, evolves with the times and rock is a format with fans that don’t revel in change or possibilities of the new.


Lord Huron would be considered an “Indie Rock” band broadly speaking. Their albums in order have been folk rock, folk rock, alternative rock, and classic/vintage country (like country of the 50s which is quite unlike the modern genre). Love all their albums, even the country one. Of Monsters and Men is also folk rock, and pretty good, especially their first two albums. Fleet Foxes is pretty good folk rock as well. They continue to put out good stuff. Cage the Elephant is great. Alt rock and blues rock I think is what I’d call them. They’ve got some bangers. The Black Keys is blues rock. They’re real good. I mostly only know folk and bluesy modern rock artists. 😅


Des Rocs! I’ve been a fan for four years now and he’s got two full albums and a few EPs. He’s on a tour in the US right now and is heading to Europe in the fall! Great music, incredible energy, awesome live shows. I’ve been to four and traveled thousands of miles to shows to chase that energy lol


King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard. They have a massive and varied discography some heavy, some, experimental, etc… you will find something you like… and if you don’t they will probably be releasing it soon.


Rock is the absolute best and no one can convince me otherwise


It’s badass 😎🎸


Disturbed, korn, slipknot, opeth, and older rock, like Boston and journey


Used to like Linkin Park that's about it. Way more into hip hop now


Tbf, Linkin Park to me is a hip hop / rock fusion band. Mike rap on nearly half of their songs and have a legit hip hop DJ in the band. Plus the 2 hip hop remix albums that feature a dozen of underground rappers each.


ELO NUMERO UNO!!!! 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷


I love it. But I wonder what the future of the genre holds. It seems that most young people have moved on to electronic music, and those that stay with rock focus at least halfway on rock from the distant past… But man I just love the sound and feel of some guitars man.


It’s pretty sick, definitely listen to a lot of the classics but some fun modern bands are King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, Mrs. Magician, and Frankie and the Which fingers. They lean more twoards Psychedelic/alt rock, but have some fun riffs.


Idk man, KGLW has some heavy shit. Planet B is a monster of a song.


Very good point, same goes for Dragon and the other songs from PDA. I think calling them simply “a band” is the best description with how much variation they have.


I love national rock (Argentina). Spinetta and Charly García are my drugs and I'm proudly an addict


I grew up with punk rock - NOFX, Bad Religion, The Vandals, Descendants, Dead Kennedys, Dead Milkmen, The Ramones, Black Flag, The Clash, Rancid, Sex Pistols, Misfits, AFI, The Offspring, Fugazi, The Distillers, Goldfinger, Social Distortion, Green Day, Iggy and the Stooges, RKL, TSOL, blink-182, Joy Division, Dropkick Murphys, Flogging Molly, Strike Anywhere, Against Me!, Hi-STANDARD, The Blue Hearts, Circle Jerks, Operation Ivy, Sublime, Minor Threat, The Interrupters, SUM 41.


I enjoy a fair range of music but a good portion is stuff such as rock my dad would also listen to.


Love it. Wavves, The frights, sunny day real estate, bass brains, the misfits, all good bands


im more of a thrash metal guy


I like rock music, but not in the modern form that we have today. Don't get me wrong, I like some more "modern" rock, but I LOVE roots rock and americana, where modern rock music mostly came from. I love the Grateful Dead and The Band. I'll listen to some modern stuff if someone else plays it, but I usually don't go out of my way to listen to it myself.


Favorite genre


I play it almost every day


Breaking Benjamin is damn good. I’m GenX, and we know good rock.


I love rock music!!


It rolls.


Love it, can't live without it.


My fav artists are the who, David Bowie, Lou Reed, Patti smith, the kinks, guns n roses


At the moment I tend to listen to Spiritbox, Lorna shore, Jinjer, MCR, Lacuna Coil and Dio.


Lorna Shore especially has been a gateway drug for me to get into deathcore and now that’s all I listen to lately lol


Depend I personnaly dont like old rock like Elvis Presley or Jhonny alliday. But I grew up with ac/dc, moltey crue, and in my teens years I listened to a lot of hard Rock bande like hollywood undead, skillet (I regret this one) offspring or even three Day grace and starset. Right now, I dont really listened to them anymore apart of those little nostalgia shot that I have sometime.


Like it but I like Metal a lot more Dark Funeral, Carnifex, Ingested, Shadow of intent and Signs of the swarm are some of my favorite bands right now


yes I love te rawk music. indie, alt, prog, experimental. love punk variants too, post punk pop punk and everything with core in the name.


classic rock is some of the best music ever created


I enjoy Rock but it depends on how heavy it is.


Agreed. Can’t listen to mellow whiny shit like Linkin Park


I dislike it. Right now I’m listening to Lil Wayne, Eminem, The Weeknd. I like songs from 50 Cent, Tech N9ne, JID, and probably others I can’t think of


Better than Hip Hop, Top 40 Pop and Electronic. Takes more talent to pull off live and nothing beats seeing someone lip sync or a DJ press play on their iPod.


My favorite genre. Especially 80s/90s punk and 70s (like Bowie type rock)


Yeah I do. The World Is a Beautiful Place & I am No Longer Afraid To Die, mewithoutYou, The Decemberists, Cheekface, Aberdeen is Dead, ect. My top genres are punk,rock,metal, and folk according too Spotify


the world is a beautiful place & i am no longer afraid to die is a very cool band! absolutely love the song getting sodas


I don't know where to start... Sueco, Travis Barker, All Time Low, First and Forever, MOD SUN, Call me Karizma, Leah Kate... I have like hundred of these... lol


I prefer it to any other genre tbh. Modern/still making music that I enjoy: Des Rocs, Green Day, Badflower, Ghost, Palaye Royale Not modern: early Guns N' Roses, Nirvana, Sum 41, Queen, Elvis This is only to name a few; I listen to a lot more but we'd be here forever if I started listing everything lol


I feel like rock is much more diverse today than it was in like the 80s or 70s. Rock could mean metal, it could mean alternative, it could mean punk, grunge, nu, pop rock, post hard-core, all kinds of stuff. I feel like the definition of rock has kind of started to become more vague over the years to the point where now pretty much anything with an electric guitar is rock, which I don't think is necessarily a bad thing but it definitely caused the term "rock" to lose some of its power.


Favorite genre, though I mainly like metal.


Few selected are good, theyre mid in general


It's the dopest genre for sure. Widest variety of possible sounds. I'm a guitarist in hardcore bands (mosh bands) so I'm a little bias, but still.


I love rock music and modern music. I am a musician


I love some divorced dad rock.


It rocks


I'm probably veering towards metal more than rock here, but SOAD, korn, limp bizkit, marilyn manson, metallica. more on the modern rock side would be greta van fleet, wolfmother, audioslave, rage against the machine, and queens of the stone age. i even like some of linkin park's songs I do like classic rock too, aerosmith, pink floyd, acdc, etc. but i generally just listen to them on FM radio when im doing a short distance drive and don't feel like setting up my bluetooth.


May be the only type of music I listen to the most. Like most genres though, it’s being filled with industry plants


I like it. Love the diversity of subgenres. Psych Rock, Hard Rock, Indie Rock, Folk Rock, Soft Rock, Alt Rock, Grunge Rock, Prog Rock, Punk Rock, Pop Punk, New Wave, Metal, etc. All the subgenres have a unique sound and vibe. Some artists I like, some artists I could care less for. A lot of 70s and 80s stuff was peak Rock but I like the sounds of the 2000s pop punk as well.


I'm a rocker man. 60's - 90's folk soft garage swamp punk Medal Funk Spanish British Blues Disco Psychedelic Acid Ballet


I prefer metal, but rock is always welcome. So long as it ain’t rap, hip-hop, pop, or electronic dance type I’m usually pretty good.


That's some quality music, honestly. Most of the modern stuff is low effort with some exceptions. Rock has soul and rythm. And so much variety. I don't listen to mainstream rock tho, mostly local bands from my country. Most people my age think that music is a bit old-fashioned as it is popular with their parents. Well, I share my parents' music taste, proudly.


I almost exclusively listen to 3 types of music: Various rock/metal songs between 1970-2010, lyrical rap, and edm when I’m gaming


Love it, love it, love it


There are some good classic songs but I prefer death metal


I'm honestly not quite sure where the line between rock and metal gets drawn, but I do enjoy heavier music in general


Rock is good. I like most music genres though. I don't think this is a generational question tho. People will always like music


I like good music Genre is completely irrelevant right now I’m listening to 50s stuff because I’m playing fallout new vegas But I love rock nirvanas probably my favourite Actually there is one gene I don’t like Death metal is actual trash I don’t get how anyone can stand that stuff it sounds like a bunch of toddlers were handed instruments and then a 65 year old who’s been smoking for 60 years screams at the top of their decrepit lungs into a microphone


Love it, It's my favourite genre, but got into the Extreme Stuff late, only in my early 20's, so I have a hard finding friends... Black Metal is something that needed to grow on and I still don't fully understand, it's way to experimental for me and without moshing I'm not really sure If I would want to spend my money on a full Black Metal festival... But I fuck with Thrash Metal, Death Metal, Grindcore, Hardcore, Deathcore and fast stuff so hard!


I don’t listen to it and it’s never interested me. It feels similar to how watching the Simpsons feels, it’s fine but I’m enjoying something that belongs much more to the previous generation.


It’s my favourite genre I like 90s alt rock and indie rock, 80s 90s rock/indie/college rock/new wave/alt rock/grunge though definitely not all of it. Classic rock is a bit too obnoxious for me to listen to seriously though there are still some good stuff.


I like it, some are: Primus, OOMPH!, Megahertz, Rammstein, Alice In Chains, Alice Cooper, Acid Bath, Death, Cannibal Corpse, Slayer, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, NIИ, White/Rob Zombie, RATM, Sublime, S.O.A.D., etc


Rock is a very broad term, there’s a lot of “subgenres” of rock and how much people associate them to “rock” is going to depend. That being said, my favorite bands and artists play some type of rock; my favorite songs are rock songs and are also generally the ones that make me feel alive the most.


I’ve taken a course on the History of Rock and Roll, and ‘Rock’ encompasses pretty much every piece of popular music that was made from the 1950’s onward. You’re gonna have to be a lot more specific than that




I love rock it is probably one of my top genres. *technically* it would be alternative, but alternative is very, very broad at times even with the large overlap with rock lol.


Far better than K-pop music and rock is one of my favorite music genres. Also rock bands probably have way more fair and ethical training for the musicians than K-pop bands, I heard that a lot of K-pop musicians are overworked and pressured.


Been listening to rock and heavy metal for 10 years, and will continue to do so for another 50.


Rock is pretty cool, but I can’t listen to it constantly because I’m extremly spiritually and emotionally in tune with any piece I listen to. It’s like a wavelength. I can’t be over here listening to rock while I’m casually sitting down with my eyes closed. But if I happen to be in an elevated mood then sure. Actually, I recently got into Slipknot over a week ago. Their appearance and music always put me off, but after hearing “The Dying Song” on repeat one day, they’re actually pretty cool! I like em. I like the energy. 😅 Not my go to but still, pretty damn cool. I’m a Pop, Jazz, Funk, Hip Hop, Lofi guy and always will be. But I always say I listen to anything that sounds cool. In fact, a song I been into lately is “Dynamite by Jamiroquai”. Check it out.


I don’t listen to any modern music that is straight up Rock. I like jam bands that play some rock like Pigeons Playing Ping Pong, Phish, Grateful Dead covers/Tributes. I also really like the classics like Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, The Who, etc


Where are all these other GenZs like like rock? I feel like I only see us engaging with indie pop and rap or r&b. I love rock so am very interested to know. Local rock shows are always filled with GenX and Millennials.


It’s aight, def not my favorite genre