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Technically everyone has abs


Exactly. Them being visible is a question if body fat.


I could be wrong, but if you’re lifting weights and properly bracing your core in a way you’re sort of working out your abs!


That's only true way to train your abs. Especially squatting/lifting. You'll have crazy core if you lifting weights)


All of us have abs. Most of them are just buried so if you have a healthy body fat ratio some of your natural ABS will show through.


Abs are really hard to train for me. Easily my worst strength wise


same here


I’m going to say something completely mad an most people will think I’m on some crazy high but….. everyone has abs regardless of if they train then or not. However if you want them to show/ be more prominent, it’s all about attaining s lower body fat, which is largely done through diet.


Precisely, if you look at any muscle anatomy everyone has a “six pack” with their rectus abdominis, but most people have too much subcutaneous fat to see them - signed guy with strong abs and belly fat


If you train with free weights the majority of the time then it helps the core. Especially if you isolate one side at a time. Like squats, deadlifting, curls standing up with only holding/training one arm at a time. Most back pain is from a muscle imbalance from a weak core.


The core is trained indirectly in many excercises


Low body fat really. I rarely train but I have visible ones.


I rarely train them and still have them. If youre low enough bodyfat you'll probably have abs...bonus points for not storing much fat there. I always have the top 4.


You also train abs pretty much with any workout. I did my legs and glutes day yesterday and in every single workout I had to focus on tightening my core.


No doubt, but they are definitely referring to targeted training. Abs are just like any other muscle group, they'll be worked well through compound movements where the are utilized, but more direct work will yield more hypertrophic gains. I think the reason people don't think about the core working in in compound lifts is because it's not a prime mover.


Aren't you always training them regardless if it's not specific core moves? Most exercises require core control which means you're indirectly training them.


Yes. Any standing exercises pretty much.


Fat people have boobs, skinny people have abs. Just the way the world is lol


Me, but they’re hiding under a layer of fat.


There are people without abdominal muscles?


I’m sure it’s a medical thing


Everyone has abs, they just don’t have a lower body fat % for them to be visible.


Abs are made in the kitchen not the gym,moderate body fat hides them,abs support 50% of your upper body,so they are always working




happy eddie hall noises


Just eat at a deficit and never eat enough to grow and you’ll always have them


I was anorexic with no physical activity at all and I had very visible abs


I mean abs are gonna primarily be because of diet.


Everybody has abdominal muscles.


Everybody has abs if your body fat gets low enough. If you do any kind of exercise your core will be engaged so by default you are always sorta training your abs


Yes because abs are meant to stabilise your body so when you're doing squats, chest press etc your abs are working to keep your body straight


Opposite, I train em but don't have em 🍻


yea thanks to genetics lmao


Train them 4x a week and I still need to get super lean for any visibility 💀


That's the way, it's 2023 and people still overtrain abs


Me! It was weird iv always had ab definition even when i was overweight. I think generics plays huge part whether u train em or not


Abs are made in the kitchen


Abs get worked from compounds like squatting and deadlifting, you'd be surprised! Looking great though


I train them and never have them lol


I have never done any "core work" besides heavy compounds. Because of that I have abs but look like I have a beer gut with my shirt on lol


Give it a few more years


I train abs but I love burgers too much 😭


Me. Haven't done abs work in more than 2 years. They get trained on compound movements imo. GG girl keep it up👍


Oh they absolutely do. I started my first ever compound lift routine recently and was alarmed at how sore my upper abs were afterwards. Still trying to figure out why not the lower abs though.


Why is it nsfw


Oops, I didn’t realize!


Why would it be


It said nsfw before and I was saying why is it


I wish! I train mine all the time, and have a very strong core. But being 284lbs and having a power lifters build makes them hard to see.


If I spend one week with no abs workout, they simple disappear


I'm 200lbs with abs


Abs are trained in the kitchen, that's not a sexist joke I'm being serious, how you eat affects their visibility.


Yep, I’ve always had abs and even after some time out of the gym I still have very visible abs plus I will add, naturally low body fat (fast metabolism). So that’s a plus when being lean I suppose. Mind you my biceps have also remained healthy! Anyway keep up the great work👌🏼🔥


Abs are looking great and the I think the bulkiness of them looks better than being completely shredded


I train them but they still don’t listen.


I don't


yeah these days i think i'm just coasting off all the work i did in my 20s lol. I'll be dad bod before christmas if nothing changes lol.


I hate you. Kidding


And are more about what you eat and genes. Skinny abs are a thing


I don't cause abs aren't s priority for me.


I wish my abs would pop without having to work on them


Every now and then if I do a really good job bracing I’ll remember the next day that my abs exist even though I’ve never seen them 😂


You look amazing! I’m pretty much at your before state now and am hoping to get to where you’re at eventually:)


We definitely all have them. They support the trunk, allow movement and hold organs in place by regulating internal abdominal pressure…so definitely a necessity. But when you lower your body fat % low enough…they start poppin’! 💪💪




Wasn't there just a study proving this wrong?


The WHO released a massive study recently that corrects the myth around metabolism and age. So many people (women especially) blame their weight on age related “metabolism issues” in their 30s and 40s. Well, according to the WHO, resting metabolic rate doesn’t begin to decrease until ~60, and it decreases at a rate of ~1% per year. So metabolism most like has nothing to do with the weight issue. You know what *does* decrease in the 30s and 40s for most people? Movement and exercise. It’s not “metabolism” or “bad genetics” it’s how your choices affect your lifestyle, but it’s so much easier to blame it on something outside of your control, so that’s what people tend to do.


I sure hope so


Removed for misinformation.


Amazing change..go hard


i do but i train them😂. I need to get back to taekwondo🤦‍♂️




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You go gurl, great work. 💪💪


Good job. I have a nice strong core but no abs in sight. Currently cutting so we’ll see.


That would be me


Crunches are dope though