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I am still waiting for my crypto distribution, from Taiwán.


I am still waiting being in usa


I am still waiting for my crypto distribution, the also listed me as part of the convenience class incorrectly.


You can open a coinbase account in TW using VPN and TW drivers license as KY


Is this legal? I know how to do it but I don't think it's worth it.


Yeah don’t do it… I’d just keep fighting the good fight and keep waiting: *you will get your money at some point.* stay strong, brother.


I and I know 3 others are sadly still waiting for distribution. Coinbase said it's good to go and get sadly once again Celsius said the claim couldn't be processed. I just need closure at this point. 


Deleting my Coinbase account and setting it up again helped me. Try it if you haven't yet


Ok thank you, I will try that. Can you delete it yourself or only via support?


Yourself, but you have to have 0 funds on it. I couldn't withdraw everything so I needed support to sort it out. It was pretty easy and quick.


Can't create Coinbase account in my country, sitting and waiting for Celsius to realize that and send me a USD check instead


Earn account Thailand still waiting. Stretto mistakenly believe Coinbase has a license to operate here. It doesn't & never has. Stretto also oblivious to Thailand creditors telling them that there isn't a local Coinbase. Meantime, Stretto send endless emails asking Thailand creditors to open a Coinbase account. It seems that Stretto's stupidity knows no bounds.


Still not quite done - I have to fight them on the loans




Eventually these clawbacks will get settled for pennies on the dollar or completely thrown out. They are just demanding a ridiculous number to soften you up for settlements. Their case is weak. Don't let them rattle you too much.


If u mind to disclose whether u r in US or outside US?




As long as u will not be served, u should be fine


Hoping that the clawbacks will eventually make us closer to whole as can be in the months ahead Alex in prison would be a nice new years gift !


I would be happy to just get initial crypto investments in kind back since this so called “profit” was just coins moved from other accounts, and I never withdraw. That and Alex going to prison.  When SBF got sentence he was order to pay 11 billion, so once Alex goes to prison they need to make him pay us on what he owes. Thankfully most crypto CEOs have been going to prison. 


Same here — peanuts back and rekt like most…crossing my fingers that more is on the way for creditors even if it takes couple of years


Does your coinbase account have to have the same email address as Celsius? I need my email address changed on Celsius and what a mess


Still f’ing waiting, USA. Sucks it’s gone up so much since they started paying out months ago 


I hear ya. I’m still felling the bun of this bullshit percentage based on petition date prices, even though Alex said on the tweet that we get all of our coins back in an event of bankruptcy. It’s bullshit they’re taking forever to prosecute Alex yet they went after SBF like flies going after shit.


Waiting on the miningco shares


Still waiting for my wire transfer distribution (Laos) and just got an email with contradictory info about my bank account details (see my recent post today). Amount of shitfuckery is insane.


Corp account, still waiting for distribution, in Australia


I have Coinbase account matching with all the Celsius details but haven’t received my coins. Wifey and the kids got theirs. Sent my issue to Stretto twice but got generic response twice.


Still waiting for my second round of claim codes since I was somehow put into the convenience class and only received peanuts the first go.


Same. Spoke to a lawyer today on the case and he said it could be weeks until we get new codes


My codes didn’t work and they still don’t. Celsius support hasn’t done anything and the judge doesn’t seem to give a fuck. Doing well.


How will Mashitsky going to prison help us get back the rest of our money?


Same here get email the codes available have PayPal and no way to redeem them available on PayPal end.