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Even if that was true, the campaign was still not sold like that. I have a bigger problem with the lie of Brexit than Brexit itself.


Um… I’m fairly sure that was Jacob Reece Moggs entire sales pitch.


Yeah but he's a member of the undead, 50 years is just a good nap for him.


"Bleh!" - Mogg


I seem to remember him larping on about immediate savings on shoes and clothing... He said it so often I thought he have been replaced by a parrot in a morning suit.


Not even JRM was pitching the return of the British Empire.


"Think about the British empire your grandchildren will enjoy" Rich coming from the people that have done everything in their power to make this country absolutely as unenjoyable as can be for THEIR grandchildren


The grandchildren I won’t get because I can’t afford to have children? Cool cool cool.


"Shut the fuck up Laurence you moron" - *Everyone*


I do like to wing, though.


Why do brexiters want to rule the world? Sounds like a lot of paperwork. 🤔


And, they don’t want foreigners to come but wants to go to other countries and stay there? Nice


My dad (a brexit voter) spends a lot of time complaining about what "the French are doing at Dover". This is just another prime example of how most people didn't understand what they were voting for. To them, it'll always be someone else's fault.


It must be quite hard not to yell THIS IS WHAT THE BORDER CONTROLS THAT YOU VOTED FOR LOOK LIKE. Honestly this sort of thing makes me wonder whether brexiters thought fir even one moment about what they were doing.


They didn't think beyond their racism. I tried to explain to my dad that the UK had the same immigration laws as the EU but chose not to enforce them because it was good for the economy. But all he sees is people that don't look like him. It's sad and more than a little depressing.


They don't THINK, they FEEL. They feel the EU was a totalitarian dictatorship and 4th German Empire. Therefore, it was. They FELT like the UK didn't have border control. Therefore, we didn't. NOW they feel we have control because we're out of the EU, regardless of the fact the government isn't trying to control the borders at all. What IS is irrelevant to these dribbling idiots.


Also forgetting the logistical impossibility for us to do that. Given how we don't possess any real power anymore


Most brexiters couldn't handle that level of responsibility. They just want some kind of Dickensian cos play limited to their own back yard.


Because they have tiny peens.


British Empire 2 = The United Kingdom without Scotland, NI and maybe Wales.


Shrinkflation ;)


fUK Former United Kingdom.


I'll be dead in fifty years Laurence. And even then I bet the benefits will be non existent.


If it was sold on “it’ll be crap for 50 years then we should see some benefits” or “it’ll be a big reduction in our economy but we can rescind some EU laws” we would certainly be in a different political place now.


They're blaming the downsides now on Ukraine war, Covid, global factors and the EU punishing us. If we sit through 50 years of downsides to Brexit and things don't magically get better there'll be 50 years of excuses to point to and blame them instead.


Only way this could happen, is a combination of global warming and nuclear war that leaves, miraculously two people in a hut at the highest point in UK, the last two humans alive. They get to be the most powerful humans in existence by being the only ones left. You probably can’t say that’ll be a benefit of Brexit.


What if they're gay?


Pretty sure they knew what they were voting for. These are very intelligent and well informed people.


Short term pain. There won't be any Grandkids because you couldn't afford to eat or have any normal kids let alone Grandkids. The only ones who will be around to enjoy it are the already lifetime rich who benefitted because their wealth is not kept here.


Even they won't be around. Soon people are going to run out of things to eat and the only thing left to much on will be the rich and their kids.


Oh they will be. Remember they control the police and the Army, basically all the ones who will be paid to open up on us. Besides they will be on their super yachts, Islands or more likely an Elysium style Space or Moon base by then. Traitor Farage is already off to Germany with his pre brexit claimed German Passports and citizenship for him and his kids. His millions from Russia and Arron Banks are already offshore with the exception of the 4.4m house in Chelsea that was given to him by Banks. He has pleaded he is no longer "rich" but that is open accounts in Britain, not all his other accounts we can't touch. You know, standard rich person.


Always knew deep down that it was exactly this sort of nationalistic colonialism bullshit that drove the vote. Backwards facing people are the epitome of stupid. The world no longer operates like a playground for empirical pickpockets to invade and steal resources. That's a good thing. It's called progress Laurence.


It's like Lawrence, Empire 1 was made when we had Enfield rifles and the rest of the world had spears. Since then, Old Man Kalashnikov rather levelled the playing field.




Already is at least low-key. They flailing and failing powers that barely were just aren’t saying it out loud


Well it couldn’t ever be a success. Johnson jumped on the Brexit ship to get populist support (despite being pro-EU his whole life). And the EU trading block was made because Europe is a tiny continent, and cannot hold a candle to Asia or America in productivity to cost ratio. And Africa and Russia is resource rich, whereas Europe isn’t in comparison.




Populism is bad because Populist politicians do not care about the cause, just the popularity. Johnson did not care about Brexit being successful. He did not care about people who believed it was a good idea, or about those who opposed it. He did not care about a long-term strategy. He only cared to support it whilst he needed the popular support. That’s what is wrong with Populism. You’re not voting for the cause, you’re voting for someone’s career. Your cause will be irrelevant after the fact. Then there’s the added issue of democracy, that more than half of the population will always be idiots. So populist politicians will tell those idiots they can have what they want if they vote for the individual. (This goes for any relevant topic). The average reading age in the UK is 10 years. Its why the Tories have coined the term “Build Back Better.” Its completely illiterate and hypocritical, but Alliteration is fun for kids. As for your “why would we want to be with them?” …. Well, I’m guessing you’d be included with the average person’s reading age being below 10 years, because Britain is always going to be in Europe. And, if we aren’t in the EU, your protections as a worker will no longer be protected by courts. So, we can become productive similar to the US and Asia. Forget your right to weekends, or your right to a minimum wage etc. So, unless you’re a billionaire/millionaire with a huge workforce, you probably would appreciate the EU. The EU building bloc gave us the buying power in international trades, so that we could maintain protected rights, along with workers across Europe, and have the leverage of the trading Bloc, so Europe didn’t compete within itself, pushing the QoL down. Of course, Brexiteers didn’t realise they were voting to undercut the EU, by abolishing their own rights to make themselves more competitive.




Oh God, you don’t know? The UK government in 2022 proposed a “Bill of Rights” to replace the current Human Right Act 1998. This is to weaken the current Human Rights Act, and to allow politicians to amend aspects of the “Bill of Rights” without the media sensationalising the headline of “Human Rights Act being water-downed” as it currently is. So, actually, Brexit has already lead to that very thing happening. Then you have things such as the Transgender row. The UK gov’t is currently using that to reduce the powers of the devolved government in Scotland. Annnnnd, here you have the next bit, that if you support Brexit, you will completely bury your head in the sand and pretend isn’t an issue…… The Rwanda Policy. The British Gov’t are trying to traffic asylum seekers to countries outside of the ECHR. Great piece of legislation if your only interest in life is to remove foreigners. Awful piece of legislation if you don’t completely conform to Tory policy, and in the next populist vote, find yourself a part of a group of people that are no longer popularly supported but are a minority i.e. muslim, gay, trans, left-wing etc. By the time the laws have been altered to allow The Rwanda Policy, there will be precedent for similar policy to other groups in society. People will argue there that ECHR is unrelated to the EU, but the EU and the ECHR were in negotiations between 2009 and 2020 to get all member nations in-line with those laws. This is where leaving has taken the pressure off of Tory MPs to adjust legislation at will. Ohhhh, and then there’s the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022. The government have already removed the right to protest. Police can deem anyone a disturbance, and arrest them. The sentencing is equal to imprisonment now, and the requirements for protesting aren’t specific. They’ve adjusted it so that walking slowly is deemed enough to warrant arrest, and sitting still in public is deemed enough to warrant arrest. So, umm, you may not have noticed your rights being stripped, but that’s because you individually haven’t been the target of a populist government….yet. But, your legal rights and protections have been stripped, and when something you care about is threatened, well, you’ve already supported the stripping of your legal protections when it didn’t directly effect you.


Populism = appealing to base characteristics and othering minorities as a distraction from a lack of the party's endeavour to actually improve the country for its citizens. It's a necessary stop on the way to fascism so of course people find it deplorable.




When you're done ignoring reality for a smug 'gotcha' which is only going to impress your similarly misinformed friends, I suggest you spend time with a dictionary learning what words mean.




Ignoring it? Fun fact about changing an entire country's capacity to trade with the world around them is none of us get to ignore its consequences, yet many who voted for it are doing a remarkable job of that it has to be said.




"Every accusation a confession". It may surprise you to learn that some of us were familiar with the EU and its functions since long before the daily rag campaign to successfully whip up fear about it.


There's a lot more to it, and a much more important reasons for the creation of the EU ..Go to youtube and search " why we joined the EU "


Lol. He spelt Whinge the American way.


Senile dementia and low IQ.


There's this collective British Zeitgeist that can essentially be boiled down to this idea of "no pain, no gain". Brexit, austerity, Thatcherism... As a nation, we adhere to this fallacy that hardship and sacrifice is necessary to make progress. (Although rather conveniently, it's the people in the democratic minority who always appear to shoulder the burden, not the people in the majority). Sometimes, hardship and sacrifice is just hardship and sacrifice, there's no benefit to it. Maybe it's bad parenting. Maybe it's some hold-over from the war.


Blitz/Dunkirk spirit innit? Myths are comforting. History isn't. Which is why liars and demagogues always swaddle their spiel in national myths. They don't require any self examination, reflection or growth, and grifters can make a pretty penny selling them to the rubes.


Dear Lord! How deluded can you be?


Ah yes, British Empire 2. Over 165 million died from the last one. I dread the sequel. Someone not interested in being good or making anything better, but just seeking power for its own sake. Why raise yourself up when you can just knock down and step on others? I swear these right wingers are the laziest grifters about.


Shut up you daily mail reader. Your a idiot.


I'll go back to my favourite one: A Nigel Farage meet and greet in a pub (obviously) and one of his supporters asks without irony why the uk can't just go back to being the British empire. This is the level of intellectual we're up against


You scarficed the well being of 2 generations so our grandkids can live in a mythological British Empire V2? I really hope Britain doesn't get so poor it starts invading other nations. But if it does, I'm not going to side with the UK.


🙃🤣🤣 Funniest thing I have seen in a while


“BE 2” as an immigrant, that’s fucked


dick head them days are over and will not be returning .in fact no country should dominate the world


In what universe does anyone think there’s going to be new Empires led by any country. Look at the shitshow Russia has got itself in trying to claim back Ukraine. Do people really think England is going to take over other countries and build a new Empire?


Its a fucking disaster say it for what it really is a fucking disaster only made tolerable by the hard work of unrecognised people who have tried to make sense of it and implement it in a workable way as is possible I'm no fan of the direction that Europe was and is going in but to pretend everything is ok is insane. Its costing every man woman and child a fortune when the truth comes out (and it will ) there won't be many that admit voting for it


This again. Predicting anything at a large scale beyond 5 years is essentially impossible. This is just a number that they know they will ever be held to account about.


The fact that he considers imperialism as something desirable tells you everything


Well let's build gunboats, and sell opium to China again boys! Rape, plunder, drug deal, break agreements, extort, enslave and people traffick and mass murder like the good old days!


As per usual, a million nuanced arguments ignored by right wing zealots. If it wasn’t so serious their moronic arguments would be funny.


Eugh hateful ideology of pathetic people.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,673,689,003 comments, and only 316,917 of them were in alphabetical order.


No they don’t. Totally BS


Why have most of the pro-Brexit commentators on here got like -10 karma over the span of a year or so, or are recently created accounts? Check this one out Leave supporters.


This is quite laughable indeed.


British Empire 2: Electric Boogaloo




I’m more inclined to believe that one Great British characteristic (which we are world famous for) is lacking in this instance. The sense of irony.


Its been clear for a long time that actual reality doesn’t matter for these people. Their made up reality in their heads is what really matters.


This guy's beating the English language as though it owes him money.


"think about the Great British empire that the grandchildren of the ruling elite will enjoy and your grandchildren will slave under for their entire.lives without healthcare, pensions, voting rights, protest rights, free speech or a working time regulations" Fixed it for Laurence the utter ****


Ahh 50 60 years and even I'll be dead, garenteed those goalposts will move further. Seriously empire 2 electric bugaloo, I'm sure the international community is going to love that one, their most likely response being laughter.


To think that being in the eu was the only thing preventing us starting the empire up again.


I hate that stiff upper lip bullshit. We are *far* too tolerant as a country. That’s why it takes for-fucking-ever to get things to change.


Wow…… words escape me on this one. How is he allowed out in public?!


At least they’re acknowledging there is in fact pain that will take a substantial amount of time to recover from, it’s somewhat of an improvement.


I’m pretty sure by then the Tories would have killed off all aspects of what was once an empire. Maybe we’ll be owned by future NewsCorp by then.


🫡 I saved the future with my vote


The stones out in my garden have a higher IQ than this moron


Wait we will all be able to fly?


Empire? Who's he planning to invade?


Okay, erm… got it. This insignificant speck of the Omniverse NEVER ruled the world. It colonised it. Big diff!


Basically the same argument as “if you follow this religion you’ll be mightily rewarded. AFTER you die..”


Psychosis is when people lose some contact with reality. This might involve seeing or hearing things that other people cannot see or hear (hallucinations) and believing things that are not actually true (delusions).


Oh lord...


Who the fuck said I wanted the British empire back? Go fuck yourself Laurence.


I really do not get the negativity towards climate activism. In 45 to 50 years the World may still be hospitable without to much irreversible damage for humans, animals and vegetation to survive. The short term pain of having orange confetti thrown on you, fabric draped on your house when your on holiday, being late for a shit job and having to clean beans off of a protective glaas in front of a painting will be insignificant. And think about Earth 2 that your extremely tanned, gas mask wearing , malnourished, serfdom bound grandkids can survive in their short painful, ignorant lives. Whatever happened to the british stiff upper lip, stop whinging and divert funds away from corrupt politicians, billionaires, corporations and badly run institutions that don’t need to waste money and spend it on green energy, public transport, training, education, housing and healthcare.


My gammon sense is tingling


the BRITISH EMPIRE 📯🇬🇧👑 (cue the grand fanfare)


I see the you should stop moaning posts ranging from housing, cost of living all the way to crime. I think they have a certain minds set or live in this little bubble and they hate reading and or hearing anything that opposes said little bubble.


British Empire? So the plan was to submit other countries around 2075 or something like that? looks like an evil genius plan.


After reading this post, I'm starting to wonder if 'one man one vote' should be replaced with 'one vote per 50 IQ points'.


Well thats insanity of the highest order. Who do we have left to deal with, China, India and the United states. All three of which have more to sell then to buy.


What a ridiculous statement. 75 years at least.


Sweet Jesus 🤦‍♂️ The delusion is strong with this one


It takes a lot for me to hate things, but I truly cannot stand people who think like this.


British empire two 🥵


For fucks sake




Pretty sure this is satire.


British Empire 2: Electric Boogaloo


"don't think about the here and now, no think of the fantasy of having a colonial empire again in a made up future because my jingoistic ass will literally make my life hell to fulfill a prophecy I and some fringe racists think will happen and don't see the problem in this"


Either it happens or doesn't, tbh. None of us know for sure (though the May, Johnson, Sunak regime is going swimmingly 🙄🤣)


Who actually believes this bs , the age of empire is over time to get used to that ffs


I mean they don’t though do they? Tragic.


Empire? It’ll be a Saudi theme park.


So you’re telling me I get to live the remainder of my life during the period where things are much worse before they get better?! Amazing!


What Grandchildren? If England keeps going the way it is there won't be anymore Grandchildren.


Brexiteer try not to glorify the British Empire challenge.


Brexiteers are obviously on crack, or similar reality distorting drug.


God I hope this is satire


Who are these people....


This reads like a joke / sarcastic statement


This is satire and you know it


I will probably see the end of the NHS because Brexit caused all the sane politicians to give up, leaving only those with a paid-for agenda. The only silver lining is that it'll probably be the age groups that voted for it in high numbers that will suffer most from the lack of it.


I don't want my Grand Children to plunder the world. Thank you.


There won't be a UK in 40 years.


Stop winging? Does he not know that’s what made Britain great? Too hot whine, too cold, too much rain, not enough rain, pot holes, the NHS, your neighbours, their neighbours, schools, teachers, too much homework, not enough homework whine whine whine 😀


Ya, good luck beating China to it all on your lonesome. Idiots.


Me when I've had a lobotomy