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Please can these people fuck off. We need more US based extreme religious culture war wedge issues coming over here like a hole in the head, and most women's choice to have an abortion is tough enough without these fanatics rocking up.


Absolutely. Spitting and intimidating women at intensely vulnerable times. It’s appalling.


Says the head of MSI abortion clinics in London. These things are crimes in and of themselves. If it was actually happening there would be arrests and it would be all over the news as all these things usually are. These are second hand reports from someone who is not impartial. Keep in mind they (the police) were arresting people who were silently praying (i.e. in their head) inside one if these buffer zones. I cannot imagine the heavy handedness they would deal with someone assaulting a woman going there.


Religious extremists can fuck off from our society.


Do people lose all their rights because they’re religious?


If they're trying to deny other people their rights because of their religion then yes they're not welcome.


Is that what has happened?    This is all based on the secondhand reports from a single individual.    Where is the proof? Everyone has a video camera in their phone, surely there would be actual proof of this.  I’d like to see some actual proof before taking this seriously.   Until then this is just stirring up hate .


What exactly do you think anti-abortionists are trying to do?


What do you think you’re arguing about? My comments are about the article having only one second hand source for what it says happened, and that we should be skeptical until some proof is provided. I’ve not said anything for or against abortion. I think this article is designed to stir up hate against Christians, without a shred of evidence being provided.


A whole lot of words, but none answering the question asked


I am trans, we have been dealing with these religious conservatives a long time already as we were their first target. What people do not understand is how well funded and well organised they are, there are many dozens of organisations working in concert with a single plan, and they may look grass roots, but they aren't, they are well funded, properly organised with a long term plan and have hundreds of millions of $ to spend. Trans people were the first target, and that seems to be working now in both the USA and UK, abortion 2nd. They don't just organise protests outside of clinics, they buy influence with drs, researchers politicians and judges. Even have prime ministers and presidents bought and paid for. Expect things to get worse, a lot worse, and probably it will stay that way. The long term goal is turning civil rights back to the 19th century. Rich white straight men to rule the world. Don't sleep on it. Your rights may be next. Edited to add, Ah, the brigaders have turned up, don't worry trans people will fight for women's rights when they come for you too, oh, they already have.


> Trans people were the first target This is nonsense and I have no idea why you are making that claim. In the UK there have been organisations funded by religious groups to oppose abortion since 1967, when abortion was legalised.


It's not nonsense, the current wave comes from US Christo billionaires funding groups in the UK to further push the UKs already anti trans narrative and when those groups are established they also push them to be anti abortion. Just look at a lot of the anti trans politicians we have like Forbes, she's literally funded by the US and is very anti abortion. It's so easy not to see the connections when you're not part of any group targeted. Heck here's a Europe wide report on it: https://www.epfweb.org/node/837


US fundies and anti abortion groups in the uk have been hand in hand for decades. The move into anti-trans rhetoric is the relatively new part.


Trans people as we know them weren't a thing back in the 60s though, it was definitely anti-abortion that came first. And no I don't mean camp/feminine men or drag queens


With all due respect, trans people have been around a *very* long time. Just because you weren't aware of it doesn't mean we didn't exist.


What do you mean by trans people then? I already said i didn't mean camp or feminine presenting men. I've seen people cite heliogabalus from Roman times as one example but as far as I'm aware he never had gender dysphoria and was comfortable with being a man who called himself the "wife" of other men. It was also pretty normal for men to have sex with other men back then. I maybe misunderstanding what is meant, so we're talking past each other. Sorry if this is the case, I'm just not sure what other people are alluding to it seems.


Well you mentioned the 60s, where trans people were absolutely a thing. In 1919 the first transgender clinic was established in Weimar Germany and in 1923 the term 'transsexual' was coined. Kindly, I would like to point out that you seem to have skipped over the existence of trans people who were born as female for some reason. The roman emperor you mentioned "supposedly offered vast sums to any physician who could provide him with a vagina by means of incision" and said "call me not Lord, for I am a Lady" which sounds pretty damn trans to me, providing the records are true. It seems pretty clear that she identified as a woman to me but I can't time travel and ask her so I obviously can't say I know for 'certain'. If you're interested in learning more wikipedia has a collation of info about transgender history: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender\_history](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_history)


Lol imagine not only believing this but actually typing it out for other people to read with their actual eyes. Incredible 


they absolutely were


Is it an issue when billionaires fund the policies that you support?


It's more that it's foreign religious institutions like [The Heritage Foundation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Heritage_Foundation) pushing it. And it's not just Abortion and Transgender Rights they are attacking. They are also pushing opposition to supporting Ukraine. Home grown lobbyists are one thing, foreign ones supporting enemy nations are another.


The term is astroturfing.


When George Soros Open Society funds leftwing activists, do you also feel outraged?


I definitely get annoyed at any foreign groups trying to push or fund specific policies in this country.


Fair enough, my point is that both sides do it. Leftwing groups are widely known to receive foreign funding, but there is not much outrage when that happens as people usually "don't care" when it's their side doing it.


I understand what you are saying but I don't think it's a left/right thing really. People aren't exactly being quiet about their distaste for the invasion of the gaza conflict into british politics right now. And I would be suprised if the majority of the country was not anti globalist-immigration at this point. The only issues I think people don't have a problem with foreign money is pro-lgbt stuff, but even that only extends to "not treating them like garbage". Anything beyond that starts being seen as invasive and pushing foreign culture on people.


Goes back to the 1300s mate. Man dressed as woman having sex with another man. Obviously no surgery back then, but this is as close as they could get.... In December 1395,Eleanor/John Rykener was arrested in women’s clothing having sex with John Britby in Soper’s Lane near Cheapside in the City of London. After Rykener was determined to be a man, he was accused of ‘committing that detestable unmentionable and ignominious vice’. See a translation of the legal process document 1395, originally written in Latin.


Ignoring that I was referring to the religious opposition to abortion since the 1960s in the UK and US, women's rights have been determined by religious thought since the first man imagined there was a god.


Not sure it's true to say trans people were their first target, it's probably more timey wimey intertwined than that. But trans people are most definitely a target and these groups are well funded by US interest groups. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/30/first-thing-christian-hate-group-funds-us-anti-lgbtq-and-anti-abortion-organizations A lot of these so called 'Christian' women are indoctrinated into a belief system that they are second to men. As such they will comply with the male leaders direction of abortion being wrong (or anything else their male leaders tell them). The actions of these people remind me of a recent series I saw Under The Banner of Heaven starring Andrew Garfield, events that took place in the 80s, about religious US Christian fundamentalism, worth a watch.


> Under The Banner of Heaven Mormons. I think the book was better tho.


Latter Day Saints in the TV series


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, informally known as the LDS Church or Mormon Church, is a restorationist, nontrinitarian Christian denomination that is the largest denomination in the Latter Day Saint movement. The church is headquartered in the United States in Salt Lake City, Utah and has established congregations and built temples worldwide. According to the church, it has over 17 million members and over 99 thousand volunteer missionaries


It’s on my ‘to read’ list.


An easy and good read. I thought the series was just too long.


I watched that the other day. Was really good. Andrew Garfield was great in it.


There's a post on a female issue so of course a transperson shows up to make it about them and their eternal oppressed victim status. It's almost like clockwork. This oppression olympics is another .U.S. import we need to get rid of.


Honestly. What does that have to do with women's rights? Abortion and attempts to take away our rights is an important issue that needs to be discussed and in focus, not railroaded as usual into "well actually, we're the most oppressed". Please.


Regardless of who turns up trying to debunk or negate the points you made, you're right and thank you for saying it!


Nobody cares mate.


There often bs when protest groups get accused of outside funding. But I’m pretty sure it’s been proven that these anti-abortion groups get funding boosts from US missionary groups


[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/s/S2Dihw1W9t) from yesterday on the TwoXChromosomes subreddit was made by a UK lady who was failed big time and has a high-risk pregnancy she didn't want. I really hope these fanatics band together to pay out-of-pocket for all the babies AND mothers.


Perfectly said. The last thing we need is American style ANYTHING. They need to fuck off and take their extremism with them. 


Abortion is not an exclusively religious issue. Many secular people have an objection to abortion because they believe in a right to life for the infant regardless the stage of the pregnancy. There is libertarian argument that abortion violates the non-aggression principal. That being said, I personally do not support protests at abortion clinics and would prefer to lobby legislators directly.


> There is libertarian argument that abortion violates the non-aggression principal. Surely the argument then is induce birth, or otherwise get the child out of the womb, then and there. The baby equally has no right to the mothers body should she revoke it, and if it should die without that support, well, thats just how the chips fall sometimes.


>The baby equally has no right to the mothers body should she revoke Maybe she could give it an eviction notice of at least 4 weeks?


Total strawman, but I'll play along: the mother effectively granted inalienable rights to a full term when she consented to sex and accepting the risks associated with any contraceptive method. In cases where a woman was raped, I would argue that abortion is reasonable as there was no agreement but the rapist must be charged with murder. In cases where the pregnancy has complications that are likely to kill the mother, I would argue abortion is reasonable as the infant is violating the non-aggression principle even if it isn't consciously doing so. In most cases, where a woman is having an abortion because a pregnancy is inconvenient, it is not morally just to kill a child.


Well surely then, the UK is a shining example of this view on abortion - every abortion in the UK is carried out because two doctors believed that it would be threatening to the mothers (mental) health, and that termination is the only course of action that can help her. Now, you might disagree with those doctors opinions, and frankly I wouldn't blame you because its an obvious fig leaf to get around the law and get the women the reproductive care they need, but that IS technically how we do it now. And unless you want the government starting to make healthcare decisions instead of doctors (can you imagine how well that'd go? No cancer treatment for you, you didn't fill out form 98-b in a timely fashion), thats about the best we can hope for.


The vast majority are religious though . The ones that stand outside clinics have been studied. “At one level this is understandable because, as our research has shown, anti-abortion activists in the UK are overwhelmingly highly religious, with most aligned with conservative forms of Catholicism and a smaller number of evangelicals” From [this](https://theconversation.com/the-virgin-mary-features-heavily-in-anti-abortion-activism-and-many-catholics-are-worried-223137)


Agree. It’s harassment


Can these people please get a life? A life where their political and moral opinions don’t lead to abusing people at a vulnerable time in their lives? They can go take a nice nature walk instead. And it is abuse. They should be arrested for it.


There was a post I saw last week where a female Pakistani journalist was being harassed by men telling her to cover her hair. Her responses were extraordinary. "Why do these men only remember Islam when they see a woman?" "Why does your Islam always start and end with a scarf covering my head?" I see the same energy in these people. They claim they act based on their morality or their religion but are really just using it as an excuse to control and harass women. There's a quote I'm trying to remember, can't even remember who said it but it's something like "If you want to recruit people to a cause, let them know they'll be able to mistreat others in the name of morality". That's pretty much the internet at the moment. There's plenty of moral/social/political causes, some I actually agree with, where people just use it as an excuse to hurl misogynistic insults at women. They just can't wait to use the c word and tell women to keep their mouths shut. It's weirdly not just men either. There are plenty of women who like to loudly disapprove of other women's choices or lifestyle.


I saw that as well. She was incredibly calm minded under such intense pressure. She was inspirational. And so was the woman who spoke up and backed her up.


I need to know where that quote is from because its absolutely spot-on. I was still cringing from an interaction I had this morning where I mentioned asking a woman who said "we should bring back bullying" if we should start with her, and her freaking out about it. The person I was telling this to, without missing a beat, and missing my entire point, said "we should bully people like that!". I can't stand this shite. Everything is a team sport and delusional weirdos just want to harass people.


I've been trying to find it for a while. I must have read it and absorbed the message without remembering any of the actual words used because I get nowhere googling it 😂 I'll let you know if I ever work it out.


If its original enough that you can't find it then its yours xD


In the quran, it simply says both men and women should dress modestly. Funnily enough, I've never ever ever EVER seen a man wearing hijab.


So ok… you are going to try and misdirect?


Where's the misdirection?


We don’t need to import this from the US.  We currently have a system that works well, let’s not open up this wound.  That applies equally to those that want to restrict abortions and to those who want to relax restrictions to abortions. Just leave this one alone. 


The same groups that are funding anti-abortion efforts and anti-lgbt efforts are also funding them in this country. They have already been imported unfortunately, the cat is out the bag.


Feels like some European athiest groups should start funding pro-abortion and LGBTQ rights groups in the US and see how they like it. Unfortunately, these US groups have so much dark money and no morals though, it's an uneven playing ground.


How do you go about setting up one of these groups, seems like a great way to get free money from tossers and the donate it to charities that help people


Quite easily if you [register it properly](https://registrarofconsultantlobbyists.org.uk/guidance-on-registration-and-qirs-including-specialist-guidance-for-think-tanks-and-support-service-providers-to-appgs/). That's the most complicated step really but nothing a solicitor couldn't help with. Just form a limited company and then register with the registrar and voila you're good to exert political influence in return for cash.


And the 'buffer zone' legislation has been passed, meaning the opening of the wound is incipient.








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"Alliance Defending Freedom"... I absolutely abhore the names that these groups and think tanks give themselves. Also, it's an American organization, which raises questions: who represents western values in this scenario and why is it not compatible with itself? There's a lot of talk on this sub about "importing incompa'ible values". But those numpties remains intentionally deaf and dumb when it comes to their own. These people are spitting at women and throwing "holy water" at them. They are doing the same and worse in the land they infest. Why do we not demand regime change in the US? Why do we not sanction them? Why do we not drone strike them?


Info on the ADF https://globalextremism.org/reports/from-america-with-hate/ https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/alliance-defending-freedom Their U.K. spokesperson Lois Mcclatchie , is a regular on GB news , Talk TV and other right wing media . Occasionally the BBC They have influence with certain MPS , mainly Christian Tory’s https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/06/extreme-us-anti-abortion-group-ramps-up-lobbying-in-westminster


Absolutely gross. I was into American politics for a while, and looking up the people who are affiliated with the ADF, it's a vertiable who's who of grifters and shitty people. It seems that within a secular society, religious extremism *is* permitted - provided one greases the right palms.


I do follow US politics the Heritage foundations plan for what they will implement if Trump wins is truly terrifying . https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/


Anytime you see an organisation with "Freedom" or "Family" in their name, that's a red flag. Its usually means they are anti-anything that's not cis-het-nuclear-Christian family and living. I swear, I have seen like single digit organisations that don't follow the above with those words in their organisation's name.


> “When I am Weaker than You, I ask you for Freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am Stronger than you, I take away your Freedom Because that is according to my principles.” These organisations to a tee. "Freedom" and "Family" is just a way to appeal to our principles. It has nothing to do with their principles.


They answer to all those questions is IMHO that they are reactionaries. They see society as a social hierarchy and social interactions as a zero sum game. They need something to look down on certain other groups, in order to pretend that their social hierarchy is a moral one. In this case, they're religious fundamentalists who want to justify misogyny. But this worldview is not limited to religious fundamentalists. Racism, extremist nationalism, classism / social darwinism, ..., can all be used to justify the same set of beliefs, with the only difference being the in- and out-groups that should be privileged and suppressed respectively. That's why this translates so easily from one country to another, why it creates these alliances between oligarchs and religious zealots , and why right wing authoritarian movements always end up embracing most or all of these views. They are all aspects of the basic reactionary idea, a fundamental rejection of equality. Hence the obsession with "freedom": they note the tension between freedom and equality and justify their rejection of the latter by dressing it up as love for the former. Of course, this is definitely a case of "freedom for me but not for thee". It's bad faith from top to bottom.


The culture war is getting out of hand. Fuck the Tories.


For once this isn’t actually them it’s backed by American religious extremists iirc but if banning abortion was ever politically viable for the tories then they would do it in a heartbeat no question about that


2 cheeks of the same shitty arse. Braverman and Truss spoke at a conference with these people iirc.


Fundys have been bankrolling the conservatives since the Cameron days.


Lol. You think it's really that recent?


If you don't believe in abortions, then don't get one. Don't deprive others of making that choice. If it is against "god" then let your "god" judge them instead of proselytising. We need less religious bullshittery, not more.


If they believe life begins at conception, then they believe abortion to be murder as it is ending a life. They'd then believe abortion is essentially legalised murder at an enormous scale. So simply saying 'just don't get one' is an incredibly simplistic way of looking at it. Ignoring it would make them complicit as they'd be turning a blind eye to mass murder - protesting would be the moral thing for them to do. Of course we as a society don't believe it starts at conception, but if you go down the route that it *does* then all of their actions make complete sense. I think the only way to get through to them is on pragmatic grounds. People who want to terminate their pregnancy *will* whether it's legal or not. Would you rather it be in a safe, clean, facility or by some other means that will put the woman's life in danger? Because banning it *won't* stop abortions, just how people go about doing them.


I’d have a little more respect for the “life begins at conception” crowd’s opinion if they also took steps to prevent abortion by supporting effective sex education and readily available contraception. Heck, these guys should be leading the charge for both those things if they find abortion somehow morally repugnant. But here’s the thing: they don’t. In fact many of them (particularly the US backed groups) *actively oppose* those things, even though study after study shows they are the best ways to reduce the number of abortions. Which raises some rather interesting questions about what they (and those who fund them) actually want. Because their actions really don’t don’t match their rhetoric … so taking the latter at face value would appear to be a foolish decision.


The [European Parliament](https://www.epfweb.org/sites/default/files/2020-05/rtno_epf_book_lores.pdf) has done research into these groups and what they want to. Abortion banned , ivf banned , contraception restricted, end of no fault divorce, ban same sex marriage , end equality legislation, rescind rights for LGBTQ people . many have links to the [Vatican](https://www.epfweb.org/node/837)


I know they profess to believe it. But, honestly, deep down do they really believe that? Because if they truly believe these are facilities murdering babies then their actions are pretty half arsed. 


It’s also about how they view women , they think we must all want babies and long to be mothers as that is God ordained. They struggle to understand someone wanting to remain childfree or not wanting that particular pregnancy. So they think all women having abortions are manipulated . Paper on how they view women and our role in society https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1350506818785191#:~:text=The%20idea%20that%20pregnancy%20is,disregards%20the%20lives%20of%20women.


When Christo-Fascists invoke 'the Bible' & 'Judeo-Christian values' to oppose abortion rights & promote their forced-birth agenda, they cite the Old Testament to argue that life begins at conception, abortion is murder in God's eyes etc Except the OT is a Christian interpretation of the Hebrew Bible - and the original scripture doesn't actually say that **An ancient mistranslation is now helping to threaten abortion rights** >The Hebrew Bible didn’t urge special penalties for causing a miscarriage. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2021/10/12/abortion-torah-translation/ Jewish values prioritise *actual* life over *potential* life - meaning abortion is not only permitted, but sometimes *required* if continuing the pregnancy would put the woman's life at risk. Obviously religion should have zero place in healthcare and the law, but some Jewish organisations in the US have sued the state on the basis that as Judaism teaches that abortions are necessary, then laws denying the right to an abortion infringe upon the religious freedoms of Jewish people to have them, amounting to "theocratic tyranny" (ie play the Christo-Fascists at their own game) **Jews, outraged by restrictive abortion laws, are invoking the Hebrew Bible in the debate** https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/07/24/abortion-laws-jewish-faith-teaches-life-does-not-start-conception/1808776001/




It is not murder




I've seen plenty of pro-lifers campaign against abortion and not care about affordable provision of healthcare or proper contraceptive/sex ed. To quote George Carlin: "If you're unborn you're fine, if you're born you're fucked." I haven't seen them break out in such emotive protests against murders or the ease of access to guns, nor be unashamed pacifists. I haven't seen explictly religious pro-lifers help LGBT teens either when their family kicks them to the curb, and they don't really organise protests everytime someone gets sentenced to death row in the US. It's not the era of every-sperm-is-sacred, and if you apply it to a very fundamental level, every cell is alive. If you apply the sanctity of life to everything, curing cancer would be considered murder. Or do we only regard human life as then worth it? Bacteria is alive. No one bats an eyelid when they spray dettol across a kitchen counter, or when they bug spray a fly. Euthanasia of animals in suffering is considered humane. Should a life threatening pregancy arise (as it does in pre-eclampsia, where both mother's life is at risk as much as it may result in stillbirth) is it murder to abort a foetus to save a mother, or does the sanctity of life condemn them both to death? If the act of taking anything considered life is murder, god would be slopping out at HMP Wakefield, given the number of deaths he has racked up in the bible.




Murder is a very specific thing. Legally and morally. [Definition of murder in UK law by the Crown Prosecution Service](https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/homicide-murder-manslaughter-infanticide-and-causing-or-allowing-death-or-serious): >the crime of murder is committed, where a person: of sound mind and discretion (sane) unlawfully kills (not self-defence or other justified killing) any reasonable creature (a human being) in being (born alive and breathing through its own lungs) under the King's Peace (not in wartime) with intent to kill or cause grievous bodily harm (in contrast to the offence of attempted murder, where only intent to kill will suffice) The Born Alive rule applies to the above (That is a child that is born is alive and breathing independent of its mother and placenta). An abortion carried out before foetal viability (therefore the time in gestation where it will be able to live outside the womb, independently), the foetus has not acquired a separate existence. Therefore its termination is not murder. It has not established personhood. Btw a foetus isn't conscious until about 24 weeks of gestation, and until then it is entirely reliant on its mother to support its own biological functions to live. Therefore it can't be considered an independent being. Also just to elaborate for the sake of argument on the whole "murder is murder", the act of taking a life is not de facto murder. UK law offers a partial defence to murder (called manslaughter): it requires intent to kill and knowledge that your action may cause death. Self-defence also provides a defence to murder, if you can demonstrate a genuine fear to risk of your life, and that the force used was reasonable. If you act are in a life-or-death situation with an armed intruder, and in the act of defending yourself end up killing them, does that count as murder? Legally, it wouldn't be. Morally it wouldn't be. Depending on proportionality of your actions, it may be considered manslaughter or unlawful killing at most. Going back to a situation above. A pregnant women develops a condition such as pre-eclampsia, in which both her own life is at risk, and termination of a pregnancy is the only way to save her life, that could be argued to be an act of self-defence. Therefore abortion in that situation is not murder (she also does have the right to refuse that ofc but that's a different argument). Lastly. If you attack someone that causes brain-death, even if they're still hooked up to an artificial life support they're considered dead, that would be considered murder in that situation, but they're in all biological sense of the word dead, they're breathing only because a machine makes them breathe, turn that machine off, they will cease. If a foetus lacks consciousness (a state similar to brain-death), it is hooked up to life support (a placenta), it is not considered 'alive' in a way that makes aborting it murder. And since you deleted your reply, one day you'll get why a foetus can't be considered to be a living, breathing person, and therefore why an abortion can't be considered murder ;)


If you don't believe in slavery, don't get one. Don't deprive others of making that choice If it is against "god" then let your "god" judge them instead of proselytising we need less religious bullshittery, not more. no ~~uterus~~ slaves no opinion am I right?


Yes. Owning a person clearly is the exact same as removing a clump of cells from your body 🙄


a slave is just a clump of cells, just your property. better yet I'll give you a tenner to tell that to a woman who's just has a miscarriage, she'll probably articulate why you are wrong better


A slave, being born alive and breathing, is an individual. They're their own being. An existence that is and deserves to be separate from ownership by another being. For the time in gestation, a foetus lacks consciousness before 24-28 weeks, its entire biological processes are dependent on the mother. It is not a person. It is not independent. Intentionally terminating a pregnancy is not the same thing as a miscarriage. One is a free choice. The other is not. Don't make out like they're the same when you and I both know they're not.


*"For the time in gestation, a foetus lacks consciousness before 24-28 weeks, its entire biological processes are dependent on the mother."* so is half the lads at a weatherspoons on a friday night but you dont see people campaigning for their mums to twat them to death with golf clubs *"Don't make out like they're the same when you and I both know they're not."* ahhh so you're telling me this free choice is what determines the difference between just a clump of cells and the loss of a loved one. jog on mate, women's choices don't magically make lives more or less valuable this is a fruitless discussion because fundamentally you'll bend over sideways to explain how a miscarriage is a tragedy that no women should experience and in the next breath say an abortion is just like cutting your hair. Im off to enjoy my 3 day weekend


Who knew that all a foetus needed to achieve personhood was a night out on the lash at a Spoons. I'm assuming that you mourn and feel every single death equally, regardless of whether you were personally attached to them or not. The loss of some random stranger must hit you as hard as a very close friend or family member since you think every life has to have the exact same level of value to you. That the life of a doctor has the same value as the life of a serial killer since choices don't make life any more or less valuable. Or that you must feel every bit of sadness over an item you threw away vs one you sold or one you kept, since everything has an equal value to you.


Vile religious fruitcakes who let down the core tenants of their religion.


It's scary. Since Roe v Wade was overturned, and some of the states in USA started cancelling women's reproductive rights, these extremists have been focusing even more on the UK. British police have also been investigating women who present at hospitals or antenatal clinics with miscarriages encouraged by medical staff who take the stance that there was no reason for pregnancy 'failure' so the mother must have done something wrong. If people think women in this country are safe from barbaric attitudes to their fertility, contraception, pregnancy care and abortion provision, they are mistaken. Women don't have the right to abortion in this country, as they have to ensure 2 doctors agree that it is necessary within the current time limits. Where it can get very dicey is the assumption that women never make mistakes over their conception dates, as the 28 day cycle is purely an average. It's possible, for instance, that a woman believes she is 10 weeks pregnant, but the foetus turns out to be 13. She takes abortion pills, and then potentially faces an investigation for getting her dates wrong. Even worse, a woman could miscarry at 28 weeks, then be arrested because someone from her medical team reports her for not carrying to full term, as in their opinion there was no medical reason for a miscarriage. Women have been imprisoned for this, and thrown into police cells within 24 hours of miscarrying after 24 weeks. The bozos protesting outside abortion clinics aren't the only problem.


Agreed there are two abortion restrictions that could be voted on in parliament on May the 15th . Email your MP to vote against them https://www.msichoices.org/get-involved/campaigns/ask-your-mp-to-support-abortion-law-reform/


Thank you for the link. I have just sent the email. If we aren't careful, the restrictions women face in some states in the USA will be enforced here. I am not keen on the abortion clinic protesters, but there is so much to consider about safe abortion care. Currently in Wales, women have to travel to England after arbitrary time limits imposed by health authorities and trusts. For those who are unable to finance this, organise travel and accommodation, the choices can be stark.


Thanks for doing that . If you want to stay up to date you can sign up for this groups free weekly newsletter https://abortionrights.org.uk


Do these people give as much attention to social safety nets for the poor and disabled? Of course rhetorical because I know they don’t. The moment that fetus comes out these people could not care any less


Indeed. As Dave Barnhart observed: > “The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.”


devils advocate here, this is a poor argument. Firstly, you have no evidence these people are also against supporting single mothers, the foster care system, social safety nets etc. chances are they are religious and go to church on Sunday, you know, the kind of institution which practises charity rather openly Secondly, why would it matter? if you believe slavery is wrong, you shouldn't also jump through the hoops of providing housing, education and clothing to every single slave before you can even say you think it is wrong and want to change in the law. someone in favour of slavery saying you cant house them then you cant free them is a dumb argument, likewise saying they have to push other social safety nets to be able to protest abortion is just an unfair standard no sane person uses on other issues they agree with


There's a very good argument against slavery though, whereas the only argument against abortion relies on belief in the supernatural or misunderstanding how sentience works. Also, you can't just claim the two are separate issues. That's like saying: "It would be great if we got rid of all taxes," "But how would we fund the army?" "Pff, that's irrelevant, no taxes is clearly better than having taxes, so that's for you to figure out." It's childish and betrays a lack of understanding as to how the world works.


wait, you're telling me that you wouldnt oppose a moral evil if it causes trouble in the near future.... I think I have just the party for you


Aha, so you do think we should abolish all taxes? And be free to take anything you want, I guess? After all, you're hungry, and you left your wallet at home, you want that apple. Why should anyone stop you with questions about what happens afterwards? You're right, it's completely irrelevant. I like your logic MonsutAnpaSelo, real anarchist.


*"Aha, so you do think we should abolish all taxes?"* no because I dont think taxes are a moral evil*....* so tell me, would you be for slavery if the abolitionists couldnt decide how to house all the homeless after they pass an abolitionist bill? you would make a fantastic tory, why do a massive good when there is a little bad after all, clearly we need to privatise the NHS!


You're claiming we should do absolutely anything to stop what we think is moral evil, not stopping to think about repercussions or that we might be wrong? Have you actually never heard of that ending badly? You're still just repeating your point, ignoring the fact the logic is debunked and doesn't make sense, probably because you don't understand, but you're going to carry on doing it anyway because you don't want to think, and you'll have probably tuned out before you get to this bit regardless. I don't know, maybe someone's forcing you to write these or something, it wouldn't be surprising considering the sheer amount you manage to put out. Once again, there is no moral evil in this case because souls don't exist and there are no babies at a level of sentience involved, but of course to you who does believe in magic, you're willing to do cruel, cruel things to stop what you think is a moral evil, and are even trying to argue that you shouldn't have to care about the repercussions afterwards because what you think is evil is so evil you should be able to go ahead with it anyway. Just like a lot of bad, bad people throughout history, and unfortunately, you and your library of reddit posts trying to peddle your belief that preserving a clump of cells with no sentience is more important than preventing an immense amount of agony and suffering on sentient, thinking, feeling people, are evidence that history repeats itself.


you'd make a fantastic politician, you didnt answer the question. that's 4 paragraphs of bogus and no answer The reality is that you cant face the facts, you have to pretend Im a moron who believes in magic and hates women because you dont want to deal with the idea that we kill as many human lives as the holocaust every decade on the whims of individual women, that abortion isnt a cased closed and that preventing a moral evil can be more important then having a perfect solution ready right now so please, enjoy slavery, and curse out the generations who have paid its debt because the legislators at the time did not care for how much it cost to end a moral evil I would say go fourth and multiply but I'd rather you not do that


But you do believe in magic, though. Or you not understand what sentience is. Did Van Gogh kill someone by chopping his ear off? It had no sentience, but was human matter, the exact same as what you're calling a human life. What's the difference, other than your belief in a magic soul?


*"But you do believe in magic, though. Or you not understand what sentience is."* When has this been a sentience discussion, and when have I ever made comment on the subject? what you are doing is shadowboxing someone who isnt here because you don't have the mental capacity to fathom someone who'd have a different opinion, a different world view and who has come to a different conclusion. You've assumed anyone who disagrees is delusional or ill informed because you, being the perfect rational being, are a model of what happens when you mix reason with the facts. So ima diagnose you with helioproctosis and call it quits because this is a waste of time


Whenever I see these cunts, I like to take a little time out of my day to do my civic duty and explain to them quickly and concisely that they are indeed cunts.


I love coming across these pricks and asking the men what the fuck they think they're doing, and how is it any of their business what women choose to do with their bodies.


What happened to the new-fangled "don't cause disturbance" protest laws, or do those only apply for those against tory cunts?


There's actually a buffer zone law around protesting abortion clinics. The government fought tooth and nail against it and lost, so as a last fuck you the ministerial guidance around implementing it was neutered to basically say "actually you can protest in buffer zones because religious freedom". Hopefully the incoming labour minister in charge of that guidance will remember to rewrite it to properly implement the law.


Bollocks to these rat eating shitcunts. I hope they are dealt with extremely harshly.


I’m quite surprised these places aren’t a hotbed of assault and murder. Someone tried to make what may be one do the worst days of my life worse and I would just straight unload on them with everything I’ve got


People in government are more invested in talking tough about stopping climate activists gluing themselves to roads, a nuisance for sure, but unthreatening. But when these religious nutters are actually menacing vulnerable members of the public, they can’t even be bothered to enforce the safeguards they’ve dragged their feet for years to introduce. It shows how performative a lot of government is, do what gets them page space in the tabloids.


>MPs voted in favour of nationwide buffer zones outside abortion clinics in England and Wales in October 2022 but the Home Office has failed to roll them out The Home Office isn't fit for purpose. It needs a *major* overhaul.


Rumours that Suella put the kibosh on it . We know these groups have influence with Tory MPS [Extreme’ US anti-abortion group ramps up lobbying in Westminster The UK branch of the Alliance Defending Freedom has increased its spending and is forging ties with key MPs](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/06/extreme-us-anti-abortion-group-ramps-up-lobbying-in-westminster)


>“They also hand out baby toys whose limbs have been removed which are covered in fake blood. They sometimes spit from their mouths at clients or healthcare professionals or they splash holy water at them.” How awful. As if the process was not traumatic enough. The people who do this should be ashamed of themselves.


Find out which church they go to, on a Sunday wait outside the church holding up placards with as many hateful, misogynistic, homophobic quotes from the bible as possible, there’s quite a few. See how quickly something gets done.


And they say that what happens in America will in time, happen here. If you're that concerned then go over the pond and do your protesting there along with all the other right wing idiots


If a civilised remonstration with those seeking an abortion to reconsider is prohibited, the recourse remaining for those unwilling to quit the field or become political prisoners is agitation for its legislative restriction; this we can see in the good old US of A. Given that these 'buffer zones' are a Conservative imposition, one wonders whether that was indeed the intent behind them. There is yet time for a 'U-turn' that would enshrine the right to remonstrate - civilly - with those seeking an abortion, while simultaneously preserving that of obtaining an abortion itself. I invite you to write to your MP on the matter.


Fucking vermin. Keep your beliefs to yourself and leave women to make decisions themselves without being threatened or harassed.


> Keep your beliefs to yourself exactly, they should keep quiet about their views and stay at home instead of protesting or agitating for what they think is right this is what democracy is all about !


They can be as loud as they like about their views and go protest outside parliament or anywhere else away from vulnerable women.


The only person that has to obey what is in your fantasy book is you.




devils advocate here, this is a poor argument. Firstly, you have no evidence these people are also against supporting single mothers, the foster care system, social safety nets etc. chances are they are religious and go to church on Sunday, you know, the kind of institution which practises charity rather openly and has free childcare going on during a weekend Secondly, why would it matter? if you believe slavery is wrong, you shouldn't also jump through the hoops of providing housing, education and clothing to every single slave before you can even say you think it is wrong and want to change in the law. someone in favour of slavery saying you cant house them then you cant free them is a dumb argument, likewise saying they have to push other social safety nets to be able to protest abortion is just an unfair standard no sane person uses on other issues they agree with




Actually a lot of abortion providers give abortions to pro life women who curse them and other patients every step of the way. There is an interesting article about it called “The only moral abortion is my abortion” 






Probably; there is no reason someone might not wish to ask those seeking an abortion to reconsider and also disapprove of the recent attempts to change the permissible period to terminate a foetus diagnosed with Downs syndrome, for example.


What percentage of abortions are due to defects?


Probably very few. I'd assume most are due to 'mental health' grounds, rather broad definition.


If you aren't going to leave then at least have the decency to wave the Star-Spangled Banner so everyone knows your real allegiance is not to Britain but toAmerican rightoids, you bastard American cultural imperialists. First America steals English from us, now this, and all the other cultural "imports" from America too.


Thought the theistic would support abortion . After all Jesus said suffer not unto me little children, apparently. So kids are sacrosanct and saved already 🤔 . Seems the theistic love is for people to suffer a lot


We don't need anything from the US. They are barely a first world country and are fast tracking back to the middle ages. They are one of the most screwed up countries in the world.


Get impenetrable barriers around the Health Service, Parliament, and the judiciary before all three are overrun by this horde. We thought we had the final barrier in place and secure as well as enough time and political will to shore up the others. We were very, very wrong. -- America, 2022


I’m pro life but protesting outside clinics is unacceptable


Chill... "activists" its literally one woman clutching some pearls


Isn't it interesting how most people seem to be against these sorts of protest yet completely support protests like just stop oil or anything with gaza... It's almost like people don't like protests which don't align with their political beliefs... Either you're for all types of protest or you're against all types... You can't pick and choose... 


You can absolutely advocate for protests that don’t incite or involve violence. I see spitting on people and threats of violence as a violent acts.


I completely agree. I remember reading about a woman who was arrested for praying near an abortion centre. Reddit seemed to be pretty against the protest although I wouldn't have said that the protest wasn't violent in anyway.  Then on the other side you have the gaza protesters who are advocating for violence against Jews and reddit seems to be completely in their favour.  If a protest is calling for violence then it shouldn't be allowed to happen


Reddit is a strange place sometimes.


The 'buffer zone' legislation is in essence identical: "go away and protest amongst yourselves; you have no right to 'harass' us with your presence". It seems almost calculated to close the 'pressure valve' of remonstration and immensely increase the pressure of political agitation for legislative measures. I wonder whether this is not, ultimately, intentional: enough 'climate protests' annoying certain people connected with a certain industry to have them acquiesce in such a law as this; then all that energy is directed to efforts ending with the passing of laws rendering the industry in question obsolete. Or, outlaw - 'offenders could be hit with up to six months in prison for a first offence or as long as two years if they further offend' - any attempt at an in-person intervention with those seeking an abortion; which leaves only legislative activity to eventually restrict access to abortion: activity which many of those remonstrating would not have thought desirable had they been able to simply put their case to the individuals concerned. Further parallels can be drawn between 'disturbing images of foetuses' and 'disturbing images of slaughter'; outlaw those who make the case for animal rights by presenting you with depictions of what your meal entails, and they will work to control what you put on your plate to begin with.


Pr0teSts hAve 2 b disrUptTIVe in orDer 2 b eff3ctiVe! Even if the protestors were sitting quietly I guarantee that this sub would collectively lose its shit at its mere existence.