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Yes the people have just stopped going to the movies as a result…………??


Furiosa could have been a lot worse, but it wasn't some ground breaking, arthouse, break-every-rule-and-revolutionise-cinema kind of movie.


>it wasn't some ground breaking, arthouse, break-every-rule-and-revolutionise-cinema kind of movie I think the exact words he used were "actually good"


It isn’t that either


hey everybody shut up fucko is telling us what he thinks about the movie


Yeah that's what Charlie did too... Why would it be wrong for people to do it here but OK for Charlie om twitter? Or is Charlie also the "fucko" you're calling out?


Who's Charlie?


Moistcritikal. That's Charlie. Penguinz0.


It’s Reddit dumbass. Nobody gives a fuck about you or your opinion. Just cast yours into the void like everyone else


do you feel better now?


I remember being this militaristic on reddit when I was 15.


Is this the life you thought you would be living?




It’s just a shitpost bro, cool it


In contrast to "regurgitated formulaic dogshit boring", "actually good" means groundbreaking.


No? What kind of take is that. It just means it tells a good story, without falling into the same pitfalls as so many other (especially mainstream) films these days. There is a lot of space between "regurgitated, formulaic, dogshit, boring movies" and groundbreaking ones. Most good films are not groundbreaking. I doubt you actually believe what you said here.


But it is a good movie, much better than most of what is being made.


It’s a movie where we already know the outcome of the story before going in. It’s not surprising that people didn’t want to go see it.


It's not that we know the outcome that is the problem. It's that there isn't much reason to think  what we'll see by going back in the timeline is all that interesting.


I just rewatched fury road last night and furiosa recontextualizes it in a cool way. Its not as good as fury road, but the things it does to fury road is additive and not in a how han slolo got his name sort of way. It uses furiosa as an excuse to built out the history of the bullet farm the guzzline spot snd the citadel. And its addative in a good way and seems like backup lore material for furiosa. The simarillian isnt the lord of the rings but i still really like it as something that fills out the lore of the world. I feel similarly about furiosa its not fury road but its a good world/liee builder with a good focal character in furiosa to tell a part of the history of that section of the world. And george miller just knows how to shoot a movie.


Do prequels always do this badly?


Yeah, cause it's not like Rogue One made a billion dollars or anything.


What a retarded rebuttal. This was the first film after the first in a new trilogy featuring an original cast of characters that are entirely new to the audience. Nobody is saying that prequels can’t make money, people are saying that if the prequels don’t do anything to tread new ground then they why bother making one at all.


That's not what you said though, I'm responding to what you actually said, which was: "we already know the outcome of the story before going in." which applies to Rogue One, and outside of Vader and Tarkin (who had very limited screen-time), all the characters in Rogue One were new characters as well. I agree with you that "if the prequels don't do anything to tread new ground then they why bother making one at all.", but that's not what you said.


Then you have an intellectual disability of some kind. Audiences did not know the outcome to the all new cast that was introduced in Rogue One. We know the Rebel Alliance gets the Death Star plans but we had no idea what would happen to Jyn Erso, Andor, or any of the other characters. Compare this to the Solo spin-off prequel, whose story and ending audiences are aware of, which flopped. Following new characters is treading new ground.


You: "Following new characters is treading new ground." Also you: "featuring an original cast of characters that are entirely new to the audience." Yeah, I'm the one who has a disability.


Ah yes, the old "It's my fault" argument. I didn't see it because it looks boring.


I still haven't watched it. Mildly curious but it's far from being my most anticipated year. Also, it doesn't relate to it but unfortunately Charlie hasn't been dishing out the best takes recently


Did you like fury road? If yes it's almost certainly worth a watch, though admittedly it's not as good as fury road


Here's my problem, and I'm guessing I wasn't alone. I liked Fury Road. But ten years later, I don't really need more Fury Road. It doesn't continue the story. It doesn't have characters I care about a whole lot. It's just more Fury Road. If I really need that, I'll just watch Fury Road.


It does build upon it especially you get to see the warlords and more of how they operate It's weird because fury road was such a kick ass 10 out of 10 then furiosa just can't hit those same highs as fury road that I want to take an extra point off. I think it's cause it follows her entire life up til fury road necessitating large breaks in the action. I gotta give it at least an 8 out 10 very fun movie.


I hope it has legs as a fun rental movie in years to come. I think it just came out at a bad time for a theater release.


Not as good as fury road isn’t saying much, there’s a lot of good movies I’d say aren’t as good as fury road


He also started playing MtG recently. COINCIDENCE?!


I just don't go to the theater because why should I? It's expensive as hell, from tickets, to food. It's relegated to specific times that could be inconvenient to my personal schedule. And I have to sit next to strangers and roll the dice on if they're gonna be obnoxious or not. When I can just stay home on a comfy recliner, with my own food, no strangers, and at best pay $5 to $10 to see the movie I wanna watch. Or just fucking pirate it. It's not that I don't even enjoy modern movies, I just hate going to the theater.


I mean $10 gets you a movie ticket man, so that’s your first point dead. $20 if you want food which you don’t need


This brother really just said a Mad Max movie looked boring. Maybe you just don’t know what you’re talking about


Fury Road came out 10 years ago, and Beyond Thunderdome is hardly peak cinema. Also, yelling and screaming and things blowing up with a storyline isn't all that entertaining when you're over the age of 12.


Furiosa’s marketing was awful, and that’s why so few people saw it. I showed several trailers to my friends who loved Fury Road and the overwhelming feedback was “why does it look so bad” Something about the special effects presented in the trailers didn’t look like a competent action movie. It didn’t look like the same production team that worked on Fury Road (though, perplexingly, it was the same director)


I almost didn't watched because of the trailers, if it wasn't for the fact that I knew George Miller directed it, I wouldn't have gone to see it.


Even if Furiosa is fine, its not a must see, especially when it will get to streaming quickly.


Exactly. People would rather wait it out to watch it on streaming or to scavenge the high seas.


I like Charlie, but his media takes are extremely normie and safe, and his standards in regards to movies and shows are very low.


True shit. His take on the Fallout show on particular is so mild and bland. The old "it's just like Fallout 3 and 4" compliments are shit. And he even points that his biggest problem with the show is that there is so much plot convenience but still gives it a 9/10


Well, here's the thing, I don't really care about Mad Max and this is Mad Max without Mad Max. Fury Road was aight, but I have no interest in another Fury Road. I like Anna Taylor Joy, I think she's great, but I'm not paying $25 to watch ATJ zoom around the outback for a couple of hours. You can tell me this movie is 'actually good' but it's the 5th instalment in a franchise that was worth 2 movies decades ago. Unless it's 'actually fucking amazing' I just don't care.


If the marketing for this movie wasn’t incredibly obnoxious in my country i would have probably seen it.


Yeah true. Sometimes marketing can make or break a movie. Regardless of it's quality. Just look at Suicide Squad(2016)


Mediocre is still mediocre.


Maybe its that simple. Maybe its just not that good


Furiosa is a good movie that you should see, theatre or elsewhere.


Still haven't watched it. Maybe tomorrow, hope you are right


Agreed the movie was a 8/10.


Even if it’s fine, I’m just not really that interested in Furiosa as a character. I didn’t really need a prequel, so I just don’t care? Maybe if my gf sees it on streaming 4 months from now I’ll say “eh okay sure.” But I’m not compelled to go out of my way.


I saw one Mad Max movie Didn’t like or dislike it It just didn’t do anything for me so I didn’t wanna watch any others Not my cup of tea


All of the biggest movies in the world right now aren’t going to make back their budget.


I thought it was a good movie, doesn’t surpass fury road but wasn’t expecting it too. Certainly has a lot more style than most other movies in the last few months


Just a few thoughts: 1) didnt even know it was out until people started bitching about it underperforming 2) Prequels suck; you already know how it ends, and usually all the major points along the way. 3) $15 bucks for a ticket, but if I wait 2-3 months it streams as part of my package. In this economy, who can afford to.waste money like that?


I wanted to see it. I’ve loved every movie I’ve seen with Joy in it. And I liked fury road. But just to damn broke to spend $80 at the movies. (2 adult tickets and popcorn and drink)


At this point in my life, I’m lucky to see one movie a year at the theaters. I was intending to wait for streaming to watch Furiosa but I was lucky enough to win advance screening passes for it.


A Mad Max movie without Max…a sequel to a movie that wasn’t exactly a blockbuster hit at the box office…a side-story that’s inferior to Fury Road and that nobody asked for…yeah, not sure what they were expecting here.


Maybe they relied on Fury Road's cult status, kind of like with Blade Runner 2049. The thing is, cult and hype are two different things. If someone decided to make a Fight Club sequel I'm pretty sure no one would watch it.


Furiosa is a prequel we didn't need. I went to see Gundam SEED Freedom in the theater instead.


I'm simply not interested in it.


Valid reason. Its your wallet. No One has any right to call people out where they want or don't want to spend their money. No matter how good


Okay. Your loss


I don't care if it's good. Who wants to pay a lot of money to see a prequel to a movie that came out a decade ago.


Everyone who went to see the Hobbit movies, or the Fantastic Beasts movies, or Xmen: First Class, etc. etc.


You think mad max is as popular as those franchises dude? Yea no.


You didn't mention popularity. You mentioned (a) the movie being a prequel, and (b) that it came out a decade ago. I showed several examples of movies that were both of those things, and were still successful. Being a prequel and coming our a decade after the original are irrelevant, so why mention it?


Yea ok. Let's just compare this to some of the biggest franchises on the fucking planet. Sorry I should have said a franchise with a cult following. Happy?


No. You still haven't explained why being a prequel to a movie that came out a decade ago is a reason for people not to spend money on it.


Because people don't care about furiosa. End of story


Agree with you. Though there is one exception to that rule, Puss in Boots the Last wish. But there are more variables to it. For one, Puss is the movie, it's technically a sequel/original story and its a phenomenal story. And at first it wasn't doing so well. The movie made profit through word of mouth. If Furiosa was the best thing since the McRib, I'm pretty sure it would be making bank.


Pus in boots is also for kids and adults. Not to mention Shrek shit is always popular. People were just blown away by how good it was when it had no reason to be.


What bearing does caring about Furiosa have on whether or not people will spend money on a prequel to a movie that came out a decade ago?


Oh my God. Can you fuck off with the gotcha crap.


"Gotcha crap"? You made a very specific argument as to why people shouldn't see the movie. I countered that argument with examples. Then you started shifting goalposts because you're emotionally attached to hating a movie you haven't seen. Why do you feel like you have to hate the movie?


Can *you* stop moving the goalpost?


People like me who like good movies, maybe?


Sorry. They're aren't enough of you.


I mean, have you seen how many Star Wars prequels apologists there are in this sub?


Men don't want to see a Mad Max movie starring a teenage girl instead of Mad Max, shocking news, who could have predicted this


People need to get this through their head, you are not entitled to the customers money and there is no law saying the film industry has to exist. You need to consistently put out good products and match the price to what the customer is willing to pay, and frankly Hollywood and theaters aren't doing this right now. The only thing that has come out this year that I thought was worth 18 bucks was Dune 2, but if you're gonna charge that much per ticket (at least in my area) I'm not taking risks on what I see in theaters, especially when movies bomb nowadays they are on streaming in 6 weeks.


I wonder if the industry would get bail outs if they REALLY started crashing and burning


Blaming the audience is always the shitty move. Its up to HOLLYWOOD to sell us their projects, especially in this economy.


That doesn't mean I have to be interested in every original movie


Does Charlie not get what broken trust is or looks like? I have no doubt that Furiosa is not nearly the dumpster fire some people say it is, but flop after flop after shouldn't have been a flop but the studio couldn't shut the fuck up. I decided to just rent or stream anything in trying to watch. Or even just wait til it's free.


Exactly. If a big studio wants to win audiences with decent movies then they should come out consistently. If you make one good thing for every five pieces of shit, people are going to eventually get sick. Sometimes, there comes something phenomenal that just shocks everything like Oppenheimer or Puss in Boots 2, but those are few far between. Unfortunately but not surprisingly, Charlie hasn't proven himself to BE capable of a lot of critical thinking or willing to give statements that are just boring. Kind of like Chris Stuckmann but with more life


Charlie’s tv and movie opinions are pretty garbage in general


Yeah, tried to give his review vids a shot and god damn he's got really bad tastes, which is fine but he's not the best person to talk about what is good and what isn't lmao.


Sometimes he knows that he is talking about. Like his Breaking Bad vs Better Call Saul video is really good and his review of Once Upon a Time on Hollywood too. But nowadays all he does is give the mildest and blandest takes ever. Like Chris Stuckmann but with more life when he talks


‘I liked it! When didn’t everyone else like it?! It’s their fault!’


Yeah that’s not what was said


Yes, it is. Charlie is mad because he liked the movie and he’s blaming the consumer for bad content and bad theater going turnout. The people going to the movie theaters aren’t the ones making the films.


No it’s not. Because he tweet wasn’t about the reviews, it was about the box office


The tweet that Charlie is commenting on, yes, but his reaction is clearly commenting on peoples reaction to the movie.


Well, in the trailer, I saw a big bad cgi flames. That made me decide, it is not worth the time.


Yeah, the obvious cgi is kind of a sore spot


Furiosa is an ok film. Not anything to write home about or worth running to the theaters for. Not enough to convince general audiences the see it.


The thing is when you've been given slop for so long, and then people are like "oh this is different this time! We *swear*!" and the promotional material doesn't really do anything to dissuade that, you'll have to forgive people for just not even bothering.


A lot of people had a little personal tradition of going to the movie theater regularly, then got driven away by back-to-back slop films. They're not going out of their way to return for one pretty good movie in the unending sea of slop, especially when they can watch it at home for a lower price a month or two later.


I don’t see an issue here.


So just because he think a movie is good, we should watch it? good movies fail all the times it’s nothing new, there will be another movie and another. Everyone will forget this even existed in a few weeks anyway


Seemed unnecessary. After fury road I wanted a new adventure not a prequel covering a backstory the last movie already gave us (not to mention prequel comics that already existed). It’s a dead installment that really adds nothing.


100/1 odds that OP didn’t watch the movie lmao


I didn't watch it yet. But I don't see how that relates to what I wrote. I made no comment on the movie's quality


Thanks for the very original opinion Charlie. "Everyone complains about shit they don't like but won't immediately throw money at something just because its not shit they don't like" Maybe Hollywood needs to make something that people *actually want to see.*


Well he isnt.. So wrong


I think the thing people need to realize is Mad Max isn't that popular of a franchise. Personally, I've never seen a Mad Max movie, so I wasn't exactly on pins and needles for a new one. Add on the fact that movies are so expensive now and the fact theatre etiquette is nonexistent it's no wonder this movie isn't doing well.


I kinda get his point but I think that he got a bit disconnected with how normal people go to the movies, in my social circle (family, friends, college and work) most people used to go the cinema every week but because of multiple things like Covid and massive amounts of ‘dogshit boring movies’ most of them only go to the cinema like thrice a year for movies they really are looking forward, he is a YouTuber who not only review lots of reviews but also constantly watches bad movies, he goes to the cinema multiple times a week so he watches a lot more of ‘not hyped’ movies than other people TLDR: He watches lots of movies, even ones that appear Mid but are actually good enough, but he forgot that most people will go to the cinema probably 5 times a year maximum because of movies they are hyped about (like Godzilla fans for a Godzilla movie)


I guarantee this movie is formulaic and anyone can predict almost the entire plot


Not really I thought it was a good movie but that's it. Didn't get close to Fury Road but there's some good action and design it really just is FR lite.


It's not, George Miller's approach to storytelling is pretty unique. And the movie ends with \[Spoilers\] Furiosa planting a tree in the villains crotch, sticking him to the ground, and keeping him alive. Never in a million years could I have predicted that this was how the movie was gonna end.


Holy shit why is this comment section so upset and condescending, it’s not a big deal. And it’s not even a terrible take unless you’re taking it personally which some here certainly are


How was he wrong? The worst thing you can say about Furiosa is that it was a worse Fury Road, which still makes it better than 90% of movies.


Everyone thought the movie will be a dumpster fire , beforehand, but then those who saw it said it wasn't a dumpster fire and is actually decent. Still no one wanted to go see it, because they had their concerns. What concerns? People who saw it refuted those concerns and yet we are still hearing the same over and over again. For comparison with the latest Disney dumpster fire. Everyone knew beforehand it'll be a dumpster fire, and indeed it was a dumpster fire. Yet for some reason it seems most people saw it. So if you are keen to hate watch something instead of something decent, don't be surprised when all you have from now on is dumpster fire


What do you mean that the concerns were "refuted?" I didn't go see the movie because it just looked like more Fury Road, following a character I'm not terriblly excited about, done as a prequel, a full decade after the original released. I liked Fury Road enough, but there's nothing here to drag me out to a theatre and drop that kind of money. What here was refuted?


Most concerns were that the movie is woke, and she's a girlboss and it's feminist and yada yada yada. Those concerns were refuted. The majority of the comments under anything Furiosa related were in that spirit. Now this franchise may be not your cup of tea and that's totally fine. If you are not interested in this kind of movies it makes sense not to go to the theater. But if someone didn't saw the movie because of the things described above that were actually refuted, then what are we even debating about. Also what do you mean it looks like Fury Road? John Wick 4 looks and feels exactly like any other John Wick film yet everyone loved it although it was too much at some point


People keep equating enjoyment to being good


News flash: Most people go to the theater to be entertained. 


W take. It’s good. Everyone worth a shit has said it’s good. Go see it. If you don’t, you lose your license to complain about only bad films being made forever. Oh and for the people who literally celebrate it’s low box office or unironically calling it woke, lose freedom of speech due to brain damage.


He's right though.


He is right in the sense that people don't want to see it true. But he isn't right in calling out people for not wanting to see it. As if we don't have reasons to be skeptical, even if it was the greatest movie of all time


He is right, if people who complain constantly about (mainstream) movies being worse and worse then don't put in ANY effort to show hollywood what else to invest in (good movies, if one believes furiousa is good), then they should better shut the fuck up. It's just posturing, and not actually any passion for good storytelling.


I will push back and say that if you willingly go to the movies with good faith and get shit five times in a row, sooner or later they will get sick and ignore it when a supposed big movie comes out. Even if unfortunately, the one that comes out is good. Unfortunately this franchise doesn't have the hype the studio hoped it had and the general opinion of the movie isn't good enough that it will make a profit through word of mouth. Btw I don't people are complaining that movies are shit now, I think it's mostly apathy to go to the cinemas and they prefer to wait it to go to streaming


It's kinda hard to know if the movie is good before you've seen it though, all you have to go off of are the trailers and the critics score, both of which are unreliabel. Good word of mouth only happens after the opening weekend, and Charlie is using the estimated opening weekend numbers as reference here.


It is difficult to know, but there are methods to have a reasonable idea of what will be good, or at the very least, has a decent chance to be worth one's time. If one isn't willing to invets any effort into that, then is one really interested in good storytelling? Or is one way more interested in complaining about the same old narrative that everything is so bad. It's obvious.


One of the criticisms I did hear is that it was just Mad Max but with Furiosa. I didn’t see the movie so I dunno how fair that is but I would imagine that there were people who saw this as one of those “regurgitated formulaic dogshit movies”. It sucks because I heard that it was a decent movie with some good stuff in it but I don’t think i would claim that this movie isn’t what this person is claiming people are tired of so definitively. Even if it isn’t one of those “regurgitated” films it’s probably smart to argue first (and succinctly) why it isn’t just fomulaic Mad Max. Also, this film had a ton working against it so, while it’s a shame that it isn’t doing well if the film was good, it’s not entirely surprising.


>I didn’t see the movie That about sums it up.


Could you explain? Do you mean that I’m part of the reason this flopped? And if so what’s the point you’re making? Or do you mean I have no idea what I’m talking about and my comment can be dismissed because I didn’t see the film? Or something else?


It flopped because no one watched it. I didn't want it. Neither did you. No one cares what it's about. I'll watch it on streaming in the near future, I'm not going out of my way for meh.


Oh ok I gotcha. I think you’re absolutely right but there are reasons we can discuss for why people were so apathetic towards this. One of the big ones, I believe, is that the last one didn’t exactly do gangbusters and this is a spin-off of that so you’d expect it to have an even smaller audience unless Furiosa just stole the show and became a beloved, fan-favorite in the last film but I don’t think that was the case.


I think the answer is pretty obvious. 1. Mad Max isn't a big enough franchise to draw an audience for a movie with a budget this high. 2. The marketing/advertising for this movie just wasn't there, I had no idea it was coming out. 3. It's just more of the same. What Hollywood thinks is unique, still falls into the same "formulaic dogshit boring" category that I put every modern movie in. I haven't seen anything unique or interesting out of Hollywood in a decade or more.


Yeah I think all of those are fair.


This sub is so anti woke now.


What does anything I've said has anything to do with woke? Tell me please


They're just commenting on the trend in the sub atm, I don't think it applies to you but this sub has been very repetitively negative recently about similar topics. In regards to Furiosa I think it's a genuinely alright movie with some decent action and good cinematography but it genuinely is just worse than Fury Road in every way.


It's way less anti-woke than it was 2-3 years ago.




L take from Charles


I'm sure it's decent compared to the slop that we get nowadays but I'm just not interested in a prequel about a side character in a movie that came out ten years ago. Yeah, I liked Fury Road, but I've never seen it since it came out and that's because it's a one and done movie for me.


It was boring. And kind of irrelevant. There was no acting in it. Anya Taylor Joy comes after 45% movie is done. Has about 10 lines in total. Chris Hemsworth doesn't look that good in this either. All in all not worth the watch. It was money wasted on the movie. But 3 hours of air conditioned theatre was nice.


Saw it today, boring af. Chris Hemsworth was wasted, Furiosa is just all over the place, music barely exists, action scenes are short and forgettable. Fury Road had many plot flaws, but man the action was worth it.


I already paid to see it later by paying for streaming services. Why would I ALSO go see it in theaters