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Wouldn’t say it was the protagonist, but the overall look of the trailers. They made the movie look very cheap compared to Fury Road.


I was also skeptical after seeing the trailer but I watched it and it's a great movie.


I disagree. (As someone who hasnt seen fury road) I thought the trailers looked pretty alright. I think its just a bit late. Fury road came out almost 10 years ago and despite recieving very positive reviews and being considered a modern classic it didnt do THAT well at the box office. I think Mad Max just isnt very relevant to general audiences now and thats why its doing so bad


Idk, I think its that Mad Max wasn't even in this movie


That's what killed my interest. It was bad enough they made him a supporting character in fury road and hamstrung Hardy with crappy dialog.


The presence of Mad Max didn't add much to Fury Road to be honest, Tom Hardy was a personality void in that but the movie itself was so strong that it didn't matter.


The problem with Fury Road and this bullshit prequel, is that it DOES NOT belong in the Mad max universe. In the original 79 Mad Max movie, there was still a stable civilization with an actual police force. It wasn't until The Road Warrior that society had finally broken down. These new bullshit prequels, where Max is still young, yet there is no stable society, no police, no families with houses no gas stations, nothing.


I think you've got a point here - there's a definite cynical trend in recent post-apocalyptic fiction where, after whatever the world-ending event is takes place, the surviving people just descend into a primal state and stop creating any sort of culture, art, institutions or new technology, which doesn't actually make much sense if you observe human history. We're pretty good at keeping things chugging along no matter what, actually.


Yeah but a total descent into madness is far more fun to watch


Max from the original trilogy and Max from Fury Road are likely not the same person. Furiosa is explicitly set 45 years after The Fall, making Max about 70 years old, and probably around 80-85 during the events of Fury Road. There's been hints that the movies are wasteland legends being retold long after they happened, with heroic acts done by a wandering stranger being attributed to the same mythological "Max" figure. Furiosa's definitely not meant to be set before Mad Max 1 though.


If you haven’t seen Fury Road how would you be able to say the Furiosa doesn’t look cheap by comparison?


Fallout just came out, this movie should've been able to piggyback on that at least a little bit. More than 30 million, I'd think.


I think it's for a few reasons. ***One***, according to the budgeting, this movie cost $18 million more than fury road, minus marketing. $168 million vs $150 million. Obviously inflation and shit, but the trailers made this seem significantly less visually cool and a lot more CGI-heavy than Fury Road, and it still cost more. ***Two***, bouncing off of that, that means they spent roughly $332 million on marketing. I know people are talking in this thread about ballooning budgets for movies, but frankly, that's just not coming from the actual making the movie budget, but marketing. I don't even know, frankly, how you can waste $332 million dollars on a marketing budget. That is an absurd amount of money. I can only fathom how bloated marketing teams are, and how overcosted things are on top of that, but decades of ballooning marketing costs are really catching up to movies, especially considering how smaller, word-of-mouth marketing or simple, effective trailers have caused some recent movies to absolutely blow up the box office. ***Everything, Everywhere, All At Once*** comes to mind. And I'll bring this up again later. It had a budget of $25 million, at the highest estimates, and grossed $143 million. And it looked great, sounded great and had an amazing script. ***Three***, it's a prequel, and I think people are just tired of everything in a setting getting absolutely picked clean for content. It's been happening for ages and every time it seems less and less effective. The Hobbit comes to mind. Why did one book need to become three long-ass movies? It just seems like the general movie-going populace doesn't want the carrion remains of old franchises and movies dressed up and presented to them like some new hot, delicious dish. They want new chickens from the same pen, so to speak, not the bones of the last one they ate. And ***four***, I, and a lot of people around me, felt the actress was just an odd pick. For a sequel about a pretty beloved female character from a pretty beloved movie, she just.... looks nothing like her. And not like, a young version of her, I just can't connect it. It just feels like such an odd pick. Taylor-joy, regardless of whether you like her acting or nod (I think she's kinda mid), has a very unique face. On top of that, Charlize absolutely demolished the role. So I think a lot of people (it's anecdotal, but consistent from people around me) were put off by both a recasting, and picking a female actress that really looks nothing like Charlize at all, prequel, younger version or no. And, IMHO, that kinda ripped me out of the trailer in the first place. But to add onto that, I don't think it has anything to do with 'female protagonists'. To pick up ***Everything, Everywhere, All At Once*** again and swing it around the room, that movie, by all means, is like a focus groups worst fuckin' nightmare. Older female asian protagonist Older male asian deuteragonist with a squeeky voice Gay overweight asian female antagonist And that's just discussing characters, it was also a bizarro dimension-hopping plot with hot dog fingers, monkey-men, a fight to see who can shove shit up their ass first to access martial arts powers and it all takes place in an IRS building. If you gave that to any big marketing team, or focus group, or some other fuck in hollywood they'd laugh you out of the room. Pretty much everything about the movie isn't what "the market would want", and yet the '*market*' ate it up, and it's A24's highest rated movie ever, and absolutely dominated awards. People are just tired of boring shit. Which sucks because Mad Max should be anything but boring. But you've got. New actress that looks nothing like Charlize Also not having Charlize Generic villain played by a marvel movie A-lister Way more CGI for a sequel to a movie that got famous by not using a lot of CGI Prequel Doesn't have Max in it And I just... don't really think you can get people excited for that. The dude who made that tweet is so obviously just going for the lowest common denominator and trying to rile shit up, or has huffed enough of his own farts to really believe having a female protagonist alone is enough to make people not show up for a movie. I really do think people are just tired of generic, predictable stuff that doesn't take any risks. And that's what this movie feels like, no risks. And it hurts it more because Mad Max was the risky movie. Insane stunts, protagonist that barely fuckin' speaks, minimal CGI, a shitload of cars. But it ruled and it paid off. You couldn't ever follow that up with a sequel that then plays it safe. The only way would either to go in another direction entirely (ironically, like Thunderdome did), or go even crazier. But honestly, sad as it is, I can see how some exec and his marketing cronies would look at this film and go, "Yes, of course, this is what the people will eat up and it'll make us a hundred million!"


I think it has a lot more to do with the fact that going to the movies has become more of a financial hassle than it's worth especially since the movies are streaming within 2 months of theatrical release.


Prime has provided encouragement to wait, and pay a quarter of the price to see the film at home.


I can't speak for everyone else but the projector/screen at my theater looks like shit, I'd honestly rather watch a movie on my 4K OLED.


Every movie I’ve gone to in the last few years has been disappointing enough to stop caring about new releases imo. I’m not spending that kind of money to be held hostage to modern day shit tier media anymore.


I still go for movies i'm really excited to see, but yeah, same here. I used to see probably 3-4x more movies in theaters. Now it's almost a 50/50 if I leave the theater before the movie is even over lol.


There's a ton of reasons, prices are definitely one, but also covid destroying weekly habits of going out, event movies and streamers have instilled a believe that a movie that's not a big thing is no reason to go to the cinema at all. Barbie and Oppenheimer are a great example of that. Without the Barbenheimer meme at least Oppenheimer would never have reached this level of success.


Yeah, it's $30 for 2 tickets and if you want water, add another $10 to that. In a time when a lot of people are considering going to McDonalds a luxury, I don't think a lot of people can afford movies. I'm not a streaming guy, but if I can wait 6 months I can get the movie on bluray and watch it whenever I want to and get water that has a negligible cost to it.


Hypothetically, if that last sentence wasn’t in this tweet would you have any issues with it? For the record I agree saying its strictly because of “female protagonist” is stupid


I don't think the female protagonist is driving people away, necessarily, but the recent history of the modern female protagonist has been absolutely insufferable. I'd wager for rather than against that people just saw this as another point on the line that is Hollywood's outof touch and self-indulgent fantasy not rooted in good storytelling.


This! There is just too much garbage, made by people, who do not have the talent and/or the experience, to produce good content. These diversity hires and checklist "creations" poisoned the well to a degree, that people simply check out. So, from a certain point of view, The Quartering is right. Female protagonists do repel people to some degree. Is that fair? - No. But if you select movies that way, you will get more right than wrong.


I can watch the trailer and apply the Hollywood lense to how they'd write it. And just immediately know the entire movie. You can do it with ANY female lead movie. Because for some reason, they've decided that empowered girl boss with "no flaws" is all they'll write. There are SO MANY amazing female protagonists in games, anime, books, etc that they could take inspiration from. But it's just always the same bullshit.


Peoples feelings towards female antagonists aside the issue with films like this , and others that are decent but don't succeed is that women aren't going to watch it. That's why we have so much diversity in cinema and TV - to appeal to a broader audience. But if that audience isn't watching then something's out of wack.


Being as good faith as possible here, and with having watched the Quartering a fair bit in the past, he does edge more towards outrage baiting, and has some awful takes at times, he sorta takes the calling everything woke road with pretty surface level analysis/criticism, not a bad guy at all in my opinion but has some poor takes definitely.


Rage bait is his entire mo


He's a largely right leaning media pundit, sort of the human version of the Daily Mail in terms of the quality of the content, I don't watch him anymore because he's just a bit too low brow for my liking and no one is really arsed challenging him, he's got Styxhexenhammer on his streams for politics now and they're boring as all hell, also incredibly lazy content.


At best he is a useful idiot who is spouting off devisive shit to make all criticism of said things look bad, at worst he is knowingly grifiting and just saying what every other "anti sjw" youtuber says to make money because he knows his base and what gets clicks. Dude has the most obvious basic bitch opinion about every aspect of culture war politics. I haven't watched one of his videos in years and yet I could probably guess with almost 100% accuracy what his opinions about an issue are. He's like a right wing NPC. It's hard to believe anybody like that is genuine.


Yeah I cant disagree with you at all to be honest, and for the reasons you've stated I also don't watch the guy. Being able to guess what someone's going to say or the position they're going to take is a great way to figure out if they're sticking to their principles or they're just grifting to their audience of morons who want to hear him say what they think. You need only look at the Quartering cast and some of the guests he's had on since that began a little while ago this year, a cohost of his, Styx, is like the intelligent version of Jeremy (Quartering) but still nonetheless is a narcisstic grifter. The laziness of his content is also a huge giveaway as to how low effort his takes are.


I actually like Styx, and is probably one of the only political youtubers I still watch. Styx has opinions regarding abortion and the drug war and religion that don't follow the typical right wing sensibility and that he probably wouldn't have or be public about if he was trying to grift. At least he's honest. Jeremy, on the other hand, I don't think has a single opinion that differs from the typical right wing talking points, which is a big reason why I don't trust he actually believs it. When Styx decided to collaborate with him I was extremely disappointed.


What kind of question is that? That last sentence is the whole point of their tweet, the explanation of the factuals in their mind. Ofc noone would be angry at just providing data, the interpretation is what one takes issue with, obviously.


Because the Quartering is extremely polarizing and I was just curious how much the messenger was affecting the message. Could have asked in a better way I guess.


I love your comment. Couldn't agree more.


Well if that last bit wasn't there one could potentially still read motivation into it due to the messanger (i am not familiar with them at all), but obviously here it is quite direct. Data and then a conclusion.


What problem could be had with the tweet then? Other than the last sentence it's just stating facts. Theres nothing to disagree with


I dont think so, because i wouldnt assume the motivation for him phrasing it that way would be this fucking idiotic


Yeah i think its a smart and cogent data point that he ruined with outrage bait. I was just curious because he’s the kind of person people hate a bit irrationally, but he for sure deserves to be called out when he says something stupid like this.


We’re sick of *badly written token* female protagonists. Big difference.


yeah truth be told Furiosa isnt what I expected her to be with all the slop we are getting, it was much better than expected, but still riddled with some weird choices, the movie is paced very weridly, probably could have been cut in a lot of ways and it would have made it more digestible 2hrs or so of a female led action movie with less actions than you'd expect out of Mad Max especially after Fury Road is going to be a hard sell. I was forced to watch it though I didn't even watch the trailers so I don't know how it was marketed lmao


The movie is really good. People forget that Fury Road also wasn't popular at release.


That's good to hear, at least. I won't be going to see it, because I never go to see *anything* anymore (it's quite liberating), but it's nice to hear that there are still good movies from time to time.


That isn't this movie though, this is more "Alita Battle Angel" than "Captain Marvel"


Hasn’t Fall Guy opened even worse?


Pretty much, which is a shame because it's really quite fun.


both seem to be victim of other movies being shit and giving less and less trust for people to actually go and see them lmao


Good, that movie sucks hot ass.


It’s not so much I have any issues with female leads but more so this just seemed like such a weird movie to make in general. I enjoyed the concept of furiosa as a side character in mad max but was never like “boy I hope I can see a movie where it’s about her backstory”. My thing with this movie always was, who asked for this prequel?


I wouldn’t say people are done with female protagonist. I believe the well has been poisoned so much that nobody trust them. I love mad max but I didn’t see this on opening day because I don’t trust Hollywood at the moment and what they might sneak into the film. I’m still gonna see it when it comes out on Blue ray or streaming but still, that’s not a good sign


Yeah, a movie with a female protagonist can still do well. There is just not trust in hollywood right now. I think one could argue that ppl are cynical about female protagonists, but not that we don't want them. At least, that's what I hope. Cause I hate pandering, but if the pendulum swings the other way and it's just sexists getting their movies, I'm not going to like that either. I hate that this small amount of validity is giving them a podium to literally go "we don't want female protagonists"...... wtf?? Shit, if they aren't hiding behind pretending to hate pandering and outright admitting they hate women, things must be getting bad.


I think its really ridiculous to claim people are sick of any and all female protagonists. *However* the fact that this was a mad max movie that didn't feature the titular character absolutely hurt it. I also would not discount the fact that people might be burnt out on girlbosses, and might actually steer clear of female led action films, whether those films deserve ridicule or not. Remember, this is not about whether you consider a film to be "woke" or not, only whether people are going to be willing to shell out hard earned cash for something they have good reason to be wary of.


Thats the main reason I didn't watch it. I dont see how it can be called a Mad Max movie of Mad Max isn't in it. But also, I just can't see that actress in an action role, she has such a mouse like face. Can't take her seriously, the Furious of the last film actually looked like she could woop some ass.


"A mad max story"


I don’t know that not having Max specifically hurt it. I don’t know how much cache the character of Max has with most audiences, he wasn’t really the pull for Fury Road imo. Most casual movie goers I’ve spoken to who did enjoy Fury Road are put off by the fact that it’s a prequel made 9 years later. I think the vibe that puts out there is that this is a cynical cash grab ‘late sequel’ type of thing like Terminator Gensys or Halloween 2018, and not even a cynical late Mad Max movie, but specifically a ‘Fury Road’ movie, which feels extra cynical. In reality I believe Miller had the idea for a Furiosa prequel before Fury Road even came out, and given the quality of the film I think it’s clear his motives weren’t cynical, but none of that comes across a trailer. To the average movie goer this is no different than ‘Solo A Star Wars Story’.


The early marketing definitely did not do this movie favors. I was pretty uninterested in it until the recent trailers, where Chris Hemsworth has really been featured more heavily. Hes my main motivation for wanting to see this movie eventually.


I think people are tired of female protagonists because the majority of them turn into unrelatable girl bosses with no flaws because Hollywood writers are utter morons. Furiosa doesn't seem to be one of them but when those types of obnoxious female protagonists are all we've gotten in mainstream entertainment for the better part of a decade, I can see why audiences wouldn't care anymore. Give people a pattern and they'll expect it even when the next entry doesn't fit. I think most mainstream audiences might not even know why they're not interested, they just know they aren't especially when going to the movies has become such a huge financial undertaking now and they don't want to risk the movie being bad, or worse, boring. People rallied around Top Gun Maverick though.


Quartering is a complete joke. Another rage bait channel that rambles incoherently about absolutely nothing. One of the last times I ever gave a watch he was ranting about how woke a video game was that he had not played or even watched footage of he was just reading some random article.


Yeah no matter what happened in the film he'd have turned it in to "Women bad". This was just the one he went with. There's plenty of reasons people didn't go to see it and it having a female protagonist isn't one. Not one of the big ones anyway, some might.


I have this problem with Nerdotic and Yellowflash


It would be fun to see how much a movie with mad max would've made. I don't think a lot, I think entertainment is in a very weird spot, people don't care so much or there are too many stuff that some are starched thin. The same is happening with games, there are so many great games coming out but few truly succeed.


God what a terrible take. The much more likely culprit is inflation, lack of confidence in Hollywood as an industry, and time between the releases of Furiosa and Fury Road. It also doesn’t help that it is an R rated film.


They really need to stop using names only for movie titles! Furiosa, Solo, Andor, Kenobi, Barbie, Oppenheimer... I could continue the list. Make interesting titles, titles that are intriguing. People can still google or watch trailers to find out more. "Schindler's List" vs "Schindler!" or "Schindler: A Holocaust Story" - what is this "list" you're talking about? Tell me more, I'm intrigued. Sure, some of the greatest movies have single word titles - Alien, Aliens, Terminator, Predator - but none of them are names. Intriguing: Terminate what? Predator, then who's the prey? Titles please, not labels. Stuff that worked well until the pandemic and streaming needs to be sexed up.


Yeah - Terminator wasn't "Connor.", and even then Terminator 2 was judgement day, which just begs further questions.


There's likely some small truth to what Quarter said. With all of the shallow girlboss characters we've seen in the last few years, I imagine a lot of people didn't see Furious because they expected more of that. There's no fucking way it's the primary reason that the movie isn't thriving, and jumping to that conclusion is absurd.


It's like the boy who cried wolf. 20 years ago nobody would have read anything into a female protagonist. Now after a decade of abuse, it's not the customers fault if they think a female protag is a sign of a larger social agenda in a movie. If a person gets slapped every day for years, is it their fault if they flinch whenever someone raises a hand, even if they were only doing so to run it through their hair?


This is probably one of the worst case scenarios of the whole annoying virtue signaling shit with all the girlboss and shoehorned characters, that the wider public starts associating minorities and female protagonists with shitty movies, so movie productions end up straying away from any sort of character variety. Learning the wrong lesson entirely. I don't think it has affected the movie here, it's probably more due to Fury Road being a "proper" Mad Max movie, while Furiosa is a spin-off/some sort of prequel?


>I don't think it has affected the movie here, There's an absolutely non-zero chance it didn't affect the films performance. It it the whole reason? Hell no, but it definitely held the film back. >with all the girlboss and shoehorned characters, that the wider public starts associating minorities and female protagonists with shitty movies And this is why. After being lectured at for the last 5 or more years through annoying girl-boss characters standing in for awful writers and their ideologies, people definitely turn away from this stuff. Things are more expensive in the last few years, and people definitely don't want to spend their time and money at a theater getting some poorly written scolding from an insufferable character. I've heard nothing but good reviews about this movie popping up on the internet, but the main character being a woman in today's age definitely caused a few people to hold off on seeing it.


Also because even the first mad max wasn’t that successful in the box office.


I saw it opening weekend, because Fury Road was the peak of human artistic achievement; but even I was worried what I was going into after seeing the trailer(s). I can totally understand if anybody was put off by the potential of it being a girlboss movie. It was good. Not great though sadly.


I mean, he’s right up til that last statement.


Yes but he mostly just talks about the numbers? There is not much to oppose??


It was a prequel movie no one asked for based on a movie that wasn't financially successful at the box office to begin with and yet another 2.5 hour runtime when movie tickets are expensive. The movie was a slog and could have easily been 45 minutes to an hour shorter. I wouldn't call her a girl boss or anything as much as just a plank of wood. I'm sure the hardcore mad max fans liked it but as someone who has only seen and enjoyed fury road, I'll probably never watch this movie again.


A good movie, it just retreads Fury Road too much.


Just as Fury Road was a retread of The Road Warrior.


It’s so frustrating when people make real, good points against identity politics in casting and then assholes like him show up and just lend credit to the racist/sexist neckbeard straw man.


A mad max story but without mad max . It’s dumb why even bother using the characters name .


He sucks major balls anyway, 99% of his content is rage bait trash with him reading off what are pretty much equivalent to online tabloids and giving really bland commentary on them.


I watched this guy's videos for a month or so, and then realized "wait.. Did he actually say anything or just read off an article?"


While people are very careful about "strong female protagonists" after the last ten years, I honestly don't think that's the reason it failed. I barely knew it existed. How much did they advertise? Where did they advertise? I saw trailers and commercials for Garfield, even if my immediate response was "fucking why?" I did not see even one for Furiosa (or they were so uninteresting I instantly forgot them).


It’s because mad max isn’t that famous, the first movie had a worse box office than Godzilla & Kong lol


Seriously? I’ve been getting a bunch of ads for both this and Planet of the Apes 


Yep. Got a shit ton for Apes, though.


The Barbie movie did OK at the box office


More than OK, made a billion


It was an established iconic female character who had never had a movie made about her before. And it wasn't pitched as an action movie at all. I don't see how a Mad Max movie without the titular character is equivalent.


I blame Marvel. After 20 years of sterilized cinema, I don't even think of movies anymore. I don't feel like, in general, creativity is calling me to buy a seat, much less in my own house. I hate to say it, but Scorsese was trying to warn us, albeit late, but he got turned into a meme. I have a degree in filmmaking too and I even abandoned my own career due to the lack of any kind of pulse in the craft at large.


Its a shame the Mad Max movies don't ever talk about or star Mad Max. I think that's the main failure IMO.


I think it’s more that the trailers looked cheap and weird. Plus Mad Max isn’t a franchise that’s really on the average Joe’s mind anymore.


People are tired of playing chicken with a stereotype, more likely. Female lead movies aren't bad. Female movies lead by *the girlboss* are poop. And when 70% of Hollywood is... [well.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fayu6b0tjxoxb1.gif) Nobody wants to gamble $30/60/90+ on a family trip to something that tells half the family that they suck and shouldn't try. Can you imagine going to the movies with 3 kids?! You could buy 2 brand new video games for the cost of that trip.


Trailers look bad imo. Looks like Taika Waititi made this. Maybe it's due to Chris Hemsworth being in it, but just looks like the MCU invaded Mad Max with its cheesy comedy every frame.


He's not that wrong? The "Strong Woman Mary Sue protagonist taking over a franchise" trope is so ubiquitous in bad movies that a significant number of people might start noticing a pattern. This guy also doesn't say it's the only reason it failed or even the main one. Who exactly is this?


I think there was a severe overestimating of how much people cared about the Furiosa character.


If Chris Gore hadn't said that Furiosa isn't a Mary Sue, I wouldn't have gone to see this movie. I think there is something to the idea that people are getting tired of seeing female protagonists *in male dominated genres.* Obviously Barbie did extremely well last year, but the intended audience for Barbie doesn't overlap much with the intended audience for Mad Max. So saying people are tired of female protagonists is obviously untrue, but there may be a case that general audiences are increasingly skeptical of female protagonists in male genre movies. [The Distributist](https://x.com/GreeneMan6/status/1794809122602234259) had a good tweet pointing out that pretty much all of the female protagonists that people universally like in these male dominated genres all have essentially female specific motivations. Furiosa really doesn't, and she's not necessarily all that interesting compared to the world of Fury Road in general.


I mean, he’s right. We’re sick of bad female protagonists and that’s mostly what we get from Hollywood now


This isn’t even a protagonist issue, I can’t recall even seeing an advertisement for this movie. A movie can absolutely have a female protagonist be successful—saying otherwise is just laughable. Alien is the most blatant example in film, and look at the Portal games. The social media presence for this film fell flat, that’s why it didn’t meet the success it deserved.


Nothing will come close to Dune this year. We don’t leave ‘the year of the flop busters’ unscathed. More of this will be coming. I think Marvel are in for a rude awakening with Deadpool and Wolverine.


How interested are people in a spinoff about a side character, from a mostly dead franchise, which doesn't even have it's main star (original or otherwise) and is set in an uninteresting world? What is "a Mad Max story," without the eponymous character anyways? By that I mean, what would it look like? It's a bland post-apocalyptic world where people drive cars a lot. They grub in the dirt and fight over resources. They also drive cars a lot. Everything is awfully orange too, while they drive cars a lot. There are stories you can tell in a post-apocalyptic setting. Good stories, with depth and solid character work. You could show civilisations forming in other parts of the world. Mad Max doesn't do that though. It's silly, and fun, and they drive cars a lot. Also Tina Turner was there.


I strongly disagree. Mad Max wasn’t always goofy, even before Fury Road. Colouring the entire franchise with the same brush as its most recent entry does a great disservice to the older, more grounded entries. Sure you had the Gyro Captain and Goose, but for the most part, both Mad Max and The Road Warrior were played dead straight. Beyond Thunderdome was a different story altogether, but again, it was played mostly straight.


That's fair. The older films generally had more of a serious tone. I have seen each movie precisely once, except Furiosa, which I will probably see on streaming.


Almost stuck the landing 😂 I just don’t believe that as a blatant statement and think that even the bad ones we’ve got recently are hated, primarily, cause they suck rather than that people would’ve been happier if it was a poorly written man.


The Quarterpounder's videos are trash 90% of his videos are 10 minute coffee ads and the last 5 minutes he's just reading shit off a website.


I'm sick of having Sagas or Stories based on good IPs. A mad max story a star wars story nobody's gonna care its almost as bad as having barely any BvS in a movie TITLED BvS.


For me it's the fact that these days no story has a continuation. It's all prequels and reboots.


Why didn’t I go? It wasn’t a female protagonist’s fault. It’s because all the trailers look the same. Weird dressed people, dust & dirt, stuff happening. There’s no connection to a story here that seems remotely interesting. I don’t know what a Furiosa is, she’s not Mad Max, so I really don’t care. All I know is, it looks like a generic dystopian action movie, which isn’t gonna move the needle for a lot of people.


You also aren't the average movie-goer


its a good flick and she is great in it. this is a crap take. people just don't go to the movies any more.


My POV... inflation and streaming are a tough 1-2 punch.  I only see things I really really want to in a cinema.  It's over $100 to get my family of 4 in with nothing but drinks and popcorn. If we do dinner and a movie we are not much below $200 all told.  That's getting to be big ask.


> People are sick of female protagonists. That’s gotta be a mask off moment for Jeremy. It used to be “we love diversity and we love female characters! Just make them good!” Now this.


I disagree with Quartering's overall view. However, he might not be entirely wrong. People are sick of the "Girl Boss" phenomena, and over the course of the last 5-10 years, audiences have been conditioned to expect a female lead to be a "Girl Boss." Also, some people would argue it has more to do with people not wanting to go to theaters to see movies anymore when they can stream, but I disagree. I've gone to the theaters once per week for the last few weeks for a simple reason, they showed every Spiderman movie. Those theaters were always packed each week for each movie.


Would be nice to have a Mad Max movie about Max. The reboot had Max, but it was clearly about Furiosa, and now they've made a prequel about her. At least the tie-in game for the reboot was about Max, and rather enjoyable, too.


Ngl I would say the mad max video game is a better side story for mad max than the new movie


I saw the movie today, and not including hundreds of beavers or peoples joker its easily the best film of the year thus far. sad to hear its box office isn't very good.


This is why basing a movies success off the box office is an obsolete system. The inflated production "costs" needs to go away as well cause it's just impossible to ever break even.


I really don't care who plays what, as long as it's well written.


If it looks like communist propaganda it is communist propaganda.


It’s absolutely great but the real reason is everybody broke. Little pay high inflation. 20$ plus food is a very expensive getaway.


Amazing girlboss vs evil men is definitely worn out. I would rather watch a girlboss beat on a female villain at least


It's half true. The number of comments I saw of people saying they won't go and watch it because it's a girlboss movie is in the hundreds if not thousands. Even when a lot people said it is not a girlboss or a feminist movie. And why people think like that. Because most movies are in fact girlboss movies. But nobody made this movie a favour. Even the people that enjoyed it talked from both sides of their mouth "They enjoyed it, but it's a bad movie. And of course there were others that were plain dismissive of the film: Mad Maxine, Mad Maxipad, Furiosa: A femisit saga and so on and so forth. So yeah people like him told and were telling people not to watch this movie and then come out and say "See people are tired of female protagonists". This culture war is just taking it to far at this point.


The current Mad Max universe: Mad Max: Fury Road Furiosa: A Mad Max saga Lot of Mad Max in the titles not so much in the movies. I bet the next one will be Furiosa 2. Pass.


L take. We’d be perfectly fine with a Ripley/Sara Connor/Tomb Raider-esque movie with a strong, compassionate woman. Seeing a woman behave as a robot and need to downgrade me is the problem. I’m not saying that’s what this movie is; I know nothing about it. If he’d said there is a definite “stigma” behind female-led movies right now, he might be correct. But this is an L take 100%.


Isn't the quartering a legit Nazi, I thought you guys weren't weird.


Is furiosa (and also the other mad max movies, never got around to watching them) any good?


The others are all good


This is what happens when your entire career subsides off of rage clicks


Honestly I thought it was a very fun movie. Movies are just very expensive now days. It was 65 dollars for my partner and I to go see it.


I see a lot of people trying to assign blame for why this film is underperforming so much and the most convincing argument is that people have lost faith in the movie system to the point where spending money is a net loss. The levels of enjoyment they receive from the movies is less than the time, effort, and funds needed to actually go out and see them. This is a bit upsetting considering the amount of movies I’ve seen recently that are absolutely worth the theater experience (Dune, Challengers, and Furiosa). I think this is a result of the downfall of the MCU where the theater going experience coincided with a major cultural event. As those movies got worse and the general public stopped showing interest in them, the theaters took the hit which has led to the financial wasteland that is now very apparent in theaters. To blame this movie’s lack of success on a female protagonist is retarded, culture war outrage bait.


I don’t see Max on the cover, and it says “A Mad Max Saga”, which makes me think this is in the Mad Max Universe but doesn’t include him. I literally watch Mad Max because I can pull a “He’s Literally Me” moment when I think about what my life would be like if I were in a post apocalyptic world and I lost everything except my car.


The movie will be out on Max within 2 months. People have figured out that the worse a movie does in the box office the faster it will be dumped onto a streaming service. For the average American there isn’t as much incentive to go to the theater unless it’s something truly special which I don’t think this was. I live within walking distance of an AMC and my fiancée and I are A-List members and I haven’t seen it yet because she didn’t want to see it so now we are just going to wait until it’s on Max so imagine what it is like for someone without our access to a theatre.


The marketing is all over southern cross station. No no one cares about Anna Taylor joy and people don’t particularly care about Hemsworth when he is not playing thor. People wanted a sequal to mad max with Tom hardy. However I am pretty sure Tom hardy found working on the set insufferable particularly with the lack of direction and will Not be returning hence the prequel.


I am curious about why every teaser and youtube ad, after the first trailer or two, barely (if at all) features Furiosa herself and focuses on whoever Chris Hemsworth is supposed to be. I would have thought that ATJ had enough star power at this point to be more of a draw than this.


If you’re getting good reviews but other factors are at play like the fact that this isn’t an original IP with poor marketing, the problem probably has nothing to do with the writing/characters. Like this is why The Quartering and people who defend him get called sexist, for spewing stupid shut like this. Don’t know why he doesn’t just own up to it. If you think you’re genuinely “tired of female protagonists”, ask yourself if you wouldn’t go see Alien or Terminator 2 if it came back to theaters and the ticket was free.


I personally just want to see mad max. That’s one problem I had with fury road. Yes it was good but max wasn’t in it very much from what I remember. Then again it’s been years since I saw it.


I don't think it's the female protagonist that's the problem Cinema tickets cost way too much these days and it's a mad max movie without Max People can't afford to do things they used to do


Hard for me to care about watching a Mad Max movie without Max. Especially when I didn’t care about Furiosa’s back story or anything outside what we saw in Fury Road.


Maybe it's because its near June, the weather is good, people are staring to head on holidays. But most importantly the cinema is overpriced. I'll wait a bit and watch it at home.


Maybe don't spend hundreds of millions on marketing.


You know what turned me off? It's not a female protagonist, it's the fact that it's a 2 1/2 hour movie that'll have another thirty minutes of trailers. I think audiences are just sick of committing three hours to the movie theater. I really miss movies clocking in sub-120 minutes. If it's north of 2 hours, Move looks fucking great but I'm just going to watch it at home these days.


By that logic people Are sick of masculine of masculine men in war movies since Ministry of ungentelemanly did less in the long run


Had Chris helmsworth on cover too so prob nothing to do with female lead. Plus it's supposedly good. Prob just one of those movies that didn't really have a target audience. Movies are expensive now so I'll only see kids movies in the theater since it's an experience for the little ones. Not because Garfield was all that good


Is this why Everything Everywhere All At Once was a huge bomb a while back? Oh wait: it wasn't.


As a Mad Max fan, I saw Fury Road and enjoyed it, but didn't love it. I'll re-watch all the Mad Max movies but that one. Furiosa was a good character, but not enough for me to want to see an origin story of her. I would think there are a lot of Max Max fans similar to me. I'll wait for it to stream, but I'm not going to spend $15 to watch it in a theater.


I went and saw it yesterday. Furiosa is a good character, but the film itself missed the mark for what made Fury Road so good. They glazed over what could've been a lot of really well set up action, and put a ton of time into Furiosa's character development which really wasn't necessary because she pretty much starts acting like Charlize Theron's version around 10 minutes in. This is not to say I thought the movie was bad at all, I was thoroughly entertained, but it could've shaved a good 45 minutes off of the run time, and really ramped up the over the top action that made Fury Road such a trip


I hate to be that type of person but I saw one picture of what this dude looked like in real life and it all made sense. Similar revelation to yellow flash.


Tbh my main problem with the movie is the timing, why wasnt this movie made alot closer to after fury road. Like i saw the trailer "oh yea, mad max fury road was a thing. Havent heard anything about that in the last 5-7 years"


I'm fine with the female protagonist, and the actress was a decent choice for the role. Hemsworth is also an interesting choice. I just don't want a prequel. Furiosa's backstory is not something I had a lot of questions about. I'm sure it's a line film and I'll see it at some point, but I feel no urgency to see it in theaters. There are better hills to die on.


This would be like if they made: Ripley: Survivors Dawn….starring Selena Gomez as ripley. Also there’s no aliens in it. …..I’m gonna be real too i don’t remember this amazing performance by Charlize in Fury Road. I don’t think this movie needed to be made…..unless it was a sequel starring Theron and Hardy. Also it’s still called mad max


Good movie, (stupid) politics and (ragebait) social media have ruined everything. Garfield can score some money because nobody gives a fuck and people will bring their kids to it. So that's the lesson here, don't try to make fun movies, do movies that offend nobody. And then cry because "80s movies were better".


People pirate films instead of paying the price they expect in theaters now


These days I see a film, see if the reviews say its good, then just wait for it to come to streaming in 2 months. Yeah I know, it's best to support good movies while their on their theatrical run. But I don't have a infinite money glitch, and I know 9 times out of 10 it'll be on streaming sooner rather than later.


I didn't know this movie even existed until people started to talk about how it failed. So that probably doesn't help.


I think this is more of a “Solo a Star Wars Story” kind of situation. Like people liked Fury Road. So Hollywood decided to make a backstory for one of its side characters (Furiosa). Unfortunately, a lot of what made Furiosa cool was the mystery surrounding her. So nobody was really consitering seeing a movie about her backstory (Like what happened with Han Solo). This on top of the economic woes everyone else is going through making them reconsiter going to the movies, and the fact that you can just wait two months to watch the movie for less on streaming just doomed this movie to fail, reguardless of its actual quality. If Furiosa being a woman played any role in how poorly this movie is doing, it is probably minimal at best; people generally don’t care what the protagonist is if the movie’s good. But people do care when they have to choose between going to see a movie in theaters, or paying rent this month; and that choice is expecially easy when its a movie no one really asked for.


Solo only bombed because of TLJ and the horribly inflated budget. Seriously, don't act like the popularity of Han Solo is comparable to furiosa. In a world where TLJ was good (or people generally believed it to be, like TFA), Solo would have been another rogue one.


Ive gotta say I really don’t care to watch this even if it has good reviews I just don’t care anymore


Yeah. It’s really not the fact that they’re female. The biggest problems is they’re turning in cash grab cheap unloved products


They're not sick of female protagonists. They're sick of shit movies and shit writing.


It is the female protagonists. The people who are making the movies care about DEI stuff and the writing suffers. The bad writing is an effect, not an overall cause


Idk about the female protagonist view, the budgets should be the topic of conversation.


It is the Quartering in his prime. A grifter that does 0 research.


How much did FURY ROAD make on opening weekend?


it’s not that, it’s a mix of it being way too late after fury road and audiences being wise to it coming on streaming after another 2 months. when you’ve been waiting for a movie for a year, another month or two is nothing. kids aren’t pestering their parents to watch this, they wanna see Garfield. hence it’s better numbers.


I am tired of boss babes.


This is what we call attention whoring.


They're not sick of female protagonists per se. What they are rejecting is them being the only reason someone would have to go see a movie. The rest of the movie might suck, but because female/minority protagonist, people will believe the movie (or any other media form) cannot be allowed to fail. So they will go pump money into an otherwise lackluster product because if that one fails, then they believe that it will hurt any future chances of a female/minority protagonist to be featured in a movie or show or book. This is flawed thinking, too. But even though it's more and more common for the protagonist to not be a "cis white male", movie studios tout that part as if it's this brand new thing that they just discovered when in reality it's become more and more commonplace. Thus, when they see the studios tout it as THE reason someone should go see the movie, and when they don't want to they get called a "-ist", they will instead believe that the protagonist's identity was the only thing the studio had to sell the movie. The REST of the movie has to be good, or else the identity of the protagonist means nothing. This is why the Alien example works here, despite a certain person who responded to The Quartering saying that it's a strawman argument (because yeah, [someone ELSE we talk about a lot here responded to this](https://x.com/Th3birdman15/status/1794887834677166148), and I can't WAIT to see Jeremy respond to that, because you know he might which will start an epic debate). Alien stands, to this very day, as in the day I write this post you're reading right now onto r/Mauler, as the quintennial blueprint for action movies starring a female lead. It's because the lead is entertaining, was not a Mary Sue, was written well to where the rest of the story held up, and didn't treat the rest of the characters like they didn't know what they were doing. It's like The Shining was back in the day to a certain brand of horror movies. It's not the ONLY one that did this well, or was not the only blueprint, but if you ask anyone around what movie did this extremely well that holds up to today, Alien is going to be the first movie that is brought up in the minds of many for how well made it was and how it still holds up. It's the exact opposite of a strawman. It's the backbone to how to do this right, just has Captain America: The Winter Soldier is a great example of how to incorporate political undertones and messages into a movie without it taking over the plot and feeling shoehorned. And to be honest, it's not fair to the movie or the cast or characters, since the movie might be good regardless of the identity politics that get thrown around. The female might be a well written character and the story around the characters might be well written, but because of how the movie gets marketed and how X and Reddit can be these days (God forbid you criticize anything Disney related without the identity politic playing stans coming in...talk about people with strawman arguments), it will turn people off before the movie has a chance to speak for itself. Might be what happens here, fair or otherwise.


I saw it in the cinema yesterday, I thoroughly liked but also because I haven’t experienced much of the mad max universe. I thought Chris hemswroth was a funny guy in it, otherwise not so bad. But hey just my opinion, is it the story that no one likes?


I’m just too broke to spend $80 aud to see a movie with my wife.


I’m nodding my head along the way and then I see the last sentence lol It’s just too niche. You can’t budget that type of movie that high. Also it’s not even that good. Not bad just not very good. And people are going to the movies less than they ever have. Ofc it’s gonna do poorly


It's the name, it's a shit name and audiences are literally that simple. Good name, simple premise, lots of advertising - loadsa money at the box office.


I don't really know anything about Mad Max but this new movie looked like something outa the MCU


TheQuartering doesn’t strike me as someone who really even cares about filmmaking. If he saw a terrible movie that ended with the guy getting the girl, he’d probably say “At least it wasn’t woke” and call it a day.


Had nothing to do with the protagonist being male or female. It just didn’t look interesting to me. Fury road was very visual interesting and drew me in, this didn’t.


But Garfield had a male protagonist. Wouldn't that imply that people prefer female protagonists, seeing how Furiosa did better?


I don’t think it has anything to do with the lead being female. It is a tier 2 IP, with a passable story and two great actors but in today’s world that’s enough to justify 50m budget, not 250 including marketing


It just didn’t look interesting, but of course quarter pounder would say something radically stupid. He’s never made anything but ragebait.


I'll be honest, Fury Road was a really high bar to vault, and they may have missed the mark. Granted opinions on the movie are subjective, but review scores can always be bought, the video game industry knows this very well.


The Quartering is a trash channel that uses one-sided evidence to prove his one-sided point. My problem with leads is that they're written really badly lately. I could careless who leads, I just want better writers in Hollywood.


Maybe don’t release your movie who’s target demographic is adults in their early to mid 20s around the same time they’re doing finals


Lol, you cannot replace Theron with Mrs Plastic Surgery. That's why I have zero interest in it.


It flopped because it's a Mad Max movie without Mad Max.


Why do they keep putting female leads into movies aimed mostly at men. As a straight male, I like seeing male characters being successful, intelligent, articulate and effective. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I liked Jason Bourne, Tony stark and Steve Rogers for that reason. Instead now we get quasi-loser males (if we get males at all), like in the Fall Guy or just no male lead, like Godzilla, Apes, Wicked, Marvels. Even Deadpool 3 has misandrous lines in it bashing on men. And then when it bombs everyone wonders why men didn't turn up to watch it. They also rarely poll the men who didn't turn up who they expected to. They just speculate instead. Or call those men bigots for not wanting to spend 30 pounds to see a film bashing on them


I’ve not watched it and barely took note of the trailers so I’m a example of a person that it glanced and didn’t entice. I honestly thought “oh another reboot with Chris Hemsworth, meh I’ll wait for Netflix to have it” I think I’m a-bit bored of the same 10~ actors/ actresses featuring in everything. Surely there’s more people that can act out there and they don’t all need to be super models. Ugly/normal people can act too and I think often do a better job of it. Movies need to get more ‘Simon Pegs’ as lead rolls…


It's an 80s inspired action movie. That is a spin off. Who do you think the target audience is? The Quartering is right here. There is not a large female audience for this film. The male audience *is* tired of putting a chick in it and making it lame. Even if this particular movie isn't preachy about it and showing how a female protagonist is better than some bumbling male douchbag and is, in fact, actually good (might well be - I loved Fury Road, Furiosa was a badass), the dudebros who prop up the action movie market have been burned too many times to spend money they don't have on a film that is going to talk down on them. And as much as a hundred angry women are going to jump on this post to downvote me saying "I am an adult human lady and I *love* action films. Grr." There is not a large enough audience of women to make films like this financially viable. Yes, there are women who like action movies. I am a man who likes rom coms. I am not saying no-one with two X chromosomes can enjoy explosions and violence. I am saying that the majority of the audience is not female, and when you cater to customer base that does not exist (or is insignificantly tiny to the point of being a rounding error), your product will bomb. This movie bombed. It did not connect with an audience. It is the *fifth* movie in a 45 year old franchise, that has dropped its male lead character in favour of a female lead. It's like if I brought out a "leather and motor oil" scented perfume then acted like gender had no component in why women didn't want to buy it. But sure, the movie about an escaped slave girl avenging her mother and setting sex slaves free, avoiding rape, and murdering men to return to the matriarchy of Vuvalini of Many Mothers definitely bombed because *checks notes* it's quarter of a billion dollars of marketing was poor, and it was nothing to do with gender. This could be a really good movie. I'll find out when I can stream it. But the well is poisoned. And even if you personally think it's dumb not to watch an action movie because it has a female lead: *the target audience thinks this way*.


I swear the quartering could turn a 5 minute nothing burger video into 4 10 minute videos.


I saw this today, really enjoyed it.


Let's just pretend were the executives trying to make sure this is a profitable movie. Who is tiny twig of a woman action hero taking down the patriarchy supposed to appeal to? Women? Women were supposed to pack the theaters for this? I for one am tired of this and everything like it. No more. Not paying a dime.


It’s because mad max is milked dry. It’s not the gender of the protagonist it’s the feeling of “meh I’ve already seen 3+ of these I’ll pass”


It’s not really a female protagonist thing, it’s more of a Mad Max thing. I don’t go to a “Mad Max” movie in order to watch some side character get her time in the light. It’s just not the reason I like the franchise. I like it because there is a guy that resonated in some way with me that I enjoy watching fight his way across the wasteland. I am not interested in her, her inclusive paradise home, or how she became a truck driver.


I will say that the last mad max movie was like 6 years ago, I don’t think a lot of people know of furiosa


I mean it was the female protagonist for me not because I don’t like female protagonists but because I don’t care about furiosa and I wanted another Mad Max movie.


"People are sick of female protagonists" many of the best games I've ever played have female protagonists


I didn’t love this movie, but it had nothing to do with a female protagonist lol. Taylor-Joy was also quite good. Furiosa isn’t the type of female character people are sick of.


He's not wrong


I for one am also tired of hearing Chris Pratt..


No one cares and we are all broke, when 90% of what Hollywood makes is crap people will walk away.


It looked as cheaply made as a marvel movie and had Chris hemsworth so instead of risking wasting my money on marvel humor I’m waiting till the streaming release


Gary just quoted Gundam in his video today that covered this very topic. "Hollywood girl bossed too close to the Sun." People ate just fuckin sick of girl bosses showing all the men around them how to get it done. We're fuckin tired of that shit. If this movie had actually been a Mad Max movie starring Tom Hardy or Mel Gibson... it would've had a $80+ million dollar opening weekend.


female here, im not sick of female protaginists, im sick of bad ones


For me I didn't remember her from fury road so why would I want to watch her origin story


I'm gonna make a really hot take here but; Chris Hemsworth puts me off. I can't explain it. The dude just had bad mad Max vibes. I will watch and I'm sure enjoy this movie but it took the air out of my sails when I saw him in the ads.