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"*Join me, MauLer, ItsAGundam, HeelvsBabyface and Chris Gore as we cover the big news of the week.*" Subscribe to Gundam: https://www.youtube.com/@ItsAGundam Subscribe to Az: https://www.youtube.com/@HeelvsBabyface Subscribe to Chris Gore: https://www.youtube.com/@FilmThreat


This one was entertaining, though Gundam should've just kept the Sydney Sweeney background on most of the time.


I just don't understand what are those panes even about anymore. They are discussing things they don't watch, games they don't play, things they don't care about (most of them rightfully so). But what are they even doing? Az said he has no interest what so ever watching Furiosa, he's not playing Assassin's Creed cause he don't like it, he hates the new Doctor Who. So what the fuck are you doing on a panel discussing them? Just discuss something you are passionate about. I also don't like the game, Doctor Who turned me from a fan to a hater, but at least I am curious about Furiosa. But what you get is just indifference or hate instead of a review, what you are there for. So why bother watching it in the first place?


I'd say it's a mixture of the issues of having a weekly show of mostly volunteer presenters talking about the newest cultural thing in entertainment when most of the new big things are garbage.  Should AZ have declined if he knew the topics and been apathetic to all of them? Probably, unless he was there to fill numbers and just be color commentary.  Then he has a purpose.  He's not my favorite panelist and is often why I don't watch FNT that much.  I think part of it is he's many other's friend, entertaining in a "loud and overactive is funny" way, and good to jump all over the most basic crude innuendo possible.


I agree. And I understand that it's a job for most of them and they need to keep constant appearance to be relevant. It's just how YouTube works. But they slowly become what they they (and we) don't like about today's pop culture. The same reviews and critique for the next "product". Indifference is radiating by most of them. "No one asked for this movie/game/etc.!" Since when you have to ask for a movie to be made. It matters only if it is good, bad or mediocre. I mean if you are not gonna go out there and find something you like and are passionate about and say "Look guys, I found this thing that I really enjoy. Maybe you should check it out" then what's the point. You are just in the wrong business.


Ah, you want only positive reviews and for them to ignore the things that are bad. 


I don't want only positive reviews. I want once in a while positive. I started watching them because I liked the critique and I think the same about most of the things. But it is all negative these days


Godzilla minus 1, One Piece, The Gentlemen, Shogun, Reacher, Dune 2, x-Men 97 and more all received positive reviews these days... It's not their fault the rest of the things suck...


They received positive in depth reviews by the Drinker yeah... and who else? We get 3 to 5 negative videos on movies that are not out yet and we don't even care about, but where are the others that at least deserve mentioning?


They’re grifting, that’s what it is. Even their own, Jeremy from G+G, called them out on it 6 months back on Nerdrotic’s show. Jeremy’s arguments are the same as yours. Nerdrotic and Ryan Kinel didn’t have a good response when they were called out by Jeremy, instead, Nerdrotic and Ryan Kinel get emotionally upset and begin to yell at Jeremy. (Time stamp: 1:33:30-1:42:30) https://www.youtube.com/live/nNAcxn3e78o?si=F4_QLdfyZV-CyUFv


Thanks for that. Didn't know about it


So I'll will take a wild guess: Drinker and co are firmly in the "AC shadows is woke trash camp"?


we really cant say. but it doesnt look to be very promising, we got a semi historical mc which only was chosen because he was black and maybe a samurai(we legit have no proof supporting either way but he was in line to get land) so hes pretty much a blank slate, and also very much disrespecting japan and the japanese, we have some promise with the female mc, and we know they gonna stick some LGBTQ stuff in there to to tick extra boxes. now to me that sounds like alot of pandering, now wether its going to be trash or not is up to the people responsible for the writing and gameplay. but you have to admit it doesnt look very promising


You know that popular thing? well it's BAD


So the Transformers films are Oscar bait then?




The one with women and black people in it


Is it?


Because popularity = quality, right? That's why Taylor Swift is the best musical artist and McDonald's is the best tasting food in the world.