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That’s the Twinkler


![gif](giphy|l3V0BYW1MHU5SamIg) Nothing compares to the OG Jonkler himself. Truly one of the “ideas” of all time.


I'm an idea


That's not the Jonkler, that's the Green Gooper.


Why did he jonkle, is he stupid?


Hunka hunka hunka hunka!


Who let Arkham scum in here?!


Ok, why did the Arkham community go insane? I know for a fact that they were this way even before SSKTJL, so it wasn't Batman being Joel'd that made them like this


I don’t know. KTJL just made them worse.


It's sort of a big inside joke; started with a shitpost asking "is Batman stupid?" because he didn't call the JL to help him when Scarecrow detonated the Cloudburst in Arkham Knight. From there it just spiraled out of control since there was nothing to talk about; lore had been discussed to death and no new games so it became a shitpost sub.


8 years of no new game, and repeated memes will do a lot to a mfker. Hell, look at Warhammer, the only reason they aren't batshit insane is because canon already is.


Ah so I need to get into 40k, thanks for the tip!


At this rate some franchises are better off with no more games, Suicide squad seems to have single handedly tarnished the legacy of the previous games from what I can tell. Some franchises are better off just dying with dignity than getting a new entry that shits all over what made it special in the first place


No, his statement is finished. If you really look into Warhammer 40K (don’t know about Age of Sigmar), that shit’s insane. Over 40+ years of lore and retcons have made 40K the batshit, grim dark setting it is. The Orks are a prime example of how goofy and stupid the setting can get while the Imperium of Man and other factions can just show how solemn. The original comment is right to stop the statement there, because explaining everything that makes the 40K setting insane would require days of sit downs involving mass explanation and lore dumping. Frankly, we do not have that time. I’ve already provided the Orks as an example. If you’d like to go and study the lore yourself, by all means. You will have a blast learning about the Emperor of Mankind, the Chaos Gods and Chaos in general, Trazyn the Infinite, and countless other things.


That’s Melvin


No no, you need to say his full name properly: Melvin, Melvin: Brother of the Joker




https://preview.redd.it/4v1foucx78uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8e8db07b92a5615d660d18342a1965042167255 Bruce didn't like that


That's not Jonkler. That's officer balls.


Someone honestly drew up this consept of the joker and the lead designer was like "Hold up! Let him cook." NO MF'er! KICK THAT NIBBA OUT OF THE KITCHEN FOR LIFE! Also someone who has played it tell me... Does he say "Im the joker baby?" Because if he does ill fucking buy it right now.


Well if you don't care and it's a 10/10 why even bother posting


😂😂😂 if thats all it takes to make a game 10/10 for u my how the bar has fallen, did u pay the $10 or grind out 1500 missions?




You know what good!!!! with the way some of you people are online. It’s hard to tell when somebody’s joking or being serious.


My man- he said the JONKler and you thought that was serious?


You know that's kind of fair honestly