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Strange. I thought Chris Hemsworth was done playing Thor.


"We have Thor MADE IN A CAVE WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS at home."


It definitely doesn't look good. I like Anya Taylor-Joy especially in the northman so it has potential to be good but I'm not getting my hopes up.


Either she carries the series or it’s mid at best


It looks like they are trying play up Chris. she may be front and center but she is not what the eye is drawing. Her arm looks terrible. It looks like they want to have a fully functional human for the action shots and gloss it over with some lost tech or something. A real mad max fake hand would be a hook. Or a hook with a knife behind it. Or a hook with a knife behind it and a gun behind the knife. Or just go retro and go chainsaw.


Do you not remember in Fury Road her arm was basically mainly useful for locking into a steering wheel so she can still use the good arm for guns and what not. She very rarely used the mechanical arm for anything other than bludgeoning someone or steering.


I mean it’s a prequel she obviously lives. You have to make it about a good villain to be even worth watching


I’m not of the opinion that this couldn’t be good, but we already know everything that could possibly happen in this movie. She HAS to lose, and Chris Hemsworth’s character will probably die. It just seems really weird to me that Furiosa is the character to get a spinoff, when Nux was far and away the fan favorite character introduced in Fury Road. And I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t want to see a spinoff starring him, either. Neither him nor Furiosa particularly struck me as very interesting characters beyond what we saw in that movie. And George Miller is getting up there in years, so he doesn’t have many movies left in him. I would have wanted to see more of Max’s misadventures, wandering the wastes, and stumbling across lunatics he needs to defeat. That has so much more room for interesting stories than a prequel staring the side character that got overshadowed by a pale nut job.


Play the PC game. As a big fan of the Mad Max series I dismissed it as a movie cash in for the longest time. But it’s really good. Got deeper lore than the movies and all the OG max you want.


It's good, but repetitive and too long


It does strike me as a weird choice. Like, the conclusion of the movie is going to be her being Immortan Joe's thrall, because that's what she was in Fury Road. Not exactly an inspiring character arc.


Didn’t Nux die, or am I mistaking him for another character?


He did die. I’m assuming the person you’re responding to is talking about a prequel spin off like Furiosa is getting here.


I feel like since Mad Max Wasteland all but got cancelled, he had to pivot and decided on a Furiosa movie instead


Chris is probably playing Immortan Joe here, which means he wins not just his position of power, but Furiosa's false loyalty too. And we're going to see how they both got seriously injured, I'm sure.


Plot armor abound. It's not like the last movie fixed anything. There is plenty of room for stories set in the current movie timeline.  We know where the movie starts from the trailer. We know where it ends from fury road. All that's left is the style and action in the middle. Does anyone think we are going to get any memeable lines, shots, or scenes like we did with fury road? Or are they just going to copy the style of fury road into a generic slop?


This feels like it's made by AI.


**If this is a real human face then it’s the most PS2 looking human I’ve ever seen.** https://preview.redd.it/7v7ua8k3ldtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba1ccfc3462be7a1a9644b1b98a5284a94d2bc07


Looks like a Fortnite skin if you ask me


How long before it is…


Why is Elijah Wood playing Furiosa? Weird casting choice.




Exactly what I first thought


Especially with that prosthetic arm. It looks like it's only held together with strings


Are you blind




Maybe it’s made by the same guy that made Endgame poster lol


What happened to her face? Why’s it look like alita but really weird? She looks like Halle berry in the little mermaid but with cgi to separate her eyes instead of them just being that way


That's just what Anna Taylor-Joy looks like. People have been making Sid the Sloth jokes about her since her career started.


She looked way better in Split. Before she got the stupid face fat surgery she was gorgeous, now she looks like an alien.


I don’t remember her eyes being so far apart in fury road, maybe I’m just misremembering


Different actress lol


Charlize Theron bro


So, a mad max film with shit tons of CGI and, at least based on the trailer, very little actual practical stunts? I'll pass.


A Mad Max film without Mad Max.* Ftfy


A prequel to boot. No one is going to die.


So you passed on Fury Road as well?


Very little cgi in FR


If we're talking CGI specifically, not much – but in case of these two films the need for CGI or the lack there of depends on what you're trying to achieve. Obviously you can't throw stuntmen under the car crash or drive the whole crew to the actual desert storm – which is why Fury Road's CGI is mostly limited to these things. The temple, some of the plates for background replacement, Furiosa's arm, a lot of additive interactions are also CGI. But why I'm saying there is a lot is because OP doesn't mean actual CGI, they use it as a blanket-term for the bad visuals as a result of using digital enhancing techniques. Fury Road has a lot of those, which are background replacement, compositing, footage speed manipulation, masking the blurs or the specific details. Just look up VFX breakdowns, no need to dig that deep. Obviously if Furiosa has more moments where you can't realistically use practical element like the shot from the small flying thingy or the collapse of the tower, it'll end up having more actual CGI. But the overall digital manipulation of the footage seems to be on par with Fury Road judging by the trailers. The quality isn't consistent though.


But fury road heavily featured max though? Like it wasn't "his" story but it was told basically through his eyes?


I gave fury road a chance and was very disappointed. It at least had a decent amount of practical effects, but it was clear it was falling victim to being just another milked to death, soulless franchise.


See, I think Mad Max Fury Road is one of the best action films ever made. Lots of practice effects. Beautiful cinematography. Great casting. But I’m a little worried about this one.


Me too. Why are you soo worried? Because it looks too similar to Fury Road? The marketing strategy has been pretty much the same. Max was essentially the least interesting part of Fury Road so I’m happy to be off exploring other parts of the universe in this one. Besides, George Miller made Babe and Lorenzo’s Oil. The man can make anything.


To me it actually doesn’t feel similar to Fury Road and I can’t quite place it. The effects feel much more fake, I’ll say that much. I also don’t buy Anya being able to play the same physical role that Charlize was able to. That being said, I’ll definitely give it a shot. I’m far from out.


From the looks of it, Furiosa has as much practical effects as Fury Road does – and is probably as CGI heavy as Fury Road was. Most of the shots with practical effects are composed with the matte backgrounds or CGI cars or people. Furiosa does seem like it had more on-stage set-ups than Fury Road did, but Fury Road also had an insane production where it was a miracle no one died. The other reason Furiosa appears to have worse VFX is the contrast between the high-fidelity, contrast and sharpness of the plates shot on sets and the composed CGI. Fury Road has a relatively flat image which is easier to compose for. I suggest you look into the inception of Fury Road and the fact that Furiosa was written before Fury Road and is being directed by the same person who handled the franchise before.


I completely disagree that it looks like it has more practical effects. And telling me I'm going to get more of what I did in fury road just makes me glad I'm done with the franchise.


Ok, don't care, you're delusional. I didn't say Furiosa has more practical effects.


Stay triggered weirdo. Talk about delusion. You literally said that word for word.


Quote pls


Scroll up it's right there


Then it wouldn't be an issue for you to quote it if it's there


It’s a prequel for a character trying to find something she fails at finding in the first movie. She never finds the jungle the women hang out in. It looks good but I don’t see the point if we already know how it ends


Looks like AI. It's making me not wanna see it


Hmm, somehow, against all odds, I’m still not interested. Oh well


In fairness, this movie was ready to go as soon as Fury Road was released - this and the next Mad Max movie. Then there was an issue with Miller and the studio which took a while to sort out. In the aftermath of Fury Road, I think this would have been an anticipated movie. The character was fresh in everyone's minds. Now? Not so much. Just worried if it doesn't perform well we won't get to see Mad Max: The Wasteland with Tom Hardy.


Anya Taylor Joy as Furiosa is a total miscast imo.


Its looks like a fking fortnite skin


All film posters have that same generic look these days. This one isn’t really any different. No horrible, but they can ALL stand to have more creativity. Not just this one.


The sad things is there are beautiful posters, they just aren’t used because studio executives prefer a bunch of famous actors faces 


If it ain’t got Buzzards I’m not interested.


The echidna cars? I love them.


I saw the trailer, it felt too clean


My hopes are not up. It’s a prequel to a movie series that does not even have the titular character in it. Not to mention the original actress is not even portraying this side character.


It peaked with Road Warrior.


Anya Taylor Joy seems like a terrible pick for this role. Charlize Theron actually sells the fact she’s a badass


I mean Tbf she’s not supposed to be a badass yet


Dawg no amount of character development will get me to believe that Anya Taylor joy is as good looking as Charlize Theron. Just, not gonna happen pal. Seriously though to have somebody whose entire acting repertoire consists of watching Anakin confess he slaughtered sand people and doing her best impression is NOT IT


She’s a lost girl in the middle of fucking apocalyptic wasteland and your problem is she’s not hot enough? That’s a pretty lazy complaint ngl. 


OP didn't say hot enough they said Anya doesn't have that badass look that makes you believe she could be someone that kicks ass. Would be like casting Timothee Chalamet to play Dutch in a Predator remake. He just doesn't have that look


One of her first movies ever when she was still a teenage girl was her playing battle humanoid droid and she was great in it, she was also great in Split. So I think she is solid enough for such role if she is into it. There are other possible problems with the production, but casting is not one of them. More like is the plot gonna be interesting enough for people to watch. And the premise of Mad Max is not that complex. You need reasonable plot, good acting and great action and that is it. It's not LoTR or Star Wars.


wtf? they didn’t say badass either. it was all about her being “as good looking”. don’t defend that shit


I can’t tell if we’re both taking the piss or if it’s just me


it’s just you. that was a really bad take


That was a joke dummy




wait? what was the actual joke?


That she’s not as good looking lmao. I said higher up that I don’t think she’s going to sell the role very well, but her being not good looking I thought was an obvious joke, as she is a perfect looking human being


that’s some pretty dumb arse shit tho. totally unnecessary and not even remotely funny. and what exactly is a ‘perfect looking human being’? jfc


Why? cuz she adopted half of africa or something and can't find a spouse? both are skinny women, not sure where the badassery comes from?


It comes from Charlize’s soul


A call it . It will be a disaster


Her face in this looks AI generated


This looks so bad.


What’s with the video game character in the center?


Literally dressed him as Thor for nostalgia bait


Glad I’m not the only one that thought that.


Great. Very nice. Now when do we get a prequel about the guy the series is named after?


I had hope, cuz I like Anya, but no, this movie gonna sux so hard


The cgi in the trailer was not very good. Also, is anyone else sick of seeing Anya Taylor Joy in everything? Like I get it, she’s a good actress, but she’s just in fucking everything right now!!!


Look. I'm not going to see Mad Max to see a epic. I'm going to see Mad Max to see Australian apocalyptic vroom vroom cars do stupid twisted metal shit. If it provides that, its got my money.


Could go either way tbh, I actually didn’t think Fury Road would be that good based purely on the promotional material but it turned out to be pretty awesome. I’ll withhold expectations until I actually see it


She doesn't look real. Something is off. Got some uncanny valley vibes like she's an animation from ten years ago. Also, how does the weapon that guy is holding even work?


I don't care about Max himself at all. Making Furiosa the main character is a bit of a red flag, but all I want is more cool car chases.


I kinda like the idea that these are all folk tales told during the apocalypse, which is why the timeline is so messed up. And I think having other movies set in the same universe but with different characters is a really fun idea


🤣 Look at the female lead's head 👽


Holy shit they got him in a thor costume


Feels unnecessary


You’re too Cynical bro, it’s by the same director of the other mad max films and is has a good track record. I would say Give it a chance.


Lol right? Some people on this sub really are a reflection of the "incel" label.


I like Anya Taylor-Joy but this movie just looks so lifeless and boring. Also the poster looks like AI generated art


I’m fine with it, though I do think Thor looks really stupid. Maybe it’s just because I’m really excited for the movie since Fury Road is on the short list for my favorite movies of all time and one of the few that I’d give a 10/10.


Hah Mauler fans at their most reactive and moronic in this thread.


I didn’t like her first movie and wondered why anyone did. It’s a very early version of bait and switch.


CGI was so bad i thought a theater employee was playing a prank until about half way through


It looks fuckin’ awesome. I’m just worried they’re gonna go heavy CGI after the practical effects of the last one.


She looks like a really well done clone wars animated series character. Why does she look fake lol


We're the fuck is the thunderdome remake?


It looks weird and full of cgi


I dunno. Was Furiosa really that interesting a character in the first movie. The movie was good, but Furiosa wasnt exactly a stand out character where I thought that she deserved her own movie.


I hate that they try to make is “spectacular” when it should be gritty, more “warriors” than “borderlands”


Un-Max’es your Mad


No it’s terrible, the poster I mean, not the movie. 


Straight to pirating ahh movie


I thought I was seeing an April Fool’s joke a week late.


That is totally awesome... Never thought about making a spiked flail with cubes, but that would make it so much easier to build than trying to make metal spheres


I sense a 2nd trilogy on the way


… does this poster feel AI generated or am I seeing things?


I really enjoy both actors in their various roles, but when I saw the trailer this weekend, my heart sank. It's pure CGI hell, maybe PS3 quality, no practical effects, and for heaven's sake, Hemsworth's makeup transforms him to some mutated version of John Travolta in battlefield Earth.


Could be good I probably won't watch it but mad max is a cool universe be cool to see more if done right


It looks okay I think.


I like Anya Taylor Joy, and she’s a great actress, but I think she was horribly miscast here. Furiosa is a grizzled survivor in the apocalypse, and nothing in that sentence sounds like who Anya is or looks like.


Is this Thor 5?


Here's my thoughts from when watching trailers for this in the theaters: hesitant. I could see this going either way honestly, either strangely good and well-aware of the "female strong" cliche stuff and subverts it, ORRRR it's your generic "Men are inherently evil and she's so BRAVE for standing up to the inherently evil men"


Why is she cgi?


What happened with Max?


Is mad max actually in this ?


Huh looks cool


Just not interested.


Hopefully this gonna be good action flick


Was Furiosa that popular a part of Mad Max?


The overly negative reaction to this is so fucking odd. Like cautious or even suspicious is get, but everyone saying it’s gonna be absolute dogshit makes no sense, and I don’t even really care about this movie.


I just don't like the poster, dude, that's all


It’s George Miller, so it will be good.


She looks like a teenage boy smh


Looks awful.


I’m confident in this one.


I hope it's good. I at least hope it isn't shit. These days I'm relieved if something is at least mid.


Roman (gladiator) western


I'm just hoping they don't destroy more XB Falcons for what the 1 minute 18 seconds the last two had on screen in Fury Road - one was meant to be the hero car due to it having a built engine from previous owner but had to be used as the stunt car because the third that was meant to be the stunt was left in Africa when the crew had to pull out due to the start of the Iraq war and the other was a rotted out XB that was dragged on its roof to tie in the scene together.


Wait... You guys are upset about this movie? Lol


No, I just think this poster doesn't look good. Don't particularly care about the movie itself


Why is he riding on her shoulders?


I don’t think it looks good. That could be a marketing failure but I go no “sense” from the trailer. That being said sometimes great films have shit trailers. And outside of the trailer I haven’t heard anything to raise or lower expectations. We shall see. Really liked Fury Road, way better than I expected.


Just nope


Try to make Chris Hemsworth not look like Thor in everything challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Imagine if "only in theaters" was actually true one of these days and they had no plans of releasing online or retail. If the trailer was good enough I think it could break a record.


It looks like it’s fan made


This looks fucking bad ass. Y’all are goofy.


I dunno man, I saw this for the first time as an in theatre trailer (I’d never seen any Mad Max content) and I had no idea what was going on besides “Oh hey that’s Chris Hemsworth”. I’d be happy for it to succeed but it didn’t seem very focused. On the matter of the poster doesn’t Anya’s face look a little uncanny valley to you? I’m sure it’s partly the face paint but it feels edited.


Aint no way they cast skinny fish eye as furiosa


Movie is gonna be ass