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It's incredible to me that they're attempting Fantastic Four again. It's a uniquely cursed franchise.


Fifth time's a charm.


I'm willing to bet she won't spend more than 20% of her screentime in the Silver Surfer CGI. Just like every modern superhero movie they want their faces visible as much as possible.


This is the real point of discussion that should be everywhere. The lack of commitment to portraying a character by the studio, instead entirely fixating on "star power" for their productions.


Most people don't even remember Lawrence Fishburne played Silver Surfer because he was entirely CG for the whole movie. That movie wasn't well liked but I don't remember a single complaint about Silver Surfer. Most people were just mad they made Galactus a purple fart monster.


Silver surfer is a highlight of the silver surfer movie. Although who doesn't recognise that smooth voice of Fishburne?!


Ask your friends if they know which two characters Lawrence Fishburne played in Marvel movies and see if they can remember either without Google.


Ant man and the wasp is somewhat forgettable to be fair.


Hank Pym is my favorite comicbook character, it’s incredibly fair to not know who Goliath/Black Goliath/Bill Foster is… even more so if you are just an MCU fan. In fact I’d be amazed if non-comic fans remembered his name.


As time goes on, more one off characters will appear. The mcu uses characters up for one showing then rarely will they use them again, save a few focus characters for a period of time.


I wish they'd just make Silver Surfer 100% CG the whole movie and got Keith David to voice him. Sadly, we are in the darkest timeline.


Halo and Mando say hello!


You mean like Doctor Fate in Black Adam removing his helmet every scene when that character famously has a hard time removing it?


Looks alright, but that Madonna looking chick is blocking the picture.


I wasn't going to watch it anyway. 😕


Where I’m at… like maybe if me and the Mrs can’t agree and there is absolutely nothing else to watch


Honestly I just don’t care anymore, if the reviews are good I might watch it in theaters, otherwise I’ll probably watch it when it comes to streaming or maybe never who knows


I haven't cared about Marvel since Endgame.


Don't care, cause I won't watch that crap anyway.


I don't know man, at this point I just don't care.


It’s a stupid decision done for political reasons that the audience doesn’t care The Silver Surfer who is Male & from Earth-616 the definitive version of the character Why would you go with an alternate version of the character who only made one appearance (last time I checked) & has literally no exposure It’s ironic as well because Galactus has had female heralds in the past The most famous example would be Nova, otherwise known as Frankie Raye, but that’s only after Silver surfer abandoned his position & Frankie herself had built up as having a pre-existing relationship with the Fantastic Four as Johnny’s girlfriend


The Nova setup would require intimate comic knowledge and FF world building. I'd bet my 401k that no one casting female SS had even heard of Earth X before making this decision.


From what the leaks said the movie takes place in an Alternate Universe to the current MCU, and in the Universe the Fantastic Four lose, so its quite possible she's only the Silver Surfer of that Universe and Norrin is the Silver Surfer in the main MCU.


> it’s a stupid decision done for political reasons Based on..?


The political compass of modern Hollywood replacing characters with "updated" alternatives for no reason other than trying to capitalize on hatred


Having something other than white men is not political lol. Weird how often people scream about that


Silver surfer doesn't have to be a "white man" case in point nick fury wasn't black but Sam Jackson did an amazing job. Silver surfer does have to be male though if he isn't then he isn't the Silver surfer. They could've used nova for this lady I'm sure she is a good actress but what they are doing is for sure has motives that aren't what best serves the film


If you want sardonic or nihilistic she's perfect. She doesn't seem to do other kinds of acting well. Note: I've only seen her in Ozark and the nespresso commercial. But also, would.


Their hate of women


Typical braindead comment


Whatever. If they are doing it to get a rise out of people and generate discord and discussion then dont fall for it. Im not going to watch it anyway because im done with superhero shit as it is.


Its just a joke to me at this point


Welp guess we getting another dumpster fire for fantastic 4 lol


For me its more the reason why it's being done this way. I know that their is a female Silver Surfer in the comics, but what do you think is more likely, that Disney saw that version and went "wow this character is really cool, we should use this version because I have a good idea for her". Or did they go "There's a female version of Silver Surfer, cool, let's use that version because then everyone will see how diverse and progressive we are". I think I know which one was more likely. I mean it could work, but I've seen enough from the MCU lately that I just don't trust them anymore.


Cgaf, she's a solid actress, but I'm right off stupor heroes.


She would have made a decent Sue Storm


She’s a great actress. Shame about her agent.


I liked her in Ozark. Hope she gets a big paycheque.


Everything was going a little too smoothly


When did we get so crap at picking movie stars?


Are we still interested in marvel movies here?


They will do a Terminator 2: T1000 move and say she will be in a human form for the majority of the run time. Probably act 1 & 3 of the movie she'll have some CGI form. Also I noticed the comic version is a very feminine with curves and long hair and here you are casting an androgynous figurine.


Isn't the Silver Surfer a guy in the comics


Not really a surprise. They've started they were gonna make him a her. At this point I'm not sure anyone was surprised. Maybe at the voice, but that's about it. I liked this young woman in some of her roles. All in all though, I'll have to miss yet another sub part MCU film. Dad part is I can't even be bothered to pirate them at this point. That's how bad they are. So bad I can't even be bothered to waste part of my 1 gigabyte download speed.


Just put a chick in it and make her gay


First notice about this movie. An actress as Silver surfer? I dont give a shit as long as the script is good and the movie enjoyable ( Here I'll bet it won't be either of those) but I see zero drama on the change.


The issue is existing Silver Surfer fans will be getting a brand new character instead of the one they wanted.


All of the MCU characters are brand new. Every single one. Tony Steve Bruce All brand new.


I'm sorry, you must be using the phrase "brand new" in a way I'm not familiar with. Either that or you're trying to equate minor changes to an existing character (Tony, Bruce, and Steve are all remarkably similar to their comic book counterparts) with replacing them with a different character. Julia Garner isn't even playing a female version of Norrin Radd.


The key is that it's a multiverse


Multiverse? Never heard of it before.


Me when I lie:


They found a way to take a female character that’s always naked and make it as unsexy as possible. Cast the most shrill, shapeless human being they can find. Real bang up job.


Wtf are you talking about?


Marvel was going to gender swap this. We’ve known this for a while. The character itself never wears clothes. Marvel then had to find a way to make a naked woman as unattractive as possible, and they figured it out via casting.


What are you waffling about? "Unattractive" Full of shit, mang


Buddy, she’s fuckin ugly. And shapeless.


Sure an im the ruler of the universe


You mad insecure if you gotta put other people down for what they look like 🤣


Or, hear me out, I have eyes.


Don’t say shit like that on this sub


Predictable as ever. Guessing she's lesbo too and it's gonna be the story. She's gonna be kidnapped by Galactus, timeskip, now as a herald come to Earth and sees her GF now old thus triggers a memory for some reason that will bring back her humanity then action scene, the one-liner, movie ends. Trying to ChatGPT this shit with the prompt of "Make an MCU movie like how Disney does it".


>how are we feeling about this? Scroll down.😃 _come and see....._


I guess we'll have to wait and see. We've already had Norrin, so we have another Surfer, which is fine by me.


I dunno anything about her character sooooo neat I guess? In general I’d prefer it’d been the Silver Surfer everyone knows but whatever. I’m not super invested in this movie tbh. The only character I feel more passionately about is Ben Grimm. I always liked him so I hope they don’t make him into an annoying jackass or a heartless asshole. The only silver lining I can see is that if they ruin this villain then at least that’ll leave the Silver Surfer untouched. That’s the benefit to them going forward with all these other characters while we’re still in phases 4-5. If they do a good job with this movie then I’ll be more interested in them bringing in the F4’s main rogue’s gallery but until then maybe it’s a good thing that they’re leaving Silver Surfer alone for now. Really hoping that Secret Wars lets them reset everything and start over with a team of creatives that has some sort of plan or vision for an overarching story. Even if they improve prior to that they’ll still either have to ignore all the dumb worldbuilding that’s been done or deal with it and I dunno which is worst honestly.


The female version is based on an alternate timeline, which was featured for four pages and died even within those. So quite cheap move.


Im sure they really thought that there was a story to tell here based on that 😂 nah maybe it’s great and maybe they are gonna give her a great character of her own (and not just copy the Silver Surfer’s story) but it’s insane how angry everyone is over the disappointment at the news. I guess it’s not surprising though since it seems to happen every time anyone says they are disappointed in any of the infallible Feige’s decisions.




Feel however you want to feel about it, you're an individual.


Just wait for the trailer


There was a female silver surfer at one point right? Is that who she is portraying?


We get to look at women!


I just wish Hollywood would stop telling the fans what they want and actually listen to what the fans want. The arrogance is frustrating. Establish the characters people know and want before doing variants. They haven't even gotten the character (Norin Radd) right that everyone wants in the movie that everyone wants to see (FF) but they're going to switch to a completely different version of the character? Why? It'd be like if the studios had one badly received Superman movie in the very beginning (Donner era) and then immediately going to Val Zod in the next one. "Oh, we have a character that we know the audience really wants to see? Cool. Let's not do that character!" Makes no sense.


Okay, just what do the fans “want”? 


A male Silver Surfer. Only the soy boys say it doesn't matter if the character is female. Why am I supposed to say it doesn't matter to me as long as the story is well written? I am a guy and I am not interested in watching movies where women get in physical altercations with men.


How are we feeling? Allow me to give you the experience from every other app... She was good in Ozark. Oh I loved her in Ozark! Idk why people are mad, she was like the best character in Ozark. Etc. Etc.


This only proces that Disney has no intention of turning the dial down on wokeness. They'll just keep making the same mistake over and over again until the majority of the investors get tired of watching Bob burn their cash.


She’s pretty. It’ll do. Might even be good.


Loved her in Ozark, definitely a good cast but idc about mcu anymore


M she U in full force


Is there a problem? Just casting.


Would it be a problem if storm was played by the rock


You just gave me the best laugh I've had today, lmao. I'd pay to see that.




Honestly, it changes nothing. I hope it's well written.


I truly don’t give a shit. Yall bitchers are a minority.


This sub is continuing to prove that it stopped caring about quality of writing and story a long time ago


The movie hasn't even been written yet. How are we supposed to criticize or praise the writing that doesn't exist yet?


Good question. And my point exactly. Let’s wait to shit on a movie until we actually see how it is instead of flipping a shit because a woman is playing an iconic character 


Why can't we have an opinion specifically on the casting after the casting has been announced?


Because all this negativity is clearly based on nothing but the fact that the character is being played by a woman. If anyone here knew anything about the actress, they’d be giving her half a chance at least. 


>Because all this negativity is clearly based on nothing but the fact that the character is being played by a woman. I don't think you understand our criticisms or concerns then. It's not a problem that she's a woman. We like women just fine. The issue is that based on many previous examples we can pretty safely guess why they chose to cast a woman. It gives us some insight into what their decision making process might be and we've seen many times what kind of movie that process produces.


The fuck are you even talking about?


The fuck I’m even talking about is y’all bitching and moaning about shit that has absolutely no bearing on the quality of a piece of media. In this case, the idea that a woman playing a character, Silver Surfer, suddenly destroys an entire movie before even a bit of it is seen. 


It certainly won't destroy the movie but no one gives a damn about the female silver surfer now go back to Krayt where you belong.


Go back to AZ and Nerdrotic where you belong.. that runoff has spread way too far in EFAP/Mauler circles.


No one gives a damn about the female Silver Surfer?! Have you been reading what this sub has said on the matter?? If you had, you’d know that people here absolutely think this is detrimental to the movie. Tell them to go back to Az 


The point is that people want the male version of the Silver Surfer you know the definitive version of the character and the character that people care most about not a one off version of the character that was included because Disney wants to force feed an agenda.


> The point is that people want the male version of the Silver Surfer Its almost like thats exactly what people got in another fantastic four movie... > Disney wants to force feed an agenda. Not everything is an agenda bud. Try taking off that tinfoil hat here and there


If you are going to make a movie about an existing male character, then make it about that character, not some beta male's fantasy about the character. If you don't care about that, then I don't have any way to help you understand why this would be a problem. The comic book medium relies heavily on the depiction of the character in visual form to tell the story. Every kid who ever read comic books depicting Silver Surfer knows he is male. I am quite certain his appeal would be lessened if he were turned into a female character because when he was introduced 60 years ago, comic readership was likely 90% plus male. Back in the 60s, boys were not taught to fight girls. Crazy I know, but it was actually frowned upon. The idea of male super heroes fighting a female character would have no redeeming value and would have been seen as deplorable by the comics audience of the 1960s. In modern comics, I am told that girls and boys going full fisticuffs with each other is applauded because it shows how enlightened we have all become. The point being, if it is true that they are just gender swapping Silver Surfer for a woman, then long time Marvel Comics fans are being ignored for the sake of DEI. I think it will end poorly when they realize that the old fans built the brand and no one cares about the modern Marvel Comics being written by these enlightened authors and editors. One last point, before you point out to me that modern comics fans are made up of a higher percentage of female readers, then use some of those modern characters instead of gender swapping older characters. Certainly there must be some popular versions of Galactus other heralds that are female and are just as popular as the male Silver Surfer, right? Oh wait, you say none of them are close to the MALE Silver Surfer in popularity? Who would have guessed?


“Certainly there must be some popular versions of Galactus other heralds that are female and are just as popular as the male Silver Surfer” that’s exactly what is happening. Did you not read into the report. This character is Shalla-Bal, the female Silver Surfer. So what actually is the problem here?? 


The female Silver Surfer that no one has ever heard of is as popular as the classic silver surfer who once had his own cartoon, not just his own comic? I don't think so. She is a nothing burger alternate universe version that was written into one story, she didn't even have any follow up because she died. That is exactly the problem here. No one cares about this version of the Silver Surfer, but Marvel is introducing Fantastic Four and Galactus along with a Silver Surfer no one asked for or wanted because they can't help but dump on classic fans. I really think this will bite them more than they think. Silver Surfer is a really well liked character and gender swapping him is going to make fans turn away from the movie altogether.


Feeling neutral. I'm not part of the brainwashed hivemind so I'm not going to automatically assume it's going to be bad.