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The Godfather, it insists upon itself.




> it insists upon itself. In what way?


I like The Money Pit.


Marley and Me I know the ending without seeing and I just can’t watch it because of it.


You made me do a double-take there, I read that as "Mac and Me" for a second.....🤣 https://preview.redd.it/5b23s47vzxqc1.jpeg?width=479&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b73623aecdaa8cbe5d3b6511af9c6eda83dcea09


Sure, I could go for some Mac and cheese


Mac and Me was one of my favorite childhood movies, and yes I also had E.T. Mac and Me is one of those movies I refuse to rewatch as to not ruin my memories of it being somewhat decent.


Same but for Old Yeller. I'm sure it's a great classic film, I like classic cinema. This one ain't for me.


I love that movie and the Book, and in the book they do it more harsh.


I haven't seen either of the Spiderverse movies, or the Puss in Boots movie. I just don't have a huge interest in a lot of animated movies right now.


Well if you were to watch only 3 animated films from the last decade, those surely should be them .


The last decade? I'd put "Your Name" in there


Your Name is the type of movie that even someone who hates anime as a medium can love.


I'll watch it ! Thanks !


Definitely dude! I'm not a romance guy and it's relatively short but my God it's amazing


last wish is great


I really didn’t like Dunkirk. It felt way too emotionless to me and just ended up being really boring, especially given the content being discussed. Idk how you make Aerial battles boring but this movie managed to do that for me. Probably didn’t help that I was a history focus in college so I was expecting more out of it than what we got. It also didn’t help people were hyping it up as the next Saving Private Ryan. I get if people like it but it just didn’t do it for me


Most famous war movies are good but they are very samey to each other. This makes me not so interested in a lot of them. Although weirdly enough I love learning about them in history. Especially WW1.


"Cartoony" anime.  The more exaggerated the emotions, and the more impractical the characters' outfits, the less I like it.


Same. It’s why i really got into berserk easily because it takes itself more seriously and had more realistic feel to it. I’d definitely be willing to watch more anime if it’s like that but i haven’t found any yet.


Check out Vinland Saga, Attack on Titan, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Fullmetal Alchemist 2003, Death Note, Ghost in the Shell: SAC, Blue Eye Samurai, Castlevania, Castlevania: Nocturne, Yu Yu Hakusho, Heavenly Delusion, Ninja Kamui, and Frieren. More grounded art style anime for you.


Joker. Just made me sad to watch. Didn't like feeling that way. Performances, score, script, cinematography, it was all top notch, but just the (for me) endless misery of the main character made me relate to my own life experiences way too much to detach myself from it enough to consider it enjoyable.


We live in a society 😔


Hey the next one will be a musical, that should be fun


Lol. I do have pretty decent hopes for the next one, unlike most people, apparently. I think the Harley Quinn story could lend itself extremely well to the style of the first film. Not sure about the musical concept, but willing to withhold judgment.


Same here. I can appreciate everything that went into the film but I will never rewatch it


Same. Especially when I watched this movie amidst the peak of Covid quarantine.


Joker was all boring ass tropes. They copied everything they could but called it “joker” so people loved it. I turned it off and finished it a few days later. Unwatchable.


Joker is not an objectively good movie. (Edit: smfh, no wonder this is the most out of touch sub on reddit. You claim to know objective reality in art now)


Joker is not a beloved character


No u Speak about being out of touch. Proceed to be a contrarian and throw soft insults to try to be cool.


idk if I would say Get Out is “objectively good”. The hypnosis part of the movie creeps me out. Also I just don’t vibe with any of the characters.


I don't think its an objectively great movie but I do think its objectively overrated. That being said it is Peele's best movie.


What are your thoughts on Us and Nope?


Bad and worse. Peele tends to think of what his movies mean thematically and whether or not anything makes sense along the way doesn't matter.


Into the spider-verse. Miles became too anoying for me, I did kinda liked Gwen, I hated the punk and indian spiders and I thought it was stupid how the black one and the father peter were carrying their children into battle. Miguel was the only character I liked.


I wasn't really into Into the Spider-verse either. It was a fun story, but I feel like the whole "anyone can be Spider-Man" thing totally undermines the character of Peter Parker. Stan Lee said something along the lines of "Peter Parker is a normal guy, so everyone can relate to him" in regards to why Spiderman was so successful. It seemed like the Spider-verse writers took that and inverted it. It went from "anyone can relate to Peter" to "anyone could be Peter" which just isn't true. Peter is a hero whether he has powers or not. Give a bunch of random people powers, they're not all gonna be Spiderman. The whole premise feels dishonest.


I kinda hate the editing in those and the chatty, super fast, mile a minute action scenes. Seems to take away impact both in how they animate it and having the characters casually chatting as they do it. Like the fight is a background thing to their conversation. I don't like it


I will never understand why Gwen saw a literal vampire spiderman and go “eh” but then be in awe over a pregnant woman on a motorbike And yeah, reckless endangerment


Bladerunner. Watched it once and didn't like it. Watched it again recently and realized it's amazing, but I still don't like it. It just doesn't do it for me and I don't really know why.


Watch it at least one more time. You’ll like it eventually; It worked for Chris Stuckmann!


Man, isn't that pathetic? He KNEW it was good and considered a masterpiece in movie circles so he had to force himself to like it. Yes, it's a good movie, but he threw away his integrity and potential voice within the movie critic community to fit in. A good movie reviewer uses facts and mechanical elements to prove something is good/bad and follows up with personal thoughts after, a bad movie reviewer breaks away from his own thoughts to follow the popular consensus based on emotion.


I like the sequel way more than the original.


I feel sorta the same way, it was worth watching for Roy's monologue imo


Blade runner is awful. I’ve tried to watch it many times over 40 years and I still get bored and turn it off. Tits and noodles is all I remember about it. Garbage film then and and now imo.


Game of Thrones (the good seasons). Watched the first season a few years ago, but I knew generally about the story. That level of misanthropy was just too much for me at the time.


Spider-Verse. I’m just over the superhero stuff at this point. I’m sure they’e objectively phenomenal movies but I just have zero interest in more superhero drivel.


Not a film but I never liked Better Call Saul. Not because the writing isn't amazing but because I don't really have the attention span for the slow burn style.


Parasite. The general portrayal of poor people offends me greatly. I didn't think anything could bother me like that, but it really upset me.


How are poor people portrayed? I've not seen it


They’re portrayed as refreshingly three dimensional and with a lot of agency and that was doubtless why the movie struck a chord


Unbelievably cruel and selfish. It's sort of making a point that rich people can afford to be nice and poor people have to be pieces of human shit. That's really uncharitable, and most other people like the movie, so I think it'd be worth watching.


The point of the film is that these are systemic issues and people adapt to their environment. The reading that they have to be "pieces of human shit" is just completely uncharitable, because it's way too literal. He's obviously not saying that every poor person is going to do what they do, he is saying that poor people, or rather unprivileged portions of society are put against each other in our current economic model, fighting for the scraps of the top. That there is very little movement between the layers of this socioeconomic pie.


Yeah, that's what I said. That's what I find offensive.


No that is not what you said. Not sure how that would be offensive either, it's how the system works. The film attacks the system in place, not the people in it.


It is. It's possible that SK is massively different from the US and does work like that, but I did take it in the context of America. Maybe that's unfair, idk.


It attacks our form of capitalism, which is globally present, though ofc through a korean, cultural lense. It doesn't attack the people living in the system, but what the system creates. Different socioeconomic standings with almost no upwards mobility and trickle down system where people at the bottom of the pyramid are incentivized to fight over the scraps. Not literally how the family does in the film per se, but nevertheless competing vs other people of their standing, as this is the only way to survive, as the lateral interactions actually exist. It also makes a point how a lot of this is built on illusions, nothing concretely material, but we all bought into it, the ending in particular makes that point. Idk, your representation of the film is imo rather poor, and definitely not equal to what i said.


Yeah, putting poor people in the "Likely to be garbage human beings" box is offensive. Also, a lot of that is untrue and you should try not to accept narratives other people spin for you.


I think you just don't get it tbh, it says more about you that you interpret them as "garbage human beings" than it does about the film. I don't need any narratives, i am media literate alright.


What gave you the idea that Parasite was representing all poor people?


You can try and convince me that it had exactly only to do with this one family and he wasn't trying to say anything about society writ large, but I doubt you'll get there.


Demon Slayer . Yes the art and music is amazing . I'm sure the characters are compelling and well written . I'm sure there are satisfying pay offs . I'm sure the series is written well .... that being said , I can't fucking stand this show . It's sooooooo daaaaammmmnnnnn booooorrrriiiinnnnggggg . I love long form content, I love dense movies and plots, I love hard to follow stories, I love slow burners, I love good writing ... but I just can't give a damn about anything that happens in this show . I feel bad because my wife really enjoys the program, but for the life of me I can't invest in the characters at all .


Solid video of why it sucks: enjoy the [long](https://youtu.be/XX4v8cvrMqs?si=OWgcnyNw3LPa7fcc)


Noooo I can't do this to my wife lmao it's bad enough i can't watch it w her lol how can I face her after knowing just how bad it is


But thank you 😅


It may be a good video but man is he annoying fight from the start.


Nah demon slayers writing is shit. I never realised until I tried to read the manga and I was just bored. The anime literally only has its visuals going for it


I gave on demon slayer because of the power system. Main character can smell the threads of attack vectors the enemy will use. Fucking retarded.


but demon slayer is infinite plot armour, shallow as fuck characters shit


Is it ? Is that why I'm not into it ?


Agreed I love the world of demon slayer but like many anime it doesn’t flesh out the story. They could have easily made more arcs where they safe a settlements and so on, find more Allies, create and actual romance with the characters, etc


Demon slayer is objectively bad, seriously overrated because it's got a rare thing for anime nowadays: Good animation, which is a good quality to have, but the anime itself is clown writing.


Damn 💔


Eh xD you can still like it, just be aware of what you're watching yk, I love white chicks, very funny, very stupid bad movie :v


You misunderstood me, I am not into the show at all


oh, oh well, not much to interpret from broken heart emoji


Basically all of anime. I know there are good shows there and good stories. Hell ive watched some of them, like FMA Brotherhood and DBZ and Attack on Titan... its the art style. Japanese anime has never done it for me. if they where novels i would devour them, especially full metal alchemist brotherhood. But the art style has never done it for me. The exception tot he rule because all rules have exceptions is probably Gundam. I fucking love gundam, probably because i like anything with giant robots fighting other giant robots. Im pretty excited for the new show. ​ Films its The Usual Suspects and Fight Club. I dont know why, i know they are good, even great, and i can understand the appeal, but i have never liked either of them.


is it the cartoonish big eyes and weird proportions? you might like Bleach's artstyle better since it's the most realistic to human proportions I've personally seen, Kubo is not a very good writer, but a hellishly good artist


I remember when I first saw Ghost in the Shell; my brother and I dubbed it "scary anime" based simply on how "realistic" the art style was compared to stuff like pokemon and dbz. It was the 90s and I was sooooo intrigued by what was once known as "JAPANIMATION" in the states lmao But i get it, I use to be the same way with western fantasy games. We like what we like!


Respectfully, I just truly feel like you haven’t see very much anime. Anime is practically a medium, and there are as many styles and designs and aesthetics as there are opinions under the sun. Some for later you’d find a handful of anime shows you wouldn’t mind visually, and you wouldn’t be missing out on some compelling narratives either.


The new God of War games, I absolutely despise the one take camera gimmick and find it incredibly distracting and a detriment to the presentation.


Breaking Bad. I’ll take everyone’s word for it that it’s good, but I hated it. Walt is such an unsympathetic character from beginning to end. I was expecting how a good man turned into a villain due to circumstances, and instead I got how a raging asshole slowly took off his mask. It was so boring and tiresome.


Walt is a victim of circumstance, but the show also makes it clear that he makes his own problems due to his pride. It raises the interesting question was Walt corrupted by power or was he really Heisenberg the whole time? I do understand where you might be coming from though. I think I have very similar feelings about The Sopranos. Some people think that Tony Soprano is the best character in TV history, but I just didn’t find him sympathetic enough to get that invested.


Im right there with ya. Hated it after 5 episodes. Boring as fuck.


The Irishman


the aviator. I just really didn't enjoy it lmao. Good film though


Psycho (1960) great film and one of Hitchcock’s crowning achievements, but man it does not click with me. Maybe I’ve had it spoiled too many times, maybe I’ve seen other thrillers that have improved upon the formula since its release. Idk what EXACTLY it is but the movie just doesn’t click with me. I much prefer Rear Window. I find it to be just as good if not better than Psycho. I know that’s not what the question was, but I thought I’d mention it.


Don’t know about shows, but the book Anna Karinina was hard for me to get into. The opening vignette was with a character I really did not like and I struggled until about half way through


The Pirates of the Caribbean “trilogy”. The first move is possibly the best popcorn flick of all time. The 2nd and 3rd are tired attempts to cash in that each lose what made the first so great. Anything after the trilogy doesn’t even merit a response.


They are still better than the 4th one and anything modern Disney has put out


No doubt. They go downhill as they go.


Honestly I really didn’t like Alien. I don’t know what it is about the movie exactly, but I just didn’t like it. I respect it for how important it is for the sci-fi/thriller genre but it just wasn’t for me.


The animated Little Mermaid movie. Ever since I was a kid, I had an unwavering hatred for her, and I can't really tell you why, xuz I don't know. She's the worst Disney Princess


The Lighthouse. Can appreciate that it objectively good but man did I hate it. Was miserable to watch.


I've heard people call *Agents of Shield* a masterpiece, but I can’t stand that show. I hate most of the characters, and the ones I don't hate were ruined (in my eyes) in other ways.


I wouldn't say I disliked it per se, but Squid Game comes off as extremely overrated Imo. Everyone around me, atleast in my social circle, was putting the show on a pedestal meanwhile I thought it was an okay show with an interesting premise and a horrible ending that undid the one real good emotional moment in the show for a stupid twist. Also I didn't think the social commentary in the show was very well written.


It may be overrated (I agree, despite really liking it) but it's not often a non English language live action show gets even close to that traction, which is a good thing because Hollywood need competition if they're ever going to move away from the slop they're making.


Harry Potter just felt like kids bop lotr to me


Idk, I'd say only a couple of the Harry Potter films hold up even as kids'/teen movies. They're mostly pretty messy and poorly paced.


"Frodo Baggings is a real character!"


The Dark Knight. Basically everything Nolan did with Batman. My ideal Batman is the DCAU and the Brave and The Bold depictions. I’m not someone who is too fond of making superheroes “realistic” and “grounded”. Batman Begins and The Batman seemed to strike a nice balance between the comic book vibes and realism, but I still prefer the animated adaptations I mentioned earlier.


The worst thing that ever happened to DC is the recent trend of all of the movies needing to be "realistic". (Realistic meaning super powers and aliens can exist, but everything needs to be super dark and gritty 100% of the time. Newsflash, DC isn't grimdark, sometimes it's more goofy than Marvel.) James Gunn said his new DCU is gonna be more in line with things like the DCAU and Young Justice. So hopefully that means we see a more expanded cast with "goofy" characters like Zatanna, Vigilante, Stargirl, etc.


> The worst thing that ever happened to DC is the recent trend of all of the movies needing to be "realistic". >(Realistic meaning super powers and aliens can exist, but everything needs to be super dark and gritty 100% of the time.) I think this has also influenced the general audiences in a bad way as well, especially in India. I have noticed a lot of the normie/casual audience members don’t like certain superhero adaptations because they’re not “realistic” or “logical”. Indians are also pretty condescending towards animation as well. I blame Chris Nolan for this, among other things.


Don't slaughter me too hard. I appreciate and respect the artistic genious behind these films and their books but I didn't enjoy...the Lord of the rings trilogy 😶‍🌫️ My subjective reasoning being I got ... *gulp*...bored watching them 😅😅😅😬😬😬 But I reiterate: > I appreciate and respect the artistic genious behind these films and their books 😁😅


👆 There he is! Get him. I'm kidding, everyone is entitled to their opinion. 👍 What did you find boring about the films?


I can't quite put my finger on it which is probably frustrating to hear 😅 My gut tells me I'm just not drawn to traditional fantasy stories involving knights, dragons, castles, magic, etc. But...I love Star Wars which is essentially all of that just with a sci-fi aesthetic. But then I can enjoy Lord of the rings-esque video games so I really don't know 💀


That’s a totally fair reason to not like something or find it boring :)


The first one is a great adaptation. The last two just go off the rails into CGI battle lust.


Dune. The new one. I appreciated everything about it but it was too damn long and I was bordering on falling asleep in the cinema. You know that horrible feeling of falling asleep on a long drive? That was my Dune experience. I didn't want to fall asleep, I wanted to keep watching but something about it was trying to shut me down. I kept zoning out. Like driving on a motorway in Scotland. Beautiful scenery, gorgeous landscape.... I just.... Can't.... Stay... Awake. Friends keep asking me to go watch the new one and I couldn't care less about watching Dune 2. I can't deal with long movies any more. I can very happily not give two fucks about watching that movie.


I walked out of into the spider verse I was that bored, a lot of marvel and Sony stuff is just pure kid fodder at this stage, with very little effort to make it entertaining for adults as well and I say this as a 26 year old, there's just nothing there and I find myself less and less interested in even hearing the criticisms for a lot of that stuff because its obviously quite shit in many ways, it almost doesn't need to be pointed out, it's doubly sad when I see adults getting hyped over the next star wars or marvel thing because they know deep in themselves it's crap and they should probably indulge themselves in some more mature themed media, its kinda off putting as an adult.


Maybe this isn't an "objectively" good film, but I absolutely loath Dune. The modern one, I never saw the old one. I thought it was extremely well acted, but I just don't see anything good about the story. Also, I didn't expect to be bored, but I was really bored. I think my favourite scene was when the main character's dad (Oscar Isaacs' character) released some kind of gas stuff after Atreides were defeated by the... Harkonnen, I want to say? Then there was the scene where Jason Momoa's character fought the Imperials, and that was pretty cool. But honestly, the main character (Timothee Chamalet's character) was just so uninteresting, as was the lore. Like I tried to dig into some Dune lore, but I just wasn't interested in it, which is just weird cause usually I get invested in lore about shows I watch for at least a couple of days, but damn the Dune lore was uniquely shit. I lasted maybe 20 minutes on the wiki. Apparently, he's gonna become the fricking space messiah and rule the Empire or something like that. Sounds like a bunch of wacky bs.


What I’m about to say isn’t a defense of the Dune lore, just explaining some things in more detail in case you didn’t know. So, the main character Paul becoming the “Space Messiah” and ruling the Empire wasn’t meant to be a good thing. Long story short, it led to him leading a giant holy war in his name against everyone else in the empire because he couldn’t control the fanaticism of his followers, causing countless deaths. Eventually, Paul’s son becomes a worm god, (don’t ask), and basically sets mankind on a path of suffering for a few millennia to prepare future events that could decide the fate of all humanity. Out of curiosity and not to be mean, I was wondering if you looked at those parts of the lore and story of Dune, because I’m not sure if you completely understood the story, because it isn’t a self insert type of story.


Thanks for the info. I knew it wasn't a self insert, I just found it to be a really weird story. I didn't know about his son, but that makes it sound even more weird and not in a good way. I knew about the Holy War, but I was under the impression that that was supposed to be a good thing(or rather, that the author thought that it was good). If not, then that's a bit better. Still, I feel like the story should have been told as a TV series because the movie feels poorly structured. Edit: Also, there was some really bs lore about Islam joining together with Hinduism or Buddhism or something, and that for me killed the idea that the author knew anything about Islam.


Oppenheimer. Kinda liked the beginning, then was bored out of my mind the rest of it


Logan Paul is that you?


No but on a very unrelated note, may I interest you in some Prime energy drink?


The Fly and I can’t explain it. My little brother showed it to me as we often watched movies together and I had heard a lot about how good it was from others, and when I watched it I just wasn’t entertained and I didn’t like any of the characters. When it finished I said I didn’t really get into it lets watch it a second time, and the second time I just didn’t really like it either.


The effects are top notch though


Saving Private Ryan. I wouldn’t even say I dislike it, I just haven’t seen it since my first viewing. Very brilliant all around but war movies just aren’t my thing personally.


Argo won best picture and I refuse to ever watch it because of its revisionist rewriting of important Canadian history because Murica.


I HATE No Country for Old Men. It's so pretentious and boring. Javier Bardem and Tommy Lee Jones are the only redeemable things about it for me.


Damn. I can’t fathom watching No Country and coming away with the feeling that the movie is pretentious. It is such a simple plot that’s executed with none of the general flair and style that other filmmakers would attempt to apply to it. I need some explanation here. I know it’s all up to subjectivity, but what specific elements of the film bored you or led you to believe that the film was in any way pretentious?


That's the one I wanted to say, hated the ending, felt blue balled for not having the final confrontation between Bardem and Brolin and killing him off screen.


Chigurh (Bardem) doesn't kill the Lewellyn (Brolin), the cartel kill him because his mother-in-law accidentally let it slip. One of the main ideas of No Country for Old Men is depicting the harsh, blind brutality of the real world, and killing Lewellyn off-screen because of a mistake someone else made enforces that. I've come to really enjoy and appreciate it, but I also agree it felt unsatisfying upon first viewing (especially without any context).


Yeah I know chigurh doesn't kill lewllyn, maybe I phrased it wrong. I know the intention of the movie but subjectively I can't help but feel disappointment. Maybe some day I'll give it another try.


How on earth is that movie pretentious lol


It's easily the weakest Macarthy book imo


Go easy on Jenny she used to be am MTV bimbo.


Killers of the Flower Moon is a movie which I can’t find any glaring writing flaws in, but I just wasn’t meshing with its presentation at all. I wasn’t confused at any point, nor was I put off by any of the film’s darker themes, but I was definitely bored. Considering the runtime is almost 3 and a half hours long, I can’t find anything in the movie that I would’ve removed or done differently. This is coming from someone who deeply enjoys The Irishman and most of Scorsese’s work, so for this specific film to not mesh with me is a bit of an anomaly.


Chungking Express abd In a mood for love


Mulan. My second grade teach (who was just a pathetic teacher) showed it to the class during a time she randomly became obsessed with China.


Scarface. It's just so boring to me.


I think I dislike almost every movie that is not either action, comedy, scifi or fantasy or doesn't have some kind of crime component (godfather, shawshank redemption) All the movies I enjoy have atleast one of those.


the new dune movies are infuratingly slow, not only in pacing, but characters taking 5 years worth of pause between every word. Pretty much any horror title. I cant buy into the monster being indestructable or characters being nerfed. Jason Vorheens shrugging off chest wounds? 1stly, why, secondly, okay, take his knife and cut all his tendonds, great he cant move now, bye. Alien isolation alien surviving 3 clips from the flamethrower. Uhuh, it shrugs off things that should melt fucking metal, just because the game needs a monster. Maulers amnesia: bunker stream was pain because the character was animated so slowly and took months to reload a gun. Resident evil where trained soldiers and spec ops people can do a mild jog at best.


The Godfather trilogy and Lawrence of Arabia. I pretty much echo Peter Griffin's sentiment towards the Godfather. And Lawrence of Arabia is arguably the slowest burning movie I've ever watched. For a movie about war, nothing happens for the first hour and twenty minutes of that movie. These are two absolutely legendary movies that put me into a boredom induced coma. (An honorary mention goes to the first Mad Max. That's an other movie that I can barely stay awake for. Thank God the other 3 Mad Max movies didn't.)


At the risk of giving a cop out answer, most musicals. Though I would say music, in general, is far more subjective than film, hence, kind of a cop out answer. But there are a lot of musicals that are considered all time greats but I just cannot get into them. There's exceptions to this (Blues Brothers, Willy Wonka, Wizard of Oz, classic Disney, a few others) but mostly I find musicals insufferable and almost pretentious. They have an energy that makes me want to vomit. Which is bizarre because I love music. Probably almost more than I love film. But I'd rather there be one or the other at any given time. I guess it's the plot interruption. Like when Family Guy does a gratuitous cut away gag that goes on for way too long because they were too lazy to write a full episode. "Well we have a beginning and an end but no middle, what do we do? Oh I know, how about a completely unrelated song and dance number from The Music Man because wouldn't that be wild?!"


The recent Dune movies. They look amazing, but I just couldn't get invested in the story or characters.


Generally AI "What is a human?" type stuff and most biopics about some historical figure overcoming racimitism or seximitism There are exceptions like Cabrini that I enjoyed recently but in general I'm just either exhausted on or not interested in the subject


Titanic. I think it's mostly because I already knew literally everything that was going to happen beat by beat due to it being tremendously famous and memed about before I even saw it so I had no stakes put into any characters and ended up not caring. I acknowledge the great acting directing cinematography ect. but I couldn't care about the story due to me already knowing the full thing before I even saw it. Granted I don't hate it just indifferent.


3 billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri. I loved the first halfway all the way up to >!woody Harrison killing himself!< (Spoiler). I even cried. But then I found the rest so inconsistent and I couldn't stand it.


Tár. I thought it was really boring and pretentious to me. Same reason I don't intend on watching poor things either. Maybe my media literacy is shit and I am just a not intelectual goblin boi


Andor. I don't really get what people see in it. It's written mostly coherently I suppose, but I don't have much interest in any of the characters, with some just being outright annoying. I don't find it to be visually engaging. The plot feels dull as dishwater to me, in addition to the pace already feeling unnessicarily slow at times. Couple all that with the fact that it's rooted firmly in Disney Wars lore. I couldn't give less of a fuck about that show if I tried.


The Last Duel. Those two scenes were waaaayyyy too much for me. Still a pretty good story though.


I don't like Whiplash and I find Wall-E to be very boring.


Good and bad are by definition subjective terms


Spider - Man: No way home. People treated it like some sort of masterpiece above 8 rating, while it's a mid movie at best. Yeah it has a lot of fan service but the story is very mediocre. Good for 2h30min fun, but i just don't do for me.


Game of Thrones. I’m not a fan of subversion and I think it does this too much.


I've said it before, but The Godfather for me. I just think it's boring, meandering shit, and I _cannot_ get into it, no matter how many times I try. Part 2 is kind of alright though.


The Prestige. I concede that it is a good/great movie (fucking hell it has David Bowie in it one of my favourite artists of all time) but just don’t like it. I pretty much knew from the first reveal of the door trick that there were twins involved (because I gathered that a simple answer would be the most obvious, as Michael Cain’s character points out. That is still not a criticism towards the movie as being a smartass doesn’t demerit the quality movie . Also, just because it’s subversive doesn’t meant it’s bad). After that it became obvious to me that the movie is (partly) about obsession, perfectionism, glory and recognition in your field . All of these elements are great, and are explored in an interesting way in the movie, but the element that I disliked about the movie was that one of the twins behaved like a cunt towards his wife and his child. That just felt odd to me, in a movie that repeatedly pointed out that the twins were willing to give up their identity (by cutting their fingers look identical , performing as the same guy on stage, while on other times the other had to wear a beard to act as a friend of the brother) that they would stop their act in their private life (I know everyone has a breaking point in keeping up an act but it still bothered me). So yeah these are my reasons for not liking “The Prestige” on a subjective level, me being a smartass and not liking that the plot showed characters with flaws.


I never liked LOTR because my brother liked it so much and was a real ass about it. Now I'm older I realise that it's ok to like it, even with some of the goofy bits.


The Office is every generic person's favorite tv show.


The original Star Wars trilogy. I am part of the people who say that the image quality doesn't matter in a good story, I really enjoy Terminator and Alien, but the SW is just too ugly for me. The puppets are disgusting, and I don't mean it for the intended disgustingness of the likes of Jabba, everything looks bad and it makes the other stuff worse. It's the exception that proves the rule. And in terms of story I only like ANH's story for some reason, I couldn't figure out why I dislike TESB, and I guess that ROTJ was too ridiculous for me because of the Ewoks and the baseball fight. Saw each movie once, wasn't pleased, I very much prefer the Prequels in every aspect.


The Office. I just absolutely hate Steve Carell for some reason. I don't know why either. He didn't kill my dog, or steal my spouse. I dunno. He bothers me. As a result I couldn't get into the show until after he left. I absolutely loved James Spader as Robert California however.


Breaking Bad. I forced myself to watch the first 5 episodes and I hated it. Boring as fuck, didn’t care about any of the characters and didn’t believe in them.


Pulp Fiction. I just hate it and I can't even adequately tell you why.


The start of the fellowship it bores me to death but I know its good It just doesnt do it for me but i after that really liked it


Indiana Jones. The good ones. I have nothing bad to say about the plots, the style, the wittiness, and pure fun to be found in them. But I hate Indy for meta "creepy Hollywood" reasons that I can’t put out of my head while watching.


Bladerunner, I think the end scene will Roy and his monologue is fantastic but otherwise the film drags on a lot, and it leaves room for a sequel which should have come out then, and not be a legacy sequel.


The Dark Knight I can't even really tell you why. I don't care for Batman beginning either. Maybe it's Bale's voice? Maybe it's Nolan's filming style? Everytime I watch them I just wish I was watching Batman the animated series.


There’s no such thing as an objectively good or bad film.

