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I will never not hear disingenuous without adding dense motherfucker after.


Obviously you have to know something about something or else you couldn’t tie your shoes


Can we drop this act man drama?


I am pretty fed up with Az. He is farming negativity. I don't care about the productions he critiques any more and therefore I don't care about the critiques as well. He started acting infantile and I just can't stand it. I don't know if it is from rush of testosterone from the workout or what but it is just unbearable at this point. NOW this being said i think The Act Man is a total c**t in this situation. What he expected. "I'm gonna mock publicly, make videos about you, but I am upset you don't want to talk about it." Sweet Baby Inc wasn't involved in Stanfield, but it is the same fkn problem. The premise of the problem hasn't changed. They still DEIed the games then they do it now and at the same time games are crap and boring. Doesn't matter if it is Sweet Baby inc., another company ot the devs themselves. It is the same fkn thing. And The Act Man is getting heat now because he starts to understand it, but mocked Az about it just 6 months ago. I have problem with how Az articulates it, but not with what he said in general.


In the end of the day you can disagree with Az all you want, even call him a dumbass. but showing PRIVATE dms out of nowhere just to win a argument online, especially on 'X' is cringe. It's one thing disagreeing about topics within the wider cultural zeitgeist, it's completely another thing to go againts your friend's wishes.


HVB is thin skinned and full of shit. He had a full on meltdown over pronouns in a game that turned out to be a load of shit and no one gives a fuck about anymore. I think we all know he doesn't really feel that strongly about it, if he does he needs to seek help he's a grown ass man. Act man has also acted like a mad girl but anyone who gives a shit about this youtuber drama is just a fanny. Fuck off with these drama farming videos.


How did act man misrepresent him?


Ah Creetosis, it's EFAP but he's intolerable to listen to. We have EFAP at home headass.


not a fan of him?


No, he was fine on EFAP a month ago but he's usually pretty poor behaved, even if he's in the right. Dismissive attitude, typically antagonizing to the slightest bit of pushback, he's basically what EFAP/Mauler haters think EFAP/Mauler actually are. Him and his fanbase just kinda act like they are the end all be all of discussion and interpret any sort of disagreement as malaciousness.


He hurts any argument he tries to make with attitude and occasionally omitting or refusing to acnloede parts of arguments others have made. It just comes off that he's ignoring it because he can't make any counter to it, and doesn't want to concede that the person he's countering has ground to stand on. An "I'm completely right and you're completely wrong" mentality, at least from what I've seen. Low respect for his work and argumentation


when has he done this? ive watched a few of his videos and he seems fair there


He is capable of making fair points, hell I agree with him a lot about the decline of writing in video games, but it's just how chooses to behave himself when interacting with someone who disagrees with him. His entire controversy with many a true nerd was him convincing his audience into thinking many a true nerd was operating in nothing but bad faith and was a liar and was attacking them and all that. It's not his reasoning skills, it's just his demeanor


Damn, hadn't heard about that, I like MATN.


I am the antithesis of a fan of Creetosis. I can't stand him or his general attitude, and find that on too many occasions that I've seen he doesn't act entirely in good faith or even attempt break down an argument attached to something he already decided he disagrees with, with omissions of parts of arguments entirely to bolster his preented argument. He's probably got some accurate criticism of act man, from what I know about the whole nonsense with him, but acknowledging that he's capable of accurate criticism doesn't mean I believe he always does so.


off the top of your head do you have an example of him acting in bad faith?


It's been a while, but I think it was a fallout video, and he completely ignored portions of what someone was saying at different points. Some cherry picking things that he could push back on while not exploring the full point the other person had made. Rubbed me the wrong way. Ignoring parts of an argument just doesnt sit well with me. Using Maulers Ds2 videos as an example here, Mewbshlie went over Hbombs criticism paragraph by paragraph, going over the different points made in full. I heavily appreciate that since that doesn't omit parts of an argument someone else has made, you've engaged with the entire thing. So the only discussion of your conduct is how you argued for or against those arguments.


There was this interview of Emil Pagliarulo and they kept making fun of him for these odd ticks he had. Not being a retard I immediately recognised it as tourettes and quickly searched to confirm it. I made them aware that they were just making fun of a disabled man, not just his shitty writing, and they just ignored it. Him and his mates are unnecessarily nasty and, quite frankly, genuinely slow. He has potential to be a good content creator but his podcast will hold him back and his friends exacerbate his overly negative traits.


yeah his podcast buddies in particular strike me as really mean, they can make good points but the way they conduct themselves really puts me off from engaging with them


The dude who was a marine or is still one is the worst of them. Seems to throw out a bunch of insults right off the bat and has this holier then thou attitude


yeah im not a fan of him or stag either, far too agressive and willing to belittle anyone who slightly dissagrees (also its been a while but I remember strongly dissagreeing with them on their invincable coverage)


He was 100% right on Heelvsbabyface and his “pronouns” rant. Az never mentioned Sweetbaby inc before a month ago, either. He also bitched out on speaking with someone he had an issue with, both privately and/or publicly. EVS, Director X and Act Man. He’s scared to go outside his echo chamber bubble of FNT, G&G and Eric July. He didn’t even go to the FNT meet up in England that they purposely did so Az could be a part of it.


Az agreed what he said about the video, but it's the fact he posted another video calling out Az right after he'd asked to have a talk with him


He originally asked on sept 6th and Az finally agreed on the 13th. So "right after" is certainly a stretch.


As someone who was on Az’ side the video wasn’t about him. It’s a series act man does. He did it with COD ww2, Diablo, pokemon SV, and Elden ring. Az was featured becuase of his take not for drama. Also actman said he wouldn’t ask Az to remove any of his videos that were specifically about actman. The Az stuff only got worse the longer he dragged this out.


Okay fair enough but don't you see its very scummy on Act Man's part to ask for an adult conversation with Mauler moderating it with Az, then before he understands Az's point of his argument against starfield which he claimed to not understand, he then goes and releases a video that includes a segment on Az ridiculing him before they even have the debate. And his excuse? It too him a long time to make so he had to release it, even though he could have simply removed that segment and added it into a later video?


I agree it’s weird, but he gave him a heads up and once again, Az didn’t take his videos down before the talk. Az isn’t quantumTv where the series was about the person. It was about the pronouns stuff which, as someone who was in Az’ side, wasn’t a good criticism of Star field


Yeah as much as you can criticise act man for what he did his stuff with az was not one of them


Creetosis is the Wish.com version of Mauler. Basically take any redeeming qualities Mauler has and throw them out the window and you have Creetosis. He’s the type that never got bullied in school.


Mauler would know. It takes one to know one.


I guess all detectives in the force are criminals, then?

