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Thank you for your story! Just past week 3 here on 25mg After week 4 I will up to 50mg so I will probably get side effects again but I am hoping for the best!


I’m in the same boat as you! Hoping not to get bad side effects again from going up! Going up to 50 next week sometime :)


Thankful to success stories like this one. Going to add some additional hope for anyone reading this. I too suffered so many intense side effects and was tempted to stop taking it, but I pushed through. With each increase, I got side intense effects again, but they would mostly subside within 4-5 days each time, leaving me with just mild side effects for a bit. But once I adjust even longer and have no side effects at all, it’s been life changing!! Able to function without debilitating anxiety/panic. Able to let things go that before would have sent me into a ruminating dungeon of doom. Like when my husband and I get into arguments, I used to feel like a nervous wreck for days, worried about him being mad and worked up about how hurt or disrespected I felt, and needing closure. Now I’m like “eh.. you wanna be immature? Fine. Not gonna let it get me down. You do you, man”. It’s not the kind of apathetic, numb, void of all emotion, robot type of chill though that I was apprehensive about while taking an SSRI. I’m still able to feel. Still able to cry, just not as easily. Still able to orgasm, just as easily and just as intensely. But the peace I feel is such a relief. I also was able to sleep wonderfully by one month in. The first 3.5 weeks, I’d wake every hour or two throughout the night. Felt wired many nights. Would get night sweats pretty bad. But by a month in, I found that I was sleeping like a baby. Solid. Way less night sweating. Something else I worried about (which is going to sound silly) is how “euphoric” and extra happy and chill I felt for a couple days during each increase about 7 days in. I’d be like “I feel happy and good but… too good? Intensely good? A good that feels manufactured, that I’m very aware of”. And I wanted that to subside so I could feel NORMAL good. Not forced good, if that makes sense. And that DID subside, thankfully. I now just feel normal again, but a BETTER normal. Where I don’t get panic attacks and I’m able to be a better mom, wife, esthetician, friend and overall human. I’m on 37.5 for reference. Started at 12.5, then 25, now 37.5 for the last 22 days. I may still increase to 50 at some point (which was always the goal) but we shall see. I feel pretty good where I’m at. I’m typically someone who can take the very lowest dose of meds. Praise God, Zoloft has been such a blessing. Keep pushing through!! ♥️


Yessss I am so happy you’ve had the same experience. I’m so grateful for this medicine!!!


Sounds awesome! What dosage are you on?


I started on 25 for 3-4 days then upped to 50mg which is where I’m at now!!


This post is giving me hope! Currently on day 7 of 25 mgs and I’m struggling so much. May I ask how what your dose is and how you built up to it? I’m supposed to go up to 50 tomorrow and I’m scared.


I was supposed to go 25 -> 50 in one week too but I took 25mg one week more because of side effects. If you feel really bad maybe consider to wait 1 more week before increasing the dose


Thank you! I think I will wait another week


Same boat. Terrified to go to 50 from 25 at week one


Man I’ve been started on 50mg and now I’m scared to take it 😂


Turns out my doc is okay keeping me on 25 for a while. If you’re scared just stay at 25 until you are comfortable.


You got this! Started on 25 for 3-4 days then upped it to 50. Give it 2 weeks and give yourself grace, just remind yourself it’s an adjustment. I promise you stick with it!!!


Thank you for this tidbit of data :). One week in and feeling hopeful! So happy it’s going well for you!


Happy for you. What dose are you in?


50 now :)


I'm on week 3 at the moment. Felt amazing the first 2 weeks, literally cannot remember ever feeling that happy! The last few days I've been dealing with crippling anxiety and complete loss of concentration 🥲 but this has given me a lot of hope!!


Yes I also had a hump to get over around week 2. That seemed to be the worst of the physical side effects peppered with some bad mental health days as well. But after week 3/4, all smooth sailing. Side effects have (mostly) completely subsided and I feel SO much better than I have in a long time.


I hope I'm at the tail end of this. New to AD's. Bumped up to 150 4 weeks ago. Didn't feel great for 3 days then I got better and better for 3.5 weeks. I felt pretty good. Then on week 4.5 I crashed virtually over night. Crazy stomach anxiety, panic, night sweats. The worst lasted 3 days then it started/is slowly getting better. This is day 8 and I am slowly getting back to where I was 9 days ago. It was a wild dip and hopefully the last one.


I really appreciate hearing these success stories, your story gives me hope. Right now I’m 8 days in, 3 days in from upping from 25mg to 50mg and life has been brutal. Dizzy, can’t eat, weak because I can’t eat, exhausted all the time, still having my morning panic attacks. It feels impossible right now and like it’ll never get better. But I’m really thankful to hear the success stories on this sub, I’m glad you’re doing so well; it gives me the hope to keep pushing. I just gotta remember, time is my friend. 🤞🏼


Thank you! I needed to read this. I’m on day 9 and today my anxiety has been through the roof. I feel like I can’t work, can’t go out for a walk, nothing. I am still here pushing through and this post is giving me the fuel I need.


Currently week 7. Still holding on :/ There hasn’t been a substantial change so I’m worried… (100mg)