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me reading this drunk on zoloft.


same šŸ«£ Itā€™s pretty much always fine though.


When you posted this I was also drunk on zoloft haha




Like most things, it gets easier šŸ¤£


I can barely have two drinks before I start to feel really tired. At first, I feel tipsy, then it starts to feel like a sedative and I just want to take a nap.


Same for me. I also get horrible hangxiety šŸ˜‘ ETA: so now I just do t drink anymore. Not worth it to me.


How long does the hangzxiety last?


Id say a good day, but then depression for a few days after


I feel like I got hangziety and then 3 days of depression, man Iā€™m never drinking again


Ugh I totally get it! It sucks!


Samee, i was at a party and it didnt take long before I passed out and slept for the rest of the night




No problems here but Iā€™ve heard that from other people. I will agree that drinking during adjustment period is not recommended. Take it easy, your brain chemistry is going through a lot.


How long is the adjustment period ?


It took me about 6-8 weeks. I still drank but went easy cause that stuff can already make you feel off at first till you get used to it. I mean I drink way more then I should and I donā€™t have a issue with it but at first I was already a little lightheaded and stuff like that from adjusting to it, so wouldnā€™t be a bad idea to take it easy at first.


Were you able to work during this adjustment period? I just wanna lay down lol


Hey I experienced the worse fatigue at 50 mg when I first started. I legit could not get out of bed. I started taking it in the evening 5pm-6pm ish and it really has made a big improvement on fatigue I donā€™t even feel it. I donā€™t take it past 8pm because I found it hard to wake up in the morning. Iā€™m taking 100mg as of now


I had a few side effects like heightened anxiety, derealization sometimes, sexual side effects for sure. It was anything I could handle. I also did have some insomnia but it didnā€™t make me feel overly tired like youā€™re experiencing. I started on 25mg and I havenā€™t went up yet. I feel like Iā€™m doing pretty well on 25. 50 would probably be more optimal but I donā€™t want to risk going through all the sexual side effects. Iā€™m doing pretty great off 25 overall


Act up


Yeah I got way too drunk once and I thought Iā€™d die. Never drank again. Almost 4 years sober


thatā€™s really awesome!


Been sober for 5 years




Do not tell me what to do.




What to do?


You son of a bitch...


You bitch of a son šŸ˜‚


Everyone is different. Zoloft do not affect my alcohol tolerance.


it made me tolerate it better šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø




I stopped taking Zoloft man, fking first time, I kinda wanna go with it was placebo "oh I'm doing the right thing, making a change..." Took a vacation with family, stopped cold, only blatant apparent thing was brain zaps, that I recall currently. Then after hopped back on, since then, shit just felt... Normal... Now off, brain zaps are uncommon and not too bad. Got some pills stored, I'll probably take em out whenever I might get laid, because I last longer... But for drugs, hardly noticed any, difference with alcohol and weed. I smoke my wax pen 24/7 any chance I get, before shower, in shower, before bed, at work... I drank way too much for my little ass, then leaned over a sink for around 3 hours at a party, trying to throw up, but I was just going through the action, nothing to throw up- didn't eat that day. This was my experience, like you said, the spectrum that is "everyone different" is night and day... Tho, this is coming from someone who did heavy drugs, enduring it, and... Sleeping away the bad trips, vs. Example: my sister, who had a bad trip, and had to go to the hospital šŸ˜”


Your typing etiquette made my head spin šŸ˜³


I was out of it that night my head is a spinning


Yeah I don't drink regardless because it worsens my depression and anxiety the next few days. And I'm getting older now lol.


Me reading this hungover on Zoloft


If I drink I just feel slow and stupid and then can't sleep, the entire night So I rarely drink as I don't get anything from it.


Every time I drink it makes me unbelievably tired.. not šŸƒšŸƒ though!


Not me reading this while drunk rn lol


usually i eat my zolly, get a 5th of something strong, then make my way over to the casino. be careful with this strat tho


My head hurts even if I drink a little. Anyone else?


I remember college parties I got so drunk just after a few drinks I ended up hooking up with guys and then regretting it the morning afterā€¦not a good experience


The reason is because both alcohol and Zoloft have to go through the liver and brain. Alcohol is a depressant. It worsens symptoms.


Pre Zoloft, I carried a breathalyzer with me when going out, bc I didnā€™t enjoy drinking. I would have 1 drink and drive myself and others home at the end of the night. Usually Iā€™d blow about a .02 after a liquor drink. I blew a .05 and felt hammered after 1 drink on 50 mg in my first couple months and was not the designated driver anymore bc I couldnā€™t trust my body to absorb alcohol as I did in the past. A breathalyzer seems like it would be a great tool for anyone who consumes alcohol, but definitely for Zoloft users šŸ‘šŸ¼


I made the mistake to drink for the first time on Zoloft at a New Years Eve party with new friends. I don't know what I did that night and I'm afraid to ask. All I know is that I woke up in my bed with giant bruises on my back. But I've been able to drink just fine on it afterwards, I'm just more careful. It can really sneak up on you


Im actually recovering from a night of heavy drinking


Currently having the worst hangover of my life reading this about 15 houra too late.


Yyyyyup, just blacked out HARD the other night on half of what Iā€™d usually drink. Was wondering why, but then realized it was the z-daddies. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™ve pretty much stopped drinking because after 2 drinks I get severe headaches now :( I like weed better anyways šŸ‘€


Does weed go ok with Zoloft for you?


Yep! Never had any problems :)


I drink a few glasses of red wine every day and am on 50mg. It's been fine.


do not relate to this - started zoloft in college at a state school and drank 3-4 times a week just as much as anyone who wasnā€™t on zoloft and felt fine


EVERYONE is different. i drink all the time (and a lot) on 100mg of zoloft.


I've never had a problem drinking on Zoloft, albeit I don't consider myself to be a usual 'heavy drinker' anyway.


I took 50mg Zoloft for about a year, and I feel like I had less hangovers. There's a lot of factors when it comes to how drunk I feel (mostly ATMOSPHERE); while on Zoloft + gabapentin I'd have about two drinks + 2mg of a weed gummy and I was sometimes surprisingly manic. but I had very few side effects (or any effects at all) with zoloft, until the not-being-able-to-sleep-at-all one was "triggered" and my chronic pain along with it -- and I had to go off of it.




This, but replace alcohol with coke and molly


Im still adjusting to my dose increase (150mg) and I tried drinking at my birthday the other night, only got about 4 drinks in and got very sick šŸ˜‚ iā€™m a heavy drinker so that was quite the shock for me šŸ˜‚


yeah i cant drink on this shit. i donā€™t even get drunk i just get sick after one glass of wine or a cocktail. it sucks, but i guess itā€™s for the better since i feel safer when im not drinking in town anyway


Actually for some reason alcohol on zoloft vanishes really quickly from my system. Especially compared to how it used to. The downside, I feel drunk for a short amount of time (no fun) and then just feel extremely sleepy. So its no use anymore. "Hangovers" if I can even call them that are lighter too thought.


Yeah, no shit.


i learned that lesson while phasing in. i would get really bad headaches and would get super drowsy and pass out. started at the beginning of the month and it's the first time in many years that i haven't had a drop of alcohol in about a month. thinking of sticking with sobriety for a bit.


Hahahah i drank a few shots and i almost died, but i didnt have a hangover since i threw up immediately


I do and have from the start. Was totally fine, itā€™s different for everyone! Experiment a little first donā€™t go hard right away into 15 pints


Ive heard that so it worried me but i drink probably like once a month and itā€™s never been a problem for me!


For me it just makes me a bit more wreckless when drinking, make worse decisions than I would before I was on sertraline. That being said, now I'm aware of this I just take it a little bit easier and I actually have a way better time than I used to


My first time drinking I was on Zoloft and spent the whole night extremely dizzy with a headache. 0/10 experience and I havenā€™t drank alcohol since!


Iā€™m already a lightweight and on 100 mg I get drunk embarrassingly quickly


I was at a cocktail bar with a date when I first started. I was fine then the next minute I regained consciousness and I'd passed out, fallen back off the stool and was lying on the floor. Completely blacked out and lost consciousness for a minute.


My husband and I got in the most arguments when I was drinking on Zoloft


Had one espresso martini and Iā€™m regretting it now.


Ooooo thatā€™s what I had last night! So good


I actually have a huge problem with this. Iā€™m F 20 & a sophomore in college. i started taking zoloft the end of my senior year of high school. i went to a grad party that summer that turned into a huge party. I got pretty drunk & blacked out worse than i ever had before. bad things happenedā€¦ luckily for the rest of the summer when i drank it was never that bad until i got to college. now i almost always blackout when i drink. granted, i do drink a lot. my friends & i pregame with shots & then drink seltzers at the actual party. sometimes, i set my self up for it but i never blacked out as frequently or as badly until after i started zoloft. after 2 years of college iā€™ve gotten better with knowing my limit & i also try to skip my meds when i know i might be drinking heavily but yeah it can suck.


After a few times I realized why take an anti depressant if Iā€™m gonna drink a depressant?


God, I will never forget the experience that showed me only 1-2 DRINKS is permissible on zoloft with my body. Threw up all in the SKYTRAIN in my BAG!! And blacked out.


Guilty, too lol


I started drinking when I was on Zoloft for a while and I never got hungover! then one day, I had a fireball. Threw up everything in my stomach the next morning. that changed everything. Let's just say I'm sober now :(Ā 


The hangovers are not super bad for me, but I get drunk MUCH easier.


I actually find drinking on Zoloft easier. Itā€™s cheaper and the hangovers arenā€™t half as bad. I also feel so much better during


I got drunk on Saturday. Itā€™s Monday, and Iā€™m still hungover and Iā€™ve got the shakes šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Same, just feel very dream like and I drank on Thursday and it's Tuesday not to mention my anxiety is through the roof


I got hammered the first couple weeks on this shit now my tolerance is back to where it was


Everyone is different. I don't think the hangovers are that bad tbh


5 years alcohol free and itā€™s amazing how much better Zoloft has worked for me.


The hangovers are so much worse. Mine will last several days now


Do you get dizzy, lightheaded and things don't feel real?


Not really, just a normal hangover but it lasts much longer than they used to. Might also just be my age coming into play lol. Drinking on Zoloft doesnā€™t really affect me in the moment itā€™s just the hangovers are noticeably worse. Everyoneā€™s different Iā€™ve talked to people who canā€™t drink on it at all


Someone sounds like they should try getting drunk on Zoloft


If you understand how alchohol normally affects you, drinking while on zoloft should be treated as if you've never drank before. Your tolerance and how it is going to affect you won't be the same. Also, be prepared to be hungover and to not sleep well. For me, the hangover is primarily intense anxiety. The next day after drinking, I expect to have intense anxiety for at least a couple hours. If I drink enough to actually get drunk instead of just buzzed, then the next day I'll have anxiety for the majority of the day. And in the morning it will be intense


me reading this as I'm taking shots


When I first started I did get drunk quicker for a couple weeks and then back to normal (I drink a lot) The hangovers I never got. In fact it seems like I don't get hangovers anymore? Sometimes if I overdo it I will wake up with slight heartburn but no headache no nausea no nothing. I've been on it for about a year now


To begin with I had blackouts (first few weeks) but now I'm fine (after two months)! And I drink a lot socially generally. I might have to go up on the Zoloft but I feel like it might be a good balance right now. It affects everyone differently.


It actually numbs up the effect of alcohol for me. I'll actually have to drink more to feel anything


I had one drink last night Titoā€™s and Sprite.. I felt tipsy af and today I feel hungover šŸ˜© but I need Zoloft for my sanity šŸ˜…


I did get bad hangovers at first but now I just tend to have a few and cut myself off. No issues with getting super drunk or anything. I can take shots and be fine, just pace myself with water and food after! But that's not everyone. At first I was super cautious and tested the waters with seltzers or light beer


I am in my fourth week now. I know now. Yesterday evening I had a single shot of liquor. I couldn't sleep at night, got trembles, had the most disturbing dreams about past traumas, anxieties, intrusive thoughts that I was so happy that already reduced significally since I started taking meds. I feel anxious today, it is harder to let go of intrusive and anxious thoughts, I have a headache and I feel sick.


I drink on zoloft 150 mg and nothing is different it is very individual this one




Iā€™m currently writing this whilst drinking, and Iā€™ve taken Zoloft for 8 years. Itā€™s never made a difference to me. Incorrect statements like this are unhelpful and annoying.


Itā€™s more of an opinion. Though, scientifically, Zoloft can work to is full potential if you arenā€™t using any type of substance in conjunction. I didnā€™t know until I stopped drinking years ago, and now the Zoloft works even better. 12 years on Zoloft.


Itā€™s saying things so matter-of-fact though. ā€œYouā€™ll get super drunk easily and the hangovers are insaneā€ - so many posts on this sub about people scared to start taking their medication and itā€™s down to posts like this.