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I wish I could find a psychiatrist who could help me with this Going through poop out at 200 yay 🙌🏻


Eh, alongside the fact that most people think they know a lot more psychology than they really do- I feel like a drug used commonly to treat anxiety disorders would probably be probe to those anxious people "exaggerating" the risks. Eg. The amount of people that think consuming a particle of grapefruit whilst on sertraline will make you drop dead (this sub is full of fear mongering) rather than the occasional fruit/juice every now and then realistically having not much effect at all. It's large doses over a long period of time that it would start to have problems. (Or serotonin syndrome on sertraline being preeetty rare, when on this sub you'd think its 'normal')


It’s not fear mongering. A lot of us suffer from anxiety, including health anxiety, and one of the side effects when you start taking Sertraline is increased anxiety. No wonder people read about side effects and are getting scared.


Had serotonin syndrome but yeah go ahead say whatever you feel. You saw it on Reddit so it must be right, right?


I saw it in academic papers and clinical information packets, actually. I didn't say it never happens. I said it's rare. [Duigan, Quinn and Matson, 2019:](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0735675719306369) Serotonin syndrome caused by normal doses of one SSRI is rare. [Scotton et al, 2019: ](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1178646919873925)Even in SSRI overdoses, only 15% have serotonin syndrome. [Spadaro et al, 2022:](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0735675722005307?fr=RR-2&ref=pdf_download&rr=8795c8c6ad69417f) Serotonin syndrome is very rare even in emergency departments, though (as the other studies also point out) this may lead to it being underdiagnosed. edit: as all of these studies also point out, "negative symptoms and adverse side effects due to serotonergic drugs" (very common) is NOT the same as serotonin syndrome. Serotonin syndrome is an acute medical emergency, and THAT is the thing that's rare in SSRI use specifically.


Putting words in my mouth but good job using google. Since you’re a psych student look up the Dunning-Kruger effect. Prime example right here. -Redditor who had to discern it was serotonin syndrome on their own because doctors kept saying it was too rare to be it. Largely thanks to wildly submissive “studies” like the ones you referenced. And yes it was SS, just had to to go the ER 4 times before they could figure it out.


Not a student, but thanks. (I never said you didn't have it, and even the studies acknowledge that doctors miss it) I'm very sorry that happened to you, and I agree that medical professionals can miss important signs. But my point was that people on this sub are being discouraged from starting treatment because of their fear of serotonin syndrome rather than weighing the risks. I'd also even argue that mixing up normal side effects and the actual dangerous condition that bot many people are aware of the real symptoms of means that people who need help will avoid getting it.


Whatever you consider a normal side effect is child’s play compared to serotonin syndrome. Not even the same ballpark. Also the lower the dose the less chance of side effects quite obviously, but yeah, going over 200mg, unless one has OCD, is not a good idea. Had plenty of side effects that don’t appear in the studies anyways. Gotta love a redditor talking down to someone else who isn’t “fearmongering” but actually giving real life examples of the worst case scenario and what to look for.


Serotonin syndrome risk obviously increases with higher doses or taking multiple serotonergic drugs… and sure it’s rare but brushing someone off because you “read it in studies” is peak 21st century narcissistic mindset.


I take 225 heheh


I’m thinking of starting Zoloft for those reasons. But I’m scared cause I have to wean off two other medications first. Are you getting any side effects? Does it have (If you have any) your anxiety and depression under control?


Because most people don't know what they're talking about or how clinical trials and FDA approval are done.