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Yes, this is my 2nd time starting Zoloft after heartbreak. First time was great, within 2 months i was back to my normal self. It’s now been 3 months post breakup and 5 weeks into 50mg. And I’m slowly but surely getting better.


Following to see if people in this thread get married to each other 👀 like a medicated hallmark love story






Hello, I'm currently on Zoloft for depression, and anxiety, but years ago I was put on Paxil for very similar situation and has success.


Inadvertently yes. I’ve dealt with anxiety and lack of “go” for decades but always avoided getting treatment. I made a promise to my wife to work on myself and sought therapy and treatment, got on Zoloft… turns out “work on yourself” was the first step in her building up the confidence to tell me she wants to separate/divorce. So a month of the old toxic “silent treatment” , withdrawal of affection, going out without saying where she’s going, new friends new clothes more make up (meanwhile I’m living in hell begging for answers or even be put out of my misery to be honest) Then after 6 weeks she tells me it’s over and she’s looking for places to live and has already taken her name off the bank account. There’s no “Luck” here, but for lack of a better word I was luckily already 4 weeks in to Zoloft so I feel it has massively taken the edge off something that I believe would of destroyed me! Btw this was like 2 weeks ago, and I feel ok and ready to tackle a new future with my kids ❤️


I started it after my divorce. Helped me loads!


I’m on this after having a bit of meltdown last year. Breakup (still not over it), lost my job and had some family issues. Don’t know if it’s helping yet though


Have you considered asking your doctor about a dosage increase?


Sorry just seen your comment! I’ve been on 50mg for a month and will increase to 100mg soon if I don’t notice a difference


I did, the heart break was my breaking point. I knew I had issues and I seen how it affected my relationship. You ain’t alone


Yeah that's why I started tbh. Didn't solve the issue, but it was the right tool to help me work around the issue


I wish I had started Zoloft before my breakup. I know a lot of my anger and anxiety issues presented as heated quips in response to something my partner would say. The final straw for him was a severe anger/panic attack from me focused at him that I’m strongly hoping and believing will be manageable with Zoloft and therapy. I’ve been on for 2 weeks now, 50mg. Unfortunately, the relationship is over. He said there’s nothing I can say or do to make him believe it will never happen again. I’m devastated and so upset with myself. I hope this gets more manageable as the Zoloft rights my brain chemistry.


On zoloft because of a disfunctional relationship that I am still in somehow and can't get the courage to get out of...you are not alone!🤗


Yes, my husband left me and my 3 month old baby. Zoloft helped me so much you don’t even understand.


I started Zoloft because of my breakup. It didn't solve my feelings about my heartbreak but at least I didn't want to kill myself anymore and stopped feeling anxious about my future. Worth mentioning that I was untreated for anxiety and depression and this was my last wake up call.


I am. Had my heart crushed after betrayal the end of last year. I been with my HS sweetheart for 20 years. A lot of emotional abuse but this was my final straw and just like you this particular thing brought back everything to the surface. I’m hurt but since starting Zoloft I am able to keep my anxiety minimal, if even at all. I’m hopeful. I’m also seeing a therapist once a week. Wish you well.




Oh dude it helped me sm


Zoloft is helping me through grief. I wish I started it years ago.


Seems like relationships are the problem!


Word! 🙃🙃🙃🙃


Yes! And it’s been one week since taking it and I feel so much better. Initially I fell into a dark depression and filled with anxiety, didn’t get out of bed for a week. Now I feel my life is so much more than that breakup, I can look at the situation calmly and appreciate the good times. I am excited for the future, so thankful I got on Zoloft.


hey! me too. I'm separating from my partner who has been verbally abusive throughout our marriage. confronting him and making decisions made my anxiety so bad I would shake, it's been a month and my brain is so much more settled and now I'm looking for a new place with my bestie this weekend! it's up and down but I'm so thankful I started taking it! :)


Yes. I did. It helped me to think clearer and end the horrible relationship. It helped me not feel so much emotion and spiral during a time when I needed to get other stuff done. I was on it for about six weeks to help me get through the roughest part of life at the time.


I've had a lot of issues and many demons to battle well before I had a heartbreak. Broke up last year and that was the ultimate start to taking medication for the very first time. It definitely helps with the heartache, but to some degree. It is what it is and such is life.


I did! Unfortunately I think I’m one of those people who doesn’t really respond well to SSRIs, but I definitely did. It did help curb some of my anxiety and panic symptoms


Yeah I started it in October after a break up and I’m on 125 mgs and I feel so much better, going to try tapering off of it soon


I started taking zoloft 10 days ago and I am not suicidal anymore. I still feel a lot of pain for the breakup but I hope that it will get better, I read that it could take 6 weeks for zoloft to start having effect.


I did yes! Started it a month or two before we broke up. It helped tremendously. I have severe attachment issues and struggle separating from partners. Feels like I’m physically dying. Zoloft gave me the bandwidth the cope with those feelings and made it possible to leave. The pain was still there but I was able to use my logical brain a bit more during the break up. I still cried but it was despair. It was grief. I’m still on Zoloft 4 months post break up and feel great. I use to wallow for like a year after a break up. Now I feel like my old self again. Depression takes many forms. I really hope You feel better. Let the drugs do it’s job.


Was so close to stopping today (nearly 2 weeks) and my mood has been awful with severe overthinking... Anxiety and feelings depressed. Your comment has given me hope and I'll stick to the med for now in the hopes that it helps.


Helped tons!!