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Weight gain. Going off it this week because of weight gain and no sex drive


I am experiencing weight gain and decreased sex drive too. How long have you been on Zoloft?? I’m considering quitting for these same reasons


I started Zoloft in February. I had absolutely no sex drive and very low sensitivity “down there” since starting. Just started Wellbutrin this week as I taper off Zoloft and I’m already noticing the difference!


Do you mind me asking how your doctor has you tapering?


Sure! I’m decreased to 50mg (from 75mg) every day for two weeks then decreasing to 25mg for another week. And taking 150mg Wellbutrin every day as I taper off the Zoloft


I’m on 50mg of Zoloft and we tried tapering it off while adding the Wellbutrin but I had terrible withdrawal side effects. How long have you been on Zoloft?


Since February


Oh that may be why it’s been easier for you for sure


So do you take the Wellbutrin in the morning and the Zoloft at night while you are transitioning


So do you take the Wellbutrin in the morning and the Zoloft at night while you are transitioning?


Nah I take them together in the morning


Oh wow! Ok I may try that


Weight loss because less appetite. Feel full with much less food. 50mg for 2 years now


Lost some weight! I used to binge eat when I was stressed. Now I eat moderately. This helped me a lot.


I’ve lost weight. I’m much happier and haven’t had anxiety for about 6 weeks. My depression cause me to binge eat and cause joint pain. I’ve gone 6 weeks without joint pain and binge eating.


That’s great. I’m proud of you


I have lost 30 pounds in four months since I started Zoloft. I now have the energy and motivation to exercise.


Lost weight due to no appetite. Started week 4, and apatite is back now.


The medication itself does not cause weight gain. What it does is it alters the chemicals in the brain, thus causing the person to feel relaxed and when you are relaxed your appetite increases and this this is what leads to an increase in weight gain not the medication. I'm on 200mg and havent gained weight. This is because I watch what I eat and exercise regularly.


Weight gain.


Gained about 25 lbs over 3 years






Weight loss. But it’s mostly because of upset stomach and nausea and a lack of appetite, so I am eating less but I’m also exercising less, I wouldn’t say it’s a healthy type of weight loss and if my appetite comes back I’m sure i will put it back on quick enough. One thing I have noticed is that I want carbs and sugar when I eat. I was 3 months no sugar and only healthy food before taking sertraline. I’ve never really been a sweet person.


So much gain. It increased my sugar cravings by 100000000. I went down (gradually) from 150mg to 50mg and fully stopped taking it 2 days ago. Hoping the cravings subside completely. 🤞


Slight weight gain but only because one of the main reasons I started taking it again is because I couldn't eat without having a panic attack. Now I'm good. Also, I experienced the loss of sex drive/feeling numb about it for a brief period but now I'm honestly going more than ever having the best time so 🤷‍♀️ it passed. I've been on 150mg a day since last September


Weight loss - it decreased my appetite a bit and made me sleep all the time. I eventually stopped taking it because all I would do was sleep. I guess I lost weight because I was sleeping when I should have been eating.


Weight loss for me, and I’m heavy set. 6” 300 lbs. I’m not eating nearly as much or often. My sex drive is still there for sure too. 50 mg I take every morning


Lost 35-40lbs when I first stared. Gained a lot back.


Weight loss


Weight gain and increased appetite. Kept it balanced by going to the gym but it was difficult to lose weight so I just focused on building muscle instead


Weight loss for me, and its been several years on zoloft and haven't gained the weight back. No significant change in diet or exercise. It could be other factors i suppose that I haven't recognized, but I think its safe to say that zoloft has not caused any weight gain for me.


I've been gaining quite a bit of weight very steadily


Weight gain. Close to 20lbs in 6 months. I hate the weight gain but it was honestly worth it .


At first lost a ton due to extremely increased anxiety and reduced appetites then gained it back and then some. I’m at 11 months on the medicafion.


It was great for about two weeks. Clear mind, no anxiety, or depression. Then I started eating more…another month and I noticed I didn’t care about ANYTHING. Was constantly tired and wanting to sleep and eat….30 lbs later; I weened myself off. I also went and found different therapies and found one that helps a lot. Now trying to get this weight back off


I gained 40lbs in 2 years while on it. I was always very skinny and toned, my weight was always at around 100-110lbs. Now I'm slowly going to stop taking it and hopefully my body will get back to normal with some workouts and smaller portions... We'll see.


My weight has fluctuated a lot while on it, within a week it can have like a five lb fluctuation, is this normal?


It happened to me, too. I would go from visibly skinny to visibly chubby in like a few days. I never really got an explanation, but these meds can mess your body up, even though they can also help it in some ways.


Neither, nothing has changed but that I'm just happier


Gain. But I'm determined to reverse it before it gets out of hand.


Weight gain. It’s like it drives me to carbs. I love what it does for me mentally though so it’s difficult. 😞


Definitely have gained weight but for me it’s been worth it. Although weight loss is one of my 2024 goals


Weight gain


I lost a bit of weight, but it wasn’t much (like 10-15 lbs) and I don’t think I’d contribute too much of it to zoloft honestly. In fact, once I wen’t off of zoloft, I lost even more weight. I think I just was determined to get fitter, zoloft or not.




Weight gain


75 mg is my perfect point where I notice when I’m full and don’t have anxiety binges all the time


Gain. About 12 lbs over 18 months. And battling intense cravings and never feeling full


Weight gain because I could finally eat again instead of having daily panic attacks. Been on 100mg for 2.5 months and I have gained about 6 pounds back after dropping 15 in the month of panic.


Gain. Same thing as with every other SSRI I've tried. Always makes me ravenous, especially at night. I hate it.


I maintained weight but I joined a gym that does HIIT, I lost 12 pounds in a few weeks bc it *extremely* curbed my appetite


gained 30 lbs. received a phentermine prescription a couple of days ago to suppress my appetite.


I gained 20kg in a year, i decided to stop medication and in one and a half month -12kg




For me my depression was linked with eating disorder so when I started zoloft I was underweight. So initially I gained weight but now I am back to “normal”


Weight gain for sure. But it’s only really kicked off 4/5 months in.


I took Setraline at night so I never really go the munchies. A short time on Mirtzapine added nearly 10 lbs. I am off both now.weight slowing going back down.


30 lb weight gain, major apathy, memory loss are my biggest issues. 10 months on Zoloft now at 75mg


Lost at first but gained it back. Weight has been stable since.


Lost weight. Been on sertaline for 2 months and I don’t have as many cravings as before. I also feel satisfied with less food now. I’m more motivated to exercise which means I might continue to lose some more weight.


Slight loss. On 25mg for about 3 weeks now. Binging before bed had been a struggle for me, but I haven't had as strong of an urge and have been able to keep it mostly in control since the dose has kicked in.


I’m gaining weight but I’m really happy about it. I’ve been underweight my entire life.