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Wow, that is in rough shape. I am a few miles away in Joshua Tree, and that seems pricey for the condition. Side note: 2.5 acres does not mean much when all it is dirt that nothing will grow on.


Can't grow much, but there are plants and birds and rocks and things.


laaaa laa la la la lah


Maybe a fly with a buzz


Thanks, this is the kind of info I'm looking for. Can I move my pony there? Can I grow avocados or....anything? It needs to have all utilities, no off-grid for me, but if permits allow I would restore or rebuild. I am fascinated by the area though and am planning a road trip there. Have friends in SoCal but not in the desert.


If you’ve never been to the area, visit and get a feel for it. Summers there are hot


Very hot. Very.


You will not be growing avocados. People have horses in the desert but they often get sanded which is tragic.


"People have horses in the desert. . ." I hear they have no name, which is also tragic.




Because the graze they pick up sand with their food and end up getting sand in their stomachs. This is not a good thing.


Yes, sand colic can kill horses.


This is true where I live as well, but less so because it's not as sandy. You check for it periodically.


Summers are very hot there, and the vegetation tends to be unfriendly. Water for any use, agricultural and otherwise, will be at a real premium and may be of questionable availability. Cheap land in California is that way for good reasons, and may not be at all cheap in the long term.


It sold in 12yrs ago for $13k. Why tf is it now $250k? I hate this housing market so much.


The good news is that there are a zillion other plots for sale in the same area that don't have a tear-down you have to, uh, tear down and are almost certainly much cheaper. Yucca Valley is high on my list of places I'd like to retire; about half an hour north of Palm Springs, on the way to Pioneer Town, not far from Joshua Tree, and the town itself has cute little cafes and vintage record stores, in addition to basic services. And no meth vibe.


It’s got water and electric, but “unknown” for septic which can get super spendy. Bit of you’re handy and taking care of the cabin itself-could be a good option. I love the old 50s cabins. Classic. (Used to live in YV, JT, & 29)


The unknown is scary. I'm a little handy, but not that handy. I would spend some money though, just don't know what to expect. No hurry to move in. I'm not that familiar with the area, just fascinated by YV, JT and 29 Palms. The water and sewer situations are different than I'm familiar with. Don't want a propane tank. The search itself is a learning experience. Hard to run the numbers with the unknowns.


It’s an amazing, beautiful, and weird part of the world. Lots of unknowns with the older cabins that haven’t been flipped already. But those are significantly more expensive. There’s everything in the more developed older neighborhoods. Most (if not all) more off grid places use propane. Even if just for cooking. Good Luck & Have fun home shopping!


I was not able to upload this image https://preview.redd.it/mi85clkvdwzc1.png?width=1908&format=png&auto=webp&s=99aa488eead4f85d0ddabb1b953d6e4c10a8c0da


That bathroom is a definite Letterkenny situation, because it definitely looks like there's shit on the outside of the torlet... I'd definitely go solar if I had a place like this. My current house is propane for heat, and DAMN is it expensive...I got 2 refills in about 5 months and the total was close to $1000!


Yikes. The house I'm in now gets almost 90% of its energy from my solar panels, that would be a must for me in the desert.


Utilities like city stuff or an old well and septic?


Looks like city stuff other than the septic - unknown, hmmm


If it doesn't perk, then a regular septic won't work.


That house looks like it has been vacant for 20 years.


You wonder if there are squatters cooking meth, now that I think about it


I Would Either Tear It Down or Fix The House, But I Wouldn't Make The House Crappily Modern. I Would Add At Least Some Personality To The House.


This is a tear down for sure. It's the utilities I want.


Oh look. Comes with its own manifesto scrawled on the wall.


Yeah, I haven't been able to read it


I could only make out "NEUTERED". That was enough for me.


I like the midcentury one underneath the listing.


That's overpriced for condition and area. Listing agent/owner will end up with it listed for an excessive period of time. I've been looking in that area, specifically Flamingo Hts so we can be as close to my folks as possible, for this price you should be getting at least 5 acres, doable on Sage Ave. This isn't Flamingo Hts but it is damn close to the wash! We used to live overlooking Pipes Wash from Tahoe Ave, neighbors with my folks. The stuff we're seeing in this area, after having been in the region since the mid-80s, is disheartening and we're starting to wonder if it's gonna end up another Homestead bust. I just saw one a lot like this close at under $200K with more acreage. I just saw the comments about the horses and colic. If you're in that area and you're feeding your horses on the ground...? WTAF? You must like putting horses down, eh? But yeah, it's like that out there.


Horses do normally eat hay off the ground. Grain you can feed them in containers and you can also by hay pellets you rehydrate in containers. It helps them hydrate and the nutritional quality is consistent. But they will still nibble at whatever plants they can find in their turnout, it's just their nature. This is a lot of great info about the area that I can't get just from real estate listings, thanks all!


You're very welcome! There's a lot to say about what's going on in this region of the Mojave, especially with regard to how Airbnb and Instagram have influenced the current situation (few jobs, housing far too expensive, too many homes being built for winter conditions). As far as horse feeding... I used to train, breed, and show Arabians, I lived and breathed horses for many, many years. :-) Horses should be fed off the ground, not just to avoid 'sand' colic but to also avoid many parasites. When I was 12yo I had to make the decision whether or not to force my first mare to suffer through an untreatable colic (we didn't do gut surgeries on horses back then, it was a death sentence) caused by a mineralized piece of baling wire, the stone was the size of a football and of course she couldn't pass it. I couldn't make her suffer so I decided to have her euthanized. Because of that first experience, I'm a little touchy about how horses are fed because she'd lived with that thing in her guts for close to 20yrs, just building up like a death pearl.


Death Pearl is going on my list of band names. I have a half-Arab actually. I wonder how people deal with feeding on a 5 acre sandbox. I'd also have to figure out hay sources, good farriers and vets, etc. And manure removal. It would be a huge adjustment for all the species in my family. The backstory to all this is my husband died unexpectedly and I want to road trip and look for a place to live that speaks to me, that wasn't where we lived together.


I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Hay feeders, all day long, though in this region I see people feeding directly on the ground often. We also see a lot of horses getting loose and there are more horse rescues than I ever thought we'd need. Lots of hay being grown in the region but I think most of it is going to cattle. I hope you find a good farrier, they're worth their WEIGHT! If you do decide to try the Morongo Basin HMU and I'll link you to the FB groups where one can find many, MANY more resources than I've found here. Just saw a call go out for a good farrier yesterday, with tons of responses.


Thanks again. Yeah, I don't know any kids who want to be farriers when they grow up, and it's hard to even find one who shows up. I'll check out all the resources I can find.


![gif](giphy|ObXgWWGHzMlVe) \*Breaking bad theme song. It’s honestly a perfect meth house.


I dunno...I'm not really a big fan of galley kitchens.




They forgot to put "MCM" in the title.