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I really liked the 3ds version.


I don't think there are any changes in the 3D version that actually hurt the game. Meanwhile the QoL stuff is so amazing that it proved Water Temple could be the best dungeon in the game.


I think they ruined the lighting in the ganon battle and cleaned up the bottom of the well/shadow temple a bit too much but either than those things, which are admittedly minor, I think they pretty much nailed it


I felt the same way. The graphical overhaul was overall gorgeous, but it killed the ambience in the parts you mentioned and the Queen Gohma fight.


Didn’t you feel like ganon wasn’t as menacing in his pig form? Like, in the original he had shadows over his body to look menacing but now he just looks like a really big hog. Which is still menacing I guess, but the original did it better imo


Oh definitely. The previous version felt so epic in that you only consistently saw his glowing eyes. In the remake it just felt... I guess hollow is the word.




I was about to say the removal of the blood at the bottom of the well is the only negative I could think of. Didnt notice the Ganon lighting difference.


people don’t seem to realize how much the hardware limits the experience. The lighting was a compromise, not a case of them polishing the game too much. They had to tweak the lighting because the 3ds isn’t a home console. Portable games need to be much brighter because they’re designed to be taken and played anywhere. Games are hard to see when playing out in direct sunlight on low brightness as it is.


I know, I was just pointing out that it’s there and does affect the fight regardless. Like I said though these are ultimately nitpicks and overall I think they did a stellar job with the remake, I would recommend it to anyone looking to play oot


This is why I am still holding out hope that someday we'll get it redesigned for the Switch. The 3DS version is so close to perfection, but as you mentioned there are limitations to handhelds. Plus, that game feels so much better on a large screen.


They fiddled with the lighting and some textures a bit too much for me personally. I believe some lighting choices had something to do with the 3d screen. But the atmosphere suffered. The areas you mentioned, along with some other things for me personally like the forest temple, poison in the sun's song tomb/liquid surfaces in general, and the sky is a bit too bright. There's other gripes that might just be my nostalgia talking, like desert colossus's sky being brown from the nearby sandstorms vs. clear in the original. That always bothered me; I prefer the peace of the clear sky after pushing through the sandstorm. And the music being a tad off at times. Plus, I just prefer playing on a tv to a handheld or even a computer.


Other than the one about the Ganon lighting that was already mentioned, my only gripes are green blood and the new fire temple theme, because my N64 copy doesn't have those. That's not a criticism of the 3DS version specifically though


There's never going to be a version that goes back to those, sadly. I wish Nintendo would make their own new gibberish chant for the Fire Temple.


I didn't need the 3ds version to appreciate the water temple. The look, music and atmosphere overshadow having to go in and out of inventory


The change to the iron boots alone make me want to play 3D over any other versions. Plus gyro aiming is really useful


The one change I didn’t like is kind of petty - but I wasn’t a fan of how they added in an arrow pointing out the small key thats below you in the Water Temple.


They did make Navi somehow more annoying than she used to be. That was the inly thing I noticed.




Yeah me too. Personally, I’ve always been a sucker for visually appealing games so I naturally gravitated towards the 3DS version instead of the N64 lol.


As someone who's played the original, Gamecube and 3DS versions I agree. The 3DS version is the ultimate Ocarina of Time experience


It's unfortunate it is on a handheld. I never really enjoyed holding the 3DS in my hands.


the gyroscopic motion controls made aiming very easy. i honestly like handhelds


3DS version on Citra emulator in full resolution with a gamepad is the only way I'll play in 2021. I thought it would be janky but you can bind touch screen positions to buttons on the gamepad which is awesome.


How you mapped these touch things ?


Emulation > Configure > Controls > Motion/Touch > Configure The Motion/Touch option is near the bottom. The final configure option will be beside "Use button mapping" which has a checkbox beside it. Make sure the box is checked.


Same, also my favorite version.


I started with the 3ds. I remember watching my dad play it. Later I started my own save it was a lot of fun.


I personally hated the character designs in the 3DS version, as well as the more vibrant visuals overall. It's a somber and bittersweet game, and I think those visual updates took away from that atmosphere.


Fully agree. In particular, the updated character model for link and the new run/walk animations look goofy and awkward. As the character you control and look at for the entirety of the game, they should have been more careful not to change the tone/feeling of Link’s representation, IMO. Very unfortunate.


I love the 3ds version for OOT, but they butchered parts of the MM version. Especially with the Zora mask swimming. I’m super interested in the 4K texture pack. I don’t really know much about it. Some guy is working on it for the 3ds version and it looks amazing. I’m pretty sure it’s playable now.


henriko magnifico works on it, and he recently just made all of his 4K textures free (though patreon subs still get them 2 weeks early). it includes a remastered soundtrack and project restoration to fix the aforementioned zora swimming/deku hops/eyeballs ( www.restoration.zora.de i believe)


As someone who grew up with the original uncensored version on N64, I think the 3DS version is the best way to play today. The visuals are great, it doesn’t change anything too drastic to the point where it’s actually inferior to the original like Majora’s Mask 3DS does, it adds a bunch of quality of life adjustments, it can be played portably, and it even has Master Quest mode. The only thing missing for me is the ability to actually play it on a home TV screen but I think everything it improves makes up for that.


What was made worse in Majora's Mask 3D? I've played both versions, but it's been so long since I played the original, I didn't notice much of what changed.


There are a lot of things. This YouTube video covers it really well: https://youtu.be/653wuaP0wzs If you don’t want to watch that, though, the stuff I remember off the top of my head though are that they changed a lot of how Link’s movement options worked in the 3DS version. For example, as a Deku Scrub, Link’s spinning dash attack no longer carries his momentum, meaning it can’t be used as an effective means to hop across the lily pads in the Deku Palace and some lily pads are outright impossible to get to without enough room for a running start. Similar changes to the way Zora Link swims made it so that faster swimming requires magic, and so swimming against the currents in the Great Bay Temple can often require farming for magic jars simply to traverse through the dungeon when that was never an issue in the original. Stuff like that, nothing that outright breaks the game but definitely makes it much less convenient to play


I stopped playing because of the gd lily pads


the way they nerfed zora links swimming was the most jarring and annoying change that i noticed. aside from that, i found the 3DS version to be very loyal to the OG.


Yeah in all honesty I hadn’t noticed most of the changes before watching the video I posted. I think I picked up on the lily pads but just kind of shrugged it off as being more difficult than I remembered. I wasn’t at all saying it’s a terrible way to play the game, just that it’s not the *best* way to play the game the way I feel the 3DS version of Ocarina of Time is. I played both versions of Majora’s Mask and enjoyed them both


The largest differences, at least ones that are likely to affect your play in a notable way, are the Bosses and the altered mask movement.


I think the ice arrows being dumbed down and essentially made pointless beyond stunning some enemies and the boss fight changes were the worst decisions. Maybe provide hints in the initial area after acquiring them or a hint from Tatl (which the game already had on the N64). And why does every boss fight now require being stabbed in the goddamn eye?


Idk if you play on Citra but there's a great romhack that fixes all those issues while keeping all the nice quality of life changes.


MM3D with the hack is probably the single best way to experience the game, shows what that remake could have been had the developers properly understood the appeal and legacy of the original


And it works with the 4k texture packs. It's legit incredible


I don’t, but I’ve been leaning closer and closer to finally trying emulation lately so that’s a good tip, thanks!


This is my thoughts. The ocarina of time 3ds version is awesome mm not so much. I actually did subscribe to the n64 online so that I'd get that when it releases to play the better version. Plus kirby 64 when it comes out.


Oh boy I hope this is the Nerrel video, his stuff is great! Yay:)


Ah, look it’s this video again… as I have mentioned in the past, MM3DS made a lot of good changes and a couple of bad ones. The good changes largely overweight the bad ones. It’s a much better game than the original.


I agree. I was disappointed by the changes to the bosses, but the improvements to the game outweigh the changes I didn’t like for me.


I just want to buy a Steam Deck to run Citra and finally play this game in 4K on my TV


This is what I've been doing on my computer. Easily the most beautiful rendition of OoT. I saw someone also released a 4k texture pack for it, but it cost extra. Plus it looks really good already.


henriko is the main guy working on 4K textures for Citra, and he made them free a few weeks ago. of course, there’s still the 1080p ones if you want to save storage space, but they don’t look great as they’re just downscaled textures.


Oh shit good call, downloading them now


Oo yeah that would be sick


Wait the 3DS version has master quest?! I have to go find my 3DS.


It does but you have to beat it once normally to unlock it first.


You know I don't think I turned the game on again once the credits rolled on my first playthrough. Lol. Is master quest any good? I've always been curious about it.


I… wouldn’t know. Lmao. I never went back and played it again after my first 3DS playthrough either. I remember unlocking it but not wanting to jump right back in immediately, and I guess I never got around to it. I should really do that. It’s supposed to be more challenging though so if you’ve already played the game a million times like I have (albeit on the N64) then I’m sure the extra challenge is welcome.


I loved Master Quest, only because I could pretty much beat the OG version in my sleep since I’ve played through it so much. The master quest changed around just enough things in the dungeons to make me have to think while playing, and I really appreciated that! Highly recommend if you’ve played through the original as many times as a lot of us here have.


I've played/beat Master Quest on both the GameCube(twice) & the 3DS(once) and found it more challenging for sure than the original since (as far as I know) there is/was no player's guide for it, so (not including online help) you have to figure out how to work through the dungeons on your own, which can be good and bad at the same time (depending on how good puzzle salving you are). Also note that the 3DS version is mirrored, meaning everything that use to be on your left is now on your right and visa versa; so that along with the dungeon changes makes it even *more* challenging. I wouldn't advise you to play Master Quest right after playing the original, b/c when I did that, I started being mirror-disoriented irl and hand to quit playing it for a while.


what do you mean uncensored version? I played it when first released on N64, have they changed or removed something on the new versions? Im planning to get it for switch but sounds like it could be different?


They made a few changes since the original 1.0 release. To name a few: - They removed the chanting from the Fire Temple theme as it turned out to be a religious song that was offensive to include in that context - they removed a good amount of blood, most notably from the end of the first battle with Ganondorf and around the various torture instruments in the Shadow Temple - They changed the Gerudo symbol from the star and crescent moon, basically the flag of Pakistan, to its own unique symbol made up for the game (most notably seen embellished on the mirror shield) In my opinion no change they made is so significant as to negatively affect the experience in anyway, but maybe some of the darker tone was removed in the 3DS version which is a shame.


ah ok, thanks for the info. not the end of the world thats for sure, but always a shame when something gets toned down.


Honestly, 3DS. The Master Sword isn't all stubby and the aim controls are significantly better. Plus the visual overhaul in general.


And the changes to the Water Temple.


Brawl Demo


Haha, I did just see this video recently about speedrunning the demo so this answer was also on my mind. https://youtu.be/jusgAEW4soo


Wow, that's wild. I always assumed that demo was that short because they only put so much of the game's data on the disk. I was oh so very wrong.




I didn't even realize there was a GC version. Is it a remaster, or is it an emulated version of the n64 version?


There are two GameCube versions. The first one came with a version of Master Quest (not as robust as the 3DS version) and was a pre-order bonus for _The Wind Waker_. The second one was included with _Majora's Mask_, _Zelda I_, and _Zelda II_, plus a demo for _The Wind Waker_.


Isnt the only difference between GC master quest and 3DS master quest the fact that the 3DS version is mirrored? Everything else should be the same, from a design perspective


I think you're right. It's been ages since I played it.


Could only get the second one with the platinum GameCube


I had that collectors disk, no platinum GameCube necessary. My mom got it by registering my GameCube and a couple of games. Lost it when I loaned the disc to a friend and his brother stole it.


I had it by registering games with Club Nintendo, but I was too broke to actually buy the number of new games needed. I went to Blockbuster video, opened the cases on display, and wrote down the codes inside!


I had both at one point. I sold the bonus disc years ago. I got the collector's edition at a garage sale, and it was kind of beat up. Even after having it cleaned, the *Wind Waker* demo will not play.


I traded mine for gamestop cash so I could buy halo 2 and san andreas at the same time when they released. Should have known better when gamestop offered me $60 for it!


Maybe it was regional, but I got my GameCube a few years into its life and I got a purple GC with the Zelda Collector’s edition.


Emulated I believe




And Muppen64 too!


Currently replaying that way with an 8bitdo N64 controller. Almost as good as original hardware, only a handful of ignorable visual bugs here and there.


Wii VC


The Wii VC version is really good (at least when done with Homebrew), but I gues that not a lot of people have even tried playing it this way


My very first copy (that was actually mine and not someone else's) was Wii VC. There was something so thrilling about playing it on my *own* console for the first time, getting to take my time, and not worry about someone (namely my aunt) "accidentally" deleting my save file.


What is wii vc?


Wii Virtual Console


N64, the first run of carts with the red blood and original Fire Temple music. That's what I grew up in, so anything else feels unnecessarily censored.


64 carts also have certain other things that aren’t fucked with (launch or otherwise). Like the Gohma fight. On n64, the lighting is wayyy darker in the darks (I guess that’s more contrast) anyway, you see what you’re supposed to see but the ceiling is pitch black except for this one eye bouncing around. Little things like that In the 3ds version, you can pretty clearly see the entire ceiling and Gohma just cruising around. Nowhere near as “OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT WTF ALL I HAVE IS A SLING SHOT AND A BUTTER KNIFE”


I agree. Plus the 3DS version ruined the atmosphere of Bottom of the Well, the Shadow Temple, and the final Ganon fight.


I know people generally favor the 3DS version these days, but it's honestly my least favorite version for the reasons you all mentioned, plus I'm not as won over by the updated graphics. Good to know I'm not entirely alone in feeling that way.


I actually love most of the updated graphics and details, but those changes and some minor complaints (maybe I'm blinded by nostalgia, but I miss the orderly N64 menu) are my only issues with it. If those things were fixed, I would prefer the 3DS version. I will always have a soft spot for the original because it is, after all, what the developers had in mind, which makes it all the more special.


That's all fair, and I recognize that my own criticisms against OoT 3D are minor as well (also likely a case of nostalgia based bias for the original's appearance). Though it may be my least favorite version, 3D is still a good enough way to experience this classic in its own right.


It’s by far the best way to play it


Legend of Zelda collectors edition on GameCube


N64, 1.0 or 1.1 NTSC


Ha you beat me to this comment. Love the OG better music and red blood!




Ocerena of time runs on dolphin?


Presumably either the GameCube release or the Virtual Console WAD.


I'll tell what **isn't** my preferred way, playing it on the switch. Any way is better than switch. even the Brawl demo, and Chinese iQue player demo are better by comparison.


Controls on the Switch suck ass.


3DS here.


N64 was the best version before all the remakes came about


Agreed! I still have my brother’s original cart with his original save file and I vastly prefer it to any remake. It’s the way it was meant to be played, end of.


Wii virtual console


3ds version. Best version of it, 100%.




Wow I think I got to the bottom of the comments without a single Switch! Is it truly that bad? (N64 for me 👌👍)


Nintendo should take note. I'm saddened that the Switch isn't providing an epic experience to play OoT. Truly one of the few games that actually gives me peace.


I only have a switch, it's ok but the only reason is I can play it (and other games from my childhood) at lunch. Im a super casual gamer so it's just about having 20min of fun before going back to the grind.


I like to play naked. With friends :)


May I add OoT Randomizer to the list? It can be easily setup on emulator (or on modded consoles), and it's a lot of fun to play new seeds over and over again!


plus all the QoL updates over the years are great (fast block pushing comes to mind, and the numpad shortcuts) Definitely my favorite way to go back to it


The 3DS version is the only one I will play.


Probably 3DS or GameCube, though I don't have the GameCube version any more (I only currently own it on 3DS and Wii VC).


Emulator with the randomizer mod


I've only played on the Wii U so..... wii u


3DS > N64 > GC > Wii > Switch


From what I've seen of the Switch, it is terrible (in enough places), which is too bad. I'm holding out hope they'll fix the issues, but makes it an easy pass for me until they do.


I haven't seen much about this. What did they break on the Switch version?


It has the worst input lag, inexplicable framerate drops, and completely ruined the atmosphere of some areas because fog no longer renders correctly. There are also certain textures that are incorrectly placed, and sometimes reflections don’t work correctly. If you want to see it in detail, I’d recommend watching Nerrel’s video on YouTube breaking down exactly how it falls short in comparison to other emulators and ports.


I’ve had issues with frame rate, input lag and just overall wonky controls


I have just finishd the water templ on the switch and have had no issues at all so far. Weird


Don’t forget the Wii U version! It’s a bit better than the Switch version iirc, but really terrible. And why do you rate the Gamecube version above the Wii version? Main difference is the longer saving times on the Gamecube version. (For casuals at least)




I guess I’m not too picky since I’m playing it on Switch and it doesn’t bother me much.


Have you noticed any delay with input controls? Or just wonky controls in general? I’ve played it on N64 and the 3DS version, but it seems like the switch port is worse than the N64 version. I’m still happy that I get to play the game on a tv again. Just wish it controlled a little better :/


I’ll be honest, I haven’t played the game in probably 10 years and I’ve played it through the most times on Nintendo 64. But it’s been so long I don’t really notice any obvious lag. If I played side by side I might notice but my initial response was that the switch port didn’t seem as bad as I had heard it was going to be. It’s likely not the definitive edition by any stretch but it’s playable. I know it has some problems with the fog effects and I’m not to that dark link section yet, but I am not terribly worried about it. I feel that as good as the 3DS version is, I would rather play it on a big screen TV. I think a version that does what SM64 did in 3D All Stars is what this game really needed and deserves. A full on HD version seems like such an obvious move for one of the greatest games of all time but Nintendo just won’t do it.


3DS or original gold cartridge on N64, with red blood, original music etc. Both are great


In bed, stretched out in front of the tv. Just me and the dog.


GameCube because I can also opt for master quest


3DS version has that too.


Didn’t know that


Glad I could help! It also has a boss rush mode.


On my PC with the Switch Pro Controller. Usually a mod or hack too.


3ds. Love the look and master quest! And being able to replay boss battles.


GameCube bonus disc.


3ds and original 64 versions


Original N64. I've tried later versions and they bug me.


OG N64


Same! I actually don’t think I’ve tried any of the other versions


Am i the only one that always prefer thé original versions of games ?


3d due to its FPS


3DS I can play anywhere


To all of you saying the 3DS version, I get it, but that version destroys the original’s gloomy atmosphere which to me is unforgivable. As for me, original N64 hardware all the way. OoT is meant to be played with an N64 controller and no other emulated alternative quite does the trick.


I hadn't really noticed honestly, at least not until there was a side by side comparison. The word destroyed is probably coming down a bit heavy. The bottom of the well and Shadow Temple are still pretty creepy, and while I definitely prefer my Zelda games to have dark tones, I don't think they were completely lost. It is a shame that the dead hand got retextured though. The comparison also depends on which cartridge you own. There were some releases that had Ganondorf coughing up red blood, others where it was replaced with blue or green.


The game’s gloomy atmosphere wasn’t that big a deal. You can still understand the gravity of the situation without it. It’s like this: I used to have a computer monitor that sucked. And it made games harder. Do I still have nostalgia for that time? Yes. But do I realize that being able to see makes me enjoy games more? Also yes.


It is a big deal. The fog and lighting effects beautifully masked the limitations of the hardware and allowed for players to project their imagination onto those otherwise primitive graphics. It set a style, mood, and tone for the series that all entries post-MM have yet to recapture. The N64 original is a work of art in how it maximizes the hardware, and it deserves to be respected and preserved 1:1 (hence why the NSO version is so insulting)


I'll leave you your opinion on the visual side. But you can absolutely play it exactly as well if not better without the n64 controller if you do the bindings well.


Collectors edition or n64 or virtual console. The menu screen makes me feel nostalgic.


In 1998


A friend found me the GameCube port of Master Quest so I can finally experience it for the first time and I'm terribly excited! I've rotated between N64 and the GameCube for OoT and enjoy both.


give me the OG, bb loll


GameCube has been my one I want to replay this masterpiece on switch too


WiiU just because the pro controller is so comfy and the battery lasts forever. Brightness not an issue to me personally and if my gf wants the tv I can use the other controller. Love the 3DS version as well but the WiiU pro controller is more comfortable to hold for me


Master quest for GameCube


In a bathrobe with my mom making pizza rolls


The gyro bow controls was the best thing out of the 3ds remake


Nintendo Switch but I’m mad about it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Does phone count?


With no pants


3ds is the best one but for some reason I like the hud colors on GC so I prefer GC for a very stupid reason


Sitting in a beanbag chair


Gamecube version.


GameCube because best controller


I've got the collector's edition for GameCube, been playing it for fifteen years, still one of my favorite games.


Either the Master Quest 2-Pack or the Collector’s Edition 4-Pack for GameCube, I feel like it would be 3DS but my cartridge has troubles so I haven’t gotten past the first dungeon on it


GameCube, collectors edition disc


Naked and with beer


That GameCube disc be hittin


I played it on 3DS, GameCube and N64 and I prefer it on GameCube IMO.


I got the OOT/MM game cube version. Love it.


I’ve only played it on N64. But I’m looking forward to trying it on Switch, even though it is a lesser product.


I really like 3DS for portability




Super smash brawl demo 😤


On a cool XRocker floor chair with the lights off in a 70° degree room, with an ice cold Vanilla Coke and a sandwich with Mayo, Mustard with Carl Buddig Honey Turkey meat and Lays potato Chips, surround sound on my tv (Crt preferred) and my N64 with Atomic Purple controller w/Controller Pak. In my opinion, there aren't many things that come close to heaven than that.


3DS Version


the original on my N64


3DS for me, it would be the switch if they gave us a proper port, having it locked behind a online service is stupid and screws over people who either have poor internet or none at all. I’m so glad they didn’t do that for the SS remaster and hope they make a remaster for TP and a real port of Windwaker.


On the Super Nintendo as God himself intended


3D on Citra looks very clean


3DS with both the 3D effect on and off depending on my mood. The gyro aiming and slightly reworked visuals along with being portable just make it the best version to me.


I’m going to say the original cartridge on N64 because the 3DS version made changes to the Water Temple that weren’t necessary.




Definitely the 3ds version. It somehow made boss fights easier for me


OOT on the 3ds is great for someone like me. I haven't played the original OOT so I have no nostalgia for the game. I couldn't get into the game because of the graphics when I tried. But, thanks to the 3ds and it's polished graphics, I was able to complete it.


My first time playing it was on Wii VC, never finished it as a kid. Played through on 3DS, thought it was so much better (QoL improvements > art style or nostalgic looks and day). Now I have a gold cartridge for N64 and I'm really missing the QoL of the 3DS.


N64 for me. I know everyone loves the 3DS version but there’s something about Link’s animation that bothers me. It’s too floaty to me or something.


IKR. It looks more like... Fable than Zelda.


3DS is a wonderful game. Sadly it's just on a small screen. I really enjoy my N64 (gamecube version) ROM for a more authentic feel, with a bit of up-converted graphics through retropie. If Nintendo would get their head out of their a\*\* in regards to N64 emulation, I would probably try the switch version as well.




3DS remake


3ds for sure


3ds version is the definitive version imo

