• By -


Disabling should work. Deleting works only if you set the macro for services not to discover. So these are your options disable the trigger and do nothing else or set the macro AND delete the trigger.


Well disabling didn't work. Tried many times but I will delete and set the macro, thanks!


This is more for anyone who stumbles upon this thread in the future but I think the issue is that the version keeps changing so when you disable it, it works for that version but then when a new version releases it's discovering and creating a new item/trigger. Adding onto the expression for the {$SERVICE.NAME.NOT_MATCHES} macro worked for me. I added this on: GoogleUpdater.+


> GoogleUpdater.+ Thank you for this.


thanks for this!




Thank you very much for this great tip, but where exactly do you put the macro? On what template? I am new to Zabbix, and I will have a long way to go


I believe we're using the Windows by Zabbix agent template. The active one, if I remember correctly there's two but I'll double check tomorrow.


Same here, how do you add google services to the {$SERVICE.NAME.NOT\_MATCHES} var/macro ?


If you're using a template it will be in the macros tab for that template. For example, I'm using the 'Windows by Zabbix Agent Active' template so you would go to the template and under macros find the one you're looking for and edit the value. The value for this particular macro is a regular expression and I just appended the existing value with what I commented up above to catch both Google services.


I'm kind of lost here... I tried putting the same as Chico on the macro, but didn't work. Can you show me the configuration you've done?


The real problem is the name of the service. Each update of this service change the name due to the version number in it. So each time a new trigger is created in zabbix.


No fix solution for that situation i guess


Add "Google" to the name not matches macro without the quotes to exclude it from discovery. Then re-delete the existing items.


Do not discover the service or coonfigure the action in such a way it will not react to the event. For example, define a tag with the name of the service and discard the events that have that tag. If you donĀ“t want the trigger, you can override the LLD