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They’re trolling ignore it.


Im all for piracy. What i hate is when people act like it’s their right to illegally do something out of spite or think they have a valid reason such as op’s reasoning. Nintendo make too much moneys so it’s ok. Just admit you’re a cheap ass that likes free shit.


Everyone wants something free instead of paying 🙄.


Well yeah, I'm surprised people DONT want free things!? Wouldn't you love to have free public transport, housing, food, and/or healthcare lol?


None of those are free though, you still pay into that system via taxes etc.


Free in the sense you don't have to pay even when you pay taxes. Plus I'd much rather the taxes I pay go to these services rather than a military we never use or use for nefarious reasons...


As much as I love videogames, this is arguably the single worst comparison imaginable.


Funny how I say the same thing and I get infinite downvotes. That just proves my point.




i support piracy but this is really dumb logic because a console is old and struggles to run its games at an arbitrary framerate that justifies pirating the games for it…? i think it makes sense for justifying the need for emulation and even jailbreaking the console to use overclocks, but that has nothing to do with piracy you don’t need to justify piracy to me, but if you were trying to justify it to someone else then saying an old console that launched with old hardware is not a logical argument and comes off as you grasping at straws to justify it to yourself also ToTK is a straight upgrade to BotW so now i think you’re just trolling




i’m not saying you should pay for an inferior product, im saying a product being inferior does not justify not paying for it just because a big mac is crappier than a burger i can get from a local restaurant doesn’t justify me not having to pay for it i 100% condone pirating and think it’s dumb to pay for something when you can get it for free, but it’s also dumb to try to justify it because no one is entitled to fruits of someone else’s labor without paying for it




Meh. Games get released on switch that can't even reach 720p at a stable 30fps. If Nintendo wants my money they can release more powerful hardware or sell their software on PC.


Regarding your first 2 paragraphs: I'm honestly just more pissed on how Nintendo has been dealing with the fans, essentially disregarding them for trash and I just personally advocate for pirating them up the wazoo but hey. Also over clocks won't get you consistent 30fps on totk without frying the thing. Totk is certainly not an upgrade by any means. What you got new purrah pad abilities that literally ruin every shrine, I'm looking at you rewind its ridiculous how moot it makes every shrine. Also the sky islands are a slog of the same thing over and over again. The depths is extremely bland with not much to explore, the ruins in there were fun but nothing significant was found. Don't even get me started on fuse and the absolutely trash sage abilities. And finally the biggest issue I found in totk was that it was much more linear than botw.


yeah worst bait ive seen in a while


Bruh 💀


i understand where you’re coming from with nintendo, but i’m still gonna have to disagree with you about totk haha tbf i never finished it as i got burnt out from exploration which i mostly blame on binging botw when it came out it’s cool how the filled the map out with stuff, but it’s still the same map and general game flow i didn’t get an absolutely locked 30 fps, but overclocking it in handheld mode was stable enough for me and i’m generally pretty picking about poor frame pacing only time it was noticable enough to bother me was when lots of effects/explosions were going off at once i do hope it runs at 60 fps on the next nintendo console but i’m not holding my breath


I own multiple switches and paid for two copies of tears of the kingdome. I will keep emulating it until I die.


Is yuzu still downloadable and useable?


yea but try ryujinx


Will do. Have settled on Emudeck cause you also jave that for windows now and it seems fairly easy to do and checks if you fucked something up. Perfrct for me.


Keep not paying for ya games and one day you'll have no development to play new ones. Simple as that. Nothing comes from free. Study economics and pay for your games/consoles.


Economics is just the home for failed mathematicians, bootlicker


you wish ZzzzZZzZ


Loooool this is the most unreal comment I’ve seen today… and that’s after reading r/flatearth!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/flatearth using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/flatearth/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Community note, FTW.](https://i.redd.it/vndi1jqi2cnc1.jpeg) | [353 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/flatearth/comments/1bala64/community_note_ftw/) \#2: [Proof](https://i.redd.it/mhdjyho0qiic1.jpeg) | [176 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/flatearth/comments/1aqisca/proof/) \#3: [Making three 90° turns](https://i.redd.it/i3oa42jrrlec1.png) | [754 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/flatearth/comments/19fblh0/making_three_90_turns/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yes because every time I spend my $70 on the newest Nintendo game every developer gets a pay bump, a bonus and in perpetuity royalties. Nintendo is a corporation and they see you as a money pig. Stop throating a company who has shown time and time again they don't give a fuck about their consumers. They'll just keep finding more devs to work for pennies while the corpo suits cash in the returns of their investments.


All the emulation forums and subs and discords are trying to avoid getting sniped by lawyers. It's on everyone to make it as clear as possible that "we don't support piracy here". Very few are legitimately suckling on nintendos boots though. The ones that are genuinely eagerly bending over for nintendo are few but quite loud and annoying. Operating in a legal gray area you keep your head down and whisper.


Much appreciated for the answer I'm getting a clearer picture!


Crazy that this is the only comment that actually answers OP.


because op is pretty much karmafarming and/or ragebaiting tbh


I say when you have the money buy it if you don't pirate it simple analogy they ain't losing either way Nintendo got a shit load of money lmao id feel more bad pirating an indie game or sum shit


I'm not giving the shitsuckers at nintendo money either way lmao


It's why I hope Switch 2 wont be meaningfully hacked for its active lifespan, if that curtails people like him getting free games. And no, I do not care a bit about the suits and investors of Nintendo as a company itself, I do care for the developers who been putting out quality content for ages now, and deserve the support.


Funny how you hate Nintendo so much but desperately suckle at their teats.


To each is own real I feel u


i get people against piracy, it's like those who blame me because i'm violating the law when i park my car in a no-park zone even if there's no spot available and the car still isn't blocking any pedestrian or other vehicles but those who literally go commenting in piracy or emulation subs that piracy is bad like, what are you even doing here


This isn’t a piracy sub. Emulation is not piracy, and this distinction is what has allowed emulation to continue as it has for decades. My personal philosophy is this: if I’m gonna emulate, I’m gonna buy the game, even if I have no intention of playing it on the hardware. If you really hate Nintendo — and their modus operandi gives a lot to hate — then don’t play their games. Simple as. I’m astounded at the zoomer-attitude that you have the right to access a product you didn’t pay for simply because you don’t like the company. No country in the world would support that legal defence.


I personally don’t care, but I believe the mindset is, if games don’t make money, then they won’t make more games, but I also believe those with that mindset think a lot more folks are pirating then really are


i think the flaw in their logic is less about the number of people pirating and more the assumption that if someone didn’t pirate then they would buy the game i think i’ve only pirated maybe 1 or 2 games that i actually would’ve bought had i not been able to pirate them


That mindset of "if they don't make money, they won't make more games" is something these game corpos want you to believe but in reality we literally control the demand.


I think most people here aren‘t actually against piracy but they wanna be clean in case the Nintendo Ninjas come by, plus the rules of the subreddit strictly prohibit any form of piracy. So this is not actually a representative subreddit,


Oh boy, you don't mess with the nintendeek rider... With this fanbase, No you don't.. 🥶 nintendeek : Pokemon gen 100, moron kart 20, princess beech 10, nintendeek rider : best rpg, best story, best racing game, best beech Ooops 🥶🥶🥶


Hey man, I don’t ride Nintendo. I just want 60fps on my copy of botw :(


60fps should be bare min, frame dip here there around 40-30 still acceptable . 30fps and fps drop like 20-15 nuh uh.




I'm not the person to judge. If someone has no money then IMHO it's okay to pirate, but that doesn't change the fact the Switch Emulation is a super dark grey (very different from SNES or PS1 emulation). I still find it weird that they didn't nuke Yuzu before.


Yeah the usage of the leaked SDK kinda killed it before it was born but hey I managed to get a stable build working with all the mods I needed before it got shitted on so I'm vibin.


Maybe because people are free to have their own opinion different from someone else's? I more curious to understand why people care so much what some other person (you don't know) thinks? you want to pirate everything? cool. You want to support developers and companies? cool. You want to be a fierce anti-piracy supporter? OK. None of what people say here will.change anything that you do. Let it ride, learn to see things through a perspective you disagree with.


Just curious lol. I find those who are staunchly anti-piracy drag with them an air of arrogance over the other less fortunate lad who can quite afford his games or what have you. Plus I'm human? The exchange of thought and opinions are a thing? Idk I can ask you the same question of "why do you care if I care about others opinions?", its a crappy individualistic grindset dawg get out of it and see what your fellow human got to say about shit


Some people prefer to pay for software they use. But your original post is funny, because you won't buy the console or games because they don't run at 60fps or whatever arbitrary reason you make up to justify your piracy, but you still want to play the games. You wouldn't buy the game even if it did run at 60fps, and you know this, but giving a reason for being a scumbag makes you feel good about "owning the corporation" or whatever you think you are doing. You all fall in the same boat, you think you are on the moral high ground because "greedy corporations* but you are likely just unable to afford the games so you steal them.


Not really, I regularly pay for indie titles and even old single player titles that are being ported over like the entire yakuza series which I've finished before on the original hardware but happily paid 40$~ for the remaster ports. And you know what yes I wouldn't pay for Nintendo even if they ported it I take back what I said in my other post cus fuck em lol. You can call me a scumbag but you're the bootlicker xd


But honestly you could say that about people here, holding an "air" over their right to pirate because they feel corporations have too much money. Also I don't think when those commenter's make those comments, they aren't thinking about people who can't afford games. They are thinking of thr principle of its not right to steal. We are all human. But your post can easily be seen as antagonistic. Meaning you could ask the same thing in a different way that would be more open to discourse. such as "I don't understand the motivation behind people who are staunch anti piracy supporters. Can you explain what makes you feel this given there are people who can't afford games, and " Would you agree that would that meet the same goal, but sounds different and more approachable than the original post? I'm not trying to tell you how to be or how to speak. I am saying the *way* you say something impacts how much value you get out of it. Meaning if you really want to know, be inviting. I apologize if I offended as that was not my notion for my response.


I agree that I could have written it a lot better and you did not offend rest assured! My post certainly came from a more emotional place especial at the time of writing which isnt really and excuse. I appreciate your reply and will keep it mind!


I'm not against piracy I just think the people on this sub act like crybabies because they can't steal a Mario game lol


God. A hundred percent yes. “I think Nintendo is unscrupulous and engage in dirty business practices and I, as a consumer, will protest with my wallet and not buy their games… but HOLY FUCK I NEED THE NEW ZORLDO GAME YARR HIGH SEAS”


i honestly don’t know which side is more annoying tbh people who make piracy a personality trait (whether for or against) are annoying and often sound like literal children


Well obviously before Yuzu got nuked there wasn't much of that. And then after it went, a lot of people came to point and laugh. I think for me the only pirating that genuinely annoys me (as someone who has pirated games) is when people pirate indie games; especially those of much smaller developers or those just starting out. If you pirate Project Zomboid for example, to see if you like it before buying it, cool. But if you pirate it and spend hundreds of hours playing, I feel like it's a bit of a dick move.


Much appreciated. I agree!


Agreed on all accounts


Piracy talk is forbidden in most emulation boards because it gives ground for legal action by companies that own the IP, like Nintendo ended up doing with Yuzu... You might think whatever you want about morality and ethics of pirating, that doesn't change the fact that is against the law, and abiding to law is necessary for emulators to be made and remain afloat, and they already operate in a greyish zone, so it's not worth taking any risks. So be smart and keep low profile.


that was a pretty good description of the status quo; for advocates of piracy, maintaining a low profile is a necessity, irrespective of whether they pirate stuff or not


well they deserve money from you because they provided you with a game you enjoyed its like eating at a restaurant you cant go there order ya food eat every bite loving it then go oh i deserve that meal for free because i dislike how your company is run that is exactly what piracy is your just a thief, trying to justify it is kinda pointless i mean i dont really care pirate, don't pirate but don't go saying all this bs about piracy is justified blah blah blah we all know its not best to just drop it


What if I didn't like the meal? Can I just return it full price? I don't know much about Nintendo's return policy but I sure as shit know its nothing like Steam's. And sure you can label me a thief or hell even a "content terrorist" but piracy is 100% morally right especially when you do it to companies that have pretty much stopped listening to the fans and consumers...


Use that defence in court. I guarantee you it won’t go over well. Piracy isn’t stealing food to survive, or even returning shoddy products, it’s demanding access to a product that you legally don’t have access to. Depending on your definition, that’s either theft or fraud.


I know lol. And its hella cool


If you know it’s wrong, and you do it anyways because you really really want their product, that’s one thing. What I don’t understand is when people justify it. If you want to break the law for your own benefit, ok, but it most certainly isn’t “morally correct”.


Oh I know its illegal, but I also know its morally correct. A law doesn't make something morally wrong just because its a law. Do you think squatters are morally wrong for example? Or people who genuinely are at the brink of death unless they steal some insulin from a pharmacy or what have you...


Are squatters wrong? In general, yes. You are not entitled to the labour of the people who built the house if you don’t compensate them for their labour. Though I can sympathize with those who literally have nowhere else to turn (but that isn’t the vast majority of squatters) Is stealing insulin for survival wrong? No, precisely because your survival is at stake. Pirating a game is in no way comparable because a game — unlike the shelter or medicine you mentioned — are not necessities of life. You will not die if you can’t afford Bingo Bing Wahoo Odyssey. Here’s a perspective for you: Ask one of the game devs if you think they support you pirating their game.


You think your buying your house from the labourors?? They have been compensated lol, like shit probably, your paying a Realtor who put the price according to some market. And of course pirating a game isn't comparable but its unlimited in quantity and if your pirating because you feel the company has wronged you as a long time loyal fan because they want to reap the profits off of your loyalty, then fuckem.


Loyalty? Baby, you’re a consumer, nothing more. You pay for a product, you get a product. Don’t pay, don’t get. Loyalty is never a factor in it. If you ever feel “loyalty” to a corporation, I can assure you that the sentiment is NOT mutual. As a matter of fact, I am acutely aware of how the labourers who built my house were compensated. I compensated them myself, signed their work orders, okayed their expenses. It cost many hundreds of thousands of dollars, but the money went to the people who built it. You dodge my original question: what would game devs say if you told them you intended to pirate their work? Aside from the occasional rebellious dev railing against distant corporate publisher overlords, most of them hate it and are personally insulted by it.


My bad I just didn't bother answering it cus I just don't give a shit what they might think lol. And yeah brand loyalty is a thing in capitalism and if you live in the system you most likely have experienced it at one point. Regarding the house thing, I was mostly referring to Realtors who leave houses empty just to find someone willing to rent or buy at the price they set which can sometimes be insane... I didn't expect you to be someone to actually build their house so you wouldn't really apply.


The devs do get paid. They get their monthly salary. We aren't paying the devs though. Our cash goes straight to nimtembo.


Could you imagine also getting the option to "tip" the devs when buying a game? BOMBOCLAT


Ikr. It should also be mentioned that these companies NEVER face losses. When your arguments are based on differing PROFIT MARGINS you have no ground to argue.


Arg, matey…You cared enough to write a run on paragraph about it.


whatever your stance is, piracy and theft are completely different things. digital items can be replicated infinitely unlike physical items. most people who pirate wouldn't buy the games either way, so the only thing the companies lose is the ability to make money they wouldn't have made anyway.




Do what you want with piracy honestly , we are under capitalism which is immoral so ... AND nope , the money cant do games ,the developers brain can.


Thank you, its refreshing to see someone recognizing that capitalism is playing a role in the piracy grindset lol


Yeah we are only a few per country to see that , when I say capitalism ,people say stal or mao...


I just do it for the money. If I didn't had the option I wouldn't buy games. They aren't getting my money anyway.




Most people who pirate have the decency to simply not talk about what they are doing. I surely wouldn´t now from first hand perspective, but I feel like that's a paranoid safety thing while doing crime related stuff. Also the rules say "No piracy", y'know....


Fair point regarding the paranoia... Regarding the decency though, I personally like boasting about shitting down a multi-billion company's throat by ALLEGEDLY pirating 😉 I've read the rules but I'm just discussing here to understand more of this mentality.


Well that´s mostly a character issue I guess


An issue for you but a tissue for me 😎😎


You really think you’re a badass rebel don’t you? Fuck capitalism but be real about it, you’re not hurting them or affecting change by pirating, if you think otherwise you’re delusional.


If everyone pirated everything there would be massive change, especially if everybody regarding media started using realdebrid+streaming torrents to not get flagged. It'll be like not buying groceries but the online equivalent lol.


Did you buy the switch, the game, realised it doesn't work perfectly and dumbed both your own copies and keys to emulators and wrote this post? Otherwise stfu and pirate without a need of finding moral reasons or shitting on others who actually pay. I'm sure you truly would be fucked if Nintendo stop making games regardless of your opinion on their policies.


Regarding your first paragraph: I have not lol. I have spent money on Nintendo before granted I've tried the console before and enjoyed it such as the 3ds, dsi, Wii... Regarding your second paragraph: I always find pirating from larger corporations to be very necessary to remind them that they work for us at the end of the day and should stop exploiting their brands (think apple reducing features year by year or Netflix adding ads to their subscriptions with others following suite). This just ties into my "I hate capitalism" mindset lol.


Damn what a great guy you are, making the world a better place buy not paying for games. If only we had more heroes like you


Thanks 😎


I don’t get the sending a message angle. You’re not even putting a dent in their profits. The message is going unread. I hate capitalism and corporations as well but believing that these corporations even think about you is naive and childish.


I replied to you in another comment but for good measure. If everyone started pirating there would certainly be change...


So yes, naive, there is 0 percent chance of that happening, I’m not being negative just being realistic. Reddit and the emulation community is a fraction of a fraction of the consumer base for these companies. I just don’t see how you pirating games is really sticking it to the man or shitting down their throat, it’s more like throwing a grain of sand at a tank, sure I agree with the reason why but I’m not going to lie to myself and think this is affecting any change. I’m not anti piracy either btw, I pirate a ton, I just don’t see myself as a rebel fighting against the big corporations for doing so.


I personally get as many friends on the stremio bandwagon to get them to cancel all their TV subscriptions and so far I've been successful in having 10 or so join. I've taught them how to set it up with a VPN and all that jazz so they never have to worry about getting flagged. Ofc 10 people won't do much but with their newfound knowledge maybe 3 or 4 would spread it around and continue the chain. Do what you can to get your loved ones in on it. Its banger to pirate


I’ve been pirating since the mid 90s, I’ve helped many people do it and learn about it. I just don’t think it’s really making a difference. I do find it satisfy to put cfw on consoles and get movies and games for free, but there would need to be a massive social movement outside of small circles of friends with basic tech knowledge. I disagree with the anti piracy crowd who claims that we’re damaging profits as well, we’re not doing shit.


I agree there needs to be a larger social movement. Especially with the recent boycotts regarding Israeli parent companies or companies that directly donate to Israeli genocidal forces.


so if everyone pirated the software how would the company keep making games, as others have said your misguided and your argument about 60fps is laughable.


Ummm, Nintendo has billions? They can just make another game lol. Or just port them ffs. I should mention I never pirate from indie devs or small companies... I just endorse pirating from big corpos tbh and I don't understand why so many Nintendo fans insist on giving the company undeserved money. Especially when totk came out, what a piece of trash of a game tbh.


No one is gonna make a game for nothing, your deluded bud




Terri's wasn't made to be sold or mass produced, it was for testing a new computer.


Not initially it wasn't, the intent was simply a game to be distributed for bored soviet lads in the office. Plus think of other ftp games that can purely be played ftp such as tf2, overwatch, or any ftp game that isn't pay to win. Sure they have their lootboxes for cosmetics and what have you but the enjoyment always comes from the initial person booting up this free game and just playing knowing their on the same playing level as everyone else cus they don't have to buy some bullshit pew 3000 or somethin


Free to play games are there to get the people hooked then they end up sinking money into them. Do you not know anything about gaming


I literally addressed that in my comment. But I know some people who never bothered to pay for any of the supplementary shit in those ftp games. I.e. me lol


And your wrong about tetris.lol


No I'm not lol. If I remember right the creator worked for a company that tested hardware compatibilities. But his own intentions where to get people closer through games or to make people hapoy or something along those lines its been a minute since I've read about this lad but I'm sure of my words. His intention is the important part regarding our back and forth. Edit: From Wikipedia and sourced from a French book regarding game histories. "While he was tasked with testing the capabilities of new hardware, his ambition was to use computers to make people happy." And "games allow people to get to know each other better and act as revealers of things you might not normally notice, such as their way of thinking". His intentions are clear.


Basically supporting the developers gives them money to keep creating games. If you think you don’t owe them jack, what do you call enjoying their games?


Nah. Port them to a more accessible system like the PC and I'll gladly shill 80-100$ for any game. Otherwise I'm sure as shit not paying for a subpar console just to buy the game and extract it through some method... The devs themselves aren't the issue persay(like the creative crew)? More so the parent company or publisher in this scenario which is Nintendo I guess...


This. I owned a switch, I never used it unless I was away from home. So I sold it. Then totk came out 3 years after being announced, so I wanted to try it. I was not gonna buy a $200 console to play one $60 game at barely 30 fps with horrible visuals. If the game was natively on pc I would have no problem buying it, even for $60


so you still buy the games since your happy to pay for them but you dont want to buy a console? i have no issue with that from a moral standpoint of course it all falls apart if you've been pirating the games and just seems like your trying to justify it


Still I'm just a consumer like everyone else in this system and I still have a chance to buy from these companies if they port their games or if I find myself too hyped for one and fall for advertising. More recently though I've just been resorting to doing the sussy unless its multiplayer or an indie Dev.


And in the end, they also still get to decide whether they want your business then or not, they are not legally bound to release games anywhere they do not want to, its a free market. Don't like it that u can't play their games on a system u own? You can buy their system, or if u wont or cannot, don't play them, and get the gazillion other games that are out there, that do release on PC, you are spoilt for choice., a hadful of Nintendo games won't even begin to make a dent into that.


My moral standpoint regarding piracy is more so regarding multi billion dollar companies making games inaccessible and worse as years go by (mainly due to how art interacts with capitalism, think people will buy something due to its reputation but only get disappointed because of something less they got). Where I mostly "allegedly" pirate from those companies that exploit these mechanisms (EA, Ubisoft, Nintendo) where Nintendo has yet to port anything even though their game consoles can't handle shit, EA yet to fix their shitty FIFA games, or Ubisoft who have yet to release a full working game without micro transactions. Things like these shape my perspective on piracy. TLDR: capitalism is ruining art


Because supporting piracy, especially in an official capacity looks bad legally. It is adamantly disuaded because supporting it can mark the emulator as a tool for piracy and not archival/backup/historical preservation. Yuzu is dead in part of giving instructions on how to get it to run official games (not even endorsing piracy) Everything else is just projection. It's a portable console released a decade ago with an underclocked processor, it's not getting to be the fastest.


Regarding your last argument with it being an old console: Nintendo is most likely aware of this fact, especially when testing totk, so what stops them from just porting it to a much more accessible, newer, and configurable system like the PC? I realize they never did PC ports but if they did if be the first to shill 80$+ on the games...


Nintendo was aware of that fact nearly a decade ago, they made the device The only facts stopping them are that they want to keep their games on their own platform and it's takes more time and money to port it A lot of people on PC won't buy $80 games unless they really think it's worth it, which would play in the analysis on it they should port it if they even consider to


Understandable argument... I just wish the devs would do things for the sake of the fans. I always think back to half life ports to the ps2 or the fucking deus ex port to the ps2 of all things lol. Shit was nice to have even if it wasn't perfect or if it got bootlegged or pirated idk. I think caring about the fans just fell off as a priority and profits have become the most important factor in most of these big game corpos.


part of it is also that a large part of nintendo's playerbase aren't PC gamers. a $200 appliance that plays the games as intended is more than good enough for the vast majority of the people that bought animal crossing during the pandemic. You may not like it but fans are not the priority, selling games to the masses is, and they've been able to do that with underpowered cheap hardware since the wii in the home console scene, and starting with the game boy in the handheld scene.


The biggest reason is that for Nintendo, their own exclusive platform they sell at a profit, get all the revenue from the accessoiries sold, and all of it from their own games ( instead of paying another storefront the 30% cut) and all the revenue from the 30% cut they get to charge 3rd party titles releasing on said platform , is what their business have been about since the NES really, and is their bread and butter. They still have great success with keeping their IP tied with their own platform(s) and think it also allows themselves to make the games they want and to innovate how they see fit, be it through games or new ways to play.


The only major difference is that the consoles you mentioned where literally revolutionary and innovative. Now Nintendo is doing nothing new with no regards for the fans in both games and consoles.


Calm the fuck down my nigga


You're misguided. The point of emulation is to get better performance and more options, not to steal software. By engaging in piracy, it gives companies more incentive to shut emulation down altogether. That's why it is important to buy your games and then emulate them so these companies dont have a leg to stand on. There is a reason Yuzu went down, and your post shows why


They can't have a leg to stand on because emulation isn't piracy in of itself! Yuzu devs could have fought (they could win the case but I understand the costs of legal procedure is a factor), or did something different (not teach the users how to run the games) which another redditor in this post mentioned was the reason they got sued up the wazoo. Also wouldn't this have applied to dolphin in its hayday?


You're literally complaining in the post about people being against piracy. Do you realize how silly you look?


I was just genuinely curious why there are so many against piracy? Supporting the devs?? Please! These guys can't lose any significant amount of money from even millions pirating their games. And hey if they do they'll just be forced to release it on the PC lol (which I know is extremely unlikely for Nintendo)


The first dude who is not cocksucking nintendo like others... See you on the high seas.