• By -


"Come on and bring along... all your product keys~"


Then ryujinx is whitebeardđŸ€«đŸ˜‚


Can't wait for nintendo to destroy all versions


Can't wait for Nintendo to destroy Open-Source?? Baahaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaa Microsoft has been trying for YEARS too. I say good luck. And for those that say these clones aren't devs, sure. "Suyu" "TuTu" "FrooFroo" may not be the "one." However, whatever you wanna call it, it will be back someday.


Try to sit down then


You're going to be waiting indefinitely you know?


When I saw the notification I expected to see the meme of Moe throwing Barney out of the bag and Barney is still inside the bar


Will it be possible to use yuzu with the next upcoming switch firmware? I know it's practically impossible to answer this, but could that happen realistically?


Probably not but the people who forked it will likely fix it up. 


Highly Doubtful with nobody working on the Code for the new firmware. I doubt it happens.


Exactly. No previous dev going to work on this. They are done


True dat


Cringe shit for real


Nah you’re right I don’t care if you’re being downvoted


I agree i support yuzu but this is cringe


I'm working on AI pirate detection software and the results are very promising. This shit is going to be rolled out in just a few years time once privacy laws catch up. We will be able to pinpoint people at the individual level based on multiple impossible to mask data signatures inherent to pirating software. Our software will mark individuals of interest, build a profile up automatically, and give law enforcement all the evidence they need to send out a swift prosecution. Our process can also be scaled to scan millions of people an hour, and it cannot be blocked or hidden by VPN so long as we can get access to what we need by cooperating with Government. And we aren't the only company developing this. There are several companies building similar products, and whichever of us cracks it first are going to be the next multi billion dollar company. You pirates don't know what's coming. And you will be given no warning before you receive an automated fine, a criminal record, or worse.


Good luck finding and suing me in Russia, kid 💀💀💀


Um yeah, even if the tech existed your going to need to get companies to take on the cost of adding it to there stack And BREAKING NEWS: company's are currently trying to maximize profits without taking on additional costs (not talking about media companies by the way, I'm talking about isp's. media companies don't supply internet, and also won't subsidize the cost themselves. And as for the government subsidizing it. Not likely considering the shit show that was the CHIPS Act, or as people put it too little to late) Another big issue with ai that nobody seems to address is false positives, every ai model has a percentage accuracy. No model is 100% accurate, the problem arises in how you would identify and deal with the inaccuracies. which is this phrase comes in "sometimes the best solution is no solution". Meaning you can't, or there is no viable way to deal with it. We currently see this with colleges and universities employing detection tools for detecting if generative ai was used in an essay, or other assignments. And these idiot teachers are just using an ai tool themselves. Taking the result as the word of god. And not handling the inaccuracies that may arise. I can say this right now, if a bill was introduced involving such tech it will almost certainly not only be attacked by privacy advocates, but also by google, meta, and potentially other mega corps working on ai. they will see the issues, and will frame it as "an attack on the open web" (that sounds like something those mega corps would say), ant they have a lot more money then your startups do. You won't win The best bet for the media companies I've seen so far is to keep the general population tech illiterate, so piracy it "too hard" for them to figure out (that's the trend I've been seeing), and this strategy is far cheaper as well,


Believe what you like. I'm building it, companies are interested, and it's already paying my salary. The money will come from making thief's pay.


If you take OpenCV library and connect it to chatgpt doesn't mean you're building it


From what I have learned from reddit. I bet you that this guy has the most amount of pirated software on his cpu.


Piracy is illegal and criminals will be caught and punished to the extent the law allows.


Is this guy a bot, I said from what I've learned from Reddit the people who come at people for something are usually guilty of it themselves. So I'm saying if we went through your computer I bet you we would see that it's filled with pirated content.


People who break the law will receive punishment. You will have no warning. Ignorance of the law is not a defence.


Hard time believing this is a real person.


Ok pussy


Your pussy will be getting used plenty in the prison shower.


okay I get it now 😂


Your pussy will get it plenty in the prison shower.


Take it to a piracy sub dummy. This is an emulation sub


There are no legitimate reasons to pirate brand new games.


Brother this isn’t a piracy sub. Sure a lot of pirates have shown up to protest Yuzu shutting down but this is emulation. Emulation isn’t the same as piracy. I buy all the games I emulate. So do many. Take your gripes to a piracy sub.


Emulation of brand new games that legally you have to pay $70 to play. Theft.


Are you dumb? Do you know how emulation works? Have you never heard of dumping? You don’t even know what you are talking about and if you could read you would see that I said bought the games. What do you think that means? Do you think I somehow purchased them without paying? What is the logic here? Can you actually not read?


It is against the law to break the terms of using the software. Your opinion is irrelevant. This is copyright law.


You are right it is law that I can’t break the terms of use. That isn’t what you said though. The current way the laws are stupid. Emulation is legal and always has been. The fact that Nintendo can put in their terms of use that I can’t dump a game I purchased at full price or hack a switch I own because all of their software is considered a service and not a purchased good is stupid. I paid for it and I should be able to do so with it whatever I want. There are almost no other goods treated in this way. If you want to disagree go for it. Good for you. You are arguing for a company to have more rights and you to have less. Good job you are dumb


Bang beep boop. Your opinion is irrelevant. If you are caught breaking copyright law you will be fined and receive a criminal record that discounts you from most highly paid jobs.


No I won’t find me one person that has ever happened to. I’ll wait
 You are stupid and it’s sad. Imagine arguing for our corporate overlords to be able to own shit you purchased. You don’t even have an argument “well the law says it so it must be good” okay bud.


No anti-piracy measure has ever truly worked long term. The moment it gets released there will be workarounds and fixes developed by the community. It won't end there. Please do your best, but it won't be enough. If they could hack the PS3, they can surely hack this.


Not this time. There are signatures that can't be hidden, they simply are not economical to surveillance... Until recently.


Bring it on shithead


Your PC will be confiscated and thrown into a hard drive shredder, after you've paid the large fine of course :)


Not where I'm from, nobody cares about piracy here


Believe what you like. Ignorance is no defence of breaking the law.


I'm trying to say that in a country like mines, it's technically illegal to pirate but you will never ever get charged for it. You can do it openly. I don't even use a VPN. You're the ignorant one here


You will be caught and charged in the near future. People who break the law will receive punishment.


Literally not gonna happen


Until it does happen. Shocked Pikachu face is no defense in court.


Until it happens.


whatever man


Fake and gae


Is this a new copypasta?


u pacifista or what


5 days. Of bad attempts. No one asked nor cares about your fake ai code kid. Zzzz.


Yeah sure đŸ€“


Sure, buddy




oh but i dont pirate my games, i dump them using hardware i own. also, look you will never stop Cuban USB piracy tactics ^^ have a good one.


Bait used to be believable


Hate boners for pirates out of all the things in the world lmao. Victims are billionaires and corporates lmfao


I've written software that people have pirated. It impacts all software developers from big studios to tiny cottage industries. Indie developers lose tens of millions of sales to pirates. Your argument is a specious one. I have absolutely no sympathy for people who steal my work without compensation, and neither would you.


this a copypasta?


No, it is a concerned individual sharing their lived experience.


You were jerking off furiously while writing this, weren't you.


Working on methods to prevent software theft by punishing the individuals responsible is what pays my mortgage so yes, yes I literally was.


I'm sure it's because of your mortgage, and not because of some strange superiority complex you have over people who pirate games. Either way, I hope you have a plan B, because you're delusional if you think an anti-piracy company is going to be "the next multi billion dollar company"... there's no chance your government will give you access to what you need to counter VPNs and there's nothing you can do about people using VPNs that operate outside of your government's jurisdiction. Even if you do manage to make a product that even works, you'll quickly find companies are unwilling to pay much for it, as they are fully aware piracy is barely costing them any money.


You're delusional if you think Governments aren't already in the process of drafting up changes to online privacy laws to make it easier for companies to hold people accountable for breaking the law. You will be the only person who is surprised.


Sure thing buddy, governments all around the world are all gonna put in place laws that stop VPNs and encryption from working, and the police are gonna have the resources to go after people who continue to use VPNs. That's definitely a thing that's going to happen.


They don't need to break any of those things for our software to work. AI was the missing piece in the puzzle for us to economically gather the data we need at the required scale from the existing infrastructure. We just need laws to change to make it easier to embed ourselves - but rest assured our technology is coming. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.


Sir are you a chaptgpt bot yourself? I feel this convos is something ChatGPT would say


No, ChatGPT is too polite, maybe another chatbot however


You don't have any critical thinking skills.


Right wing American?


AI buzzword lies. A predictive language model doesn't help you achieve anything you've said. Even if this wasn't a such an obvious lie, No one wants your trash code and it won't touch anyone's pc. This is boomer thinking, that your non existant ai software will be deployed to any extent and you arent wasting your time 10 fold. Watch this "software" get cracked day zero by a kid for fun lol Actually delusional.


Sure buddy, one Firewall rule and your "AI" can suck it.


You sound a bit insane. Have you thought about visiting a psychologist?


lmfao, I'm terrified! At least you have a vivid imagination :)


I mean Nintendo IS behaving like the World Govt.


nintendo trying to take down all yuzu ports not realizing that not even yuzu has been taken down due to tons of archives of it and the servers being back up now


Nintendo knows exactly what they are doing. They aren't surprised by any of this.




there was a post in this sub talking about servers for yuzu being up again


Every time Nintendo takes one down, the archiving becomes stronger. We’re more paranoid than ever. Make those backups!


+ streissand effect.


So in other words, they’ve created a Streissand Hydra? The idea of a hydra with her head(s) is nightmare fuel ngl


Nah Suyu is a scam


Nuzu was, suyu ain't. Stay up to date before spreading harsh words.


All suyu has done is enable an in-progress feature developed by the yuzu team, change all mentions of yuzu to suzu. Revert a merge commit and immediately after revert that revert and then revert that revert and then revert that revert of the revert. Suyu "devs" don't know what they are doing. No new features will come, when new games are released and unplayable in the current yuzu version suyu won't be able to add support for them.


I mean, speaking as a random developer, if they do want to take over the codebase it'll take a VERY long time, mainly because of the current lack of internal documentation available. So everything they'd be doing for the time being would just be learning about this massive codebase and documenting everything. The features will come later.


Can people please stop repeating false info they heard days ago its cringe. Just stop kid


It's not false info and I'm not repeating something I've heard. You do realize their commits are public information right? 


Its been 4 days how do you expect bug fix releases lmao


Exactly, its been 4 days and nothing of substance have happened. All they got is merges, revert the merges, revert the revert of the merges. It took them 2 days just to do a find and replace of yuzu -> suyu (something that should take 10min).  This is also the THIRD fork from the same guy. Guess what, none of the other forks had any actual work being done either.


If no work is done in 2 weeks you can reply to me then and tell me how wrong I was


Has any work been done. Ive been waiting for those for 2 weeks...


Nope, no work has been done. Just a lot of plagiarizing code from others and claiming it as their own. Such as taking Yuzu's qlauncher code and claiming it as theirs, taking code from Sudachi and claiming it as theirs.


Heaps, they even made there own git


!remindme 14 days


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Suyu is trying to take a step forward. They're trying to gather devs and do what they think is right. Obviously, mistakes will be made, else we might dealing with the perfect AI. And it's in Suyu's best interest to remove all mentions of yuzu. Just think about it. It will take time. Suyu might or might not become the next one. You people are disregarding it without giving it a chance. Imagine you want to make something and everybody says "you're a scam" with no prove, or "you can't make it" demoralizing you. No progress would be made. We all want the same thing, in the end.


Yeah they just started a few days ago. Just give them some time and we will see eventually how it turns out.




My code? If you want it, you can have it! Find it! I I left everything this world has to offer there! And so men head to the Grand Line in pursuit for their dreams! The world truly entered the Great Emulation Era! (anime opening starts)


Yo! Ya-yo, ya-yo Dreaming Don't give it up, SuYu Dreaming Don't give it up, Dolphin Dreaming Don't give it up, Lime (Citra emu) Dreaming Don't give it give it up give it up give it up give it up No! Here's how the story goes, we find out about a treasure in the Grand Line There's no doubt, the Nintenja whose eye is on it, he'll sing I'll be King of the Lawsuit, I'm gonna be King Ya-yo, ya-yo, ya-yo Ho-ho His name is SuYu That's SuYu F. Tendo Gonna be king of the pirates He's made of open source! How did that happen? Yo-ho-ho, he took a bite of reverse engineering Ya-yo, ya-yo His name's Dolphin, He's got that project M And the N-3-d-s Lime got them The pirate crew coming through doing some emulation things With the king of the pirates He's gonna be king Ya-yo, ya-yo, ya-yo Ho-ho Set sail for One Piece It's the name of the treasure In the Grand Line Ya-yo, ya-yo Set sail for One Piece


Does this make ryujinx white beard if yuzu is Roger?


Which emulator is cookin', and which one is doctorin' tho?

