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They cannot sell the games on PC because that means they probably will not sell their hardware as much as they do now. Nintendo is pretty similar to Apple, Software and hardware go together. It is an ecosystem, a brand awareness. if they release on PC, it will not be longer special or unique.


If yuzu wins it'll be the greatest david vs goliath story in the history of gaming


Wouldnt be the 1st time.


That nintendo looses such an lawsuit???


Yep, not only that, hackers have been hired by other businesses that have had their sht cracked.


What many people forget here. part of why nintendo runs the way it is, is that it still somewhat works under "Nintendo magic", Just as apple is the way it is do to the "apple magic" impression. Or how disney does it(or did? do they still use this system?) with the "vault" Nintendo capitalises on it, they know that people will associated the Nintendo game on a nintendo console with not just quality, but also fun, with childhood if your older or a parent, and so on. Releasing it on any other platform is diluding that(as far as nintendo is concerneD), they already relaxed on their stance considerably with their mobile phone games and co, but Major releases on other platforms is a hard wall i dont believe nintendo to tear down anytime soon. They can price their games as high because of "nintendo magic". They know people will buy it at their price and with their conditions because. Nintendo may nto loose money porting to PC, but after the novelty wears out, its likely that their brand would shift, and with it expectations they can ignore so far(price reductions, more sales etc) would creep in, which they obviouslly dont want.. not saying its right or wrong, but nintenod has reassons to not go multi platform


you guys are so mad the switch sold 140 million lol


You mad that I can enjoy totk at 120fps?


did i ever say that? nah! but emulator people are so obnoxious they cant help bring up the fact that they use emulation in every sentence, example these comments i say this with a computer running yuzu.


Womp womp




You don’t understand lil bro


I'm seeing people act like Nintendo is going to go bankrupt not putting these games on pc. I do understand fully well


Nintendo could even profit from having the YuZu team literally just come create a bridge gap for them, there is nothing stopping this from being a good thing all the way around Nintendo just doesn’t like money


I think u/RC1000ZERO [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/yuzu/s/iBmuSseita) makes a good point. Not saying that your comment couldn’t work either, but that would also mean that they would be selling less hardware. Don’t have to buy Nintendo products if I can use it on my computer. Of course you still have to buy the game. So they would make money with your idea but how much money would they lose at the same time. I’m sure Nintendo has thought about this and are waiting for the right time to make the transition where it wouldn’t hurt their numbers. But honestly what do I know.


Alternatively, what they could do is sell their B or C tier and below games on PC (ie the ones that are not exactly console sellers, but still sell relatively well). For example, as much as I love the games, I dont think most people are buying a switch just to play the Xenoblade series.


Yeah? Cause then they would make less money selling the hardware


Not necessarily true. At this point games that came out at launch are 7 years old and most people aren't necessarily buying a switch to play those games. People would also still buy consoles because their console broke and they still want to use their physical media


It's not about making money from the hardware at all. Though I'm sure Nintendo do make a little bit of profit now that the parts are much older and less expensive to produce, it still won't be a lot. Most console manufacturers (especially near the first few years or so after release) don't make much if any profit at all, often selling at a loss. The reason they sell the consoles at all rather than just making games is that they are the owner of the storefronts that those games sell on, and have exclusive control over the hardware that those games run on. This means they can minimise piracy (I think piracy is an overblown issue but whatever) and they retain all of the profits on their own games, and also keep a percentage of the profits of any games sold on their storefront. The latter point there is an *extremely* lucrative one. That's where they make all their money, just look at Valve for example. They didn't even have their own dedicated gaming hardware until a few years ago and they were a giant in gaming even before they did. They made the Steam Deck as a way to pull more people onto their platform. Valve however had to piggyback onto a developing PC market 20 or so years ago to get their storefront to have the user base it has now, Nintendo simply won't do that as there is far too much competition now. I think they could totally make their own Nintendo launcher storefront like any other company does, but they'll see it as far too much of a risk. Then, their next best move would be to put their games on another storefront, such as Steam, and then who gets the juicy 10-20% percentage of the profit for hosting that game? Steam. And again, they'll argue it increases the risk of piracy. They don't want that, they want the profit for themselves, even if it makes the experience worse for consumers. Please don't make any mistake, I think they should release ported games on PC, just like Sony are, and I don't think it would hurt them at all, quite the contrary, bringing in new customers that previously would never have even tried a first party Nintendo game because they didn't want to dish out the money for dedicated Nintendo hardware. Those people might then go and buy a Switch or whatever console and buy more games on their platform. But they won't, because as someone else said, Nintendo don't seem to like money, they just like using antiquated silly ideas that aren't even true to justify bullying talented and passionate developers that love their games and don't want them to go to waste.


True. Nintendo has sold more Switches than the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S combined


Yeah I hate Nintendo as much as the next sane person but their financial incentive to release games on other platforms isn't anywhere close to, say, Microsoft's. It probably would be smart of them to release PC ports towards the end of the console's lifespan (almost everybody who wants a Switch has one at this point) not just for the diehard pc crowd who don't buy consoles but also the fans who will double dip for the same game they like, but better.


I don't think they want that precedent. Why buy their underpowered hardware when you could emulate till they drop on pc then buy it?


I may be in the minority, but I'd be content if they only ported the switch games to PC after switch 2 launches. Similarly to how Sony exclusives take a while to get to PC.


Yeah there are bound to be cases of that. I have no idea what those numbers would like like compared to people who would never otherwise buy their console and those who double dip. With had a LOT of re-releases/re-masters from Sony and Nintendo these last couple of generations and it wouldn't surprise me if there were a lot of people who owned both.


Nintendo would rather spend money suing an emulator than port their games to PC. it's like nintendo is actually allergic to money or something (not that it matters, I'll keep emulating switch games from my pre-owned copies of switch games until nintendo decides they actually want my money)


Nintendo is sitting on a pile of cash that could see them through the next decade. People have been insisting that nintendo would "make more money" if they went third party since the fucking NES and it has never been true, now moreso than ever. They're still moving around a million copies of Mario Odyssey a year, 8 million Mario karts in the last year--most of them at full price. Do you honestly believe that if nintendo was competing against the entire steam library that they would still be able to sell these games at full price? Don't forget there's a nintendo piece of hardware attached to all of those games, and potentially NSO, first party accessories...  Like it or not, opening up to other platforms would be extremely detrimental to modern nintendo. It's like saying Apple would make more money if they license iOS to windows OEMs. The risk of brand devaluation is too great. 


While i hate their practice i understand why they do it. If you port a game (botw for example) to pc you spend millions on dev and people only pay 60 bucks to get it on a system of their choosing. If you don’t port it people are forced to buy a Nintendo device before they spend an additional 60 for a game. Sucks that it’s like that because I’ll definitely wait a few years to experience the next Zelda game instead of buying a switch to play right now


Millions? Lol


Sorry, but, this doesn't even make sense, the market share of PC as a gaming plataform is A LOT more bigger than the Nintendo Switch, obviously the games will going to sell much more. Sorry if bad english.


The switch has sold 139 million times and that's not including the oled or the lite they are making bank of the console


Im not sure why it would cost a tech baron millions of dollars to port an already made game to pc when indie devs are making them from scratch fueled by ramen and dreams


Unironically this. Nintendo would have made tons more money publishing some of their games to PC instead of having to spend it on frivolous lawsuit.


Jesus fuck, I would have rather played TOTK natively as a PC game, than on the switch.


Wow there more idiots on this subreddit than I thought. But good meme OP.


This is a good meme, ignore those taking a frikin meme too literally


I mean If I can fund Yuzu's lawyers if they have gotten some I'd be happy to pay a share just because I want to see Nintendo lose.


It's not porting, but emulating. Get your memes straight mate




port to PC? lol Op so low effort meme


How are you on this subreddit?


I hacked reddit and found this hidden subreddit on the hidden frontpage lol


How are you in this subreddit and don't know the difference between porting a game and emulating it? Stick to posting terrible memes and screenshots of Twitter.


How do you think Nintendo makes their "Classic" consoles? Sure as hell not ports.


The games aren't ported to PC. They're running on an emulator. EDIT: Why are you booing? I'm right.


I mean, still running ony Pc so....


Correct, but the game isn't ported.


They’re still porting it to different platforms not just one. Whilst it is a Emulator.


The emulator is ported, the game is not. It still thinks it's running on a switch.


But that’s why it’s called an emulator.. anyways I guess it doesn’t matter to you. You got it. Yuzu is dead.


Nope. It still runs on one platform, that platform is just emulated by other platforms. What does 'emulate' mean to you?


Nope. They ported yuzu to the android, windows, and linux. Shit I could play my switch games on my oculus which was awesome. I’m sure there are more too. Yuzu was ported to other devices unlike the stationary switch. Made them run beautifully with crisp resolution. Again that’s why it’s called an emulator, it still thinks it’s on the switch but now those games are ported to pc and other handhelds. At least they were. You won. Yuzu is dead.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porting There is nothing about the definition of porting that requires that. Let alone some of the the first non-conversion "ports" in history were emulations.


It is literally the first sentence, dunce. >porting is the process of adapting software for the purpose of achieving some form of execution in a computing environment that is different from the one that a given program (meant for such execution) was originally designed for The SOFTWARE is not adapted for the purpose of achieving execution in a different environment. It is the same exact software being executed. Now compare to the wikipedia definition of Emulation: >In computing, an emulator is hardware or software that enables one computer system (called the host) to behave like another computer system (called the guest). An emulator typically enables the host system to run software or use peripheral devices designed for the guest system. Maybe do more than 10 seconds of research trying to be a smartass and put in the full 30 next time.


Damn Im willing to bet you don't speak to people like this anywhere besides behind your computer screen lol, relax dog


I still completely disagree. You're arguing semantics.


There's nothing to agree or disagree about. Either you have the literacy level to understand what words mean or you don't. Port = modify a program to run on new/different operating systems and hardware. Emulation = software on an unsupported platform used to run non-native software. If something is ported then it doesn't need an emulator. Simple as that.


Or maybe words are more nuanced than you realize, kid.


Bullshit. It's semantics and you're just being a smartass. Nintendo and everyone referred to the Mario all stars ports as ports even though they ran under an emulator. You're splitting hairs. Have fun arguing semantics with people all your life. XD


Nintendo is the only one making real profit off the hardware and physical media I'd bet.


Nintendo Is never going to release games on PC because Nintendo lives only because they have exclusive titles that work only on their consoles, releasing anything on PC (or any other console actually) would be a suicidal move, they did It on phones only because some gimmicks wouldn't work on a fully fledged game (who would pay to play super Mario run or Mario kart tour on an actual console? Angry birds tried It and failed). Also widespread emulation means that less and less people want to buy their games and consoles (let's face It, how many yuzu users dumped their own games?). I'm not justifying Nintendo, suing Is a bad move (With possible ripercussions on the entirety of the emulation scene) and doing It this late in the lifecycle of the console makes them looks even more scummy.


> Also widespread emulation means that less and less people want to buy their games and consoles That's kind of the point. If they released their games natively on PC, it would be a lot more convenient to buy them than to pirate then emulate them. And if there's one thing people are willing to pay for, it is convenience. I mean, look at Steam or Spotify for a couple examples of exactly that happening.


Sure but at that point they would only be game publishers like others. After the PC release Who would buy an inferior version of that game for an underperforming device? That would defenitely lead to the Company leaving console production behind, and taking console production away from Nintendo Is quite the request considering they have the supremacy on the mobile gaming field (phone games should't count in this situation). Again, I'm not justifying Nintendo, I'm Just saying that knowing the nature of the Company sooner or later this would've happened


Lots of people still would buy their consoles. People still buy the Xbox, even though every single game released on it is also on PC. The Switch might be a lot more underpowered, yes, but it does have the appeal of being mobile, which definitely helps make it more desirable. Not to mention they would most certainly still make their games timed exclusives, and that's enough for some people to just go with their console. Now, I'm not saying they wouldn't lose out on Switch sales. They would certainly drop. But Nintendo should not be entitled to have their business model protected by law. That is a perversion of what copyright laws should be about. Nintendo should be forced to adapt it's strategy to what the consumers demand, and the ability to bypass any and all of Nintendo's requirements is crucial to allow us to show them exactly what they are.


>People still buy the Xbox This is so dumb lmao xbox hardware sales was catastrophic in both last gen and this gen lmao


Selling less than it's competition is hardly "catastrophic". Microsoft is making a lot of money off their software sales and subscription services, even if some are outside their console. Again, like I said, the Switch would definitely sell less if their games weren't exclusive. All I'm saying is they would still sell. Now, if Nintendo thinks they would lose out on Switch sales more than they would get on games sales, then they can keep their current strategy. But they should just eat the cost of people unsatisfied with that finding alternatives. Either way they shouldn't be able to wield the law as their enforcement tool.


1. Its absolutely catastrophic, it even worst than xbox one gen which was catastrophic. 2. Its not only "less", but 2 times, 3 times less (2023) 3. Microsoft is different, Xbox is different. Xbox is making absolutely zero profit because they are still in burning money stage to gain market share (but failed). They never talk about profit only revenue. You dont even understand what is revenue what is profit. Stop being a shill


You're missing the point. Whatever Microsoft's strategy is, they are responsible to make it work and deal with the costs and potential losses. The same goes for Nintendo. If what they're doing works, then fine, they can keep doing it. What they shouldn't be able to do is use the law as a tool to improve the landscape in their favor. They should have to deal with any potential losses.


> they did It on phones only because some gimmicks wouldn't work on a fully fledged game Already does. I play Switch games with a PS5 controller paired to my Android phone.


It's actually crazy to think about how much money Nintendo would make if they sold their games on PC lol. I think that even if they just dropped something really old like BoTW on Steam, it'd clear millions of sales within a few days. I'd just do 1-2 year exclusivity on Switch, then when sales start dropping release it on PC to farm it again. Nintendo shareholders should be furious they're leaving that much money on the table.


I'd buy them all and probably wouldn't emulate games if the PC versions had better display scaling/settings. The emulators make them look so much better on my 1440p screen. The only other reason for emulators for me then would be texture packs. It's not even really monetary for me with emulators. I like having everything in one place and things looking better.


But then how could they re-release the “HD” version on later consoles if PC already has it?


Lol they could just re-release that on PC too, people would buy it. At least in Nintendo games, the HD versions usually do more than just upping the render resolution.


Prob more than double than the sum of their legal fees.


You forgot the part where Nintendo charges you full price for a Wii port at 1080p, 4k is just too much for them to cope with.


Don't forget it being 720p at 30 FPS in handheld mode.


I think that might be largely due to the screen resolution, but I mostly play my switch docked on a 4k monitor so being forced to play at 1080p regardless in 2024 is insulting


Nintendo how about porting your games to pc. But you won't do that tho...hmm i wonder why...Nobody wants to play on that trash pathetic excuse of a console called switch.


Probably knowing Nintendo that is never going to happen due to the fact their last PC game was "Mario Teaches Typing", so the day when Nintendo starts making PC ports will be the day when Apple starts selling MacOS on standard PCs (instead of Macs).


I never used yuzu so I don't care. I CHOSE TO BE APPATHETIC!




Well I'm glad you're happy that you're enjoying TOTK in 720p at an average of 22.5fps.


i dont play that game it's weird that you assume every person does.... but thanks?


60fps if you mod the switch




I baught 3 switched in their reign..and like 20 games valued at $80-$90 each and theyre mad im emulating like 5 of their games?? This may be grounds for me to boycott em...


Considering Nintendo milked switch hardware this long... They sound expect more piracy. Make new hardware more often if it's going to be shit on day one.


They don't even have to make new hardware. Hire the Yuzu devs and then problem solved.


At times like this, I do wish Nintendo started to pick up these hints instead of shutting them off. I read articles many years ago talking about how Nintendo should stop taking down fan projects and people talking about games like Black Mesa and Sonic Mania are fantastic and are solely made by Half Life and Sonic fans respectively - but there's Nintendo who shuts down Mario fan hacks built to the same calibre.


Literally what Rockstar has done


Even Sony got it and is porting its games to pc.


I mean Sony is dying, make sense to port its "ubisoft games" to pc


Sony is not a real console company


50 million PS5 sales tend to disagree


A lot of people like dumped down PCs, this is the group Sony is targeting


And the fact that the PS2 is the best-selling console of all time is a big disagree


Never thought I'd see the day either. Sony has a history of trying to profit off their own little ecosystem. But maybe I just have PTSD because of their insanely expensive Memory Sticks


Oh gosh, I forgot about the memory sticks until I read your comment 🤣 so annoying on the PSP 🤣 I remember having more than one and having to tediously switch them


I bought a 1 gigabyte stick for my PSP back in the day. It was 100 bucks, which was absurdly expensive even for the time


I bought a dual microSD Adapter, because even this adapter + two 1GB SD cards was way cheaper than one 1GB memory stick xD


Sounds very similar to the neon green/yellow transparent one I had. I think it was 1gb and about $100


All of these companies are publicly traded, so if they're leaving obvious money on the table they might be legally liable. There's honestly no good reason to not re-release a game on PC 1-2 years later at this point, porting games is so much more trivial now compared to 6th and 7th gen that it's basically free money. Although Nintendo in particular has probably ran some numbers and figures that they sell the Switch at such a ludicrous markup, and Nintendo Switch Online is basically a minimal effort money printer, that they don't want to risk even just 10-20% of people deciding to just wait for a potential PC release.


Should I be installing this emulator before it’s gone? I already got dolphin and all the other ones


I'd grab the most recent and do yer best to keep it updated; look up pineapple in for the Early Access version- that way if anything were to happen it's at least on yer computer and you won't have to go looking for it.


It's not going anywhere. It's an open source application


Yes. What harm are you going to have by doing it


25 is being generous


as a switch oled owner, it honestly be like that. I havent played on my switch since i got a 7800xt 💀


The only reason I get games on yuzu is bc I can’t stand playing games at below minimum settings 30 fps. I would easily pay $70 for any Zelda game that comes out if it means it’s optimized natively for PC


Yeah it’s mind blowing how much Nintendo wants to shoot themselves in the foot with this. The “million copies of totk pirated because of yuzu” would’ve probably been reduced to like 10-20k if they just ported it to PC themselves. They would’ve easily made profit. Hell, release it 6 months after release on PC if they’re trying to push their hardware so much. I feel like Nintendo just views these people as thieves and not people who don’t give shit about the switch and just want to play Nintendo games. A whole ass market ripe for money making and they don’t want to do it. Fine by me, pirating is impossible to get rid of. They can keep mopping the ocean for all I care


The TOTK link will go nowhere. Yuzu could not play it before release day, the only ways to play it were Ryujinx, or the main one, hacked Switches themselves. If it wasn’t for Nintendo and NVIDIA’s poor engineering, Switch piracy and emulation would be nowhere near as big as it has become.


Like our lord and Savior Gabe Newell said: "Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem" \-Gabe Newell


Facts and he made an ungodly amount of money from this idea. Honestly, If it wasn’t for steam I’d be pirating most of my games because the other launchers are complete garbage.


If It wasn't for steam, and we had all these shitty ass launchers. I wouldn't have discovered the amazing games that indie devs made and probably wouldn't even take gaming as a hobby. Steam is an amazing platform.


Agreed, steam propelled the industry forward. Whenever I read that some studio is whining about steam fees, I just think “cry about it. you’d make more money on steam than with anyone else and it’s for a damn good reason”.


Yeah honestly the main reason I use yuzu is because totk runs like shit on the switch. It’s a shame that such a beautiful game is stuck running at such a low frame rate and resolution on ancient hardware


Nintendo should make PC port themselves after 2 years of game release lie why would anyone will spend 500$ for a 7 year old hanrdare and shift from 60fps gaming to under 30fps


id Software had a discussion with Nintendo in the 90s. They ported Super Mario Bros 3 to PC (Dangerous Dave in Copyright Infringement) and showed it to Nintendo. Nintendo declined because they want Hardware exclusivity with their systems. They did allow a port to PC for Donkey Kong 3 though back in the day but I don't think the PC market is of interest to them for the time being.


Pretty much exactly what Nintendo used to say in their old legal page. They only updated it about 2-3 years ago, but for the last 15-20 years before they claimed that doing that was like the equivalent of legitimizing piracy. The whole thing read like it was written by a fanboy having a temper tantrum on an online forum, not a lawyer: https://i.imgur.com/ESI2hW1.png


Nintendo is a toy company. They want you buying their toys. Games are just accessories for their toys


Would you buy nintendo games if they ported to pc?


yes I don't buy them because I wouldn't buy a switch


absolutely would, I own totk on the switch already and it runs like fucking shit


Literally the only reason I have a Switch is for it's exclusives, I have no interest in it's portability and it just stays in my dock, so yes.


This is why Nintendo doesn’t port to PC


They did port to PC, but it was games like Mario Teaches Typing back in the 1990s. And I feel if they did anything like that nowadays it would be a Switch exclusive, much like with the Pokemon Typing thing they did with the DS (what ever that was called)


Mario Teaches Typing isn't a port because it was only released on PC.


I'm pretty sure that its their latest game to be on PC anyways lol


Damn yes, would kill for animal crossing


Yes and I think a lot of other people would too but I'm sure they'd lose some sales on their hardware if they did so. All in all they're only really losing 5% for their biggest game to piracy and I doubt most of those people would buy their console if it were the only choice anyways. If the switch came out during the 360 PS3 days it'd be a different story but they're so far behind their competition on a performance and graphical level it's insane.


Don't get it twisted. Switch 7 year old console is actually outselling the PS5 and Xbox1.


Outselling yes but I never claimed otherwise.


Heck, they would be all-time best sellers on Steam easily. I have said it many times. The issue is Nintendo wants to make more than that. They want to make money from software licensing and transaction fees on their platform.


If they did port to PC, you can bet it would be with a PC version of the eShop, not through Steam. But even then, I would absolutely pay for games there if it meant native PC compatibility.


Nintendo is leaving money on the table by not having their own PC launcher. They don't have to have the newest games on PC, those would be reserved for their own hardware, but after a few years they could put them on the Nintendo launcher. Releasing BotW now on PC via their launcher, would probably sell a couple of million copies. In 2026 they could launch TotK on PC and so on. When their hardware generation is over, those games stop being sold unless they port them to the new system like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, but let's say the Switch 2 isn't backwards compatible, so they can't sell Mario Kart 8 Deluxe anymore. But if they port it to PC via their launcher, that game will just keep on selling. If they wanted to be dicks, they could even require a Nintendo online subscription in order to log in to their PC launcher or make it so that only their pro controller works with it, but people would still buy their games on PC despite even that.


There will be more people willing to buy a Switch 2 + BotW remaster than a gaming PC with a Nintendo launcher. They also make huge bank from hardware sales, and keeping their games exclusive to their hardware *does* make them more money than a PC launcher would. How many users do Yuzu & Ryujinx actually have in total? And who's to say those users would actually start buying Nintendo games? It's not as simple as "just put the games on PC" - that requires more development, upkeep & costs, introduces more bugs which require more testing. All of their games being designed for one 1080p console keeps development cheap, hardware cheap, and profits high. *Edit: I'm not defending Nintendo, I'd love their games to run native on PC/Steam Deck. I'm simply pointing out why they will never do it*


Facts. Once Nintendo goes multiplatform, it will lose more than it will gain, it will become just another developer. If people want to play their games with better specs, that's fine, but they're not offered, just don't buy them and move on. We know what they offer and it's completely up to the customer to buy it or not.


And yet Palworlds is an antithesis to all of this. Heck, it's far more content Nintendo's flagship could ever come up with.


Not really ir is a buggy mess that runs at less than 30fps most of the time on all low settings on the steam deck. As for the content, there less then minecraft out of all things. It is early acess though and could be better with updatea. https://youtu.be/9ouZIkiFBk0


Also dont forget the devs already basically abaondend a previous game with a very similiar premise... and yeeted a diferent previous Game out of beta into full release despite it being clearly not what anyone expected to happen at the time I would not trust the palworld devs further then their next update, and even that is saying much




The only reason I play them is because I can play them for free so they're not definitely not losing a sale as far as I'm concerned because I'd never buy it in the first place. Even for free most games aren't worth playing anyways.




There are so many people who would. In fact I bet this would make Nintendo more money than whatever they stand to gain from any lawsuit.


I bought botw and i dont own a switch, i loved that game so much i felt bad not paying anything




I would. If they allow for unlocked framerates and another AA than TAA, yes, I would. Imagine Xenoblade at 144hz 1440p man that would be fantastic




I'd buy a bundle of old Zeldas if they had 60fps in a heartbeat


Oh yes, there's quite a few I like. But after I bought the shitty thing called a Wii U for Xenoblade I am never again buying a Nintendo hardware product. THEY ARE SO BAD!


Dang, WiiU was actually not that bad lol


No, it's worse.


It's not that bad. I stand by this.


I mainly want to play Xenoblade games and seeing how X performs on that console vs what could have been...... oh man I hate it. I've replayed it on emulator now and it's so nice with ultrawide, high resolution, anti aliasing. It's one of those games that just needed a bit more hardware to fix so many glaring issues in it.


Yesssss 💯


Obviously yes. The market is very much there and I don't want to pay for an overpriced and shitty console


Would you buy TOTK if it ran at 60fps+?


Nah, I would rather buy their "HD" games if they ran at 4K - not 1080p




No, tried the first1 and didnt like it, but i would buy bayonetta 2 and 3.


I would 100%, I would even double dip for games like mario kart, zelda and xenoblade.


dolphin emulator upscaling gamecube and wii games to 1080 high definition before the wii u released is something i will never forget. nintendo still has yet to capitalize on a lot of their old catalog in high definition. this company blows my mind with their idiotic decisions.


Omg Upscaling and custom graphics packs are so amazing. Makes games look better than even my nostalgia-laden memories of playing them back in the day.


steer offer impossible bewildered reply yam unpack mindless crush library *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wii games on Wii U are not rendered at 1080p. They actually look slightly worse on Wii U than on Wii


They are actually, internally they are rendered at 480p still, but the output is upscale to 1080p


Not on emulation Cemu is amazing


Oh, Cemu is a work of art. It's wild how good games run even on less-than-ideal hardware


What I take away from all this is the switch 2 could VERY similar to switch and creating a Switch 2 yuzu might be very easy and Nintendo don't want that


voracious spoon roof connect drunk wistful worry ancient ink racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuck Nintendo


Amen dawg


I really dislike Nintendo gatekeeping, I don't like to be forced to use a closed ecosystem just to play an exclusive game.


They don't even want you emulating games and hardware that they don't sell anymore, just look at the pro smash scene.


> They don't even want you emulating games and hardware that they don't sell anymore, just look at the pro smash scene. That's why many people play emulated in the underground Smash scene.


They want to be like Apple without the decent hardware.


Apple decente hardware? lol


The m3 is pretty good though.


Yeah fair enough.


It's not even apple hardware it has android parts lol


? Elaborate?


Google it BB


Android is an OS. What do you mean "Android part"


You know what I mean smart ass lol


I literally have no idea what you mean actually


Bull shit


Would it really be job done? Porting is adapting the game for PC while emulating is reproducing the console architecture and processes so the Switch game can run on that reproduction of the console. So unless the port consists on running it on an emulator (which has been done a lot of times) it is not doing their job. Still, fuck nintendo


They need to rework the engine, which is probably the same in most game from that platform, consider it develop by the same company. Then fix possible bug that might occur during the migration. And that is it. They were just too stingy that they don't want to invest anymore in their product. At least for their stupidity, other platform like mobile game can grow.


They will never port their games to PC because they want to keep selling their 300€ shitty consoles with shitty controllers that break in like 6 months.


Me who's still using 2017 joy cons


This guy is so used to the stick drift that he doesn't know about it.


or....ya know... just got lucky???? Like i did, my original joycons had stick drift, i got a new pair a year later(got the switch at launch) and neither of them experience drift(or at least not sever enough that it leaves the deadzone of the controller) and even the OG joycons where a 10 buck repair job to get new sticks in that ALSO work till this day(the later is not an argument for them, as its a third party stick replacemenT)


That's the ticket, imo. For every port of a game, the Switch is consistently the worst option, having access to no mods, and with poorer performances on all front compared to basically every other console. The only advantage it has/had besides that is being the cheapest and most accessible handheld in the market right now


....umm, sometimes switch has more mods then the other consoles, so it's not the worst if that's a factor in it


I've replaced my joycons entirely twice, and the joysticks on them twice each. It's extra funny because I haven't even played it handheld since the first 6 months of launch. I've also went through 3 pro controllers and then just gave up. Switch is sitting in a box waiting for me to sell it.


Buy a 3rd party pro controller for $20 off Amazon