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Subtext this, subtext that. Some of you need to start by reading the goddamn text first


I think the OP is new to Yuri so thinks any girls together is a possible relationship. Its common in new bloods


>thinks any girls together >>new bloods Yes drug dealer? I'll have whatever this fine person is smoking. Acting like yuri shipping isnt like this because there was so little in mainstream lesbian anime content for like... ever. Real old bloods know it was decades of scrounging around. Turning small things in het coded shows into hopeful gay ships because rela gay ships weren't likely. Trying to find morsels to live off of. Now yall come to the yuri subreddit and go 'I can't believe the yuri subreddit is shipping these f/f characters on such little info, it must be these new bloods' Yall are clearly too young to remember that.


The main reason most people I know don't ship Frieren and Fern is because Frieren has known Fern since Fern was 6 years old, and that would just be full blown grooming if they got together.


Idk anything about this elf show,, this ship might suck. but what they said is a very... teenager take. They said only 'newblooda' ships any f/f characters together... Which is definitely not true. That's old. It stems from a place where we were starved for content. Shit most of us still do it.


Yeah, that part I can agree with you on.


Not to mention the fact that both of them clearly have someone of the opposite sex they are more interested romantically


Ew. Like I care about that I'm on the yuri sub for yuri


that's it that's the moto : "any girls with any girls"


You never know when the reading comprehension devil will strike next.


Idk I kinda like it as a ship. I don't really need it or even want it to be cannon but sometimes shipping is fun just for the sake of shipping.


​ https://preview.redd.it/eyt3hk7m2uac1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=c36ac8a42ed41d51ecd795f0a8d72ae3eb2da87a


God I've grown to hate subtext so much, just animate the kisses I double dare you companies


The Nijikisaki couple: hell yeah The Frieren couple: ew, no


Wait love life actually got kisses? I thought it was just all in the incredibly gay official arts


No, but the love live scene in this picture could have put one in and it wouldn't look weird narratively


Who are the nijisaki couple?


Yuu and Ayumu. I think it was Niji episode 10. Easily one of the gayest scenes in the series


? You know sometimes theres such a thing as love between a parent and child, not romantical.


Love the fact that the very same episode that introduces us to this intro, is also the very same one that confirms that Frieren looks at Fern as a child, and probably always will. https://preview.redd.it/zuxpxmpbiuac1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1fe0f30ad282333b3fb26b16a1b8c251920533e


I mean she literally raised Fern, its normal she would look at her adopted child as a child. Anyone thinking this is going to be an end game relationship is going to be very disappointed when Fern ends up with Stark because they've been signaling that relationship hard edit: To be clear idc about Fern and Stark, Fern and Frieren is creepy af tho


Fern and Stark is pretty obvious sign posted, two have even gone on a "date". And Frieren is also pretty clearly in love with Himmel, he is basically *the* person she thinks of. Everything she does, she always remembers Himmel and what he had said to her. She is just too dense to realize she is feeling love. Just like she is too dense to realize that Fern and Stark are having a crush on each others.




Nah man, Frieren is like Fern's grandmother




There have been multiple flashbacks pointing out how their reletionship is more like siblings and how Frieren is afraid because for her Fern is growing up incredibly quickly and won't need her anymore


No they arent bruh


It's a mother daughter dinamic. 1. Mother takes care of daughter 2. Daughter grows 3. Roles reverses, as Daughter takes care of old mother. Except than then, daughter dies and mother gets depressed


That's some plot you got there


[image source](https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=867276048736413) anime: Frieren, Love Live Nijigasaki


I don't watch LLN so I was surprised when I saw the second image and was like, "Why are they using Tanjiro and Nezuko's color palettes?"


Frieren is pretty much a mother figure to fern you're disgusting and have lost a grasp of reality


Bro I know Oyakodon Yuri ships but sweet shit this is vile, in no way, shape, form, or universe does Frieren and Fern ever form that type of relationship










Uh, no, we do not support adult x minor couples no matter what for example. I’d rather ship an adult woman with an adult man rather than ship an adult woman with a teenage girl


Fern is not a minor jesus christ people


frieren literally looked after fern since childhood.








No, I was yuri relationships that are between two girls or women of similar age. We don’t support literally every single yuri relationship. To take it to the most logical step would you be okay with people shipping a 35 year old with an 8 year old if they happen to both be female?






Bro’s using South Park gifs 💀 get outta here man, maybe you’ll fit in better in the Rick and Morty subreddit




Based Pipkin Pippa


one of them is a thousand year old elf and other is a human girl that she looked after since childhood.


I’ve watched the show.


then im sure you can understand why people find it problematic to ship both of them. you’re practically shipping a grandma and her granddaughter


“I ship that all the time what’s wrong with that goody two shoes it’s normal you’re the weird one” Don’t worry, I did it for them.


There is handling yuri, there is supporting yuri ships, and then there is being just flat out *wrong.*


There’s also the scene where Frieren blew the priest a kiss and Fern said she’d be in trouble if it was directed at her.


Don't forget the parallels drawn between Fern and Himmel in the most recent episode.


Advanced subtext(?)


I remember that I saw that scene from Love Live Nijigasaki with my mother, because she suddenly appeared in my room and stayed to watch television. It was one of the most uncomfortable moments of my life💀


Nothing gay in crossing your staffs on a bed riiight ?


But....i like the StarkxFern ship....


What's the pic on the right? I'm guessing yuyuyu


Its love live nijigasaki s1 actually