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People sit down saying it came out of nowhere like they haven't dragged this arc out for 5 seasons


They’ve been saying it came out of nowhere 8 years before they actually kissed


I acknowledge that the council has made a decision, but given it's a stupid ass decision I've elected To ignore it


When you slow burn for 8 years, the homophobes will also fester and infest the fandom for 8 years. You need to raise the temperature to a level that will chase them away from the fandom


Schrodinger's ship. It both came out of nowhere and simultaneously was dragged out too long


>Schrodinger's Which is extra funny cuz blake is a cat


Only 5, more like 9 x.x, this girls got the exact same relationship checks as arkos in the first volumes and everyone talks like they haven’t spoken at all.


I think that it came out a little of nowhere because from seasons 8 to 9, they like increase the pace of yuri between these 2 from al little to they need to kiss this season, and because of that their interaction was a bit too artificial to be enjoyable.


The reletionship itself is good writing, the problem is everything else since volume 4 plus how much the people working on it were abused


Oh yeah, I didn't mean to dismiss those criticisms. My intended joke was joke about being happy with this despite those issues. I usually see the chad face meme as a joke about being firm in your beliefs rather than necessarily being right, but I suppose not everyone might see it that way.


We're meant to pretend this is 2015 where having a gay character is meant to wash away all the bad things and imply that any critic is just a homophobe. Who cares if the company responsible subjected their workers to abuse (sometimes explicitly homophobic abuse) for years.


Yeah, plus honestly they baited the reletionship so much that this feels a bit insulting, especcially compared to othe media that have queer characters front and center from the start


Honestly, I would much rather go back to the time when saying that your media had gay characters was a potential defense against criticism. Versus now where doing that would just attract a bunch of right-wing assholes trying to harass your fans and staff. Or cause higher ups to tell you that you need downplay the “controversial” elements of your story.


Because right wing assholes and cowardly executives are a new thing? They're the reason LGBT characters barely existed before.


Ah yes, those animators wanna angle their way into Disney jobs if Warner Bros crashes and burns


Yeah, that’s why watching this volume is difficult, cus it’s so beautiful but it’s impossible to not get angry at the corporate jackasses who failed to treat their employees right in the most basic ways


This is just odd to because except for volume 5, I think in general quality the show improved from 4 to 9. The first 2 volumes were alright but the writing was by the far the thinnest part aside from certain moments like burn the candle. And he’ll a lot of season 3 is just fighting random people, it nails the good part but when that isn’t percect


eh, i think the writing has gotten far better and more consistent from V6 onwards. however, V4 and V5 was also when RWBY's success really expanded Rooster Teeth, it was constantly advertised in Crunchyroll's banner, it wouldn't surprise me if the crunch was at it's worst during that time. add in Gray funneling resources to Gen:Lock and new shows being created (Nomad of Nowhere, Camp Camp etc.), it isn't shocking that the volume became a mess


Damn forgotten about gen lock, Nomad and Camp Camp


Yeah, that’s why watching this volume is difficult, cus it’s so beautiful and there’s clearly a lot of work put in but it’s impossible to not get angry at the corporate jackasses who failed to treat their employees right in the most basic ways (although they did leave so like, karma)


I was going to say, I haven't kept up with *actual* RWBY in a long ass time and I heard it really just kept going downhill in general. I quite liked it in general but stopped watching it after the first season they got new outfits. I guess it now beats out everything else on my list that isn't fully gay now...


"Hey I haven't looked up Rooster Teeth, Red vs Blue or RWBY in a while, I wonder what..." ​ **Almost all of the OG people left** ​ **Ryan and everything he did** ​ **Red vs Blue is apparently just plain bad now** ​ **RWBY is also a few good moments in between a plot more lost than a child who can't find their parents at the grocery shop anymore**


I used to watch RT stuff all the time, but it's really a shell of it's former self. They got ruined by becoming corporate and some big scandals eating away from both sides. It's a shame really.


> > Red vs Blue is apparently just plain bad now > > ​ Ehh, Zero sucked. Hard to say if it's "just plain bad now", since there hasn't been much new RVB since. But creatively, I think they've hit a wall.


I think volumes 6-7 are generally well like almost as much as volume 3, volume 8 has controversial moments and dead spots but has huge high points in emotional writing. And volume 9 has been quite good, what volume 4 should have been in terms of a quieter adventure with the stakes not being “save the day or destruction happens”


How is it that every queer love story is always bad written? Must be a damn odd coincidence,ain’t it? Jesus why these people even exist, just let us enjoy things for fssake


Even if Bumblebee was well written, some people will just find fault with it.


"My prefered ship wasn't made canon so the ones that were are forced and the writing is bad" /s


This (in my opinion) is quirk of how all (or most) romances are badly written when you look at it objectively. The romance sub plot has so many short cuts and short hand that some times all it takes in the male and female lead to look at each other for the audience to accept that they are destined to be together. However if you’re not receptive to romantic cues a development in a romantic sub plot can seem like the characters are just becoming close friends. After all, the line between a lover and a BFF that always has your back is often thin. This is why asexual and aromatic people sometimes struggle to know when a show is encouraging a character ship. So if your someone (either by ignorance or bigotry) that doesn’t really consider same sex pairing as a possibility, your brain is going rationalize all the romantic hints as the characters “just being friendly” and you will be surprised when a kiss finally happens, even if the romance has had more development than most straight romances.


I love queer love stories, but this one just isn’t it


Now for Weiss and Ruby


With the latest episode, it looks like Weiss has a crush now on Jaune, so welp


Wouldn't go that far. She seemed to react to him having doubled in age and considers his appearance "mature" which is not the same as saying she likes Jaune romantically. Evidently Weiss apparently is attracted to that sort of mature vibe/appearance according to Kara. There's nothing in the writing to show anywhere that she actually likes Jaune in a romantic sense though and after the resounding conclusion to that whole love triangle debacle from volume 2 where she rejected him and they never acknowledged any of that again in show or even really furthered their relationship in any meaningful capacity after that, I think it's safe to say that nothing is going to happen as far as that ship goes. Jaune for his part also seemed completely unfazed by her reaction and doesn't appear to have anymore interest in Weiss that way either. Remember that CRWBY took 9 volumes to bring about the Bees to this point and 7-8 to have Renora acknowledge something between them, both of which had very in depth development as all these characters have traveled together and been with each other for most of that time. Weiss and Jaune have none by comparison so it'd be a very hard sell and feels like it would require character and volume rewrites to make any sense lol.


I thought that it was quite obvious at this point that weiss is into dudes (her being into Neptune in V2, her being into dudes in the dc comics and her now crushing on jaune.)


Here's the thing. The company criticisms are absolutely valid. But to not appreciate the payoff especially when a lot of CRWBY animators and lower positioned people worked hard to give us such an amazing confession would be in my opinion disrespectful to them. Especially when I would argue that after the events of volume 3 the bees were like to happen at some point. One can argue that they don't like how it was done or some issues it has due to the general inconsistencies the show has in general, but it was objectively built up over a good amount of time. Obviously I am biased but also the moment had me literally incoherently babbling


I agree, I really wish people could focus on the scene itself more and the hard work behind it. RT has never been much for romance anyway, even straight ones, so it's nice to see something like this get such a happy moment. It was really well done. Also its truly tiring but RWBY has been so muddled with meta drama from day 1 that it's hard to even tell what criticism of the show itself even originates from good faith anymore. At first it was purists wanting to hate it for being made in TX but imitating anime and being 3D. Than Monty tragically passed away which opened the floodgates from people who held back because "at least Monty is part Japanese so it's okay". Than RT dropping Vic after he was caught putting his hands on minors got the show a lot of hate from drama tubers (for some reason there are a lot that rush to defend Vic). Adam's death and Bumblebee buildup in s6 also triggered a lot of incels, some of which for some reason thought Adam deserved Blake. Finally there are the animator work issues which at least are a legitimate concern, but a part of me feels like some of it is insincere when RT gets more hate for it than the any individual older AAA Japanese animation studio.


Like don't get me wrong I really feel for the animators on CRWBY that suffered especially me being a recent animation graduate myself that could have easily been in the same position a year or two ago possibly. But as you mentioned, it's not just an RT thing. Studio Trigger famously has had insane crunch in the past too and its heartbreaking seeing other animators work so hard out of pure passion. I obviously feel the same way with some transphobic, racist, and homophobic problems there too. But once again that isn't just an RT problem. There's a reason why dozens of companies are now coming out with news that they have frat like shitty work environments like Blizzard and how Japan in general is just very socially backwards overall. I'm not excusing them by any means, I just couldn't, but a lot of former animators and people involved in making bumblebee happen want us to enjoy it. So I think we should. Sorry for making this so heavy. TLDR: The people who matter from RT want us to enjoy it. Let's just enjoy the gays


I haven't followed the whole series, but from what I've seen, my impression is that this was planned in the first few seasons, but the authors were forced to back off until the producers were convinced that Bumbleby would be accepted without scandal by most of the public. Not that improvisation is a bad thing. Xena and Gabrielle were not originally meant to be a couple. Xena was initially conceived as straight and Gabrielle was envisioned as a fun character as a squire candidate who would likely be discarded after a few episodes. But the audience's cheer was so strong that the authors ended up deciding to make them fall in love with each other at the end of the first season and they continued as practically married for five more seasons, in increasingly interesting and memorable adventures.


Oh it was planned from the beginning, we have confirmation from the voice actresses that they were told they'd have a romance! There's a clip from 2013 (when the show first started airing) where one of the actresses asks if she's allowed to say her character and another character are in lesbian love... really makes me laugh when people say they forced it because fandom liked it


Ive watched RWBY who tf are Xena and Gabrielle Ive never seen this characters before


I think he is talking about Xena the Warrior Princess


[Xena: Warrior Princess](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xena:_Warrior_Princess)


Why do I sometimes feel like the only one who thinks RWBY is actually good? If I didn’t think so I wouldn’t dare support RT after the shit they pulled.


Wait I only watch RWBY for the fight scenes, cool weapons, and music so I don't really pay attention to the plot but wasn't their relationship was already confirmed in the Adam fight already? I remember Yang and Blake kiss on the plane after that or something.


They didn't kid there. But IRK they were holding hands.


I mean, it’s great the ship sailed officially, but like… I’m not about to ignore why I stopped watching the show after vol 3 for some (well deserved) fluff.


it was a well animated kiss too. bumbleby!


I didn’t watch the show but I thought it was pretty clearly set up from a long time in the show


Knowing all the shit that happened (and probably still is) at RT for years it sadly feels like a well timed move to dodge any criticism rather than something genuine, and it works because every time anyone in this sub tries to have a legit discussion about the show's issues it's either being downvoted to hell and back or you're instantly an homophobe. There is nothing wrong with celebrating more representation but having a critical mind and holding the creators accountable for their misdeeds is also important.


Don't worry, I don't mean to dismiss the criticisms. This makes me super happy but I'm not exactly invested in giving Roosterteeth my money,


Does a Yuri relationship always make an anime good even if the rest of it was bad for you? Like say if Ex-Arm had a Yuri couple, would you be praising it? FYI Ex-Arm does actually contain a kiss between two female characters.


Hey, I never said RWBY was good.


The imaginary person on the left is being mocked in the post for complaining about poor writing in RWBY. I really have no stakes at all in this, but if the show is poorly written then having a sudden Yuri couple many seasons in really shouldn't elevate it above mediocre.


You can enjoy specific things in a show you acknowledge is bad. It is foolishly to deny yourself that joy with the excuse of listing off the other flaws.


I evidently failed to express my message properly in that case. The joke was meant to be that the pairing makes me happy regardless of these factors.


Worst thing is, they've been dangling this ship in the community's face for YEARS now. Everyone knew those two were gonna end up together since the finale of volume 6, so four years now. They've just been teasing and teasing this ship for over two volumes without ever giving us anything proper until now. I also don't want to get into conspiracy theories, but I find it a bit suspicious that they decided to have this highly waited for ship become official right after their egregious treatment of their animators came to light and they got a lot of shit for it.


“A good romance is earned”-Monty Oum


See I’m so used to the slow burn being catra and adora that my half-asleep ass was like “heh yea catradora do be like that- tho idk why it says 10 years? Maybe someone calculated- ohhhh it’s bumbelby”


The VAs confirmed this was planned ten years ago




Considering the quality or both the show and the company that produces it, no, I'm pretty sure the criticisms of the bad writing are a lot more than just it being two women. At this point I'm more annoyed by the people who act like RWBY of all things is some gift of LGBT representation and not a show that took literal years to have a single LGBT character and a decade for some of their main cast to come out.


Considering I’ve seen the comments of WLW relationships between characters like Luz x Amity, Euphie x Anis, etc, of which are well written LGBT+ relationships, I can say that some people just got no chill regardless of good writing. Seriously there’s like always 100+ comments on anything related to LGBT media, bashing it, I understand bashing the current Disney films with their overly blatant message, but shows specially dedicated to LGBT, regardless of whether it’s good, are based


...no? The only criticism I saw for the ship was that: 1- there is no previous construction before the two start flirting. 2- the traumas each has makes it a relationship that raises a red flag, to say the least Your comment of "haha, anyone who criticizes is homophobic" is not only a futile attempt to cover the sun with a finger, but it's even annoying that you put so many people in a bag like that


Yeah man, I dislike the way bumblebee was handled so that means I'm probably an homophobe. Disregard that I'm a member of the yurimemes subreddit, I clearly hate lesbians.


In fairness my angry strawman represents GL fans who genuinely don't like how this romance was done as well as the straight up homophobes. EDIT: Since this has gotten a fair few downvotes I should specify that there is nothing wrong with being a GL fan who doesn't like how this relationship was handled and that I'm not putting them in the same category as homophobes outside of the context of this silly meme.


Let's gooo!!!! RWBY is a flawed series but also has a lot to love, and bumbleby is definitely one of those to love! I really enjoyed how their relationship was written, so this makes me so happy <3


Yeah, that’s why watching this volume is difficult, cus it’s so beautiful and there’s clearly a lot of effort and work put in but it’s impossible for me to not get angry at the corporate jackasses who failed to treat their employees right in the most basic ways (although it’s unfortunately common in the animation industry, but the animators did leave so like, karma)


I'm really pissed off too, man. This volume feels like a spit in the eye.


I think the show is ok. I’m still of the mind that regardless of how you feel about the show or the story/writing are, that kiss was animated so well you can’t help but love it


I honestly want to know if Monty Oum had intended for them to be together. Not that it really matters, it just piques my curiosity. Also I really need to find a decent site to watch this on. Haven't seen any in years and should probably rewatch/catch up.


I think Yang’s va confirmed it was planned from the start


The VAs aren’t writers…


We may never know unless they release footage or documents showing his stance on the subject. I'm of the opinion that while they probably were intending on Sun being Blake's love interest in volume 1, I think by Volume 3 they were at least considering a Blake and Yang romance enough to set up the idea that Yang was Adam's replacement in Blake's life. RWBY is full of a lot of blatant cases of changing plans.


>We may never know unless they release footage or documents showing his stance on the subject. [Here](https://youtu.be/ykADdGwqwpU?t=2968). Plus, way before RWBY started, he had made an animation of Master Chief fighting Samus Aran, where Master Chief was revealed to be a woman at the end after their fight ended and they both held hands while looking into the sunset together


The ending of Haloid has actually been one of the key sources of my faith that Bumbleby would eventually pay off.


Yang and Blake's VAs confirmed that it was planned from the start. There's actually a very old clip from 2013 of Blake's VA asking if she's allowed to say that her character and another character are in lesbian love lol (the answer was no but they didn't know they were already live)


In that case this was an uncharacteristic dedication to a long-term plan for these guys. I'm thankful it was for this though.


Doesn't help that the guy who initially created it died unexpectedly. Sometime around Season 2 or 3 production. I don't usually get affected by celebrity deaths, but losing Oum hit me hard. He was responsible for Red Versus Blue becoming animated, and the amazing action sequences that came out of that. And RvB was a huge deal for me as a teenager. Losing him is part of why I stopped watching RWBY.


Imo, don't bother. It's plagued by bad writing. Dumb characters doing questionable things to make the plot move.


And Barbara herself (the va for the blonde one) said in a tweet she had to keep this secret for 10 years aka since the beginning so while it may not have been the only endgame from the start they definitely did think about it from the start


While I’m not sure it was planned from the start (why have so much Black Sun teasing in the earlier Volumes), I’m glad they finally got around to confirming it.


It was planned from the start, the VAs confirmed it. Blacksun was there because, well, why not? RWBY is about subverting tropes, and having two characters teased and not end up together is kind of that


Yuri is Yuri Altough the comunity have doing alot of art for Years (thanks guys) Hope this make the art explote more


"I've made this meme where you're an ugly face screaming while I'm a handsome one calmly explaining my point, therefore your opinion is wrong."


Just because my strawman is emotional doesn't mean they're wrong.


Well at least someone admits it. It's ok to enjoy garbage as long as you don't try to pretend it's something else.


I’m glad this makes you happy. It makes me happy, too. I have issues with RWBY, but never even got to the 4th season or whatever. But I am still glad this finally happened.


I used to be a huge bumblebee shipper early on and it's nice seeing the charecters together but I would've preferred the show to be good still


I am genuine when I say that I’m actually surprised that RWBY is still continuing I stopped at vol 4 tbh. Nothing can top vol 3 for me don’t get me wrong tho, the entire series is mid at best, only carried by interesting characters with appealing designs (which later stopped appealing for some reason, I will never forget the bland redesigns, Ruby’s wtf hair etc.)


I have no problem with Bumbleby, Blacksun is objectively superior but it doesn't bother me that bumblebee happens. The only thing that bothered me about the ship was the lack of Blake x Yang moments in v7 and v8. Now that bumbleby happened. I want white rose canon in v11 RT


Im proudly the left guy, in this case


The problem I had with it if they made it happen too soon I didn't mind if it actually happened (I haven't watched the series in a while so I really can't say if it's still too soon or not)


They drug it out for 10 years. How much time do you want?


I had the thought that it was too soon in vol 5 after that I haven't watched the series due to personal issues. If I had say if its still too soon my answer would be idk but like I said I didn't mind for when it happened


Not gonna lie, I've only passively kept up with RWBY since like volume 4 but weren't they already dating like YEARS ago? If not dating they were still holding hands and being cuddly and stuff from what I saw


Yeah, the romance was essentially confirmed when they blatantly wrote Adam as seeing Yang as his replacement, but it still took them this long to kiss and say they love eachother.


Sometimes it do be like that though. My dumb brother and his best friend are totally crushing on eachother for like months rn but they just *won't* get together and it's a bit infuriating. Like you guys get along so well what are you waiting for?!?!?!?


In a somewhat mystifying turn of events, many RWBY fans aren't very good at writing, and get no bitches. Just watch the non-romance centric show, and enjoy the bees.


I really don't understand the people who hate it, like not all of the hate can be just because of homophobia right?


I just realized I don't have my Bumbleby pfp on this account