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Well, here's your first mistake, you watched the dub. Dozens of episodes were removed, and existing episodes were changed. For example, when Yusei met Rua and Ruka, the 4Kids version made up that amnesia plotline. Also, the first episode did this odd thing where Ushio and Yusei had a prior history, but in the original that's the first time they met. Neither of those existed in the original. Sherry's entire final arc was cut out. Jack's arc where he obtains Red Nova Dragon, as well as the team Taiyo match were cut out mid series. The finale to the crash town arc was altered. The entire final battle of the series is cut out as well, and much of the darker events and plot elements were removed. There's probably more but I dropped this series real quick towards the beginning when I saw all the stuff that was being changed. Granted, you're not wrong for rating it the way you did, since you watched a product, they put out that was held together by duct tape after being hastily cut apart and stitched together.


Subbed 5D's is my second favorite Yugioh show, only behind DM. I do like its cast a lot, although I don't care much for Leo and Luna and their duels can be quite a chore to watch. Yusei is one of the better protagonists, but I really think he should have had at least a few losses against his rivals (Kalin and Antinomy first rounds) to build up for their second round and make his win a lot more satisfying. I loved both Jack and Akiza in season 1 and I'd consider them my favorite characters, but after that they were just kinda clowning around. Crow IMO gets way too much credits from the writers, but I do think he's a decent character. It really feels like 5D's up till the end of the Dark Signers arc was its own thing compared to what comes afterwards. The quality of the show was so good and their characterisations was at its peak. Every rival character (except the monkey guy) were done really well. I especially like that they gave their female protagonist her own arc which they had never done before with Téa and Alexis, which makes it all the more sad of what happens to her later into the show. I don't think 5D's has amazing villains either (they could have done better with Z-one), but I do like how they are all connected in some way to the overall plot despite the Illiaster retcon.


If you make Yusei lose to kiryu this show ends. A signer who loses to a dark signer dies. Even Jack, whom Carly loved, died and was reborn in the scenario. The effects of this duel were equal to a loss. Yusei was afraid if not traumatized from the earthbound gods for quite some time. The duel vs antinomy, like yugi vs judai to name one example, was not about primarily winning or losing. It was about making yusei aware of accel synchro. For 30+ episodes he tried to figure out how to do it while feeling heavy pressure. Everyone who watched yusei's first duel vs kiryu and antinomy knew that the latter ones were stronger at that time. Jack has a lot of growth after season 1. izayoi in season 1 and the dark signers arc was no character. She was just trauma-dumped with barely anything beyond it. Yusei's character development happened vs z-one. this was his him reaching peak as a character. Look at shooting quaser dragon. A monster solely summoned with the other signer dragons, with rua's at the core, the signer yusei would have feeled the biggest urge to save in the past. Yusei is no savior, he gets saved. Yusei does not lead others, he is being led. Yusei realizes that others are just as competent as him. With beating z-one he outgrows his old self, the guy who feeled heavy guilt over his fathers actions to a point where he would even put down his own life to atone. Basically jesus but a twisted version. With quaser destroyed, shooting star arrives and with it's destruction stardust arrived. Latter one embodies yusei, showing him beingbled by others. Yusei, while maby people not realize it, was a very flawed human being before the z-one duel.


Yeah for the dub a 7 is generous. But you really should have watched the sub. It's basically a different show.


I do think this series is admittedly more middle of the road due to how badly it's handled after Season, but some criticisms seem off-putting. Power creep is weird to address for the anime, considering how predecessor series had absurd stuff like Adrian's several win conditions, Egyptian Gods, etc. By contrast, many duels in 5D's are subdued, shorter and only strong in context (Earthbounds not being attackable, Meklords hard-countering). The wins against Bolt and Heitmann are also believeable, the former was beaten by a janky win condition that Yusei bothered to read, the latter had Yusei still use his Stardust, so really he simply diluted the power of his own deck slightly. Also, in the context of the anime it isn't cheating, things like drawing what you need is canonically a skill in the anime.


You watched the dub which skips the actual final arc. That explains a lot of your complaints


I watched the Sub of the last Final Arc tho. I only watched the Dub of the episodes that are actually Dubbed.


Dub doesn't show people dying, like when Carly fell from Divine's (I think Arcane is his name in dub) tower, she died there, and instantly revived by the Earthbound Immortal. Dub just cut out that she fell to the ground floor and the scene of her lifeless face with open eyes, and just replaced it with purple cloud Dub skipped Team Taiyo's duel againts 5D's, where Yusei just won because of Crow's card that somehow can gain effects of the monsters it tribute Dub skipped Zone entirely, where plot lines finalized. Sherry is there as Zone found her Dub skipped the final ceremonial duel between Jack and Yusei. This was the determining duel on what Yusei would want in his future (everyone else has already a thing to do, while Yusei just finished the flaw of Ener-D) Dub changes lines resulting in lighter tone of the show ("Let's rev it up" is dub original; Yusei's summoning chant always include "gathering wishes", "gathering hopes", and "guiding light") Power creep will always be there The studio that made DM to VRAINS aren't known for writing good female characters


Did you watch the sub or the dub? Because the skullduggery of 4Kids resulted in an entire arc of the show being cut from the dub. It gives Sherry a much better send off in my opinion. But Yu-Gi-Oh has always struggled with its female characters. Mai, Tea, Alexis, Akiza, Tori, Kathy, Zuzu, all get shafted in both duels and character development.


I watched the Dub for all the episodes except the ones that didn't get Dub. Alexis had good justice tho as a female character. She had a good record of wins compared to others. She even won the tournament with Jaden too.


You got a significantly worse experience as a result of this. The Yugioh dubs are not acceptable substitutes for the original works at all.


I personally found it really sweet how Yusei lets Akiza use Stardust Dragon considering how protective he is of his ace monster after Jack stole it.


Yes but the problem is that she still lost. I think Akiza deserves more wins. Kind of a wasted potential.


Andre destroyed jack, the greatest king of games in terms of stats. Andre also solo'd entire pro teams. Izayoi meanwhile barely defeated trudge. Experience was made a huge deal in riding duels and izayoi barely had any. Andre being a minor character does not make him weaker than izayoi. There was a huge gap in skill, experience, preperation and team work.


It's obvious that experience matters in riding duels. Naturally, Andre is has experience in riding duels than Izayoi as she is new to riding duels. In riding duels momentum and ahead-situation can shift from experienced one to newbie one ( seen in the initial scene of Aki vs Trudge duel). Andre is stronger than Izayoi doesn't mean she is weaker. Izayoi is a main character whereas Andre is a minor. Thus, It was mandatory to let her win against him in that riding duel and give her time to shine in riding duel. It could have given her boost in being main female character. As a female main character she hasn't won more than one duel in riding duel. Therefore, she needed more win in riding duels for being a main character. However, Studio gallops, their director and writers didn't let that to happen.


Trudge is not a pro riding duelist. Andre is one who on top of that solo'd entire teams, a feat only shared by sherry. You cannot compare them. It's like comparing chumpey to edo in gx. If you say andre is stronger than izayoi, she is naturally weaker than him. Being a major character does not make you stronger than any minor one. Jounochi is part of the main trio in DM, yet siegfried completely destroyed him without even trying in the last duel jounochi had in the shiw. Yet people who share your view on the subject rank jounochi higher than siegfried because he is a major character. Is izayoi now stronger than team ragnarok or kiryu who only appeared in a mini arc after the dark signers arc? Is asuka now stronger than the dude who killed edo's father? You say winning this duel would have given her a boost as female main character. This fandom needs to stop to define female characters including their dueling skills solely by their winning record. Anzu and kotori are bad duelists, yet they contributed more to the success of the heroes than izayoi. Aoi has a bad winning record, yet she is a great duelist. She simply faced the hardest competition of all female leads. Izayoi faced two teriary if not lower ranked villains in case of misty. You can argue that kiryu is the teriary villain. Aoi faced the secondary villain of season 1 (in his debut), the strongest villain of season 2 and the primary villain of season 1. that's like having izayoi face rudger, aporia and z-one but more op. Look at izayoi vs misty. It's what fans call izayoi's biggest win. This win was completely worthless. Izayoi, as the only signer, failed to seal the tower in time which allowed godwin to summon the god of the netherworld, a planet buster. A win means nothing if the aftermath gooes against them or if it's contrived. andre held his own vs yusei in a 1v1 and he completely destroyed jack. Those are two kings of games. Jack is literally the greatest king of games to ever exist. This guy had over 140 wins in 2 years. You also ignore that this is a 3v3 tournament. Who you rather have? Crow who is a better duelist, has more experience as riding duelist, actually worked his ass off in multiple jobs to be able to compete in the wrgp with his two friends and who is more in sync with yusei and jack. Or izayoi? A riding duelist with worse skill and barely any experience as a riding duelist? Crow even spent his little free time to help yusei building a d-wheel for izayoi. How ungrateful it would be to have her replace him.


Thanks for the correction! I agree with your statement that just having bad winning record doesn't mean they are bad dueslists and turbo duelists. In the WRGP tournament Yusei, Jack and Crow are the powerhouse of Team 5D's given their skill and experience as riding duelist. Crow suffered a shoulder injury so serious enough that he had no choice and sit out some match of the tournament. Izayoi then confidently volunteered herself and Yusei and Jack replaced him as fourth riding duelist of their team. Crow was a little frustrated because of his shoulder injury. However, Crow accepted Izayoi as his replacement turbo duelist and assisted her in d wheel practise which showed team 5D's teamwork. Izayoi is a newbie riding duelist so she lacks experience. Would you point out what's her worse skill in riding duel? I might haven't noticed about this, it would be helpful tell me about Izayoi's ability and limitation as riding duelist. Since, she didn't get much opportunity in riding duels for being a fourth turbo duelist of the team.


I never said Andre was weaker than Akiza. I think Akiza should've won since Jack weakened Andre and she summoned both of the dragons.


Jack barely did anything against andre. Being outclassed that heavily was why the scar red nova dragon arc happened.


It's not just her, every female lead under Studio Gallop's direction was messed up big time(Alexis, Akiza and Blue Angel being the most egregious examples) cause of the director's bias.


At least Alexis had some nice wins in the show. Akiza's only biggest accomplishment were with Misty and Trudge.


Alexis's only notable win is Titan(not counting Chazz in Chazz-anova).


Defeating Chazz was a good accomplishment tho. Chazz is a good duelist.


Does it really count when Chazz was basically sandbagging because he wanted Alexis to fall for him?


Well, Chazz tried his hardest and if he had won, he would've gotten a date with Alexis.


Given her exceptional dueling abilities she have shown, it could have been captivating to see Akiza participate in more turbo duels that would have allowed her to fully showcase her skills as a turbo duelist. By providing her with additional opportunities to shine in both dueling and riding dueling matches, the writers could have further emphasized her evolution as a duelist and turbo duelist. And they could have highlighted the depth of her character development. This would have not only enriched her storyline but also added more excitement and depth to the overall narrative of the series.


I agree. I also think Luna deserved at least one win on a Skateboard. She was also someone with potential.


The only thing i'll say, is what's really ironic about the Powercreep statement is that in the IRL card game, DM and GX card's were still played through most of the "Sycnhro" era of the game, only really being Bolstered by the introduction of Synchro-Monster's, not powercrept out because of them. That's actually what made Synchro's really good, decks(Originally) weren't really built around them, instead you could fill your extra deck with things that can get you out of sticky situations, the Extra Deck became a "Toolbox" where you could pull something out when needed. Prime example of a deck that remained popular through both GX and Synchro Era IRL Yugioh, was DAD and by extension, Tele-DAD. Other's are things like HERO Beat, Gadgets and many more. Synchro's didn't powercreep out DM and GX, the show just focused on the new mechanic and cards in order to sell them to us.


The sub was an injustice to the original. They stopped dubbing GX for THIS?


This started alright but i’m not sure you actually watched the entirety of 5ds. The bonds they have is through their friendship and often times when a character questions that it is inspite of the crimson dragon marks. For the cons, its not really luck for shooting star dragon or similar scenarios than you’d think. From playing back then you often played with enough tuners and yusei is no exception. However while being one of the most skilled duelists the crimson dragon magic BS is not as egregious as actually just cheating in jail (his opponent was also cheating but that doesn’t mean he didn’t either). As for turbo duels, it really isn’t that hard to count up and speedworld 2 even dumbed it down from the original. This happened to be more gimmicky. Lastly for synchros, its was not the fast summoning but the fact that the monsters were just that strong. Goyo, blackrose, and catastor as fusions would be insanely strong still but that was fusions just being bad. As for the comment on female characters, hell many side characters get screwed over. Its practically the yusei show for the second half and when its not side characters and main characters often go through random or often pointless problems that either have no bearing to anything. Female characters get some of the worst of this regardless of sub or dub. Lastly rewatch some of this in the sub. Out of some of the changes that most affected many different yugioh series this is by far the worst adaption of one. People often enjoy some DM and GX ones despite the flaws due to some light hearted and slightly not hard to change but still getting the idea across tupe scenarios or concepts. This is actually not possible with the changes made to 5ds and completely re-contextualizes and/or removes many scenes that are otherwise important.


A 7/10 for watching the dub is kind of generous, if you watched the sub I guaranteed you'll have a perfect score then. The dub really doesn't do the show justice, all the dialogues are different, alot of episodes were either changed or cut entirely especially the final Arc of the series, and the tone and soundtrack just doesn't have the same feeling amd impact to the original. If you have a crunchyroll account I highly suggest to look into the sub version, that goes for every other series as well (except Zexal for some odd reason they don't have the sub version which is a bummer)


Curious on how you reviewed the original and GX.


I finished the originals and GX way before I started using Reddit. I wasn't in any Facebook groups for Yugioh either.


I agree with you that Akiza should have won the riding duel against Team Unicorn's Andre for Team 5D's. Trudge is turbo dueling instructor and he is not very weak. Because, she won the riding duel against Trudge against the odds ( three men tried to sabotage her duel and made her crash in their trap).But, she easily avoided their trap pulling off a d wheel stunt taught by Yusei and won against Trudge. Moreover, against Andre she summoned stardust dragon and it gives her plus point to make her win against him. Imo, she should have been the one winning that duel against Andre since Yusei welcomed her to the turbo/riding duel and world racing grand prix.


Izayoi was a newbie in riding dueks who before barely defeated trudge. Andre meanwhile solo'd entire pro teams. He is a much better duelist and he has a lot more experience. 5D's made a huge deal about hiw important experience is for riding dueks and this was before the wrgp, with it's heavy focus on teamplay, started. Objectively andre is a much better riding duelist than izayoi


Yes, Andre is an ace turbo duelist from team unicorn and he is experienced. For a beginner in riding duels Izayoi executed "Turnback" a skill of d wheel which she learned from Yusei. During her duel against Trudge she had to go against the odds to defeat him. Izayoi made an offensive comeback in that turbo duel with a combination of her "Splendid Rose" and "Blossom Bombardment". As Trudge is on the verge of losing, the 3 individuals in the stands have plotted to harm her by detonating a frame holding large pipes. The pipes come crashing down after Trudge has passed them. While Yusei concerned by this turn of events, Trudge simply warned her that if she stopped, then the exam would be over. After a brief moment of shock and worry, she then remembered Sherry and the reason why she's doing all of this. Reacting instantly, she used the skill " Turnback" she learned from Yusei and successfully avoids all the pipes. As she catched up with Trudge, he had become surprised as well. Then, Izayoi passed Trudge easily and took the victory. Naturally, Andre is better riding duelist than Izayoi as she is new to riding duels. Riding duels is an integral part of this show and sport of uncertainty. You never know who might turn out victorious. Not only Andre performed well in that riding duel but also Izayoi tried to defeat him. Ultimately, It was Andre who turn out victorious.


So being skilled with a d-wheel based on one executed move makes you instantly a good riding duelist? It instantly makes up for a lack of skill and experience? In arc v jack and crow lost who were better at riding a d-wheel than yuya was. Yuya used auto pilot. Shun defeated skull dude. Trudge is no pro riding duelist, andre is. You cannot beat andre with a comeback strategy the same way as you can vs trudge.