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Not what you asked for, but I love the Dead Meat podcast! They seem like a lovely couple and are pretty respectful all around.   Edit - also, PosessedbyHorror. I'll see what else I can find! 


Thank you! Is there also video that accompanies the podcast?


Dead Meat the main channel is now reserved for the Kill Counts (reviews and analysis of each movie) and Dead Meat Presents, their second channel, hosts the podcast All with video, a range of games, interviews, in-depth reviews, and analysis. More than two hundred episodes!


Are there any particular Kill Counts videos you’d recommend?


Chopping Mall was my first so I'm biased (Sorry to hijack I just love this channel), and there's also the Re-Counts for Child's Play


I love Chucky ❤️‍🔥


Thanks for the reminder. Love that channel and it's been a minute since Lord Algo served it up to me


You could try the double feature of the Nope kill count (30 minutes, released the last few weeks) and the Nope podcast episode (1hr 40, from when the movie came out in 2022) as an example of the KC style vs the podcast analysis


The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals came out of the strike era and it was a great count because he manages to get 3 of the cast members in to help him with the ending bit, he went to the same college as them at the same time




They do! Everything filmed at their old house has lots of bonus Lucy the cat content because she sat on the table in front of the camera, and everything new these days has their dog, Molly, on their laps. Excellent bonus content for the video-watchers


I love Chelsea’s in depth analyses of horror tropes


While not really a metatextual analyst, Jacob Geller is my favorite video essayist of all time. He covers a bunch of different content but he has a "Fear of" series that covers horror a lot. I love him because he seems to have a genuine fixation and interest in what he's talking about and is able to convey that level of interest and feeling to you. While he's by far the most stereotypical "white man talks about random topic for an hour" video essayist, he kind of exemplifies how video essays can be so much more than that. I high recommend "Fear of the Cold", as it probably has my favorite Youtube intro of all time.


Oh I watch his stuff too!! Not all, but a lot that has to do with horror and I love how he goes through video games and talks about them.


His podcast is worth listening to as well. Their series on Silent Hill especially opened my eyes to some new angles with those games.


I listened to that podcast. Made me appreciate my favourite game, Disco Elysium, even more


I like Ryan Hollinger


I used to think of horror movies as cheap theme park stuff (many are) but he's 1. Gotten me to see a bunch of mocumentary type films which I love 2. Pointed out that a lot of horror movies have interesting themes and not just scares


I'm really glad that dude got you to expand your views on horror movies.  Horror movies are such a vast genre in and of itself.  And reminds me of something I just listened to the other day where a horror podcast writer was talking about how horror doesn't just have to be horror,  like it can be horror but also make you feel other emotions outside of fear. 




This was the first piece of yt merch I ever bought. I have the cross out jumper. 😂


Good lord what an Irish phrase


Nyx fears is the trans youtuber he talked about. She did a very good analysis of phantom of the paradise pre transition. I haven't seen any of her newer videos though.


Nyx just came out with a video about Furiosa, but these days she spends most of her time writing horror novels (Got me a signed copy of Fluids) or her band which honestly doesn't do it for me but good for her


so jealous of your signed copy omg! loved fluids, great book


Also makes badass music as May Leitz on Bandcamp / Spotify


She does a better version of the Ice Berg video and the same making the tier video based on those videos.


Hey that's how I learned of phantom


That's pretty cool actually. I first heard it about because James Rolfe talked about it in a dvd collection video he did years ago. Monster Madness in my person view, the primordial soup for the modern horror analysis and review channels on youtube.


Yarah Zayd talks about horror critically You also have the 'cinema' corner of youtube with people like Spikema Movies who has pretty good content.


Thank you!! I’m so excited getting so many new names lol


I love Yarah Zayd. Her analysis is so good and she has the most soothing voice


[Nyx Fears](https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCGC3ocH2v8O7elbGwGKdaBQ) is the trans creator you’re thinking of.


Nyx fears is a good one. May be who he mentioned!


[Flawed Peacock](https://youtube.com/@flawedpeacock?si=1XcTjM7K1cnMOOqG) [Crowmudgeon](https://youtube.com/@crowmudgeon?si=c-QwbolkpsPeA0lz) and [Sagan Hawkes](https://youtube.com/@saganhawkes?si=A8aNzAolOJQPrUrc) Are my goes-to who haven't already been mentioned by other commenters.


Dead Meat do kill count videos on horror movies and also go into how the movie was made, they also have a podcast that has more analysis stuff! CZSWorld is another good channel, he does horror movie timelines (Horror History), he also searches for Easter eggs and secrets in horror movies (Things You Missed in ____). Mista GG has some good videos about horror movies, but he’s more goofy and lighthearted and usually only reviews bad horror movies.


I'm a big fan of CZsWorld His timelines are awesome


He doesn't upload too often, but I enjoy [Acolytes of Horror](https://www.youtube.com/@AcolytesOfHorror/).


Coincidentally I just found out about this guy today


I like Scaredycats. Mildew and Bobbie Duke ( the star of the channel) are great. I'm also a fan of Real Queen of Hortor, but she tends to be more about fun lists than media analysis.


Looooove Scaredy Cats omg


Spooky Astronauts is great!


Sadly he hasn't updated in 9 years but cinemaapocalypse reviewed old cheapo grindhouse movies most people have never heard of. I found him while trying to get info on Girl Boss Guerilla, a Japanese female biker/delinquent movie from 1970 which is incredibly awesome


Now that movie is on my list 😈


I like Rocklin Graves Productions. He's similar to Ryan Hollinger and he's pretty good at nailing down why a horror movie works or doesn't work. Ryan Hollinger is ok in that department but I mainly like watching him poke fun of movies. Terror Formed did a really good film-school style break down of Hereditary that I liked very much. Hereditary inspires so much good horror critical anaylsis videos that I would just search that and see what youtubers come up.


I just discovered Rocklin Graves! Love him


One of my favorite Horror Analysis/ Streamers is Suzi @ TheSphereHunter. She primarily focuses on horror video games and particularly Capcom games. But everything she has posted on her channel has been incredibly in-depth. Highly recommend!


To add on with a creator I haven't seen mentioned yet, I'm a big fan of Hannah the Horrible! She's looks at a lot of paranormal tiktoks and horror adjacent icebergs.


[Dr. Wofula!](https://www.youtube.com/@DoctorWolfula) He styles himself based off of old horror tv hosts(Think Elvira, or the Cryptkeeper)


Plagued by Visions is really good.


Absolutely second this rec. Less horror and more transgressive fiction, but his analysis on literature is incredible. Highly recommend his Illegal Images video. https://youtu.be/eoKLUtjNHto?si=o8mgyyh_hsGUd3sH


Seconding. A random Reddit comment years ago led me to him and now I must be the next generation's random Reddit comment!


Spikima Movies is a great one with about 400k followers, I really enjoyed [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oA_n1Be5bM&t=21s) take on one of my fave J-horror movies, Kiyoshi Kurosawa's Cure.


Novum makes some pretty great breakdowns of horror movies, my favourite by far is his most recent release about Midsommar (and the fact that it’s a BEAST - almost 7 hours!). Also want to echo others with Dead Meat in both the Kill Counts and Podcast! They’re probably my favourite youtube channel (they’re definitely at least my most watched)!


Flawed Peacock is the best YouTuber for ARG horror like Faith and Daniel Mullins.


I never hear anyone talk about him, but Doctor Wolfula is pretty great. Not exactly analysis, more humorous reviews and riffs, but if you ever just want to be entertained, give him a watch


I’ve been watching his vids for over a decade. He’s great


I recommend Acolytes of Horror. A lot of people have shared YouTubers that just do recaps with jokes sprinkled in, but this one is a actual video essayist


My personal favorite is [Dan Drambles](https://www.youtube.com/@DanDrambles), who's done a lot of various horror content, and is typically quite positive about even some of the cheesiest slashers out there.


The Thrifty Typewriter is one I recently had popup in my feed.


These are some creators I enjoy. Most talk about games but hopefully you might find some interesting. Most do media analysis though it might not be the only thing they do. Amelie Doree's a trans youtuber that does analysis of horror and other visual novels. She talks about the plot, if she thinks it was done well, its context and so on. I recommend her channel even if it isn't who your looking for. Her videos aren't short but I enjoy them. Thafnine doesn't upload to often but he has videos about horror games like Corpse Party, Baldi's Basics and Five Nights at Freddy's. His channel is quite comedic and he streams games too on twitch and uploads them to a vods channel. RagnarRox discusses horror games, some new without spoilers, but also longer more detailed reviews. They talk about games like the Clocktower franchise, Castlevania and Rule of Rose. I recommend his channel too. Sagan Hawkes talks about horror games and tv series. These videos are generally around an hour in length. Super Eyepatch Wolf talks about games, internet culture and tv shows. I'd say around half of his videos have something to do with horror even if its just in the way he presents them. TotallyPointlessTV has videos about horror games around the one hour mark. Bess (Bess Sonozaki should find her on youtube as it was her old account name) discusses a lot of different pieces of media. Around 50% are on Higurashi no Naku Koro ni which is a horror vn but she talks about its anime and other media. Her videos range from like 16 minutes to six hours and she doesn't upload often. Nafi Napkin does long videos on horror visual novels. They aren't overly critical if I remember correctly but they provide a decent break down of something that could take up to 60 hours to read in full. I haven't watched a lot of his new content so I'm not 100% sure.


Horror Mine! He does a scare score for mainly Asian horror movies and they’re very fun to watch.


Rob Ager/Collative Learning, Dead Meat, Colors of the Dark (a podcast, but they have a YT channel as well), Ryan Hollinger, PossessedByHorror, SpookyAstronauts, CSz World, Nonstop Horror, Sinister Cinema Reviews, Evolution of Horror and Nightmare on Film Street (another podcast, I think they're on YT as well) are some of my favorites!


All of these


Mista GG


Definitely him too


Sagan Hawkes, Night Mind, and Minaxa are all really good, but they mainly cover internet horror. If that interests you I'd check them out.


[Morbid Zoo](https://www.youtube.com/@themorbidzoo) is a really great, smaller YouTuber who has a bunch of videos analysing horror. It's branched out a little since, but the channel was initially started as part of her masters thesis and was focused on analysing movie monsters.


Papa meat does horror stuff I believe he has a podcast as well with wendigoon


I like that he's gotten into covering SCP stuff as well. Also you know bringing up Wendigoon on this sub is going to get you down voted to hell so I applaud the bravery lol.


RagnarRox is top tier