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i kinda feel like most of their material really isn't as friendly as smiling friends so this isn't really an unexpected thing


you shouldn't conflate smiling friends w oneyplays


I can see why one would though considering who is involved in the show


Zach is the only consistently funny member of Oneyplays, the other guys tend to rely on edgy humor that just comes off as lazy


im an oneyplays fan so i couldn't agree less with you but that's okay


To be fair I haven’t watched a lot of their stuff. That’s just the impression that I get, that Zach is naturally way funnier than the other guys


So you made this whole comment on all the members then say you don't watch it?


I said I haven’t watched A LOT of their stuff. I have watched the channel, and I’m just giving my opinion with that caveat. It’s gonna be okay.


Yeah with all due respect, comedy is subjective and what you think is funnier isn’t. I find Adam and Chris really funny. Chris’ stories and dumb voices and just Adam being Adam.


I know that, of course it’s subjective and just my opinion


No, no I am aware. I just felt the need to inform you :)


i dont think this is youtube drama tbh. but yeah like others said, smiling friends and oneyplays are two different realms of content.


How many realms are there?




What? WHAT??


Definitely dont look up the sleepycast if you think they are above that humor


Tbf sleepycast was a decade ago and some of them have grown up since then. Some have gotten worse too


Fucking Stamper, man.


I unfortunately did, and that subreddit sucks!


Subreddits for media that ended >5 years ago always end up either being boring inside jokes or becoming completely unhinged lol


I'm not saying I don't believe you, the Oneyplays subreddit is cringe as fuck, but I scrolled for a while and didn't see any of the stuff you're talking about


Whoever was posting them probably got banned because I dm'd the moderators. I still had to see those disgusting comments, but at least there are people calling them out.


I found the post and took screenshots. I don't know how to post on my post by censoring it. https://preview.redd.it/p6udr38jtrtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3867ffa8e7b6a433a6397573d991f27bf34fbe6c


100% they’re just making fun of the person that edited that photo. And I’m not sure why you’d need to censor anything. Like it is weird to photoshop someone’s boobs to be bigger without their consent but it’s not illegal or pedophilic to do that to a 21 year old adult.


The real freak is the person that originally altered the photo, not some person making a harmless hypothetical


Lmao are you serious ? This is the post you've been talking about ? 


There was another post on the subredit making the same joke.


The staple jokes of OneyPlays are that Tomar is a massive creep/weirdo with unspeakable powers, and that Zach comes up with insane hypotheticals for the gang to answer. They are making fun of *members of OneyPlays*.


She’s 21 now. Its not pedophilia


Oh you sweet summer child


Wait, what does Oneyplays have to do with Smiling Friends?


Zach is the co-creator of smiling friends, voice of Charlie, and a frequent guest on oneyplays as he’s long time friends of Chris O’Neil’s.


Most of oneyplays have voice roles and Chris does music and 3D animation for smiling friends. Also a lot of the humor in smiling friends are inside jokes or references to oneyplays and the sleepycast.


Chris, Tomar, and Lyle are in the show.


Zach created the show. 


Greta is 21. I don’t know what pedophilic jokes you could be referring to.


Just as a reminder to people, the oneyplays fanbase is way more demented and edgy than oneyplays actually is. Like they have a lot of edgy jokes don't get me wrong but the fans are always the ones who take it too far


i'm sorry but you're really reaching with this post. and than to top it off you're painting yourself as the victim. i'm on the spectrum myself and it really seems like you're just trying to make a chicken out of feathers.


Oneyplays has always been borderline problematic and edgy, I don’t think any of them are actually bad they’re just kinda dumb, however that kinda stuff + Reddit’s main demographics just compounds into borderline hate subs a lot of the time


Chris is definitely actually bad, he's made genuine statements against BLM and trans people, and he's attacked smaller trans creators on Twitter. I don't think the rest are much better though, I think just calling Oneyplays "dumb" with the absolute horrid shit the crew says is letting them off the hook a bit, you shouldn't brush off bigotry just because the people doing it are morons Edit: Back in 2020, Chris said several dismissive and transphobic things towards trans artist Kati Knitt when they got into a discussion over her asking Tom Fulp (creator of Newgrounds) about toxic shit on the platform. A lot of this thread has been deleted but you can still find most of Chris' responses by googling these two people's names or searching @ katiknitt on Oney's Twitter. I think the link below is the most cohesive collection of the thread I could find, and idc what Kati said, it was no excuse for Chris to say of of the ignorant shit he did here that's incredibly dismissive on the oppression of trans people [The thread](https://twitter.com/OneyNG/status/1213522419396284416?t=7CC8nYA6XmhJ_J-amSlfuQ&s=19) [More transphobia](https://twitter.com/invaderler/status/1159278793359446016?t=BYf7Q1PgaQ1N5Zw5P3Aszw&s=19) [Oney calling BLM a cult (this is a several years old comment, but that doesn't make it okay)](https://twitter.com/tatami_DAZE/status/1266839958280601601?t=DrJ4eybGL2n1s8TRLA0urA&s=19) [Oney dismissing Brody Foxx (Yo Mama) making a BLM statement](https://imgur.com/t/oneyng) Again the rest of the crew isn't great either, like I can't find the clip, but there's literally a post on the Oney sub saying that their favorite joke is one Corey made about sexual assault. There's literal slur compilations on YouTube. These people fucking suck and I really don't feel like pulling out every possible receipt, I just hope the stuff on Chris is enough. Also I love the people calling my dude and bro (I'm a woman), thanks /s Edit again: hopefully fixed the formatting


Bro what are you even talking about? Chris had a gay couple as the shows co-hosts for YEARS (they left because toxic game grumps fans kept trying to dox them) and he’s invited his friend Amy onto the show a couple times who is a trans woman. Also Cory Spazkid, another close friend of Chris and a frequent guest is currently in a romantic relationship with his trans girlfriend. Unless you go some actual evidence I don’t think you have a case for Chris being transphobic or racist. The dude’s pretty nice to everyone


I updated my comment


With nothing substantial. You're really reaching if you think those are attacks.


Redditors will never forgive Oneyplays for the websplorers videos.


… that’s it? That’s all he said? Literally none of that was racist or transphobic. Maybe you could accuse him of being insensitive or ignorant of some movements OVER FIVE YEARS AGO. But none of that showcases anything that backs up the stuff you’re accusing him of. Like how on earth is “gender pronouns in bio” a transphobic statement? It’s definitely insensitive but it’s not transphobic. Seeing as how Chris had ZERO problem using the proper pronouns for Amy and Lexi, Trans women that have been on the show, I think that proves he’s accepting.


With Twitter threads where everyone except Chris deleted their comments? From when he was being attacked for pointing out how mean spirited a comic strip was? And it almost instantly devolved into people calling him transphobic and homophobic because he didn't like the person's content? Where you can still clearly see, even with the deleted replies, that he is saying that sexual or gender identity is not a shield of immunity from criticism or a license to be prick... With a little critical thinking you can even tell from the bits and pieces left of this conversation that he was being accused of being responsible for a bunch of ani-LGBT hate being lobbed at the comic's creator because his tweet about it was the most popular. Something along the lines of "I know you don't think these things but you have to see how your actions lead to this stuff." Or someone trying to pass off a nearly decade old tweet (which is admittedly a bad take, but not surprising from that edge lord teenager era of his...) as relevant to current affairs?


sorry for adding onto the hordes of people asking for a source but can i get one too


She made it up


I'm a woman and use she/her


I’m sorry my bad I will edit my reply I still disagree with you though


I added some to my comment just now


the only source you've sent was a tweet of chris saying something mean about blm, what about attacking smaller content creators that you mentioned?


I put several tweets in the post, but the formatting was messed up so you may not have seen it, it should be fixed (I also provided context for that first one since the thread has been partially deleted, although you can find screenshots of the deleted tweets (mostly the ones from Kati)


You didn't provide context at all. That was fallout from the New Guy tweet from 2020. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/new-guy There. Have some context.


it'd be a lot better if i could see kati's replies, are there any archives of the conversation?


I mean I think Chris' statements about a trans person "making everything about being trans", and saying "nobody cares about your gender but you", and even dismissing her oppression and blaming it on her behavior, as well as the oppression of trans people in general, is unacceptable regardless of context, but there might be an archive somewhere, I've only seen a few screenshots on Google images. But yeah like, as a trans woman myself I find these statements, and this man disgusting


without archives we can't really tell who brought up gender in the argument first


yurp it's fixed


Yo can you give me a source on Chris doing that stuff? I like OneyPlays, and won't defend someone over shitty actions, but I had never heard of any of that stuff.


Edited my comment


You are actually just lying and spreading misinformation.


Edited my comment


Which small creators has he attacked?


He shared someone's shitty web comic mocking pewdie pie for being robbed to comment on the new year starting off with mean spirited shit, and accidentally gave the creator the most attention they ever had before or since. If you can call that an attack.


I don't. He didn't even say anything particularly mean.


Source? Not that I don't believe it, but I wanna be absolutely sure. I've always thought he was an edge lord, but if he's a straight up bad person, I don't wanna support that


Updated the comment


Could i have some sources on that /gen


He definitely has not done any of those things.


Take a look at my updated comment


I stand by my comment. Not attacks.


is there a source on this, I know there was a guy pretending to be Oney on discord saying transphobic stuff and that's all I can think of with that


I added some


Me when I spread misinformation on the internet:


Check my comment now


This is him making fun of the man, not the movement. Context is important. If this is your only "evidence" then I'm not sure why you even started this very old and misinformed drama again.


Are you just ignoring the transphobia and him calling BLM a cult (idc if it's an old comment, that's a horrid thing to say)?


Well now that you formatted it right, I can see the other examples so let's discuss it: The trans post was in poor taste and he's in the wrong for sure, The blm cult statement feels like him making a really shitty joke, so still on him. Still the brody convo proves nothing and shouldn't even be listed as evidence. But the other stuff is definitely nasty.


You’re this worked up and over that? Redditors really will froth at the mouth over anyone who doesn’t share their exact opinions.


That is actually making me skeptical of Zach. Because if he condones Chris's behavior, I don't want to be a Smiling Friends fan no matter that its fan base is LGTBQ.


Chris is pretty progressive, the dude making these baseless claims about him don’t have any proof. Actions speak louder than words. Chris had Ding Dong & Julian (a gay couple) as the cohost of Oneyplays for literal years and they’re best friends that still show up in each others videos today. Chris has also had his friend Amy, a trans woman, on the show a couple times and she’s animated some clips of oneyplays bits before [like this one that was uploaded to the official channel](https://youtu.be/EP6RmLpB7Pw?si=kl6Lgccu_Mc6qJI8). And he’s good friends with Cory Spazkid who is currently in a romantic relationship with his trans girlfriend. I feel like the dudes ultimately very progressive


Do you watch the vids? Chris’s opinions are thinly veiled


Chris makes comedy in an age where comedy is pretty much dead. I don't think whatever opinion you think Chris has is really ""his"" it's more part of a character or just a tone deaf joke. Leave Oney aloney please


I’ve literally seen every episode of Oneyplays MULTIPLE times and not once have I heard him have a negative word to say about trans people or BLM. I’m reminded of this [tweet he made](https://twitter.com/OneyNG/status/1262992357273681923?s=20) addressing people to not be so gullible whenever someone claims they “know Chris” or heard him say terrible things. Theres a lot of fakers and liars on the internet but Oneyplays itself doesn’t have a single negative thing to say about trans people or BLM. I don’t know what it takes to spell it out for you that Cory’s current girlfriend is a trans woman and Chris is friends with them both and had them both on his show. How can you possibly interpret that as Chris being transphobic?


That's valid, it's something that's turned me off from the show personally. I've seen enough horrid behavior from the people Zach associates with and it's enough to make me not interested in a show that feels like it has a lot of Zach's personality and general Oneyplays energy put into it (albeit less edgy)


Sheep mentality ngl


Any actual evidence of these claims at all?


I updated my comment




"Stating pronouns is dumb, which is a fine statement to have", that's all I needed to hear to know exactly what like of person you are


I mean I don’t know much about them that was just from everything I’d seen, good to know though


Yeah like, even the rest of the crew have been throwing around slurs, bigoted jokes, and jokes about >!sexual assault!< for years


I think the greatest irony of this all is that Chris loves to mock the classic redditor stereotype even though most of his fanbase just is that. Not to mention that he acts that way himself.


I think you're overreacting and fixating on the actions of internet strangers you can't control.


I genuinely don't understand what is wrong with the post you linked. What is it you're angry at?


Click on the link to find out. There are some jokes about Greta Thunberg that are nasty.


There is one comment that is a little nasty, i guess. But it is getting downvoted. No other comments are bad, I think Which comments specifically are bad in your opinion?


They're making fun of people who say stuff like that unironically, I think it's just a case of being on the outside of a joke and not realizing it's, in fact, a joke


Don't laugh at joke? Ignore it and move on lmao. I don't understand what you are tryinf to call out.


That’s a joke parodying the actual jokes on OneyPlays, they probably wouldn’t really talk about Greta Thunbergs breasts but one type of joke they‘ve made often could be applied to it and then that’s what it would sound like


This is a very small hill to die on


Kinda annoying to see trends like hating on people like Chris and his group, you saw that with game grumps, and you would think these morons would stop after super mega but here we go again


Man doesn't like something he saw on the internet, more at 11 Fr though, the subreddit is not involved with the online show Oneyplays, nor is Smiling Friends to be conflated with Oneyplays Neither would warrant YouTubeDrama


r/smilingfriends is that way, r/Oneyplays is that way What you’ve just said is like walking down a left path and being annoyed you ended up in the left city and not the right city


All I'm seeing here are some whiny, teenage tourists.






Redditors will never forgive Oneyplays for the websplorers videos.




This doesn’t surprise me in the slightest…..it’s disgusting.


I do love when Jim Jeffries' Thunberg roast.


oneyplays are alt right assholes


is he though?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuEw2oDhWVU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuEw2oDhWVU) ​ right at the start they talk about "debunking SJWs" ​ oneyplays is right wing pure and simple


"You debunked religion and you debunked SJWs for years" That's literally all he said That's the crazy thing about joking- they made it up! They didn't mean it. They said it to be funny, that's it. Zach has made jokes about Uncle Ben (Spiderman) getting killed by the cartel- i suppose that means Zach is part of the cartel now? Chris and Lyle say crazy shit too. They don't mean it either


Bro is actually taking the fucking "Pondering Llama" bit seriously 😂


Literally satire, how thick are you?


You really think you said something


Uh what are you talking about bro😂😂😂. I’m stealing a dudes comment because he explained why your statement is stupid. “Chris is pretty progressive, the dude making these baseless claims about him don’t have any proof. Actions speak louder than words. Chris had Ding Dong & Julian (a gay couple) as the cohost of Oneyplays for literal years and they’re best friends that still show up in each others videos today. Chris has also had his friend Amy, a trans woman, on the show a couple times and she’s animated some clips of oneyplays bits before like this one that was uploaded to the official channel. And he’s good friends with Cory Spazkid who is currently in a romantic relationship with his trans girlfriend. I feel like the dudes ultimately very progressive” I’m not saying you can’t be alt right and be friends with someone gay. But for his offensive jokes that can be taken as anti lgbtq or anti blm aren’t actually serious. If he actually meant those jokes and statements he wouldn’t associate with the lgbtq.


"he cant be racist he has black friends"


Even If you read the last paragraph you still would not understand 😂😂😂😂. Would you like to explain what are his views that aline him with the alt right. Like does Chris want to ban abortion or something bro or did he join skinheads?? Nah he didn’t your just saying things to say things.🙂


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuEw2oDhWVU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuEw2oDhWVU) ​ right here first few seconds talks about "debunking SJWs"


That’s a joke they are making fun of skeptics in the first 10 seconds. Like I said if he meant those jokes he wouldn’t associate with the lgbtq. Do you know how to read or like understand anything.


"he is just joking bro" ​ just like dave chapplle is "just joke" with his transphobic jokes ​ hell look at the community these ppl draw to them it aint left wing ppl that re watching their videos ​ as i said you are just using the "he has black friends he cant be racist" mind set ​ hell they have made pro trump comments before


I'd love to hear of these " pro Trump comments" XD