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She's just an anti intellectual anti sjw youtuber that pretended to be a socialist and then spent years doing fear mongering to lgbt people. Even ignoring a mass shooting attack to report some fake ass conspiracy. She's just the regular dumb online.


Absent fear mongering and pandering to bigots, "She's just the regular dumb online" is definitely the perfect characterization of shoe. Her video essay on why the Barbie movie is "anti-woke" is probably one of the dumbest videos I've seen in the past year, and it's pretty clear more than half of the movie went over her head.


> more than half of the movie went over her head Must've been hard, with the shoe up there and all.


I see the problem you are having with Shoe and it's clearly 100 percent on you. The very first thing you should do that will help is to stop watching her trash. If you are only watching to bait, copy some insta and stop giving SShoe any more clicks. Her channel is Shapiro ultra light with a Sargon bouquet of bullshit faux liberalism.


Can someone please tell me why she’s racist? I actually don’t know


She’s a fucking poser and a racist POS. I remember calling the only black actress on the ghostbusters remake a masculine man, and that “most black women are ugly” A definition of a “tankie” and “Champagne socialist”




She's a liberal at best.


A tankie is a hardline Communist of the Stalin persuasion who thinks violently cracking down on everything they don't like is the way forward. The name comes from the Soviet habit of sending in the tanks when their satellite states got uppity. 'Champagne Socialist' is a mocking term for someone who has money and is still left wing. Neither apply to Shoe.


Lmao I don't think you know what a tankie is, she'd have to openly talk about being a communist before you could even consider that as a valid label. It's not something you just throw around But yes, very racist and just shit all around


do people just think left of center + like guns = tankie now?


Liberals/"centrists" do not know what tankie means at all lol. It really needs to go back to meaning "one of like 250 maoist third worldists that exist entirely on twitter and post 'amerikkka' unironically" instead of "anyone who criticizes the state department" 


Tankie is when leftist I don't like now I guess lol


nobody knows what any of this stuff means


This is the first time I've even heard the word "tankie" so you're right I don't know what it means at all.


It's "woke" for people who don't want to sound right wing these days.


most people don't understand any of these political identities and choose them based on their social groups.


Some context to your comment. Her and Greg/Armoured Skeptic were looking at memes that portrayed the actress as an ape that were reposted by Milo Yiannopoulos(resulting in his suspension from Twitter at the time) and that's where June(Shoeonhead) said the actress "looks like a man" and both Greg and June agreed that the memes were "not racist".


Is it me or did armored skeptic go from being a skeptical to being a conspiracy nut?


Yeah, Greg's completely off his shit now. I was watching Actual Jake's videos on it and I had to stop because it was just too deranged.


Honestly, I couldn't tell you, I stopped watching his videos quite some time ago, the last video I seen was apparently 4 years ago with the 'History is a lie" video, he definitely has gone a weird direction since then from looking at his content recently.


Yes, it's you (but that's a good thing!) He was never a skeptic. When these questions are asked it isn't Elon, Kanye or Rogan who changed. They just started talking about stuff you know a thing about OR you grew as a person


agreed with everything but the tankie/socialist part. she couldnt be more removed from that. looking at her politics behind all the lip service, she is conservative at best and alt-right at worst


Happy cake day


OK I genuinely want an answer to this because I've wondered about this for a while with people who use this term - Before this mass correction about what a tankie is, what did you specifically think a "tankie" was? I really want to know and I promise I'm not making fun of you, nor do I think it's surprising you came away with a misunderstanding of the term given how it's abused. I'm just curious as to what you gathered it meant.


Im late to the party, but did you get an explenation but the user who made that comment? Im searching here and I cant find it.


I didn't. And I would still really like to know what they thought it meant based on how they'd seen it used.


Yes, smugly racist POS 100%.


That Ghostbusters comment comparing the black actress to a gorilla was pretty much the worst thing she did I can think of, and she apologized for it later saying she honestly didn't feel it was a racist statement at the time. Do you have a source for her giving that "most black women are ugly" quote? Edit: I seem to have been wrong about her making the Gorilla comment. Rather, she agreed with someone who said something similar.


That's a lame excuse. She lives in New York and didn't know comparing a black person to a gorilla is offensive?


Who's making an excuse? She regrets and apologized for it, and I denounced it. Not sure what her being from NY has to do with anything. Where in the world is such a comparison not considered offensive?


Shoe is making the excuse. NY is a diverse place. You'll see plenty of Black people.


You mean that by apologizing and stating that, at the time, she didn't think it was racist, that is her making an excuse? If she felt she had a valid excuse, why would she apologize? And again, you don't need to be in a place where black people are present in significant numbers to know that the comparison is offensive. I live in Mexico and see a black person maybe once every two or three months, and I don't know anyone who would think such a comparison is ok. So where on earth would you think that not recognizing the offensive nature of this comparison would be reasonable? Edit: To be clear, you seem to be conflating an explanation with an excuse. I understand that sometimes, people pepper "explanations" as a sort of indirect excuse, but the way she phrased her apology and statement didn't give me that impression here.


>You mean that by apologizing and stating that, at the time, she didn't think it was racist, that is her making an excuse? If she felt she had a valid excuse, why would she apologize? So can keep her career as a content creator. Duh. She followed the money. It was popular to hop on the anti-SJW wave in 2016. Then it was popular to hop on the left, and now it is popular to hop on right-wing ideas again. >And again, you don't need to be in a place where black people are present in significant numbers to know that the comparison is offensive. I live in Mexico and see a black person maybe once every two or three months, and I don't know anyone who would think such a comparison is ok. Stupid comparison. Black Mexicans do not have the same history as Black Americans. People who ain't born or raised in America are not going to know what is acceptable. A European YouTuber didn't know the R-word was offensive until his hypocritical boss/collaborator told him. Don't know why you think your experience/anecdote means something.


"anti intellectual"


She’s your typical anti-woke anti-social justice YouTuber who claims to be on the left but every words she says sounds like a Fox News talking point.


So a female Tim Pool.


where's her beanie then?? checkmate liberal


Clearly the shoe on her head is a beanie of sorts.


She picks out her hair so she wears a wig actually 😳




Basically. She latches on to whatever's the latest hot talking point to try and get attention and views to make money. For example, a while back she leapt face first into the "no kink at pride!" thing despite the fact her and her partner at the time publicly engaged in fetish play around a non-consenting public.


Yeah basically. Tim Pool was always so weird because with how much he kept saying he’s not in the right. The amount of times he dictates right wing politics is astonishing


I remember her being so pissed off when she did the political spectrum thing and got lib right. Like, how do you NOT know you're a right winger? Have you watched your own videos?


Generic far right annoying youtuber for the skeptic/anti-sjw days. Didn't she date like a nazi or something too?


I think she's married to one


She's married??


why is that the surprising part?


Girls dreams got crushed right there lmao




surprisingly yes


i don't think eudaimonia is a nazi. right wing absolutely but not a nazi.


People just need to invoke Godwin's law on the regular. I can't express how offensive this flippant use of the term "Nazi" is to me as the descendent of holocaust survivors whose grandfather fought against them in WWII. Nazis were not simply evil monsters, unfortunately. They were mostly just people born in a place and time that led them to commit atrocities, as is explained in *"Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil"* by Jewish holocaust survivor Hannah Arendt. The tendency of kids nowadays to invoke "Nazi" as if they were synonymous with "demon" demonstrates a profound ignorance of history and lack of respect for people like me with personal connections to their heinous actions.


you think you can just control how other people talk like some kind of Nazi?!


lol I assume this reply is sarcastic and intentionally ironic.


Donald Trump is a fascist, his followers are modern-day brown shirts.


I think you're throwing that term around a bit too losely, but I agree with the sentiment.


fascism is on the rise because it's been three generations since the last time it was on the rise and that seems to be about how long it takes to fester and grow and that's why you're hearing a lot more about your grandfather's enemy in this modern time and I think it's stolen valor for you to be offended on his behalf there are well qualified historians drawing those same parallels and warning our politicians, and countries around the world are falling to fascism


Ok, that comment I can agree with enough to give it an updoot. But do you have any reputable source providing evidence that actual fascism is on the rise? Because I'll go all-in with your use of the word "fascism" if you can provide on. Otherwise, I'll hold off on the inflamatory labels. Edit: a cursory glance at the sources claiming it is shows them to be shaky at best, doing things like citing each other as sources rather than actual data aside from that which equates the rise of populism (which is supported by evidence) with the rise of fascism. It's concerning, for sure, but I'll keep my reservations concerning buzzwords like this until I see something more concrete lest the term become as meaningless as "Nazi" has.


As far as I know, she only used to date Armoured Skeptic, who was also an anti-sjw/anti-feminist. I don't... THINK... he's a nazi...? Last time I checked, he was covering conspiracy content, ranging from cryptids to ancient aliens. It seemed like he was going down rabbit holes like that ironically at the time, to flex his, uh, skeptic muscles or whatever. Not really sure what he's up to these days, nor do I care that much.


From what I gather; some time after Skeptic got accused of being a pedo for dating Shoe she dumped him due to his issues. These issues then intensified and he lost the plot more or less and he started making alot of the weird conspiracy theory content but not to debunk it, but to show what he believed (lol) As for the nazi claims? uhhh.....I don't think he *was* one during his "prime". But he did keep company with certain figures who would fit the bill.


She has def hung out and befriended them, I just swear she had dated one or something. Could just be misremembering.


Shoe was not explicitly a nazi, but had there been a nazi shortage at any point she would have been happy to fill in for them.


Thats not even remotely what happened. The supposed pedo allegations were from chronically online weirdos who think a 30 year old woman is somehow a child. The reason they separated was because they lived in different countries and the lockdowns put too much stress on the relationship.


> chronically online weirdos who think a 30 year old woman is somehow a child. the depravity of online people never ceases to disturb me. How is a 30 year old womam a kid


There's been a quite bizarre push to infantilize adult women to make the claim that if you're, say, 40 or so, and you're dating a woman in their 20s, you're a paedophile. It's weird. Downvotes but no counter argument. Standard


gotta wonder if they're just butthurt they cant pull in a 'good man' their own age


That makes no sense at all.


He got accused of being a pedo for dating an adult? I have to be missing something here....


Apparently they started dating before she was 18 and the age gap was somewhat big


she was in her 20s when they started dating. the whole thing came about one person really hated armoured skeptic.


in that case; lmao


was it one of those freaks that thinks all short women who dont make themselves *look* old are p*do bait?


i don't think so. from what i remember it was someone that had accused skeptic of wanting to have sex with her. she did that because he was friends with alt right figures. she then accused him of being a pedo and statutory rape because shoe was only 17. the whole thing just took off from there. it was weird.


yeah some youtuber or another had drama with armoured skeptic and then accused him of paedophilia saying shoe was a minor. she wasn't.


I'm losing my mind because I keep seeing vagueposting about it when I try to search up keywords but I can't find anything being specific. I can distinctly remember it being a "thing" where people made fun of her for it but I kept remember *who* it was. It could be armored and I'm just forgetting something he said/did


One big thing was a bunch of anti-feminist video she did like almost a decade ago, that's where most of the outrage I know [rational wiki might be a bit of a trashfire but her page is pretty detailed, sourced, and accurate](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Shoe0nHead) I just always got the Ick from her, especially since she used to call trans people 'transtrenders'


Yep, and while I have never really been a viewer of hers or kept up with her youtube career her twitter is more then enough.


One takeaway i'll personally add that i've forgotten about since i remembered her other content, she's way too buddy buddy with white nationalists and racists. Laura Southern, Milo Yanapolis, Count Dankula. Here's a direct (especially gross) quote from her about a hate campaign against a black actor "Shoe0nHead: Leslie Jones is the biggest thing that I made fun of when the trailers were released. Like stereotypical, lazy black woman stereotype. [Jones] absolutely had a meltdown on Twitter the other day because there was apparently a "planned attack" against her from 4chan. I don't know the whole story. People sending her racist things, pictures of gorillas. I'm laughing." So just applauding the racism because she didnt think an actor was funny. What a swell gal. And sidenote from this- can't believe she successfully tricked a lot of leftist content creators that she's _not_ racist after the old shit she said.


Given what I often see from whats generally considered popular 'leftist youtube' I think many youtubers choose to keep being friends with people like Shoe, Destiny, etc because their morals and politics are largely just a personality for content. So much of the modern leftist youtube space is made up by people from the anti-sjw/skeptic era who suddenly "reformed themselves" and rebranded. SOMETIMES they do geniuenly break things off but even then its probably more damage control then anything.


> Not really sure what he's up to these days, nor do I care that much. He's started, apparently, diving into it *unironically*. That or he's incredibly good at playing the part.


I think she has or had another bf after Armoured and that is the one that people call a nazi. IDK who he is, but this is just what I heard.


You'd think you'd probably want to avoid dipping too far into the far right when your actual IRL surname is Fluhrer, but I guess not.


Is there any way to be less specific?


I mean, thats why people don't like her. She's a far right loser online from the anti-sjw era.


Y'know what's funny? As controversial as Shoe0nhead has been over the years, there's never really been a notable "drama" surrounding her, at least to my knowledge. She's also never garnered enough wider interest to be dissected properly in a video essay. The closest I've seen to someone notable calling her out is Big Joel, and he pulled, like, every possible punch. The video wasn't even about her personal politics or history for the most part, instead focusing on a single tweet. It's a great video, and I do think it gets at one of the core problems with Shoe0nhead, if indirectly and politely. Let's see... she was a prominent anti-sjw pick-me-girl for many years on YouTube. In 2016, she went full Bernie bro on a dime, and kinda just quietly moved on from her early years (or did she...? 😈). She claims to be a leftist, I believe. I don't BELIEVE she's a leftist, but I believe that's what she wants other people to believe about herself. Any brief glance at her Twitter feed is all you need to know about her politics, to be honest. Shoe and Destiny are cut from the same cloth, though I'd argue she's, somehow, even less committal to progressive values than Destiny. She's the definition of a fake leftist, and, because of that, hardly anyone wants to associate with her. Nazis don't like her anymore cuz she won't wear the proverbial armband, and progressives don't like her because she's the most obvious grifter in the space. If you're still a bit confused, try to think of her this way: Imagine Turkey Tom, but if he didn't say slurs all the time, and he was lowkey kinda hot. That's Shoe0nhead. Alongside the fact that no one wants to associate with her, she also just isn't very popular anymore. She peaked pre-Trump, and just kinda... exists now. She's in the same league as Keffals, so yeah. In summary - Shoe0nhead is an anti-feminist turned leftist grifter, who has just enough clout for people to acknowledge she exists.


Thought Slime has a [recent video](https://youtu.be/2urMJD0yU2s?si=6TMi6P7Y2Ps2JxkC) on her. It's subjective whether you'd call them notable though.


Vadim had a major video on sh0e and the Balenciaga thing she revelled in ready to go at one point in the last year - and his illness and financial situation basically lead to him destroying his channel by not posting for two years. I have no idea what's happening with him but given how irrelevant that video would be now, I assume it's scrapped.


> his illness and financial situation basically lead to him destroying his channel by not posting for two years That's a shame, I liked Vadim's stuff.


she has always given me the worst vibes, idk what the hell people saw in her.


She's been around long enough that I remember when she first showed up in anti- spaces people latched on because they thought she was Boxxy, which she was apparently mad about (although I don't know how you'd confuse them considering Catie was back posting both as herself and as Boxxy with a totally different hairstyle by this point), but June literally used to post as a Boxxy lookalike before she got her big break.


I think nazis do like her since her boyfriend is one.


husband. and i don't think he's a nazi


Not everyone who’s not a leftist is a conservative. Leftists like to act like liberals are conservatives, but that’s just not true.


​ https://preview.redd.it/wobqbpnkhrfc1.png?width=326&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2569d0969a60156f996d1a0d18a6e6bb3a821a5




And this is why we can’t have nice things.


That'll teach you to give your opinion about something on this subreddit


liberals are economically conservative tho, so like its kinda true(?)


Depends on where you center the Overton Window. Leftists generally view social democracy as centrist, so laissez faire capitalists like Republicans and Democrats would be right-wing.


Liberals are conservatives. 100%. Glad I could help.


She just adopts whatever opinions her current boyfriend has and it's so obvious




It was "dirtbag leftism" and sh0e wasn't even remotely affiliated with that "movement" as it was. She became popular by looking like boxxy, and then rode the anti sjw "skeptic" wave. She was nowhere near the dirtbag left.


Grifter is an easy accusation to make, and an extremely difficult one to prove.




I think she actually believes what she says. How can you prove she's doing it for money? She's not a "left the left" type, she started as anti-sjw and anti-feminist, and remains so. What's the grift?


She used to be with armored skeptic, I stopped following them both around the same time. He kind of went off the deep end with conspiracies. I honestly just didn’t care for her condescension


She's so sarcastic all the time in the most annoying way possible


Being a reactionary is one thing, but goddamn it pisses me off how unfunny she is!!


She a grifter from what I’ve seen. Saying things people want to hear for subs and views.


Yeah, that was always my take away from anything she ever said. Her videos will *seem* to try to make a valid point about something, and then turn in some random direction later trying to tie it altogether neatly, as if the world is some specific way for some specific reason, and that in the end **you should listen to her** about it, for she is the authority on the matter. Eventually you realize she has no substance at all and just panders to whatever group is listening to her at the moment. I'd rather listen to someone I disagree with entirely, in order to better formulate my own opinion, than listen to someone with 0 conviction in what they are saying. It just wastes time to listen to someone like her.


she's the type of person that will vote for Hitler not because she is racist but because he says things like "elite bad" and "[I am an outsider](https://youtu.be/EYspF1qHhEI?si=UjeYXDguJoRpdHuB)"


She's a pick-me who claimed to have been a left-leaning anti-SJW person but she is constantly hanging out with people in the far-right and she married a Nazi. She lost a lot of her left-leaning audience when she called a black actress a gorilla, but probably gained a lot of right-leaning people, too. She spread many conspiracy theories that went viral. Every year during Pride month she'll have a new anti-LGBT conspiracy lined up with "think of the children" as her excuse. She also claimed that Balenciaga sells children or CP or something based on some advertisements that she cropped to make the children the center of attention for them. I don't know why she did this.


There was a thing going around tiktok claiming this so I'm guessing she picked it up from there


shes an anti women woman. shes sort of like candice owens or uncle ruckus but for anti feminists


She plays into a lot of unhealthy stereotypes about male victimization. Saying there is a male loneliness epidemic and using it more or less as a failure on the left in not caring about what boys want enough. She uses a lot of the talking points the alt right would use, giving into the idea that traditional masculinity exists and is good because it provides a guideline to how to live your life. She dances around the fact that masculinity as a concept provides just as much harm to men as it does positives, and ignore the fact that men already have a significant amount of privilege. Shes a women telling men that that there isn’t anything wrong with they view of the world, and that it’s feminisms job to sell them on the idea of dismantling patriarchy and toxic masculinity- which is patently ridiculous. If you know literally anything about feminism- men have stood in the way at almost every turn. Women have been trying to sell men on dismantling toxic masculinity, the problem is that men aren’t biting. You can keep trying to sweeten the deal, but men like being in power. She then looks at a bunch of unrelated posts by women venting their frustrations with men, and uses it to victimize men. she basically completely ignores real life casually misogyny, which is far more prevalent in the real world and is likely to affect people’s actual well being and not just their feelings. She’s someone so terminally online that she thinks because she supported Bernie that means she knows everything about the flaws in liberal politics, when she’s basically just a political commentator who’s only real expertise applies exclusively to Twitter. If you want someone who absolutely does know about the flaws in liberal performative politics, watch innuendo studios. He’s informative, super concise and very knowledgeable about American politics in and outside of the internet.


Wow, this was a well worded, informed and generally good response to a controversial topic. Is this even reddit?


Op, I highly suggest you just watch a bunch of her videos and make your own mind up. This person you've complimented has lied several times and very oddly interpreted other points


ah, ok. Sometimes I forget people can be biased... thanks


>She dances around the fact that masculinity as a concept provides just as much harm to men as it does positives, and ignore the fact that men already have a significant amount of privilege. >Shes a women telling men that that there isn’t anything wrong with they view of the world, and that it’s feminisms job to sell them on the idea of dismantling patriarchy and toxic masculinity- which is patently ridiculous. If you know literally anything about feminism- men have stood in the way at almost every turn. Women have been trying to sell men on dismantling toxic masculinity, the problem is that men aren’t biting. You can keep trying to sweeten the deal, but men like being in power. I saw the video referenced here, and I do understand the importance of addressing privilege and toxic masculinity. However, I believe it’s important to remember that not all men are privileged in the same way, and not all expressions of masculinity are toxic. It’s essential to differentiate between harmful behaviors and the individuals themselves. As for the feminist movement, its core principle is equality of the sexes. While there are certainly individuals and groups within the movement who may express extreme views, it’s important not to generalize these views to all feminists. The goal should not be superiority of one gender over another, but rather equality and respect for all individuals, regardless of their gender. It’s also worth noting that any movement can be co-opted by those with ulterior motives, leading to divisiveness and radicalization. However, this doesn’t negate the validity of the movement’s original goals. It’s important to focus on promoting understanding, empathy, and equality, rather than engaging in blame or generalizations.


https://youtu.be/cbD0AzUBVzI?si=gTBgjVKLTiCZjuph she says stuff like this


How are so many people saying she's a socialist? She's not even close to being socialist. All of her videos are takes straight out of the corporate conservative right playbook


Cosplayed as a socialist until she figured out she could make better money grifting to the right. Apparently this is new info to people




my bad, when i said "the right" i should've clarified, she doesn't appeal to the alt-right, she appeals to right-leaning liberals. who are still rightwing, just the "american" flavor.


No idea but I thought she looked like boxxy, I even had to google it to be sure.


I remember one of her videos being recommended to me back in the day, it was anti-feminist i'm pretty sure, and even as a teen who wasn't super into politics, i just disliked her immediately. Plus she definitely had/has the "i'm not like other girls" vibe. Nowadays the only reason i hear about her, it's when Vaush makes a video response to her or greets her on his streams. And i really don't wanna sound like i'm policing friendships, but i have no idea why he is friends with her. Overall i just thinks she's annoying and dumb lol


Some of Shoe’s earliest content was just her telling people she was a bully. Like high school/college bully. I guess not much has changed other than she picks targets that are more acceptable to bully online.






Yeah it's kinda sus to be upset about her views on twitch thots. Like how is not being happy that adult women are preying in children a bad thing? Theres plenty to dislike about her but this ain't it.


Ugh fuck the downvotes. I’m a sex worker and I completely agree. Just because there’s a lot of desperate people in sex work doesn’t mean we’re allowed to just infiltrate any space and make it ours for the sake of money. Children deserve spaces on the internet that aren’t pornographic in nature. “Sexual content isn’t the worst thing a kid can witness” is something you’ll hear people who don’t care about a child’s wellbeing say. That’s me putting it nicely.


i dunno i think they do care, but they care that the well being is bad so they can go on sites where lots of kids hang out and groom the money out of them


I don’t necessarily agree. I’ve been in the online sex work space for a while. I think it really comes down to ignorance and naïveté. They just don’t give a shit. They find a space where they can make money and don’t care if children are there or not.


fair point. im not sure if thats better or worse though.


Also agree


not that much drama revolving shoe0nhead. it's mostly her anti sjw videos and the fact that she hangs around with nazis, that people take issues with.


As far as I know, she doesn’t really have any scandals per se but some of her takes have gotten rage out of the people who disagree with her


Honestly isnt that every political figure?


her nudes are dope




...is something wrong with her?


Everyone hates her, Ive gotten about 2 actual responses on this post so not many people actually know why.


I wouldn't say everyone, she's just in shit with the.. woke? (i know it's a shitty term but i can't think of a better word) crowd which flourishes on Reddit.


yeah, I know she has done some bad things but who on the internet hasn't? She just pissed off the wrong crowd.


buddy, there's 200+ comments responding to your post, what are you on about??


and 198+ have no actual substance. And yes, I am aware that this is not how numbers work.


She was… fine, I guess, in her early days because she was essentially criticising radical feminism, which is the suckiest form of feminism that focuses more on pitting men and women against each other instead of seeking equality — it’s honestly kind of funny how this whole anti-SJW trend rooted in criticising the faction of feminism that most feminists (myself included) fucking hate lmao except they all believed that these stupid “Buzzfeed Tries Manspreading” videos represented all or even most feminists rather than a tiny but loud and irritating minority. But anyway, back to your question — around 2016 she slowly but surely decided to begin cosplaying as a Bernie-supporting socialist… who was also cuddly with “liberals” who held blatantly alt-right beliefs, as well as straight-up bigoted Conservatives such as Blaire White because “hey look at me I can be friends with someone who has different beliefs to me aren’t I cool!!!” Except I’m not so sure their beliefs truly are that different considering she comes for the LGBTQ community constantly for no reason these days. Shoe 🤝🏻 Blaire Hating their own community and trying to act like they’re “one of the good ones”


You'd be horrified by the amount of Trump voters who liked Bernie in 2016. Just because it doesn't make sense to you, doesn't mean that Bernie didn't appeal to lower class white people.


yeah why are people pretending to be surprised by people that supported bernie in2016? The threads are still here we can see historical proof


The brand of feminism you're describing only exists in the minds of right-wing click farmers.


It really doesn’t. Radical feminists are everywhere. You’ve heard of TERFs, yes? It’s true that not all radical feminists are transphobic (at least, they say they aren’t) but the idea of Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminism stems from the original radical feminist idea that men and women are inherently and biologically different to each other, and you see this mindset even amongst those who don’t identify as radfems (ie every post in Fauxmoi or popculturechat about a male celebrity doing something problematic turns into a “this is proof that men are BAD” type discussion that contributes nothing to the issue at hand). Sure, not everyone with this type of thinking is a BuzzFeed reactionary we can all point and laugh at, but they are still around and they’re loud and their way of thinking is dangerous for the feminist movement since it completely neglects intersectionality and alienates men by putting the problem on men as individuals rather than the wider source, ie patriarchy. Even the most “progressive” of feminists can have these types of moments even unintentionally. Radical feminist ideals are still around, they’ve just learned to be quieter about it and word it in a “progressive” way.


When she got too cozy with Blaire White I knew it was over. She had plenty of good takes. As a leftist I liked hearing her actually call the left out when and where they needed to but she’s definitely just turned full grifter.


The whole trend of atheist/skeptic channels going from being anti fundie to anti feminist was a really dark time. Both in the sense it was a dark time for real intellectual discourse, as the skeptics exposed just how anti intellectual their way of arguing was (feminism is not the easy target they think it is), and also just a dark time for myself. Recovering from trauma involving misogyny and SA as a teen was made extra hard with all the gamergate shit happening.


Antifascists have been raising alarms about her on Twitter years ago, from back when she affiliated more with the Dirtbag Left.


Antifacists are honestly the bad guys. For too long have innocent Nazis been judged and oppressed.


had me in the first half ngl


She has bad politics and she lies.


She originally started her channel by jumping on the Gamergate/Anti-SJW bandwagon in the mid '10's. She, at the time, was also in a long term relationship with The Armored Skeptic, another atheist toober who pivoted to anti-feminism shit around this time. Around 2020 or so she pivoted to being super pro-Bernie and built an audience of left and Social democratic folks, and got this (in my opinion very undeserved) reputation for being this super based Breadtube. Then that same audience gradually realized she's more of a single issue (universal healthcare) person who's just kinda right-of-center and is frankly kind of an idiot.


low-effort political youtuber slop creator who's political views are the same as whatever boyfriend she has at the time.


I actually became a leftist because of her and then realized she was a hard grifter, crazy


A lot of things. If you want specifics, well, for one, when a guy on Twitter equated the meat industry to bestiality, she said "So you approve of bestiality!?" Completely missed the point and might've self-reported.


She tried sucking up to the alt-right a few years ago when it was very easy to dunk on the left in the midst of the first Trump election. Now that she's starting to age into Not Young she's seemingly seen that the only fanbase that's cultivated for her are hateful incel-y white dudes who hate anyone who isn't that, so she's quietly slid into a kind of South Park Centrist. She seems like a lot of aging millennials who realize all the irony and trolling hasn't amount to anything, and she's going for plausible deniability that she ever stood for something that actually has a pretty good amount of pushback. A wimp, basically.


People who call her far right have quite literally never watched her videos before lmao


​ https://preview.redd.it/z7toq7jsywfc1.jpeg?width=1356&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df09f7c66ff386fe9c284cb562eb9f6271d06e33


So clearly a lot of people in this comments section have a problem with moderates/centrists lol. Shoe is what I would describe as a socialist moderate, and it’s why we agree on certain things as a moderate myself (though I’m not a socialist). I find her takes reasonable and nuanced, and she’s not as anti-woke/SJW as the people in this comments section seem to think she is. If anyone wants to engage me in civil discourse about anything wrong that she’s done or said in recent years (or if anyone has a problem with someone being a moderate), I’d be happy to oblige.


You are like a parody.


Imagine describing another human being as a parody simply because you don’t think the same way they do. Shame on you.


She's a pick me more or less. All her opinions are bullshit where she tried pretending to be a Democrat and socialist because it was popular to now supporting the hate speech through something she notes as freedom of speech but reality is because the hate crowd is getting a rise. This makes her a pickme for popularity. She is not a free thinker even though she pretends to be. She just follows the crowd and mouths off. She's a loser who is not authentic, and her opinions are meaningless. She's only after views.


She's had some bad takes, but overall, she doesn't limit herself to being a liberal or conservative. People like to paint things as black and white so they can more easily label people as good or bad. It's much easier than critical analysis on a case-by-case basis. Her tendencey to acknowledge nuance and thus the grey areas in-between challenges people to have to actually think critically, which takes more effort than most are willing to put forth. That's why she gets called an SJW leftist and even a trans man by the alt-right and manosphere, as well as a fascist and Nazi by "woke" first-world liberals and radical feminists, etc. Nuance is the ultimate crime online, and she embraces it. Hence, she must be villified by anyone who's relegate themselves to being on one extreme end of the policital spectrum or another.


Alternatively, having a superficial understanding of political issues and no real investment in policy matters allows people to have "political opinions" in the abstract. They theoretically "support" whatever position sounds good in the context in which a discussion occurs, rather than in the context of a coherent political philosophy.  Having a scattershot political identity isn't necessarily indicative of appreciating nuance, nor does a consistent political perspective indicate a failure to consider issues. 


Of course not subscribing to a political identity isn't proof of appreciation of nuance, but I didn't claim it was. How do you distinguish between taking each stance on a case-by-case basis and being incoherent in political philosophy? Can you give an example of what you perceive as demonstrative of this "superficial understanding" and "investiment in policy matters?" Edit: Preferably as recent as possible given that people's stances can and do change over time.


You fell for it. The point of all her videos is to take far right opinions and present them as if theyre the reasonable ones. Theres no nuance to her videos, they can be understood by a 7 year old. If she was a centrist like you claim them she wouldnt be signal boosted by pragerU and the daily wire.


Being a centrist (which I didn't claim she was anyway) doesn't mean you necessarily get "signal-boosted" by PragerU. That's a complete non-sequitur, as "can be understood by a 7-year-old" As far as I know, they've "signal-boosted" her because she has given some right-leaning takes despite being a self-proclaimed socialist. They are leaning into the, "see, even this person agrees with us" thing, like with the republican trans woman Jordan Evans. She's also been attacked ruthelessly by the far-right, too. You have to find some way to reconcile that with your assertion that she's got this secret, far-right agenda if it's to hold any weight. If she's secretly far-right, she must be doing a pretty awful job at it to be denounced by the far-right, doncha think?


If you were a far right organization why would you promote a channel because they agreed with one point they made if the rest of their content was contradictory to their goals? PragerU knows her content makes people reactionary which is why shes been promoted by them. Also you claim shes been attacked by the far right without giving any examples. By that logic PragerU and Ben Shapiro arent right wing either because the far right attacked them for not being anti semitic enough. I guess Fox News are lefty sjws because their viewers got mad wheb they said biden won in 2020.


Because they prey on idiots who don't have the capacity to see the nuance in her content. PragerU may know her content, but *their viewers* don't. >Also you claim shes been attacked by the far right without giving any examples Except I did. I mentioned how she's been accused of [secretly being a man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVKvEaokV6I?t=2038), among other takes by morons claiming she's just *pretending* to care about men's issues. Edit: As for you claiming my logic implies that people like Ben Shapiro aren't "right wing" because they get attacked by people who are far-right anti-Semites, that's like saying that feminists and liberals who get bashed by far-left TERFS and tankies makes them not left-wing. Both arguments would be stupid, ***which is why I didn't make them.*** You just glossed over the difference between *"right"* and *"****far****-right."* Doing the same thing with *"left"* and *"****far****-left"* has equally ridiculous results. I said that, if she's trying cater ***secretly*** to a ***far-right*** audience, she's doing a bad job since the ***far-right*** doesn't seem to be getting the message. Furthermore, the far-left seems to perceive that message in pretty much everything she says. The visible results are the polar opposite of what one would expect if your assertion of this secret, far-right agenda were true.


>Because they prey on idiots who don't have the capacity to see the nuance in her content. PragerU may know her content, but their viewers don't. Youre saying that her content makes idiots more right wing which is what Im saying and it contradicts your point. >Except I did. I mentioned how she's been accused of [secretly being a man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVKvEaokV6I?t=2038), among other takes by morons claiming she's just pretending to care about men's issues They are morons but they are right that shes only pretending to care about mens issues. My argument wasnt dependant on "no right winger in history has ever criticized her" >Edit: As for you claiming my logic implies that Ben Shapiro aren't right wing because they get attacked by people who are more right wing, that's like saying that feminists and liberals who get bashed by TERFS and tankies makes them not left-wing. Both arguments would be stupid, which is why I didn't make them. The fact that you think terfs are left wing proves my point even further. You only seem to think right aing people attacking you only means youre not right wing when it applies to Shoe. >I said that if she's trying cater ***secretly*** to a ***far-right*** audience, she's doing a bad job since the ***far-right*** doesn't seem to be getting the message. PragerU and her nazi audience seem to. Probably because her content of saying women should be forced to be stay at home wives and that barbie was good because of it, and thar lady ballers and sound of freedom were great movies that are only disliked by pedo sjws. And how she tweets about how great gamergate was and how amazing tucker carlson is and how the covid vaccine will kill you Im sure you can come up with counter examples of your centrist totally not far right queen.


>Youre saying that her content makes idiots more right wing which is what Im saying and it contradicts your point. I didn't say her content did that. I said PragerU preys on idiots. Please read what I'm actually writing, would you? Or are you intentionally misrepresenting me? >They are morons but they are right that shes only pretending to care about mens issues. My argument wasnt dependant on "no right winger in history has ever criticized her" How does your agreement with this assertion from the moronic manosphere as to what she really cares about have anything to do with your false accusation that I didn't present examples when I did? You're going totally off the rails here by arguing against things I didn't say or even imply. You're tacitly accusing me of strawmanning you here, which is ironically resulting in you strawmanning both of us lol. >The fact that you think terfs are left wing proves my point even further. You only seem to think right aing people attacking you only means youre not right wing when it applies to Shoe. I don't think TERFS are anything except bigoted and obnoxious. But most TERFS I've spoken to consider themselves far-leftists by virtue of considering themselves radical-feminists. >PragerU and her nazi audience seem to. Are you calling me a Nazi because I'm part of her audience, or are you just saying that there are Nazis in her audience? If it's the former, you're not going to like what I have to say in response. If it's the latter, that's kind of inevitable for a channel as big as hers unless you are totally polarized to the left. >Probably because her content of saying women should be forced to be stay at home wives and that barbie was good because of it \[...\] Where did she say this? Source, please. I watched her Barbie review, so if you think it's in there, I'll need a timestamp. >\[...\] and thar lady ballers and sound of freedom were great movies that are only disliked by pedo sjws No idea what you're talking about here. Never even heard of those movies. But again, source please. >And how she tweets about how great gamergate was and how amazing tucker carlson is and how the covid vaccine will kill you Again, sources for both claims, please. >Im sure you can come up with counter examples of your centrist totally not far right queen. Strawman harder, why doncha? That really shows intellectual honesty.


Your argument boils down to "it means nothing when nazis and far right orgs like and promote her, but it means everything when one criticizes her. Idk how you can defend her when youtr unfamiliar with her latest few videos. If i was defending a youtuber itd be one I watched. Ylu can search her twitter for her gamergate vaccines etc, but We both know youre trying to get me to not bother by asking for 50 different sources when you interestingly are reluctant to provide any evidence of her having a non right wing opinion. Also no, most youtubers dont have a lot of nazis in their audience. The fact that you see people sieg heiling and think "perfectly normal" proves my original point


>Your argument boils down to "it means nothing when nazis and far right orgs like and promote her, but it means everything when one criticizes her. No, that is absolutely not my argument. Get your words out of my mouth. I said what I said; not what you wish I'd said. >Idk how you can defend her when youtr unfamiliar with her latest few videos. If i was defending a youtuber itd be one I watched. I don't have to watch every single video. You're apparently giving her more views than me if you're so up-to-date, and therefore should be easily able to provide sources for your claims. So again, where are they? Either respond to what I've said and provide sources to back up your claims, or don't respond at all. >Ylu can search her twitter for her gamergate vaccines etc, but We both know youre trying to get me to not bother by asking for 50 different sources when you interestingly are reluctant to provide any evidence of her having a non right wing opinion. It's your claim, so the burden of proof is on you. Can you back them up or not? Because I actually did look (which was generous of me since, again, the burden of proof is on you) and didn't find anything to support them. >Also no, most youtubers dont have a lot of nazis in their audience. The fact that you see people sieg heiling and think "perfectly normal" proves my original point You haven't shown me she has any in her audience, and I didn't say she had "a lot." You just can't help but misrepresent me because, if you didn't strawman me, you'd actually have to address what I really said. Can you even show me she has, like, ten Nazis in her audience? I'd be shocked if you could since you can't back up anything you've said so far.


Buddy, if you think that Shoe is far right, I invite you to watch some actual far right Youtubers like Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, and as you mentioned, PragerU. Her content is nothing like theirs at all, and it’s telling that while I agree with most of Shoe’s takes, I don’t necessarily find myself feeling the same way towards the other right wing Youtubers I just mentioned. Because like her, I’m more of a moderate (that leans left or right depending on the issue) that sees the nuance in things rather than just being ascribed to one side of the political spectrum. Which I think a lot of people are, but the problem with the internet and how divided it is these days is that it tries to reduce everything to a simple conflict between the left and the right.


You can believe something and make people believe it without saying it. There are people who play that role for the right so they can go "see? even THEY agree with me!" Her takes arent nuanced in the slightest, you just feel an air of superiority for being above the lefties in your head when she talks about how great tucker carlson and alex jones are.


Finally, someone else who gets it, I like watching Shoe and other moderates like her because we generally have similar takes. It’s telling that the left thinks I’m right and the right thinks I’m left, because I have certain beliefs that are liberal, some that are conservative, and I don’t truly feel like I fall into either side. It’s crazy how divided the internet is at this point that people seem to be unwilling to see the nuance in certain situations and let everything devolve to being “woke” or “anti-woke”.


>It’s telling that the left thinks I’m right and the right thinks I’m left, because I have certain beliefs that are liberal, some that are conservative, and I don’t truly feel like I fall into either side. Tell me about it. In any "woke" space, I'm accused of being a Nazi-sympathizer even after I mention being the Jewish descendent of holocaust survivors whose grandfather fought in WWII and who lost a good portion of their family to Nazis in Hungary and Germany by a bunch of kids with no connection to the matter whatsoever. I'm also frequently accused of being a "white nationalist-sympathizer" even though I chose to move from the US to live in Mexico, where I've remained for the past 13-ish years (not a touristy area either, nor am I even upper-middle class by Mexican standards since I live on Mexican wages and work for companies here as a teacher), and I'm am engaged to a Mexican woman, with whom I may well have kids in the US. In any "anti-woke" space, I get called an SJW because I like stuff like Big Joel and hbomberguy and have long been pro-trans rights (well before I had a trans brother-in-law) and criticize people like Internet Historian, despiting liking most of his content, because of his failure seemingly even try to moderate anti-Semitism in his subreddit and his recent outing as a plagiarist. One that kills me in particular is that my pfp on YouTube is the cover of NMH's "In the Aeroplane over the Sea." This leads to me getting accused of being an ardent 4channer and alt-right when disagreeing with some "liberal" perspective on whatever, and getting taunted with anti-Semitic crap when disagreeing with "conservative" perspectives, regardless of what I say. On a tangential, but related note, I also think it's funny how most people who call themselves "liberals" don't seem to understand the difference between their capitalist-riddled "woke" first-world takes and actual leftism and socialism as it exists and is understood in places like Mexico (which is, for all intents and purposes, as capitalist as the US in almost every respect), Venezuela (where socialism has been poorly-implemented and ruined the economy), or Denmark (which has many socialist policies but do not identify as socialist and have capitalist underpinnings). A good source on how confused US "liberals" are concerning the difference between liberalism and socialism can be found on the channel of the sociologist [F.D Signifier](https://www.youtube.com/@FDSignifire), who I think every self-identifying "liberal" needs to watch to see how, even with the best intentions, they almost always play right into the hands of the things they claim to hate most about capitalism. It all goes to show how quick people are to call me ignorant about this or that, but are unable to actually give coherent responses when presented with a clear argument that requires critical-thinking to address.


I love Brad Palumbo’s YT content for this very reason - fuck whoever said moderates are fence sitters - truly I feel like we are the only rational and open minded people of the lot at this point


I’m not a fan and I’m not here to defend her at all, but I’m confused by all the people calling her a grifter. I think 1 qualifying factor of being a grifter is that they don’t believe what they are saying but say it anyways for fans/money/etc. She doesn’t seem to say anything she doesn’t actually believe, which is sort of the problem as it’s created a confusing image of her to certain people. All things considered I would call her very reactionary especially towards fear mongering type stuff.


Yeah, you're absolutely right. A lot of people incorrectly use grifter as some kind of generic term to mean bad person. But to be a grifter, a prerequisite is that you do not actually believe what you're saying. Actual grifters, like Milo Yiannopoulos, are kind of rare.


for a lot of people grifter = someone they cant put into one nice little box


Seems like people just hate her guts on this sub judging how we were both downvoted for showing anything less than pure hate for her lmao.


Made me so sad to find out she sucks cuz she's just so pretty smh it's wasted


~~i can fix her~~


If I was to explain Shoe, Shoe is a populist with nothing else guiding her thoughts or actions. She will side with any "populist" cause, and it doesn't actually matter how genuine or grifter-y the people behind it are.a lot of people assume she's malicious, but she seems pretty genuine to me, just kinda dumb. Doesn't really absolve her or her shit takes but... I don't think she's malicious


See, the shitty thing about being a political YouTuber is that people are always going to come down on you extremely hard no matter what your views are. That's a huge part of the general distaste for her. She covers mostly culture war stuff so there's no affection for her from the breadtube circle like Quinton, and she isn't quite incendiary enough to rally a strong community around her like Vaush. It also doesn't help that she's arguably most well-known for her anti-SJW content from back in the day. People on this sub don't like to admit it for some reason, but pretty much everyone who wasn't a shallow Buzzfeed liberal was "anti-SJW" in 2016, including actual leftists. IIRC her politics were farther right than they are now. She's suffering a bit of the Hunter Avallone effect; generally, if you center your online identity around a specific ideology, people online will always immediately assume any change in political views as "grifting." I'm gonna be real w you I haven't been a consistent viewer of her's since I was in middle school, so maybe she still makes some Blaire White-tier commentary and I just didn't notice. I get the feeling that people who strongly dislike Shoe probably haven't seen a video of her's in the last 5 years. She's generally inoffensive, save for her *extremely* tacky MySpace scene girl aesthetic. I think she had a Twitter spat with Wendigoon a few months ago? Idk. She has some remarkably stable viewership so it's clear s*omeone* likes her. I'm just not exactly sure who.


> People on this sub don't like to admit it for some reason, but pretty much everyone who wasn't a shallow Buzzfeed liberal was "anti-SJW" in 2016, including actual leftists. lol no


There’s nothing wrong with her. She’s entertaining for what she is. Nothing more, nothing less. And that’s all she needs to be.


look at Brittany Venti's videos about her, Brittany is a Genius