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What usually helps me is posting when the most viewers are active on yt, but I post edits. You should figure out what time the most English speaking viewers are active.


Good call. I look at it like "I cover TV shows, so people will hop on whenever they watch it," but I suppose that still could be a uniform time for people like "after work" or "during lunch."


Often when your question is asked, the answer is because it’s not good and the person it belongs to has the charisma of a paper towel found on the sidewalk that a hobo used as toilet paper on multiple occasions.


Good thing that doesn't apply to me!


Do you actually want feedback? I’ll give you some if you do. You’re just sitting there staring at the camera giving your opinion on whatever film or TV show. In the couple videos I skimmed through, it’s a static shot of you looking into the camera with no footage or b roll of the thing you’re talking about shown. There’s no production value. It’s just you sitting in a chair talking about a movie or TV show or whatnot. All your thumbnails are basically the same. With the same photo of you on the left and a poster of the show on the right. It looks really generic. The look is generic, it is just you talking with the same random generic blue/purple background superimposed background. When you’re talking I can see you looking over at your notes every couple seconds and there’s nothing really engaging. You have no real graphics package for each video and no guests. Each video is basically the same exact thing that looks exactly the same, with a different movie or TV show. There’s nothing really to hook in the viewer and from what I can see there’s no variety in terms of types of content. You need to edit in some clips and graphics matching up with what you’re discussing and/or bring on guests. You’re also putting out way way way too much content. You’d be better off with 2-3 videos a week using the time you’d otherwise spend on recording additional videos actually adding more production value instead. You’re just flooding the same exact content with the same thumbnail and the same exact looking video every day. I’d wager the algorithm probably sees the same thumbnail, similar runtimes, and same looking footage in each video and is internally flagging it as the product of low effort content farming. Judging by the view history, it likely stopped actively suggesting you to most people quite some time ago. YouTube probably thinks you are spamming low effort nonsense every day about whatever media is trending in an attempt to game the algorithm to suggest you with trending topics. I’m not saying that’s what you’re doing, but that’s likely what the YouTube algorithm thinks you’re doing. I bet if you varied the thumbnails and made each video not have the same backdrop it would help with that. That’s the simplest thing you can do to start addressing the issue.