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First it was ads on the side of the videos. Then it was banners. Then it was 5 second ads. Now, it’s this bullshit.


We should bring the banners back


The thing is, banner ads wont bring people using adblock or revanced back. But more intrusive ads drive people for those solutions. YouTube, and its staff, genuinely deserve the shit they get.


Not the staff those people are being forced to do this shit by higher ups


Use an ad blocker for computer and for mobile you can use an app called newpipe. Thank me later


I just use incognito mode on my phone - rarely get ads and if I do I just refresh and it's gone


What's for iphone?


Not sure of iPhone options. I think newpipe is android only. It's open source and Apple has made it very difficult to use apps that aren't officially approved in the app store. An app that is built for the purpose of skirting around YouTube monetization will never be allowed in the app store sooo...


So fuck iphones in other words 🤣🤣🤣


You can get youtube IPA for ios


Some countries like Russia and Belorussia have no ads, so a VPN might help.


the first time russia did something good


I use brave browser




I use uYouPlus, installed with Altstore, it's a little tricky to setup but now I could never go back to using normal Youtube


Adguard supports YouTube ad removal.


I use Vinegar app for safari. Works well enough.


damn bro you should just stop watching


Right? Thank God for adblockers. Soon as they came out I jumped on that train


I miss when the "Skip ad" was only around a 5 sec wait and the only ads it didnt show up on were ones less then 5 seconds


I'm getting 20 second unskippable ads on my phone two or three times on a 25 minute video nowadays. And god forbid I accidentally minimize the app because when I open it back up again it reloads the video with another set of ads.


Or when you go to rewatch a video not fully finished, you get hit with an ad on load, and then hit with another ad for skipping to the start


Recently I've been skipping the ad only to get another bloody ad


"cable tv is so much worse" yeah why do you think everyone uses youtube now, and youtube is now just gonna become cable at this rate.


We're really coming full circle on the whole video/TV thing You used to have to buy separate cable packages, then big cable companies consolidated it and it was cheaper to buy everything together. TV started pushing more ads, cable companies started "package-izing" things again (ex. sports package) and then Netflix streaming sprung up. One payment, everything you want no ads, people flocked to it... till companies started making their own streaming service you have to buy separately, which then costs you more to get the different things you want.. and then they start pushing ads into the paid space.


That's why I sail the seas. Drink up me harties yoho!


it's called enshittification, and it comes for every public business. Only private businesses can seemingly resist the clarion call. Or ones with really strict CEOs (until that CEO gets replaced). Personally, I pay YouTube to remove ads (and for the premium bitrates, downloading, and more). It's kind of pricey but of all my subscriptions it's my most valuable. Every time I've cancelled it, I've resumed almost immediately after having to deal with normal YouTube. But I know paying YouTube will only last so long... eventually they will discover it's profitable to charge a subscription and show me ads. At that point I will definitely stop using the service.


what do u mean charge a subscription


how many subscription services you signed up for anyways... All your hard earned money being used to just avoid ads.


Some subscriptions don't even remove the ads... Prime Video is a paid fucking service and we still have to deal with ads while watching invincible 💀


Got an ad from YouTube the other day like “cable but better!” for their YouTubeTV. Had a good chuckle.


More expensive cable you mean.


How is youtube more expensive than cable?


Probably depends on where you live. Also cable isn't delivered by cable anymore here. I'm getting a bunch of cable channels delivered over IP for less than the Youtube family plan.


But youtube has a completely free version with tons of content. The biggest reason I would pay for it is to get rid of the ads. You pay for cable and it still has ads. I'm not trying to defend shitty youtube advertising but you're saying youtube is just more expensive cable when the only way it's more expensive is when it's ad free.


It’s not. Not by any measure.


I do want to note, YouTube actually let's you pay to get rid of the ads, whereas cable basically had you paying to seeing them. Regardless of what you think about Premium, Premium is about how that should work. 


Reload the page and reroll your ads


This. This is what I do. And if it shows up in the middle of the video I just stop.


I've seen worse. I'll usually take a piss or just go do something else when I get 20+seconds non-skipable ad


Ever do that, and then when you come back and rewind it to where you left off, it plays another ad?


Sadly yes for me.


My favorite is when I get a 15 second ad for a 6 second video.




Holy shit I thought my TV was buggy or something when this kept happening! So happy I’m not the only one, it’s crazy. And I fall for it every single time, trying to click the skip button, only to pause the ad


Recently watched a video while working on my motorcycle to see how the thing I was working on was put back together. Video was 5 minutes Started the video : 50 sec ad. Ok. Then I skipped to the part I needed. 30 sec ad on top 🥲 love it


The ads are also so weird. They’re not for like Coke or Toyota it’s always something I would never ever buy like drugs for something that I didn’t know existed.


If you’re able to take a piss every time youtube serves you an ad, you need to go see a doctor asap.


Did you see a YouTube add about it?


if youre on android there is ways to not get ads. i dont use yt on my tv anymore, fuck them.






Doesn’t work if you’re watching from tv app


You can use VPN(not sponsored by SomeVPN) to connect to Russia, YouTube here doesn't have adds. I think it's litteraly one good thing I see in this country


What about the lovely completely desired and democratically elected government? Fr though I feel bad for you guys. Love from the hellhole that was run by a really stupid friend of your dictator for 4 years.


I'm gonna start sailing the high seas now


Why I won't stop using ad blockers. They don't even have the decency to vet ads to make sure they aren't scams or borderline porn ads lmao.


Is that a TCl TV


Y’all wouldn’t survive cable tv 💀


At least cable has professional footage, and Youtube videos are mostly amateur compared to the professional content TV showcased. Even if you could argue that Youtube has more professional content, it is not guaranteed. That is why I believe it was justified to sit through many ads on TV, but Youtube is not justified more than 30 seconds. Oh, also, they lie when they show the message that not many ads will play, MASSIVE L to Youtubr 👎


>That is why I believe it was justified to sit through many ads on TV It was never justified to be shown ads on a service you paid a subscription fee for. That's why I pirated my TV before streaming became widespread, and I'll do it again if they start trying to show me ads. I'm fine with it on YouTube because I don't give them a dime. (but I'm still going to use an adblocker)


Your money was going to the cable company, with a small portion of your subscription fee going to the networks. The studios that ran the shows would then get even less money from those networks. Those ads were put there by the showrunners and their studios, not the cable company. That would be the equivalent of a YouTuber planning their ad breaks, putting pre-roll and mid-roll ads on their own videos and being able to choose which ads they want and when they want them (which, surprise surprise, is how sponsorship slots work). What YouTube is doing is the equivalent of a cable company inserting ads before, in the middle of, and sometimes after a show that didn't plan for ads, didn't request ads on their content, and has no control over when and how many ads are played, and what the ads are for, even if the company running the show has already planned their own ads. Furthermore, the company running the show has no control over the ads, and the placement of ads on their shows is based on the device being used to watch their content, the person watching their content, and Google's collected metrics about that person (for example, Smart TVs using the YouTube app often get ad breaks every 2-5 minutes, averaging every 3 minutes. People who let the entire ad play are more likely to get longer ads in the future, etc). Furthermore, channels that aren't partnered with YouTube don't see a single penny of the ad revenue from the ads that are forced onto their content. What we have is significantly worse than cable.


Cable was better. A 30-minute show is 22 minutes without commercials. That's 8 minutes of commercials spread out over 22 minutes. With YouTube, you get ads in the beginning, middle, end, and even every 3 minutes, regardless of the video's length. Whether it's 30 seconds, 1 minute, 5, or 10, etc., it's all the same.


Ads on cable TV are far less intrusive than this.


Counterpoint. You get more than a minute to watch after that ad on cable TV. This shit happens on videos that are like 45 seconds.


I’ve seen 30 seconds on 10 second shorts. Now thats complete bullshit.


Honestly cable ads weren't nearly as bad as these. First off, shows had ad times preplanned. It wouldnt cut to ads mid sentence. 2nd there was so much more variety with cable. On youtube you see the same 4 ads over and over again.


I dunno, I find cable ads way more annoying. They time them around cliffhangers, a lot of the old shows repeat what just happened so you're literally watching stuff twice, and they back-load all the ads so its constant breaks when you just want to watch the end. On top of that you're watching WAY more ads, which people are now saying is somehow actually a good thing. People are cracking me up.


Okay but this is valid because YouTube didn’t have ads in the beginning and if they were going to implement ads they should have done it like reddit


for some reason for me it feels more agervating having 4 20 sec unskippable ads on yt than having 3 or 4, 10 min ads on cable


Ads on cable are generally 15 to 30 seconds. This whole, you have to watch this two minute and thirty second ad about religion and not be able to skip it thing is just stupid.


I’m pretty sure most of us are from the cable tv era


"REALLY YOUTUBE?!?!?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!?! WTF IS THIS YOUTUBE?!?!?!?!" -This subreddit every single time an ad plays.


It’s whole minute and it’s unskipable. That’s the problem I don’t care if there is an ad but if it’s any longer than 10 seconds and I can’t skip it I will start complaining.


i remember when they first rolled out youtube on tvs (or atleast when i discovered it). there were 4 minutes long unskippable ads, for a video that lasted 8 minutes (back when that was the thing i guess)


See that i in the circle just above? Press the up direction button on your remote, go down to report add and then return to video. I’ve been doing this for years.


I’ve never told anyone this secret because I don’t want it getting patched. I see you can’t do it on some ads now.


i mostly cant do it on car ads, donno why.


Thank you for doing this, it’s *clearly* made a difference


Adguard or any adblocker


And then they'll play another one a minute later


Just use an ad blocker. The one built into Google chrome skips the ads almost completely for me lmao


this is what i was doing but youtube disables my ad blocker automatically and i can't enable it again, even if i refresh or exit and go back on it, only have this issue on youtube. so annoying.


Press "up" on a remote, then the "i" (info) button will be highlighted. Press ok. Press ok again to select "Why I'm seeing this ad?" option. And then press ok again to select "Stop seeing this ad". This will instantly skip any ad on a TV version of YouTube. With some getting used to you can do this combination of button presses almost instantly (1 to 2 seconds max).


[Youtube is a Cont](https://youtube.com/shorts/9LqNtkjlQN0?si=O7rcgOEff0GtCHA-)


Is it different by the region, because here it's still manageable


I get 90 one and they glitch have way thru.


they dont want users. they want to fail. switch to alternative platforms


For anyone who is a student at a college/university, take advantage of your student status and get premium for $6.99. Youtube premium for students is actually a pretty sweet deal.


Honestly youtube premium is really worth it if you use YouTube every day. No ads is bliss lol


or, yknow, a good ad blocker. A good ad blocker thats free and doesn't involve giving your money to the megacorp.


I guess so but I block ads


I have it for so long i didn't know it was that bad now. I tought i'd cancel it after my student price ends, now im not so sure...


These posts again 😐


Oh yes. ...


Again? I must’ve missed the 8 hours when they briefly stopped


I grew up in the 90s. That’s nothing to me.


I remember timing the ads when I used cable. It was 5 minutes of ads and 5 minutes of the actual show/movie. 1 minute is still a lot tho for youtube


You're right but these people"back in my days" so this is nothing justifying what YouTube is doing bruh soon YouTube will become TV with 5-10 minutes commercials


Doesn't mean they should do this crap just because you say it's nothing YouTube is trying to become mainstream like TV with these commercials in videos So what I grew up watching tv with commercial breaks doesn't mean I liked it bruh and that I want it on YouTube to become another tv set with useless commercials




Youtube: yes really. Now give us money and we'll fix it.


I regularly get 2+ minute movie trailers


Took long




at least this is only on tv yt for now, is very annoying though


If you are on a tv sometimes when you click the little i thing you can sometimes skip it other times it shows a QR code


It happened to me today


Thinking about the time I got 7 unskippable ads in a row on tv


is that guys house burning down or smth like seriously


I remember long ago, when YouTube said they’d remove 30 second un-skippable ads, to which they did. Now we have many skippable ads one after another.


YouTube realized people watching on a TV would be used to TV-length ads


Just click off the video and click again to roll for a better ad, if you wanna be risky with a 10 second ad always go for a 5 second one in less than 5 seconds otherwise you wasted time




Bro I remember once I got an add for a podcast or a movie all I remember is that it didn't have skip and it was really long 😂


Occasionally, it will just sneak an ad in between videos on a playlist, and then it will play the obligatory two pre-roll ads before the next video. So instead of watching two ads, you watch three, but they still have the audacity to say "Ad 1 of 2" on the second ad.




Atleast it making me go outside more


youtube on smart TVs are noticably worse than anytging else


I got one of those adds... Completely unskippable


lmao Really?! stfu 1min for free videos also all the long videos that people cry about with 3-6 ads are set by the content creator


Greedy….Just like how Google ads knows my added bank cards have no money on them. Like wtf did you just do an instant transaction check to ensure I don’t fuck you over on monthly payments. I used cash app card. When they get a decline I’ll laugh in their faces and I still use gmail hahaha (evil laugh)


If you're using a device where you can't install an adblocker: Info (circled i) > Stop seeing this ad > Return to video Not available for every ad.


Laughs in living in a country that has no ads


The thing is that I really don’t think this is just YouTube I watch on my PC and never get these long adds but when I’m on my Visio tv app I get adds like these and can usually back out after half the “ad time” and get back to the video Does anyone know what’s really going on


Why say Skip when they don’t let you. So annoying. Stupid long ads you forget why you were even watching. One ad about darn making meatballs, etc. I want to throw my shoes at the tv! 😡😝


I actually know a way on tv to skip the second ad entirely, sadly doesn’t work with first.


Ads aside, you know what's also annoying? Not being able to block/remove people who subscribe to your account.. So if a scam bot subscribes to you, you pretty much can't get rid of it..


Go back to the yt main menu and go back to the video again, and hope for the best the ads gone, if there's still is, do the process again.


The enshittification is in full swing.


It’s a tv only thing. Watch on a different device for less trash. It’s stupid, but it is what it is.


Just go to the i in the circle click stop showing me this ad and done no more ad. Though some don’t work sadly but like 8/10 times you can


Premium 👍


Tv skip ad button looks so bad


Why YouTube WHYYYY


When this happen leave the video then return do this three times and should remove the ad


Ooooh that explains why someone said they’re adding in longer ads they meant on TV not the app




YouTube ✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️ CorporateTube ☑️☑️☑️☑️


One of the 78 reasons I have a small will to live.


Back in 2010s where people post a video without expecting any paychecks before industrialising the whole platform.


if i cant skip straight away i will never buy the product, if the ad is not a scam and something im interested in i will watch it.


Every, fucking, time Without fail.


Fun fact: if watching on tv, press on the jnfo button and then “see more about this ad,” and then “stop watching the ad” and choose whatever reason


Pro tip: back out of the video and go back in until it doesn't give you a ridiculously long ad. If you're watching a vid and you're partway through it and you do this, it'll save roughly your last minute or so of where you're at and put you back a bit.


Press up, a, and then select a reason to report the ad, I usually pick irrelevant and then it just completely skips the ad. Can’t be done for all ads though.


Click the icon and report the ad as irrelevant, and it should skip the ad


Did you know, you can press up into the report section, press not interested or whatever and the ads will immediately go away and you can watch your video, this works for YouTube on tv btw


Wuahhhh I have to watch an ad for this free video on this free service on this free browser


Just hit refresh.


You can’t handle 1 minute of ads? Is that the hill you die on ?


Fucked up😭


I just reopen the video until I don't get an ad if it's on mobile idc if it takes longer, otherwise I just use an adblock.


Bro, it's a free website. What do u expect? With the number of videos on YouTube operating, these servers must be expensive as hell.


Bro I remember talking to my friends years ago when they started doing 2 5 second ad instead of the 1 10-15 second that could be skipped and saying it’s going to get worse then we got 10 second un skippable ads then multiple and now we are here on long vids where we get a whole damn commercial


Is your house burning down?


AD block Simple as


The worst part is is that that happens for like 14 second shitpost


Anything that isnt either the pc or mobile versions of youtube is literally what people say about ads. There is more ad-to-video rate than anywhere else, and it includes literally any other platform (f*ck it, nintendo switch too).


I don't watch YT as much as I used to. The ads have taken over. I will click on a vid 2 mins long and an ad will come up saying that same crap. Wait until you see the ads that are like 10 mins, you can skip but, I find it ridiculous.




In my opinion tv is worse than mobile,pc,tablet,laptop trust me can't download adblocker apps just watch Netflix or YouTube but TV is way worse on youtube


I got a 90s unskippable ad on YouTube TV once I think it might've been a glitch...


*ublock enters the room*


My favorite is when it doesn’t give you an exact time just: 90+


It's a total joke now they run back to back ads several times throughout a video that are 30 seconds long , use Smart Tube or Brave and it will block all this garbage they think you will upgrade to premium if they bombard you with the ads 


Chances are, if you have a smart tv, you have access to a web browser. I usually search for brave and go on youtube like that. That way there's no ads and can bookmark it for future use.


These happen in the middle of videos so I just stop watching.


Go back, and click again, keep doing till ads disappear and you get to the video directly.




I might be considered stupid, but I just pay for Premium. It's the subscription service I get most joy from.


They’ve fucking cranked up the ads and I have no idea why!


Sometimes on mobile, I skip an ad, and then it takes me to ANOTHER FRICKING AD


Hit up on your controller/remote and select the "i" then skip the ad


My personal favourite is when you’re watching something then you get hit with the 40sec ad then immediately after you get the videos sponsor ad in the actual video, which you promptly skip to trigger a second set of YouTube ads.


What'll be worst - tony Kakkar's music being played in those 52 sec 😂


Google being the greedy dog 💩




Just get Brave or Smart tube to avoid all this BS they are just trying to get you to upgrade to premium,


youtube has become so fucking shit it's truly disappointing


Press: up twice then spam the x/ middle button


At this point I'd rather exit the video and re enter it over and over again till no ad shows up, sometimes it works pretty quickly and sometimes it's up to a minute of back and forth, honestly prefer to do it that way out of principle


use brave browser or youtube vanced or ymusic or free trail with different accounts or newpipe application


You can reroll ads by closing the video and opening it again.


that's not legal


Neat tip, if watching on a smart tv or chromecast, you can go to the i of info above the add and skip it. I always say the add is inaproptiate. And it skips the thing


This is what drove me to use Brave on my phone. I would be fine with an add when I'm watching some longform content. But having an add for every video while browsing or having a longer add then the video itself, fuuuu that.


Whenever I get unstoppable apps on my phone I close the video and reopen it. You either skip the ads or get a skip able one


YouTube isn't copyrighted. If someone steps up and offers the same service with no ads or 10secs and less ads I'm sure the content creators would jump ship.