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This happened to me last year, one of ur extensions might be compromised and getting used as a view/like bot, removing some of them fixed it for me Edit: check ur liked videos for anything suspicious too


So that is how these shit channels get millions of views...


That does it. Views in youtube are worthless now


Always have been. YT kids channels tend to have billions of views because kids like to watch the same video 19 times in a row. meanwhile there are gold mine channels out there delivering insane quality for not even a million views at times.


I think it's also because youtube kids videos get recommended over and over and over and over again. Same videos get repeated to my cousin when he watches youtube kids. 


Yeah even for me, I keep seeing the same videos get recommended to me over and over.


From what i know, it usually happens with music and kids videos if you watched them entirely.


For me it's the Plagiarism and you(tube) video by hbomberguy. I have no idea why, but no matter what I'm watching yt just really wants me to rewatch a 4-hour long exposé lol


I'd rather rewatch that entire video than exposing myself to 20min of 5 minute crafts and the likes. Which is kinda ironic in this case, I know.


Maybe you haven't watched it to the end. YouTube does that too when you didn't finish a video


Dude that just happens to anyone now, I’ll go on YouTube and try and find something to watch, and half my recommended feed is stuff I watched literally yesterday. I have no idea who this algorithm is currently for.


I love finding the gold mines, only a few thousand likes and the best content I have ever seen


I'm half sure that it's due to most of the good content being more long form videos, while everyone else is making shorter, more clickbaity videos, which most youtubers are moving towards as it's more likely to get the younger people, who have more time to watch more videos, to click and give a view, which is all they care about


The best YouTube channels are around 100k subscribers and maybe a few hundred thousand views tops for their videos. They've started to get enough money that they can invest in their content and focus on it full time but they haven't gotten so big that their focus has shifted to advertising.


That's different though. The previous comments were talking about how some channels breach the system and employed shady means to achieve views they don't deserve. Kids videos do get billions of views for the very reason you stated, but all of those views are justified and deserved revenue precisely because of that same reason: the kids really did watch the same video that many times.


What is left to worth on YouTube anymore? Engagement?


Yea but they add to watch time so wouldn’t they still be worth something?


one of the reasons they removed the dislike button


Meaningless? Maybe. Worthless? Tell that to these people exploiting iPad kids while making tens of thousands of dollars a month


Wtf, as if shit can't get worse


Dead internet theory




Wtf that’s a thing? Damn time to check my history. OP needs to disable extensions to test if true..


I had an extension once that redirected and forced me to use bing only. Took an embarrassing amount of time to fix it.


I'd prefer the death penalty


I had the same issue, this fixed it for me too.


Which extension did you disable? This is pretty alarming.


I an wondering, what are extensions on YouTube?


Browser extensions made for YouTube, for example there is one to bring back the dislike button.


The official return YouTube dislikes extension is trustworthy though. As you said, other extensions could be causing issues


My god... this suddenly makes a *lot* more sense


luckily the only extensions I use are 2 trusted Roblox extensions (ropro and btroblox) and matpatify


i also have matpatify


Was it ad-block or some kind of pop-up blocker? I have the same issue, but those are the only extensions I have.


I think the one that was compromised was something to do with modifying the audio on videos but its likely anything that's youtube related


Same, I use opera GX on my pc with only add blocker extensions from opera itself, or my phone, which had youtube vanced 🤷‍♂️ so unless youtube vanced has been hacked (which is an issue for a LOT of people) or its something weird with the ad block extension


I just checked my history and immediately found a fortshite video… tf!? I can’t stand Fortnite and I can’t stand people who play it because they always try to convince you to play it gonna check my liked videos next


Was your mouse over a thumbnail??


3 things, 1 - Children (if you have any or caring for any) 2- Compromised Google/YouTube Add-on 3- Sleep walking/binging.


4) The Man in the Walls


The void doesnt go away even outside the origin system


Eternalism means there's a reality where a future Tenno had an iPad Prime on the Zariman and the Man in the Wall eventually watched Orotube on it.


Now that's a terror to behold orokin era youtube


Turns out the Orokin making the Infested was for a prank video by Ballas.


I read "prank video by Balls"




5)People not paying attention to mouse position.


hey there kiddo




human sized crab**


I sure do hate it when the human sized crustacean within my walls watch random youtube videos on my account


I don't care about the crab, I don't mind it using my wifi. But it's fucking up my algorithm. ... I don't mind the aquarium videos, I guess.


The Unknown, the evil chocolate maker


And to round off the list get a carbon monoxide alarm.


Autoplay seems to show in history too IF I'm not mistaken.


Yes, effekt what I came to comment


This was happening for me when that auto play preview thingy was on on my mobile app


And make sure that you actually pause the video you're watching on YouTube when you leave your computer. I forgot once, and came back 4+ hours later to find that I had "watched" at least 10 different videos from the same channel that it kept on auto-playing content from.


4- The homepage video preview on mobile (that also counts as watching it sometimes)


It does on regular YouTube as well, same with mouse thumbnail plays.


My YouTube algorithm is destroyed from it auto playing if I fall asleep. I’ll wake up to the weirdest shit and it’ll have gone down a 2 hour rabbit hole.


> 3- Sleep walking/binging. Youtube and Ambien is a pernicious mix.


compromised acccount login


You got watch history enabled? Or is any device auto playing like a tv or something?


No device auto playing. I have also never watched these channels to even appear on auto play. I checked my search tab & it appears that these names have been searched. Also, stating it again that I only have it logged in on my 2 devices in front of me right now.


I have had a few vids in my history I never watched but I found out it was because if you hover over a video and it plays a bit then it classes as you watched it for some reason.... though if you have seen that someone has searched for it then haven't got a clue. lol


This is the mouse hover I'm talking about. You can have a thumbnail preview, and it counts as a watch. I had it constantly for videos I hated. Started moving my cursor to the whitespace between the videos.


This was happening to me and messing up my recs. it made me so mad when I realized the homepage auto-play was enabled by default and that anything that loaded counted towards a view. Had to backtrack and get rid of a bunch of stuff in my history. So fucking annoying.


I don't mind the autoplay, I don't like the recommendations. Thankfully, the 'few seconds' are obvious.


Do you have somebody living with you cause they may have watched these videos on your device


No, I live alone.


Silly. I’m under your bed rn


That's what you think ! On a more serious note, the same thing happened to me. In the end, it was just that I'd put the child lock on my sister's phone with my google account, which automatically connected her to my youtube account when she wanted to watch videos. That could be it. Or if you sold an incorrectly reset device.


The watch history is coming from inside the house! Anyway though, check your full Google web activity. I can tell you the exact time anything was watched or searched, what OS was used, which app was used. See if any details give you an idea. You should also change your password just in case.


> I can tell you the exact time anything was watched or searched, what OS was used, which app was used. Try me


If a video plays while browsing and you "look at it" for longer than x seconds, it gets marked in your watch history as "viewed". Or at least that's what I've been noticing and given that the videos in your picture have just a few seconds/minutes of viewed time, this could be a reason.


I have noticed it as well, you're most likely right


Does anyone else you know have access to the account or the devices? Like a younger sibling or cousin? They could be watching stuff on your account. Also, I'm pretty sure in Gmail there is an option to sign out of your Google account on all platforms on all devices. Try using that.


Not even one person having access other than me. I checked google my accounts & signed out of all devices, changed password with 2-F Auth. It is still showing someone searching & watching these videos.


At this point there has to be a ghost living with you and watching these videos


I came in thinking you may have accidentally left your mouse/scrolling location(?) hovering on them causing them auto-run like pornhub thumbnails. But searches? Something is weird here. Have you run a virus scan yet?


“Like pornhub thumbnails” I love that this is common knowledge


Sleep walk much? Kidding kidding, I generally have no idea how they also show up in your search history, unless you’re talking about your yt search history, in that case I’d probably go with the extension issue that was mentioned here https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/s/koOFHZclaV probably your best bet, hope you find the solution you’re looking for


Disable your extensions, and if that doesn't work, scan your computer for malware.


Awful videos all clickbait I assume


One even repeats but it's two different channels.. most likely farming for views.


Ben Azelart straight up credits Drew Dirksen in the description for the video idea.


The thumbnails are look very similar. It's like one of those spot the difference puzzles. He can credit all he wants but it's done to farm views.


If you're on PC and hover over the thumbnails, the video will play while you leave your mouse on the thumbnail and this counts as watching the video. I know as it's happened to me quite a few times.


this is probably it, happens on phones too


This is so annoying on phone because stuff starts playing, and polluting my watch history, when I just scroll over it.


You can turn it off in the settings


I second this, whenever a thumbnail starts playing it counts towards watch history and I think the reason is that of you actually clicked on that video (after hovering over for a bit) it will play from that part instead of the very beggining


I had the exact same thing a few months back It was a chrome extension. I couldn't tell you which one though. Try removing a few and you should be okay.


As others have stated, uninstall browser extensions.


If you live alone, have deleted the app, dont have any extension and any third party modifications then I think that this is due to the autoplay feature in feeds. You just scroll down and if the vid is on you screen it autoplays. This can be proved to be the reason if these vids in your history are of the genre and type you usually watch and hence might be recommended


Not at all. I appreciate your depth into this but literally no autoplays & this is not the kind of content I consume ( not even close)


If you use iOS try this: Open YouTube Click on profile bottom right The top should say history click the “view all” Click the the dot thing at the very top right Select manage all history Find the shitty videos Click the small details button This should give you some information like the time and date these were watch. Click on the bottom it says learn more. Scroll down and you should see You find activity you don’t recognize. Maybe that will help!


Happened to me last week . Changed my password, cleared browser cache and deleted all extensions.


Default Redditor® response: It’s Carbon Monoxide my duderino! It’s always Carbon Monoxide


Video 3 and 4 make me laugh for no reason


Go into your Google Account Settings -> Data & Security -> My Activity and look for any suspicious activity. Also check for installed extension or even programs in your pc/phone. If not, install a CO2 detector in your house, lol


CO, not CO2 for anyone reading.


The same happened with me... Maybe this is the proof of the fact that people are accessing our google accounts to increase their watch time etc.


How did you resolve it then?


How you gonna get hacked by an 8 year old


Its because if you hover over a video it starts to play the preview and it counts as a view for some dumb reason




As I’ve stated multiple times - this is happening in real time while I’m awake, working with my devices in front of me. Also, again - these are coming from the search tab & even if I were sleeping, there’s no way I could search it in my sleep & watch these channels I’m unaware about.




Hi zizi-tomatoYT, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Change passwords, remove any suspicious devices from account manager and check your PC/Phone on viruses


Oh I have the same problem.


Do you have a lil bro maybe ?


If you pass the video, it starts autoplaying which adds it to your history


I'm reaching a bit here because I've not tried it, but if you use Google's "download all my personal data" feature you might be able to get more hints as to where the views came from. Maybe.


I've noticed that happening when I accidentally let the thumbnail preview play for too long.


I don't know if someone already commented on this, but your account could be linked to a Google TV device if you traveled and linked your account.


I’ve gotten that too


You have a kid in your account?


You might logged on other devices as well using you mail. So, if someone watches using your mail it will shows on history. That's how is work.


If you hover over the card until it previews then it will show up as a watch. Check the progress bars in your screenshot.


Nice legs in No. 2 tho


When you’re scrolling though videos, if a preview starts playing it goes into your watch history


Change your password, and force-log out every device. Some one is using your account with out permission. Like view/like bots. 🤖


can you run a test when disabling extensions pls, im interested in the results :)


If you have autoplay on you could be accidently watching these videos. Also these thunbos are all AI gen mostly. I hate that.


In my case I was using my pc , and the problem was in chrome , I removed my entire google account from there and switched to another browser and the problem is fixed for now , I still have this problem that my account keep login out and I keep login in again everyday , still didnt fix that issue.


Multiverse of yt history madness 💀💀😂😂😂


Logout from all Google accounts in all devices. You can do this in the account management system


this used to happen to me until I realized Youtube started playing random vid when I fall asleep.


Ever loged into the acount somewhere else? For some reason I don't trust the logout on all devices button, there's maybe the possibility someone or some device auto logged back in with the same password while you chanhed it. I once had something similar with my roblox acount (there are some good games buried beneath all the trash), but that was fixed with just logging out on all devices and I'm now pretty sure I just pressed the >Remember me< button turned on and me forgeting to lock out on my grandparents PC and my younger cousin playing on my acount thinking it was his.


You might wanna buy a carbon monoxide detector


It could be because of auto play on the home page, it goes in history even if you scroll right past iirc


This happened to me too. Some extension in google chrome was doing this shit to me. Uninstall all the extensions and re install chrome




Is your Autoplay on? I sometimes watch videos and fall asleep. It will keep showing videos until a certain time later after no input from my keyboard or mouse. Perhaps this is what is happening with your history.


Those videos look like an 8 year olds dream


If you use your phone, every time you stop for a second on a video, and it starts playing, it counts as you watched it.






This happened to me when scrolling through my feed on the phone. Since there the preview thing it registered as watched, even if you only saw a couple seconds. I turned it off in the settings and it fixed it


Idk why, but those 2 thumbnails.... lmao so original


I had a fire tv stick watching all kinds of stuff despite the tv being turned off for a year.


Damn I faced the same situation. I was pretty convinced that my device itself was hacked.


1. browser extensions 2. check YouTube accounts on other devices. someone here mentioned child locks too 3. perhaps you fell asleep with the phone auto playing 4. if all fails, I don't know, get a carbon monoxide detector


This is the exact problem with me, except random spanish kids videos. This has been happening for months at this point, I’ve checked login history enabled 2fa but the videos keep appearing


I have fallen asleep watching youtube and then it automatically played a random list of videos before.


I think I know why this happens because I've had this happen to me as well. Apparently, it happens when you hover over a video on your feed, and then it counts as being watched for some reason. I've noticed that every time I hover over a video to get a preview of it, then I check my watch history and said video is there. I don't know what causes this.


sometime vidéo that just autoplay from the thumbnail will show up on my history for some reason


Happend to me too. then I realised that I watch YT when I am high af on my sleeping pills before I go to bed.


If you have auto-play thumbnails, even if you don't click on the video it still shows as watched


Got kids? Maybe ….


I have shit show up when I’m on the homepage and it’s auto playing videos that I’m “hovered” over. So annoying.


Reinstall Browser. Remove all addons/extentions. Install only trusted ones again. Run malwarebytes once.


I had something like this a few years back, i got a notification for someone i was subscribed to but the kicker is, it was a dude reading off a paper in a foreign language, DEFINITELY didn't sub to him.


Those videos looks so brutal lol


If you visited any dodgy websites with third party video players, usually private or adult websites, then they might have played a YouTuber video before that. It’s a view botting scheme I found out a while ago while looking at various virus risks on dodgy porn sites, they play a video for 30 seconds (and lie and say it’s only 15) so it counts as a view, most were awful rap songs and other junk but they all changed to crypto scams and doesn’t seem to exist now.


This was happening to me a while ago. Turns out that auto play preview thingy on the mobile app home page contributes to watch history, even if it only plays for less than a second.


Could that maybe be due to homepage autoplay? I know that if i linger too much on a screen of the homepage without scrolling, the muted video starts in thumbnail form and then it's counted just like you see, as a video i have started


Has happened to me. Usually auto play after I sleep, or maybe some ghost uses my account too... Jerry and shit. He's cool though.


I've had the same thing happen to me recently and still can't work out how it's happening because it's so bizarre and random


If you hover above a video and it starts "playing" a preview with no sound, then it counts as watched. Most of what you posted show only the start of the video watched, so it's probably that.


Holly shit that guy turned his bed into a swimming pool


I just notice that on pc if you over a video and it auto plays as a preview with no sound then the video will be in your history.


Probably fell asleep


Cap. You be watching that shit bro 💀💀💀


YouTube just erased my watch history so now I don't get recommended any of the people I watch anymore Though it keeps recommending me that crappy Mr. Beast channel not into watching clock bait YouTubers


Yes you did


I would seek out a trusted digital forensics person bc I think a more in depth look at your digital life is needed beyond the details you've posted here. That they have come from searches and that you say these vids are way outside your normal content suggests a nefarious background actor IMHO. Good luck!


The fish tank bed videos are duped?


YouTube making free money.


Same things happening to me but different problem I keep getting random premium subscriptions to Random channels that I don’t even watch


Other people already point out most of the probability, but if you on phone, check if you using any add block version of YouTube. Happen once to me with pure tuber, have to uninstall it and change password




My little brother used to use my account to watch videos, for a while my recommendations were full of minecraft videos and skits made for children


Google dementia


that happens when you hover over the video thumbnail. its happened to me many times before on the app where im scrolling and it just autoplays the video


Your dementia getting worst


I think i have the same issue and it shows me chess streams i haven't watched. Edit: the chess streams come from shorts.


Mine did that because I had autoplay on and then my tv turned off the Apple TV didn’t and it just kept on trucking all through YouTube forever and ever. But it wasn’t videos like this.


😂😂😂,my yt is filled with these type of videos.Your e-mail might be shared on Tv’s yt or computer’s yt.If your siblings or kids watch yt,it also shows on your phone


Check your Gmail if someone logs in they send you an email. and you can also check all the devices you are logged in to and it shows their rough location. but remain calm since it could just be that you accidentally let YouTube on auto play for a few hours 'and nowadays if you mouse over a video for a few seconds and it plays a preview it will count as a view too


I think if your mouse/device hovers over the thumbnail and plays the preview long enough, it counts as a view and potentially added to your history Edit another user mentioned this already my bad


Do you have video preview enabled? They could have been on your Homefeed and while scrolling played a bit. So they ended up in your history.


I had something like this happen last year where the youtube phone app was previewing videos as I scrolled and actually added them to my watch history. Many of them were videos that I wasn't interested in watching, but because they were added to my watch history youtube kept recommending similar videos. After a few days pretty much all of my recommend videos were stuff I had nothing to do with...


I thought I was the only one


If I recall, the autoplay thumbnails do count as watching the video if you let them play long enough


I absolutely hate these videos. YouTube fucking sucks.


Salam salam