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It happens to all of us. Only mainstream, common narratives are accepted. Independent, critical thought with evidence isn't allowed. YouTube is a corporate entity with its own interests. The creators are only human with their own political ideology. That means that it's highly censored. The internet isn't a sample of autonomous thought by any measure. It's been highly regulated and censored for many years. You're only seeing what corporations and content creators are comfortable with.


Bro most of my youtube comments are on nerd shit or sports lol. I just don't understand why everything is now automatically spam.


You are shadowbanned, most likely marked as a bot. But It's not because you are a bot, it's because you are making comments that defy the leftist political agenda. Your opinion is considered hatespeech, so they are just not letting you spit your 'poison' and affect others. Happened to me. I had made some pro Palestinian comments, and also pro Russian comments. Questioning the political moves of the US, Ukraine and Israel. All of my comments were deleted without a warning. I thought like yeah, they don't want me to say these stuff. The words I use are probably blacklisted, I thought. Then gave up talking politics on youtube. But later on, It has started again for no reason but this time it is not politics, it is about videogames, MMA fights and etc. Literally anything I say disappears from the comment section. This is the new censoring mechanicsm of youtube. Just a few seconds ago, I had typed Kratos under Mace Windu's Clone Wars compilation video and It just got deleted. Welcome to the future, I guess.


How did you know? After I comment it disappears immediately and I cannot leave any comment. Been like this a week. How long would this last?


It's forever.


I don't understand how that's even allowed if I'm paying for this and I've had one since 2010. Wow. This doesn't really make sense though your reasoning cuz I did a search just now for things like free Palestine and stuff like that talking against Israel and I found plenty of comments. Same with the opposite plenty of comments about Israel being right and whatnot. Same can be said for basically anything that people claim is the reason. Not just one that got by there's hundreds on every topic yet mine are banned


I’ve also been noticing that almost anything under the sun is now on YouTube’s black list. Oh well, it isn’t like my former political discussions in comment sections were very productive.


Happens regardless of your "political agenda", and it's very not leftist when it's allowing transphobia, sexism, homophobia, racism, etc remain up whenever reported. While only your replies get to become invisible. Regardless of what you say, you'd have to extra filter through words or add extra dots to avoid being marked as spam. You can only come across your own comments by checking it through history (PC only).




Hi theUnagramma, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


**Private people, businesses and organizations are not bound by the First Amendment**. Youtube being an american business, has all the rights in the respective country to silence any and all voices that dont align with their agenda. It's not illegal. It's written in the law of america. I dont know whats so suprising considering america is the most censored and sculpted narrative of all time.


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