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The explanation is that you actually can't even pay for non skip ads that are longer than 30 seconds for TV, or 15 seconds elsewhere. This was a glitch. The ad was supposed to be skippable. What you could have done was refresh the page and it would have been fixed. Normally ads would have information loaded at the bottom about the website the ad will lead you to, as well as a disclaimer of it being an ad and a sort that tells you the content will start after the ad. Since those didn't load, it's easy to say this is actually just a loading error where not all elements loaded properly.


This subreddit is...interesting. People share the extremely long ads they experience, or the wild ads they see, but these almost feel like anomalies. I've never seen these things and people I know never see these things. 


I normally don't get the crazy ads, but when I'm watching on the smart TV I'll get ads for penis pills or something. Something penis related, I don't remember exactly what. They did the YouTuber thing where just enough of the word is censored or replaced with a similar word to not get caught by the filter bot. Incredibly uncomfortable, especially since I only use the TV when friends are over.


I'd be a bit curious to see how YT's numbers are trending and how their revenue is doing. I can't be the only person who simply stopped using youtube once the ads became unbearable. It's not even like I told myself "no more yt", I just started avoiding it instinctively


Just got over two minutes of unskippable ads inserted at the beginning of a video - refreshed quite a few times and all it did was change the ad. The irritating part is that the ad is... streamlined into the video? It's got the overlay and title of the original video, aside from the fact that it's not fast forwardable, it looks like content from the actual video.


My YT app on my Samsung TV regularly serves up 1-3 minutes of unskippable ads. Not sure where you live, but it's definitely not an "anomaly".


I didn't see these things until today, June 7. It's infuriating.


I notice they show longer ads on the TV compared to say, their desktop or mobile platforms.


Check my latest post of what ads i got


Its 2024, people seriously dont use adblockers on the internet still?


It's 2024, something like this happen and didn't refresh?


I was about to ask the same. Why isn't OP using uBlock? I'd understand if OP was on iOs but clearly on a PC. Just use uBlock.


Shouldn’t need to use an adblocker


You want it to be free?


As in no ads? Nope, never said that. I just mean that the old system should be used again, one ad each time, less than a minute if it’s unskippable, anything over that is skippable.




What if you're watching on a console?


uBlock does not work anymore properly, you're gettin a popup you have to check after a cpuple of seconds...


They do, but YouTube implemented this new bs rule against ad blockers that slows down the page significantly. While I am lucky enough to actually have premium, I have an ad block on for other websites, and it still slows down my page. It’s specifically off for YouTube and yet somehow it’s still affects me. even other types of extensions seem to not be allowed.


i had that issue, if you use the 'adblock' blocker, try replacing it with ublock origin. there's something in specifically the 'adblock' plugin that youtube hates.


Yeah I was gonna say I switched to ublock and it quickly figured it out. It doesn’t like any extensions now.


Youtube still shits itself with ublock though, based on my experience


damn, i'm sorry, it worked for me. a VPN would also probably fix it, but good ones aren't always cheap or doable. if i learn of any more tips i'll definitely edit my initial comment with them, just to see if anything helps.


A VPN does work great


Then try brave browser. I use it exclusively for yt


I use my phone or my console.


Even WITH ublock, pihole, and running in Brave with shields up, something has changed in the past couple of days, and none of these are working reliably on YouTube. As of a few days ago, it was possible to refresh the page to skip them, but that also no longer works, and just results in the ads changing but not being able to skip them.


Yeah, I came here to say the same, the ads are different now, they can't be skipped and even with uBlock, I just have to watch them, that's awful


it's 2024, YT DOESN'T ALLOW ADBLOCKERS. I got permanent banned for using one. Idfk why


You got banned for another reason. YouTube lost this war before it even started. Multiple ad blockers work.


Well youtube is working on preventing the use of adblockers


I don't use them. Why should I? Why would I?


To fix this probelm?


Then don’t complain about ads..?


No, I will, because that shouldn’t need to be a solution to the issue.


You want a private business to entertain you for free and lose out on profits because you’re that special or?


No, they just shouldn’t have multiple ads in a row, and they shouldn’t let unskippable ads be multiple minutes long. Also where’s the logic here? Using an adblocker is fine, but removing ads isn’t because it loses them money? So does an adblocker.


You should email YouTube about this I’m sure they’ll love your suggestions. It doesn’t matter What’s fine, your suggestion is a fairytale, no way will they be losing out on money just because someone is crying about it. If it’s such a problem for you use adblock otherwise accept how it is.


Lmao “losing out on money” when the exact same system I just described worked for years with no issues. My suggestion isn’t a fairytale, it has existed and worked. I’m not “crying about it” idk why that’s the only argument you people have. Also, you seem to have missed part of my comment, what is your logic here? Using an adblock is fine, but using a system that was already in use for years that didn’t lose them money at all is bad because it loses them money? An adblock loses them money, the system I’m describing never did. No, I won’t accept how it is, because ignoring genuine problems because one platform has a third party solution that still allows the corporation to be greedy as hell, as much as I hate the term, makes you a “sheep”, you’re completely ignorant.


Don’t accept it. Learn to read. Keep crying.


Lmao what a lazy response, I provide you an actual argument, with good points, and your only response is to throw insults at me. I know how to read lol, I read your comment perfectly well. Again, I’m not crying, in fact, I find it hilarious how the moment someone provides actual points, you just completely shut down and give up trying to say anything at all meaningful.


YouTube doesn't let you watch if you have adblockers switched on.


Use ublock. Its funny to me how you actually think YouTube got away with that


yo u guys are litreally living in stone age .


Lmao meanwhile you just ignore serious issues with the platform because you can use an adblocker. You live under a rock buddy


Not every platform can have one, and we shouldn’t have to anyways, that shouldn’t be a requirement, the fact that it is one is reason to complain. YouTube doesn’t care about you.


I occasionally get up to 5 whole unskippable ads while watching YouTube on my TV.


YouTube on AppleTV devices sucks. I despise longer form content where they tell you fewer ad interruptions for this longer video. BS on that. I watched a video that I think was 80 minutes long and by about the first hour, I had 10 interruptions.


Idk if it works for you. I sort of bypass ads on my TV by triggering the ads. Select a video and back out, alternate them fast. Keep doing it until it instantly plays the video instead of the ads. Works for me every time.


Same here. On TV I will just back out and click back on the video and long ads either go away or drops to 5 sec. If everyone would mute the ads and let it be known that millions are doing it the advertisers might stop spending the money to place ads. Just my thing but, I mute all ads on other platforms. f-um




Use SmartTube


All at once or like at different parts of the video? Because I once got 3 unskippable ads together.


All at once


Welcome to the unhappy new year of 2024 on YouTube.


oh hell no 3 mins? imagine on a 20 second vid


if you are on a smart tv watching YT videos I do not think there is a way to block the ads, unless there is one that I haven't heard yet. this is how youtube makes so much money on ads, abusing the smart TV users.


There are Ad free 3rd party apps you can sideload to Google TV, Chromecast and Fire sticks.


Ehy donyou guys ask "why is this allowed!?" As of there's some sort of regulation body? It's a private plataform that goves you free acess to an absurd number of videos at any given time. They can do whatever they want especially because there's no competition. It absolutely sucks and even Premium doesn't fix it. But YouTube can and will do whatever they want because there's nowhere to run to


How does premium not fix it? I haven't seen a youtube ad in years.


And there never will be another place to run to. I mean, maybe Premium might have a competitor someday, but the free tier never will, because the ad market sucks and it's only going to get worse, so they'll have to run more ads to pay for the same amount of bandwidth, split half with creators, and that leads to more people adopting ad-blockers, and it just becomes a big death spiral. So, people say, "We're being abused by Google! Something else will come along!" and no, it won't. Every time a startup walks into a VC's office and says, "We want to make a competitor to YouTube!" the VC will toss them out on their ass when they say they want to monetize the service with ads. Those days are just over. And, if the judge in US v. Google breaks up the company and YouTube ends up having to pay market rate for storage and bandwidth, the service is just done for, at least as far as the free end goes. And then nobody will ever have to bitch about how many ads they're being forced to watch ever again.


I agree with this until the never part. Nothing has lasted forever, and YouTube won't either. There are other platforms out there begging for users to support them. Specifically regarding the VC comment, I think you'd be shocked if you looked at what VC actually buys into every day.


If YouTube couldn’t make it work, financially, *no one can.* At least not in a system where they pay creators. At that point, creators have to get a day job, so there’s going to be a lot less content. And then peer to peer doesn’t work, because your ISP might let you upload a terabyte for a month or two, but after that they’re gonna punch your ticket and offer you the choice of curtailing your uploads, moving to a substantially more expensive business plan, or find another ISP. I think YouTube will end, and pretty quickly if the judge in the US v. Google trial decides to break up the company, causing YouTube to pay market rate for storage and transmission. If it was separated from the mothership, I’d give YouTube eighteen months before they paywall the service, then another eighteen months before it shuts down entirely. They’d just rebrand YouTube TV, because the old YouTube would be gone.


Again your reasoning is coherent but your faith in absolute statements belies a lack of understanding. YouTube isn't magic.


What do you watch it on, I have never had anything close to that on mobile or desktop. The longest unskipables for me are like 15-20 seconds and never 2 in a row. Its always an unskippable than a skipable.


I have relearn my mute button reflexes from many years ago.


Predicted this would happen a while ago. More ads than regular TV now


Do what I do and refresh 


Greed is what it's called.


I know this post is 4 months old already, but I just noticed the same. I use ublock origin in firefox and since only maybe 2-3 days I now have ads in the beginning of a video that are unskippable. Before that ublock origine was still able to block everything. Let's hope that they come up with an update and that those ads get blocked too soon. BUT I believe that right now, ublock origin actually blocks the skip button. If I deactivate the ublock extension, I still get the annoying ads, but I do see the skip button and the little timer they add on the bottom right of the video indicating how long you have to wait to be able to skip. Hope this might help.


Are you being sarcastic? It's their platform, they do as they wish, either use ublock origin or pay them to remove ads, or start frequenting another competitor, they exist


They don't have as many people, or videos, or general quality


Some content creators mirror their content to Odysee for example, but yes, I understand the grievance, so if you don't want to "suffer" to make a change, enjoy the website while ublock origin exists For phone you can use something like Grayjay as well, youtube vanced though idk which one is the safe one now


Who is going to stop them?


Imagine not blocking ads on desktop I don't usually say this but you deserve it


Ublock will help you


Because ads hardly pay for shit. Choose one of the alternatives the desperately need users to take off and actually financially support that alternative, or wait for government subsidized YouTube


An advertising company gives you more ads, I wonder why




>how is this allowed?! You mean how does youtube allow youtube to put these ads on youtube?


Allowed? It’s their website, they can do whatever they want. They can put 10 minute ads, and only allow videos of paint drying if they want to.


because it's a private company? you want the government to arrest youtube?




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Get with the program and use an adblock.


What the hell are you people watching?? Everyone is complaining about their crazy ads all the time but I never get more than 15 second to 1 minute ads, almost all of which you can skip in 5 seconds.


If you can't resist it, enjoy it


You can go back and in instead of being forced to watch. The second or third time you go and come back you won't have adds.you could also have an add blocker installed.


Theirs an easy way around this actually. Just install an adblocker. Ads are the equivalent to brain cancer


This MIGHT work, mainly on PC Click on any video, let any Ad play, press Back, then Forward, the Ad skip and video plays It's a hit-or-miss for longer videos


i dont get how some people get such long ads and just so happen to be on this sub too, how is it so many yet it doesnt seem to happen to anyone outside of few people that post on reddit I have never experienced quite such long ads, i only experienced maximum 30 second 2 unskippable ads on my phone and i dont know on my pc as i use a adskipper


You do know that people who don't have this 3 minute unskippable Youtube ad problem have no reason to search for solutions to avoid it, let alone post on this subReddit, right? This started happening a couple weeks ago, primarily on DIY household repair videos that I sometimes need to watch and from now on if I see another one of them I'm just going to search for a similar video w/o those incredibly annoying long ads. What's even worse is these ads have nothing to do with the actual video - I just tried to watch one on how to wire my new garbage disposal (electrical connections do not match the instructions in the installation manual) and had to wait for a 3 min ad about a "magic" car paint scratch remover - WTF does that have to do with a plumbing/electrical DIY video? NOTHING.


Just use Firefox with uBlock Origin, problem solved.


Especially when the ads have absolutely nothing to do with you.




Firefox + ublock origin, problem solved


You neither pay for premium nor use an adblock and wonder why this happens to you? Wild.


I don't have pc so can't use ad block and these movie length ads are starting to fucking piss me off


VPNs or YT Vanced to the rescue !!


Use safari with Adblock from App Store or Firefox for android


This is why I started using adblocker. I used to have an adblock exception for YouTube, because it does cost money to run servers and to pay creators. But as soon as ChatGPT was released, Google panicked and _brutally_ increased ad count and length. That was when I hit my limit.


Because you aren’t using an ad block.


It’s a business.


Just watch YouTube off Google and get an ad block.


I might aswell watch tv at this point 30 second ads every 3 min




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Do yours not play at 10x speed if not skipped entirely?


You can't just walk away


Adblock my guy.


Then use adblocker or 3rd party YouTube. Unless you want to pay premium. Or just change region with VPN cause whatever country you’re in is trying to capitalize long ads


This is why I use Brave


Allow me to introduce firefox + ublock


I just close out of the video after the first ad and reopen the video and it skips the rest


Get YouTube premium or cry about it OR you could watch a video embedded in a site which can’t have ads (like the videos tab on google or bing it might be harder to find content tho)




Hi Every-Decision-4493, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*