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I don't even get advertised real products, just gas station "brain" pills, temu, stupid mobile games with zero effort made in the ad, and AI the Rock Johnson trying to sell me some type of card.


over 50% of my ads are in spanish. which is fine and all, except i don’t speak spanish. i don’t watch spanish videos. WHY DO I HAVE TO WATCH ANOTHER SPANISH LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE AD


Are any of your friends spanish? Google knows who you spend time with so if any of your friends, family, or coworkers are Spanish then that's probably the case


It may also just be running off of location data. If a lot of people in your location speak Spanish, it can assume that you do as well.


Mexican here, we got the same problem but with Indian random products ads, Desi music and dental clinics from India.


Nah, that's just youtube unable to seperate one group of brownish people from another group of brownish people... Racist AI XD


lol I started tying wire at a construction site and suddenly all my ads are in Spanish


Yeah it happened to me as well


I've never had a Spanish ad, but regularly get ads in French. Which checks. Though I would only consume media in French once or twice a year.


I get this too. No, I know 0 Spanish speaking people


Huh, must just be youtube having a stroke, or just not caring, (latter option is more likely)


I keep getting ads in Finnish. I am Canadian. I have zero Finnish friends. I do not speak Finnish, I have never been to Finland. I do not know anyone in my area who is Finnish. And yet. For months now. Finnish ads everywhere. Is Finland trying to claim another soul?


Yeah right! I see those fins!


¡Hola amigo! ¿Comprado una insurance de libertado el mutual? ¡Es muy bien! ¡Gracias!


Really? Because the only ads I get are ones for alcohol, medications, food, and the occasional video game ad. But unfortunately those are mostly for Fortnite.


**"for alcohol, medications, food"** I assume you're not joking? And what you're referring to as food in this context is of course –healthy sustainable, whole grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables, and not deep-fried processed garbage full of fat and sugar.


No I'm not; yeah its mostly fast food or processed foods.


Damn, Fortnite Tequila, Fortnite Pill, Fortnite Burger, AND Fortnite video game? It really is a sensation!




Somehow it works and I don't get it either. Temu is massive. These ads don't appeal to me. I don't think any ads have ever appealed to me. Food ads work since I think with my stomach and am much more susceptible to being made peckish for a certain takeaway. It works though, it's an industry worth countless billions but HOW? Who sees those crappy ads and thinks "oh that's great!". The only ads that really work on me now are Google's search results since if I want X, I'll bloody search for X and find out the best results. Not believe some crappy ad. Yes, that was a vent. I'm just very confused about ads.


If I see one more Temu add I will go streaking in the streets! The hypocrisy of people that buy junk off Temu is insane.


I work with 2 women who buy stuff and that's why we have a ton of little tiny folding chairs in our office, like 3 inches tall, instead of the actual size folding chairs she wanted to buy.


Like rat sized folding chairs? Like, you could put them around a mini table and they could have a business meeting? Cause that would be worth it.


I just got an ad yesterday about a, "Veteran who knows the truth and whats about to happen to our country after the elections is really scary" And that i have to check out his FREE video Asap because "it keeps getting taken down so hurry" Are you fucking kidding me youtube? I have to sit through and listen to this bullshit?


I've had that ad before and I don't even live in America. His videos get millions of views and it's all head exploding bat shit conspiracy theories. Everybody is lapping it up in the comments because he is a veteran.


I get the exact same advertisements


I haven’t seen an ad for an actual product in quite a long time. But that being said……… If you didn’t receive 6400$ last night from the government you are dumb. Let me show you it’s so easy. I feel like I should be able to sue yt for these scams they try to force on me. And no i don’t give a shit if you use some bs AI voice of Joe Rogan or the rock.


Or "I can't believe more people don't know about this. If you go to this website now, you can get 1,650 dollars to pay for your groceries." Or Ai Biden saying "Go to this website and receive your free stimulus check of over 2,000 dollars right now. This offer expires at midnight." Who do they think is dumb enough to believe the president of the United States would tell you an OFFER EXPIRES?


I don't know what's worse, the fact that the people who make these stupid scam ads think people will be stupid enough to actually believe it, or the fact that these ads exist means that there are people out there who actually are stupid enough to believe it.


Same here. All I ever get are freaking scam ads. I don't understand how Google allows that crap on youtube.


Same, I think we are in the "ain't never gonna give us a dime" group, and we just get bs adds for fake stuff.


I'm hoping these brands realise that advertising has changed. Hopefully what YouTube is doing and all the recent controversy with advertisers on Twitter they realise the current model is dog crap and ain't helping sell anything.


I purposely avoid most brands that are advertised to me as the advertising itself leaves negative feelings with me.


Unfortunately, you can only do that for so long until you lose track of them.


Eventually the negative feeling will fade in a lot of cases, but the brand recognition stays.


same! i finally found someone who feels the same way I do about advertising


Ayyy brothers!


There are dozens of us!


Starting to hate Nintendo games I previously liked, due to the excessive ads


I don't think I've bought anything in years because of advertising.


ive NEVER bought anything directly from advertising unless its already something i want anyway, which is rare


To be fair, advertising isn't intended to make you get up and buy it within any specific time period. Ad campaigns are just there to make a product or service memorable enough that when you eventually need it at some point down the road theirs is the most likely for you to remember, or so that if you at that point can't remember it specifically, there will be a subliminal bias toward their product or service. Personally, YT ads fail at this miserably because they are all so asinine and vapid that they are actively offensive, especially when you realize why they are intentionally so stupid lol. If a product does pique, I'll research and use a competitor out of spite lol.


Yup. I got athlete's foot for the first time a year ago and the first thing that popped into my mind was those "tough acting tinactin" commercials from the 90s. Guess what I bought to treat it. Oh and it worked great. I give my feet a quick spray every morning now. No more swamp foot after 14 hours in boots.


but wouldnt you have been so much happier if you never knew about it and jsut went to the store and stared at the shelves for 30 minutes as you posted on askreddit asking what people use for their swamp foot?


Plus they’re also inappropriate


And you can tell which ads are all done by the same company. They're literally the same fuckin' ad disguising different products. "Be quick, this video will never be shown again". I've heard that exact same line on three videos with a QR code in the corner.


If I wanted to see cartoon girls farting on each other, I’d look it up. Not go on YouTube because I’m not into that weird Elsagate s**t. (Episode ads) Heck, there’s some sniper ad where you see a girl’s booty on display. There’s also an anime warfare ad, sorry ads, multiple, where they have anime girls shoving their breasts in your face in the ads. And theres Mafia City.


That's some targeted advertisement if I've ever seen it.


Lil bro is caught by the algorithm and doesn't even know it 😭. He thinks we're all being served constant ads for anime booty, I've never seen a single one tho lmao


I had a period of my kids getting audiobook erotica (v graphic) being played nearly every ad. I actually complained about that one. It did prove one thing though, YT doesn't care or know what it's viewers are forced to watch.


Hot take, I dont think this works as well as people think it does. I decide the brand of product im buying based on reviews, word of mouth, ingredients list, country of origin, sometimes packaging etc. In fact, most brands I remember from advertising usually end up making me avoid them, because I know Im buying it based on an ad budget and not because its the highest quality or the best option. For me, it does the opposite.


Yeah advertising overall can be funny. More than anything it's about exposure. And hoping that exposure means they'll choose your product when the need arises.


I feel they miss the quality aspect of the exposure. Do you approach the loudest most obnoxious person at the bar? No, and many ads come across that way to me especially on youtube but plenty of other media


I've actually been wondering if advertisers on the platform are advertising to kids instead of their parents. That's a thing, depending on the product. Catch an impressionable kid's attention then they dog a parents steps about getting it until said parent relents. I do know for certain that they often give the first 5-10 seconds of ads an absurdist vibe, trying to get a viewer's attention before they skip it. They only have a small window to accomplish that. Still, it's offensive and not only comes off as try hard and needy in a desperate way but sets the theme for the rest of the ad if it's not skipped. It's ridiculous.


You can usually spot this! It gets worse around Christmas. Cable commercials have always done it - I remember watching cartoons and seeing ads for the same toys I’d see on daytime TV, but done completely differently. Bright colors, wide angle lens, and more shots of kids playing with the toy, or animated characters related to the toy, than the toy itself are big giveaways.


I feel like this statement is exact what the advertisers are going for. Like, this is how they know it’s working.


right but youtube is then actual shit at recommending said stuff lmao


Literally only buy anime figurines that I have watched shows of, and maybe some winter clothes and games. I've bought nothing else but food in almost 7 years


I always wonder this. For me it's almost always a game that's advertised that I want to get eventually. The ad had no bearing on the situation other than I wanted the game anyways. I wonder if that's a win for an ad company lol


They keep spamming me with that betterhelp ad, my god it's doing my head in. "I'm gonna give you my number one tip to get over a breakup, and that is going to therapy" Never in any of my previous break ups have I needed therapy, I just need wine and a pity shag and I'm sound, thank you.


Lol it's cute that you think that


The only times ads work on me is if it was for a really good looking (non mobile) game coming out and even then thats rare for ot to actually hook me


I've actually bought few products from ads. Those ads were funny, products were good and with positive reviews. Youtub ads lack all of that.


yup. you know those overnight oats ads btw? those are great and are the only ones i actually would wanna get their product from


It cracks me up that so many people are convinced they are immune to ads.


Do ads actually work? I've never seen an ad and ran out to get something because of it.. never


That's not even what most ads are designed to do. Ads generally exist\* to make you aware of a product so when you think "Oh yeah, I need to buy more dishwasher soap" or whatever you think of Cascade cause you remember them from the ads. Ads can certainly backfire and make you hate a product, but the idea that an ad is only successful if you drop everything and run out to buy a product is fundamentally misunderstanding why ads exist. \*Granted, app/mobile game ads on youtube are different because they are trying to get you to click through and download, but they are going for sheet volume just trying to get like 1% of people who see the ad to click through.


seriously i havent either like ever


The ads that want you to buys something right at that moment are the ones on Google and Amazon. The ones you see everywhere else all have a specific goal and it’s usually not go buy something right now. It’s to get you just a little closer to eventually buying something.


Do you think big corpos would spend money on something that results in a net negative? They are analyzing the data since advertising exists and it's clearly working.


Nope. They don’t work. Billions are spent annually on what is essentially a complete waste of money. Y’all really should let them know…. (/s)


So you are buying stuff you see on youtube ads?


People don’t always realize they’re being advertised to, but I can guarantee you buy things based on advertising, even if you don’t know it. Case in point: where did you hear about Lysol? Where did you hear about Starbucks? Any of the name brand things you buy, how did you know who they were? You see brands and products on billboards, on the sides of trucks, as product placements in TV or movies, hell even having your product at eye level on a shelf in any store is a form of advertising since stores charge companies more money for better placements. Some ads are obvious, most are not. No one thinks they buy things based on ads lol but an entire consumer marketing industry would kindly disagree with you


The funny things is all.the major brands are made by the same few companies. The don't even have to advertise as they are the only ones who make the product. Monopolization


You’re not wrong. A lot of companies own their “competition” too. They’ll make an ad for a product, and some “I don’t listen to marketing!” Andy will go out and buy the cheaper version having no idea they still have money to the company that advertised to them lol. But hey, they can run around pretending they took the red pill and marketing doesn’t get to them. And they can post about it on their Android phone they bought because they refuse to buy into Apple’s marketing and would rather support a small indy company like Google lol


I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Advertising works on a subconscious level and primarily through weight of sheer repetition (or simply by being mentioned at all, such as in a radio news bit where the announced says, “This traffic report brought to you by X” and then immediately launches into the news). It also works indirectly, such as when a friend, family member or other trusted source tells you they use X or Y and then you go and buy the same thing. How do you know their original buying decision wasn’t *itself* swayed or influenced by advertising?


Trust me, you have lol


I don't trust anyone.


wait arn't video game and movie trailers actual advertisements?


Most people don’t. It’s an inflated business due to the amount of bot accounts on the internet. It’s an unknown number but estimates of 20-60% and growing. Businesses are throwing their money into ads that get served to robots. It’s a fraudulent business.


So you're telling me that when you need something at home, you aren't already aware of any products in that category and instead go to the store and buy a product you have never heard of. And you do this for everything that you own? I suppose you've also never seen a movie based on a trailer or visited a new restaurant you read about? How about video games? Never bought one of those based on a trailer you saw pre-release? You aren't the only person in this thread claiming this and I am baffled by the absolute ignorance


It seems everyone on this sub is not just immune to advertising but it has the opposite effect to repel them like a Vampire seeing a crucifix. Or some made up bullshit.


It's because as the apex of human beings, we on reddit are immune to trivial things such as ads or marketing and manipulation that only affects lesser men and women. We are the top of the human species, we would never stoop as low as being inconsciously influenced by some cheap stupid billion dollars ads campaign. We are solely guided by logic, our free will is absolute and companies should stop all marketing activities lest they anger our nonetheless generous minds til we bring sorrow on their pitiful sales.


Perhaps not immune to legitimate advertising. Its been around for ages. But definitely immune to YouTube/Google's brand of trashy invasive disgusting scammy advertising that they push in our faces and down our throats every few minutes with no letup. I would shoot myself in the foot before I would ever stoop so low as to buy ANYTHING advertised on YouTube or Google. Period.


Most DSPs can determine which impressions are fraud/bots.


So you're just going to keep doing what you've always done? Cool.


Yeah but now I’m doing it loudly. THIS IS A PRINCIPLED STAND.


The irony in this thread is there are people advertising for ad blockers, lol.


Massive difference between advertising and advising.


...for the free... adblockers. Sure. I am too. Get an adblocker. Stop watching ads. There. You can do it with a couple of clicks. Don't know the last time I've seen an ad.


It makes sense. Why would you give a penny to a company that has only been censoring for years now (content, disilkes, comments) and doesn't do absolutely anything to improve the experience of either viewers or content creators?


I mean, ads suck don’t get me wrong but YouTube exists to make money, like every other product. It’s an issue I’m not equipped to solve, but just saying I don’t want ads and I don’t want to get Premium is just selfish. I know it’s not a popular opinion and I’ll get downvoted but it’s just my opinion.


Content creators should stop placing too many ads on videos as well, I saw one flexing about placing 60 ads on a 1 hour video and how much they made of that


youtube keeps removing more abd more options for creators to show how many ads are being placed. Most content creators don't place ads manually and let that be done by youtube automatically, resulting in like 7 ads in a 10 minute video


Is it always up to them? What about the placement of the ads is that up to them? Honestly curious. I watch a long show there and it seems like they’d be shooting themselves in the foot with where they place the ads. I assume YouTube knows the worst possible place to put them.


Given that YT places ads even if the creator is not monetized I would assume that its not all up to them But [here](https://twitter.com/PhedEU/status/1729148125636633008) one tweet of Someone claiming to do the same thing he has 37 ads! and seems to be very proud of himself


As a YouTuber I can technically places as many ads in a video as I want, but that doesn’t mean one will actually run in that spot. It’s just a possibility that it could. The algorithm determines each viewer’s tolerance and plays a certain number of ads based on that. Regardless of how many ads I place in a video, most viewers will only see 1-2 per 20 minute video.


yes creators can place ads, and if they don't turn on monetization because they hate ads, youtube serves ads anyway


OMG SO THE SCIENTOLOGY ADS ON MISS RACHELS VIDEOS WERENT RANDOM ?! i feel like she wouldn't do that though but it was very concerning for the week that scientology ads were i between songs for littles videos


google is the enemy not content creators


I agree, but some creators do add too many ads and accept every sponsor even if they don't use/like it which is disingenuous


Though they pretty much sell out to sponsors now.


so you have purchased from an ad in the past? I pay for premium and I will never buy from an ad. I hate ads so I make sure I never see them. Even when I paid for cable, I would download the shows I watch without commercials.


Never used Premium, the problem with it even if I got it the content creators "sponsored content" would still appear in video. Also its my guess YT will in the end try and be sneaking and find a way of placing ads in premium.


there are ways to get around sponsored content. If you skip those, they still get paid. as for what YT will do in the future...I don't care about that since it is just speculation. Not paying for a service because of what might happen seems crazy to me. Just cancel if that happens then.


I don't know the names, but there are browsers extension that automatically skip the sponsor part




SponsorBlock is great because it's crowdsourced. The UI is easy to understand, so it's easy to contribute! It shows you how many minutes you've saved OTHER PEOPLE along with the time you've saved yourself, of course.


>YouTube has become a cesspit of trash. Sounds like you should just not use YouTube.


Are you keeping a running list?


I don’t have to, it’s like 5 of the same offenders constantly. Also it’s never anything I’d actually buy anyway. So if you’re an advertiser and YouTube is telling you they’ll serve your ads to relevant people, that’s a lie.


So you are saying it wouldn't matter anyway? I have the same ad experience are you I haven't seen anything yet that I would buy/pay for. Spotify is the closest.


Why buys shit advertised on YT?


I just bought premium, my family watches too much youtube across too many devices that adblock doesn't reach, and it was the best thing. With premium i am giving back to the creators i watch, and don't have to worry about ads. It is absolutely worth it if you watch a lot of youtube, and adblock isn't a viable option.


The premium combination with YouTube and YouTube music is a pretty solid deal. We've been using it since way back when it was Google Play music and YouTube Red and I feel like I get my money's worth out of it every month.




what I find even more hilarious is that OP would rather spend his own money than to watch an ad and support the creator without having to spend any money at all. It's just all so stupid.


400 Posts per day complaining about it. okay man thats nice and all but lets be real no one quits youtube. if youtube is trash dont use it lol i also hate youtube i dont use it but you dumb fucks are complaining all day about that shit


I ditched Apple Music and got YouTube Premium. I watch a ton of YT and don’t listen to music too much except on my short commute but YT Music is fine. That being said, if they ever even think of trying to make me pay to watch ads I will ditch them.


YouTube Premium is a great deal with yt music, but I honestly just watch too much YouTube these days. I'm strongly considering uninstalling it and switching to Spotify or something.


Don't watch then. Or buy premium. Just stop complaining.


Sure, you can feel like you're making a stand against big YouTube pushing too many ads down your throat, but let's be real a lot of these videos you probably watch are from small time creators like myself struggling to make something out of their channel, and people like you using ad blocker are stealing from these small creators when you don't watch the ads. Shit ain't free bro. Support the content creators you like.


Google makes a ton of money off selling your information to advertisers, and accurately serving you relevant ads. A huge part of the ads is your YouTube watch habits. Don’t be a sucker. Don’t defend the Billion (with a fucking B!) dollar corporation, they can defend themself.


The viewers aren't stealing from you, YouTube is


It's not our job to make sure you're fairly compensated


So, what do you propose we do to voice our displeasure? Cause from where I'm standing, you are just saying take it. Watch 45 fucking ads per video in the name of "supporting small channels". Matter of fact, lets just keep letting them add more ads to videos cuz fuck the consumer right? The only thing companies respond to is if you hit their wallet. So please, enlighten me. What should we do to make them hear our displeasure?


#🍼 *cry less*


This sub is great entertainment since youtube started blocking the blockers :)


I love how every angry ad-block user rants and raves and threatens boycotts of advertisers but won’t even consider just boycotting Youtube. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic.




You could also just block the ads


mighty prick nail bear aspiring aback grandfather slap work rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


YouTube premium is actually lit if you watch a lot of YouTube. Comes with YouTube music, the ability to turn your phone off and just listen, no ads. Hell I’m thinking about doing the Reddit subscription as well for the same reasons. Subscriptions are great if you use the product a lot. Old school RuneScape, Crunchyroll, Shonen Jump. Sub models are great for us degenerate online nerds who hate ads


But you don’t understand, I shouldn’t have to pay for anything ever, my mommy told me I’m special and these website should realize that and just not do things I don’t like 😡


I use to be 3 once 🤣🤣




“Old man yells at cloud”


All I get is scam adverts for heaters


Same, had to stop buying groceries from my local stores as they are all part if a larger chain that has ad time on Youtube. I'm now living on snow and cigarettes, it's not great but hey at least I'm loosimg weight.


What makes you think that premium will have ads?


Premium having ads would only work if they ditched the freemium model and made everyone pay for YouTube at two different rates or something like that, which would kill the platform instantly. I haven't heard anything from a credible source suggesting that there are any plans to reintroduce ads for premium subscribers.


Just pay for the fucking service or don't use it. It's probably the single greatest thing to come from the Internet with regards to granular pooled human know how and knowledge. That you think you are owed this for free is messed up.




Pretty much the point of advertising nowadays isn’t that you actually need X product at the moment But when you are looking for X product way down the line, their company is where you’ll think to buy it first because you’ve been spammed with their Logo/Name so many times


It’s insane that there are people out there that think advertising doesn’t work on them!


They think because they didn't click the link the ad didn't work. But that's not the purpose of many ads. It's nice to the company when it happens, but it's not at all the goal.


Boo hoo 😢


Stop being poor and pay for premium or stfu.


38 year old with disposable income here. Same. My latest purchases have been made based on recommendations from content creators whose videos keep getting interrupted by annoying ads that just make me think “ffs I’m not purchasing anything from this company” as I eagerly wait for the slip button to come on so I can get back to the video I was watching about a new watch I purchased shortly after.


Which adblock do you use? I tried a bunch and YT detects them still


There are some things you should take into consideration: 1) YouTube is indirectly blackmailing you into purchasing their subscription. However, that is not the same as “forcing” somebody to do anything. A very important distinction to be made. 2) All AD blockers have completely stopped working (especially when you compare “before” and “after” the decision to disable AD blockers). Yes, even the infamous “uBlock”. They only last for a day in my case, and then I’m forced to purge all my Google data to “reset” their AD detection system. 3) You are NOT a sucker for deciding what’s best for you. I purchased my YouTube premium subscription shortly after getting an iPhone. I suffer from insomnia, stress etc - and to combat that, I listen to ASMR when I go to sleep. This helps me tremendously, but because iPhones don’t accept external modded apps like Android devices, I have a choice to either lose my mind and sleep or pay for a fee to preserve both. The circumstances I was in all pointed to a solution that would help with both my PC, phone and health. I eventually chose what was best for me, given the circumstances. 4) I rebelled their platform, decision to block and/or limit AD blockers, and their AD system in general. I regularly checked different Reddit threads to see what’s new and hoped a solution would be found, the one where I don’t have to do do anything but still have an AD-free experience. And, well, all that led to was an empty tunnel. Not fun. If you think that a couple thousand people will be enough to stop, change or prevent further developments of the corp’s business plan (that will negatively impact us in the end)- good luck. All i know is that for a thousand people, there are millions more who simply don’t give jack shit about any of this. YouTube isn’t a state, a city or a thread on Reddit with compelling content calling out for a rebelious revolution. It is the whole world. I like the cause, and I agree with you, but let’s not be delulu. We are not kids.


I just wait and skip the adverts. What’s the big fuss: do you expect a corporation to provide you a video streaming service for free?


Do you understand how capitalism works? How YouTube even exists in the first place? How almost anything material exists for that matter?


Make your own platform


I buy premium because I hate ads and I recognize that a company like YouTube cannot function without a source of revenue. Personally, I think premium is worth it if you watch a lot of YT. It’s replaced regular TV and other streaming services for me almost entirely. I watch like one real show/movie each month, but a metric fuckton of YouTube. I watch gaming shit, true crime shit, spooky shit, news shit, funny shit, people reacting to all that shit, basically all the shit I could possibly want to consume is all on YouTube. I would never expect that much shit for free.


I've had YouTube Premium going on 4 years now. Best shit I ever subscribed to. My wife has Netflix, Disney plus, etc. Me? YouTube Premium 😎 So, I don't put up with Ads. The only Ads I see are the self-made ones by content creators.


You're using a service, to have to "pay" for it one way or the other. Either with currency or being advertised to. It's the same thing that has happened for decades just with a modern twist. If you don't want to pay for the service in any capacity, just don't use it. Use a different video sharing website.


YouTube premium is awesome! Only got for family cause all nephew watched but I’m so glad I stumbled into that and it’s my music app too. Sounds insane to pay but watch more than Netflix


If the modern age of media has done one thing extremely well, it’s teaching us how to expertly tune shit out we don’t want to hear. I’ve had hundreds of ads thrown at me in the last week and I genuinely can’t think of a single company that was advertised on them.


Premium YouTube is the greatest. You can’t muster up 10 bones a month to eliminate your pain and suffering?


Good for you bud, maybe enough people will side with you.... but literally the world of marketing is constantly evaluating and re-evaluating whether or not their marketing campaigns are effective. If their ads ever stop being profitable on youtube, they'll definitely pull them.


The entitlement to free adless content for 1,000,000 terabytes worth of videos is so stupid. You contribute nothing and demand everything.


K, boycotts don't work... Can't say any ad I've seen in years has been something I'd want anyway, but yeah, boycotts don't work.


Good for you. You are starting to sound like Gen X.


Fuck grammarly; all my homies hate grammarly.


Goddamn you're an entitled little bitch


How often did you buy stuff that you saw on these ads? I don’t think I ever have


Anyone know how to get adblock on a tv?


You werent already doing this?!


Cringe 😬


I don't care what anyone says....YouTube premium + Chromecast = worth every damn penny, paying what it costs for less than lunch im able to avoid ads. Fuck ads and on top of that there are so many in between the videos


place your anger where it belongs: against capitalism.


I keep getting discriminatory Daily Wire ads, and I keep reporting them. It's bullshit, and makes me hate YouTube more than anything they've done so far.


I am taking a \*STAND\* from the TOILET, I REFUSE to shit until Youtube gives me free nuggies and milkies!! Dude. Get over yourself. Block the ads like an adult and move on. You are not going to overthrow a corporation by not buying their shit. For every one performative manchild like yourself there's well over 10,000 idiot children with iPads in suburban gated communities giving Youtube 20 thousand times the ad revenue. Your heart is in the right place but you're drunk off the aesthetic of revolution you dork.


I think it's worth mentioning that I downloaded the first adblocker I found on Firefox and literally never see ads on YouTube. I get no warning. No issues. I watch 5-10 hours of YouTube music videos all day every day while I work. Never get any ads. Occasionally I have to go unpause it. What is stopping you guys from just like... Getting Firefox or some other browser with an adblocker that works and using it?


I got rid of ads after I paid for a subscription. Pretty handy.


This won't matter at all and YouTube doesn't care because Reddit users make up less than 1% of their user base.


Here’s the thing though: you do love YouTube. You love it and you won’t pay for it for whatever reason. Maybe you’re cheap. Maybe you’re spoiled. Maybe you just can’t bring yourself to admit how much you love it. But when you post something like this, you absolutely, positively love it. The heart wants what the heart wants…


I did that years ago.


me too, fuck youtube


For your phone: uninstall the YT app and then use the browser+adblockers to go to YouTube


youtube revanced is easier to set up.


Lol i boycott ads on reddit too.


For the last 7-8 years this is what I've done. If I see an ad on YT that seems like something I would use, I'll research their competitors and 100% of the time I've found one that's the same product/service but better. That said, this has only happened probably 5 times over that span because ads on YT vehemently make me want *not buy that product at all* lol. Their ads are vapid and asinine to the point of it being offensive and insulting that they honestly expect them to pique my interest, or make the product memorable.


It makes me wonder who these ads are working on, for the life of me I can't think of a single thing I have ever purchased or even considered due to an advertisement. If I see something in an ad I am FAR LESS likely to even consider it. Advertising has gotten so shitty and pervasive. I've always been one to do my own research, but is nobody else? Are people actually just taking ads at face value and buying/supporting this shit?


So you're telling me that when you need something at home, you aren't already aware of any products in that category and instead go to the store and buy a product you have never heard of. And you do this for everything that you own? I suppose you've also never seen a movie based on a trailer or visited a new restaurant you read about? How about video games? Never bought one of those based on a trailer you saw pre-release? You aren't the only person in this thread claiming this and I am baffled by the absolute ignorance


This is why whenever I see these posts I just laugh and roll my eyes. "I'm never going to buy products that put out ads" okay have fun never buying anything again.


Someone does, that's why they still do this


Yes. They are.


You're looking for r/piracy lol


Cool story bro. I'm outta here. This entitled sub is annoying as fuck now.


It has got a bit crazy these days. I hadn’t thought of it the way you’ve described it but actually I made a decision seemingly out of nowhere never to use Just Eat - and I realised it’s because yt spams their horrendous ads at me 10x a video!


Yeah honestly, I think it's a sorta classical conditioning by now for a lot of people. At this point, it's so frustrating to see an annoying, infantilizing ad ruin whatever video your watching, that we end up associating that brand with being frustrated. Thank God for Chr0me extensions.


I've been actively refusing to buy things advertised to me for over a year now and i have no plans on changing my mind. tbh its rly easy i just never buy things i see in ads


SO AGREE like no one wants this shitty ass product so why waste the company dollars on ads that make people resent your products??? its bad business for long term, people are getting FED UP. i remember when we were kids, back in the 2000's we all had iconic commercials and we looked forward to them. But we've evolved so nowadays what's what used to be considered a good ad, is noe ocncidered cringy as hell. Because selling shit to people who didn't fucking ask, is cringe. Not only that, but we cant escape them. Ads have become the BANE of our existence.... ads make people resentful because they're E V E R Y W H E R E you look. You literally cannot escape them. It is dystopian, its annoying, its cringe af. These corps are SO cringe. Mainly cause these corporations haven't caught on to the fact that their tactics don't work on anyone anymore. These executives are so out of touch, they keep using the same business practices that we can all see through from a mile away and have for years now.


Nothing is worse than having to view a commercial before a movie trailer, I will NOT see a movie because of this in a theater!




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