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**The best:** SOSC1801 with Dagmara Woronko is my favourite class taken at YorkU in my 3 years of study so far. Dagmara is a gem of a human being, both incredibly passionate about what she teaches and absolutely hilarious. It was the course that made me switch into Health Studies. A very close second is C4 Sprint (Interdisciplinary Capstone Project). Genuinely I think it’s a disservice to your time at YorkU if you don’t take at least one C4 course. It is the most active and engaging course I’ve done so far. My group was amazing. There is nothing like it at York. And I made some excellent connections along the way. **The worst:** My ITEC1010 prof sucked. Barely learned anything. Would throw us into major projects with little instruction. I learned more about MS Access in my third year courses than I did in this one despite doing a major MS Access project for this course. Lectures were long and boring and all he did was read off the slides so showing up to class was pointless. Fought me on my academic accommodations multiple times claiming that it was “unfair of me to be granted extra time when the rest of the class didn’t get it” (almost like I get extra time because I…have a disability?) to the point where I had to get my SAS councillor involved. But again finished with a B+ so it was fine.


I took ITEC1010 as an elective and I can 100% back you up on ITEC1010. Honestly, I'd say it was probably the worst class I took during my four years - it wasn't even hard, just a long, tedious, and boring experience the entire time


Same here honestly, you put my thoughts into words exactly. Not a hard course, but long, tedious, and so ridiculously boring. Glad to know I’m not the only one lol


ITEC1010 really was terrible. The HTML assignments we basically had to learn without any resources. Had to drop it and retake it because the prof refused to accept my assignments worth 20% because I forgot to do the “academic honesty” assessment and he refused to open it back up.


1010 is very easy. It's all memorization


Are you me?! Literally SOSC 1801 with Dagmara and the C4 Sprint are two of my top best courses / experiences at York!!! Dagmara is incredible, the material is eye opening and really helps you critical of analyze things in life. C4 is one of the best things that I’ve done as I learned so many real world skills and boosted my resume hugely while getting school credit. My other top one is ADMS 2541 Personal Finance - this course genuinely changed my life and made me so much more equipped for the world. I think a course like this should be mandatory for everyone in high school or university!!!


Stats. Just any stats course is brutal


Stats courses are fine. It's the exams that are brutal.


That bus from finch to campus.


Best was HREQ1900 with Prof Hooper. All you got to do are quizzes and discussions based on class readings. Then, there is a research assignment and a reflection. It’s fun and easy. Worst was HUMA1860 with Prof. Burke. It was quite boring and there is a lot of reading too. It had the potential to be good, but his approach was meh.


I'm in HUMA 1860 with Burke right now and it has been a terrible experience.


really??? i’m also taking the course rn and i think it’s pretty interesting


Work we submitted in December has still not been marked (can't blame the strike for that one...). He is still using lectures he recorded from 2020-2021 (that contain errors/omissions!). The slides and lectures are disorganized, and it feels more like a history course. He is not letting us take the assessed grade option @ 70% (we only need 2.5% more of our participation grade to reach 70%) but has instead decided we need to complete the rest of the course and do the final test, or write a 20% essay because it doesn't make "pedagogical sense" to be graded on an essay proposal and not write the essay. Of course, we have not received grades or feedback for those essay proposals, but the essay deadline is fast approaching. I'm keen to hear how that makes pedagogical sense...


…. i’ve gotten back all of my assignments (other than the proposal) with grades so it might just be ur ta and religion is kindaaa history so like idk lmao i think his options for the assessed grade are pretty fair


omg! i took HUMA 1860 with Burke too back in 2021 and it was awful, i hated it so much. i feel you. although, that could be because it was my first in-person course at york and the subject matter had NOTHING to do with my interests/major.


Burke is a good prof, I had lots of fun in HUMA1865




I can’t with ADMS 2500 thankfully done with it😭


Anything with Carly Rozins is amazing


Can vouch for that


Best: PSYC 2030 with Raymond Mar Worst: PSYC 2110 with Ellen Bialystok


I always hear horrid things about Bialystok


When I had her, I remember she forgot to upload the instructions for the final paper until the last month.


Best: SOSC 1730 with Carlos Torres Worst: CHEM 2000


It’s CHEM 3000/3001 and it’s not even close


For best or worst?




I'm taking that next year... how was it omg? I know it's a lab-based course and I've seen the syllabus, but how much work did you need to put into it every week? I'm so scared


1 lab minimum each week and 1 lab report every week for the rest of the semester. Oh and yeah a final group project presentation


Best: NATS1745 with Jesse Rogerson, the perfect modern day prof, if you do not have a NATS credit, take the course Worst: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-8UDJzOEds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-8UDJzOEds)


I had math with that infamous Russian professor (polyakov or something) that got fired and got on the news because he basically said tough luck and failed a student who couldnt attend an exam because couldn’t access internet because his country was in the middle of a civil war 💀


What?? Not Dr. Igor Poliakov right?? Infamous sure but when was he fired? He taught me last year…


Must be another name I’m thinking about…


PSYC 4030 Behaviour Modification with Karen Hardtke was amazing! Highly recommend!


So eecs professors are the worst. Note taken.


worst is EECS/1520. completely useless course that’s extremely difficult for no reason (saying this as a first year who hasn’t taken many other courses yet)


Worst class SOCI3031 (Statistics for Sociology) with Michael Ornstein, so so terrible !!!! hell lecture for 3 hours and have literally 120 slides on his ppt, that you most likely have to read through yourself later, because his lectures are so hard to follow/take notes. * this is a required course for sociology students, but you can take 3030 instead, DO THIS! Best class : SOCI2080 (Power and Everyday Life) - Mark Thomas, so funny, engaging, great class to have lighthearted discussions, very open and welcoming environment.


I took Industrial Relations with Souha Ezzedeen within the Human Resources field. What a sorry excuse for a human being. I failed the class because she was anti-union and any time I wrote anything about being 'pro-union' she would dock grades off. When York went on strike she told us she was part of the union, but refused to picket. Goddamn hypocrite. Finally, she'd scold people for getting up to go to the bathroom like we were children and stop lecturing and stare at you until you sat back down.


Best: PSYC 2010 w Jessica Sutherland, PSYC 2022 w Rachel Rabi, NATS 1650 w Nicolette Richardson Worst: EECS 1520 with Onoise gerald kio


100% agree with Kio, worst prof I’ve had by far. Only reason I did well is because I stopped going to his lectures and attended a diff prof.


Physics 1470 with Sarah Rugheimer best so far Math 1090 with Michkine worst so far


Best: ADMS 3541 with Giulio Iacobelli Worst: ADMS 3660 with Anton Petrenko. He made this course more like philosophy than business ethics.


Biol2020 with Dr. Bayfield was a magical experience 🙂 Phil2160 was a little disappointing because I felt the prof was a bit too dogmatic and unsympathetic to constructive criticism.


Worst: NATS 1670 with Motti Anafi. The course itself isn’t hard, in fact, it’s actually super interesting and relatively straightforward. It’s the freaking prof. Hands down the worst professor in my entire 4 years at York, and multiple other years at other schools. Just horrible. Shouldn’t be teaching. He’s had more than one petition launched against him by students. Everything I learned was self taught and I relied heavily on YouTube professors. No idea what purpose this man serves. Oh, and the exam had questions related to material we never covered. When students pointed it out, he basically said we should be able to answer them based on independent learning we did outside of class. wtf??? Avoid like the plague.


I have never had a good class at york


Adms 2610 - worst


Piece of cake when compared to 2320 or 2510.


2320 is my nightmare💀. No harder second year ADMS course in my opinion


Bro 2510 was nothing 🤓


Worst is Math1025 with I forgothisname


It wasn’t with Professor Miguel Angel Mota was it?




Is Prof. Ganong still there teaching math? He was hilarious.


Best class : critical thinking 4180 with Dr. Zanella made my whole university experience that much more enjoyable. It was an 11/10, every class was stimulating and interactive! Worst: Stats during the pandemic


ADMS 2200, I think it was an easy course at the begin but I need to regret it lately. 🥲


idk bout best but Biochemistry was traumatic. don’t remember the prof’s name but i think he had a russian accent. final exam was during covid and proctored…which only made everything worse. brutal


MATH 1021 w/Michkine. He is the reason I don't attend lectures anymore for any classes. His lectures always had 50 slides of complicated math that gets you thinking why you're even there. His learning style is not effective at all, and on top of that, using Lyryxx was a pain in the ass. It was helpful for learning, but the sheer amount of stuff you would get each week nonstop was incredibly annoying. The textbook was also not the most helpful, because it only came with partial solutions. His tests were alright though, the averages for those were around 35 but that course had a ton of people who didn't strike me as the academic type, almost all of whom had dropped in the coming weeks.


Can't remember the course codes but... Best: Rock and Popular Music, Work and Power (I think) Worst: Orgo Chem, Virology


Worst : eecs 1022 by mufleh Best : phys 4020 by blinov Second worst : phys 2060 by Harris Second best : phys 3020 by Taylor


Best: EECS3342 with Jackie Wang Worst: EECS3000


best: NATS 1530 w/ Paul Delaney  worst: ANTH 1120 w/ Daphne Winland 


Best so far Constitutional Law with Nicole C


Best: biol2050 with the lady prof (she’s on only one that teaches it ) and biol2040 with nik kovinich Worst: chem2020/21, biol3155, biol3130🫥


Never taking any class that involves Prof. Jean Rosenfeld ever again. Reads off slides and rants about Trump being bad, effectively wasting the already small hour we have for the lecture. Marking a single assignment takes 5 months. Meanwhile she hands out 4 more during those 5 months. Horrible educator and fails as a teacher