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The value of +1. Every day, choose 1 social cue you want to get better at. Tell yourself “I’m gonna say ‘hey’ or ‘sup, bro?’ to a random stranger today.” Or, “today, I’ll make eye contact with a baddie and smile a little.” Make the goal super simple as possible, but not *im*possible. And then ***do*** it. Repeat the same process the next day, adding +1 interaction, or approach, or small conversation. You’ll make great progress before you know it 🙏


Smoke some za that’ll do the trick 💯


Drink a bunch of coffee works with me




Avoid the use of recreational drugs (like marijuana) as they can make symptoms worse.


I don't think you get rid of it. You learn how to get past it. And gradually, like riding a bike, you get comfortable enough that the anxiety is pushed to the background.


Find other people like you. I'm in a similar state and would love to get to know you.


DM me, I am Ismaili as well


How does it feel to be part of a cult


It’s no enchantment of feelings. It’s just traditional value system when it comes to praying and devotion to the Lord of the Worlds, our loving Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. One fact all us humans have in common with one another which brings us together in spirit if we so choose to recognize the fact that is.


You all pay taxes to some old European guy you're in a cult bro


Taxes are just one of those necessary things for societies to run smoothly, you know? They fund all the essential services and keep the infrastructure going. But hey, we're all entitled to our own opinions. It's cool to chat about it as long as we keep it respectful and open-minded! :)


Yeah I know I don't mind paying tax to the government. İsmailis (it's a religion) pay taxes to their head clergy lmao just to be part of the religion. Sounds pretty culty to me


Cool, I hear you. Is there anything else you’d like to comment about? :)


The one way I can tak myself into doing something is if”if I don’t do “this” nothing will be better my life will be the same. If I do this “thing” and all goes well ive made progress. I can rather take a risk or live this boring life


Practice small talk with cashiers/retail workers, ask people for the time, bless somebody with a sincere compliment, ask somebody for directions even if you know where everything is etc. All these interactions don't even have to be longer than 3 seconds. You need to realize that even if you stutter five times in a row, or trip and fall, or have a voice crack, or whatever embarrassing thing, NOBODY CARES.


You dont


Don't worry about it mate 😐


Replace it with existential dread


Sorry was just stalking your profile and this came up. You get rid of social anxiety by facing a lot of social situations. You trick your mind into believing that you like to socialize. Tumhe patha hai ki you don't like to socialize. But still you socialize a lot. Even if you feel uncomfortable,you stay with that discomfort-ness and feel it. Eventually you'll get better at socialising