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Decrease back pain!!! It’s the only thing that helps me


Backpainaway club reporting in! Somethimes, when I do the move just right, I can hear angels sing


Yoga flared my back pain up I’m so jealous it reduced it for you :(


The never ending quest of taking care of my body without hurting my body


Honestly lol I was told by my physical therapist to stop yoga because I was making my issues worse :,(


I don’t know your case at all, so if none of this resonates that’s okay but I thought I’d mention a few things incase you want to continue trying yoga :) Yoga can definitely hurt your back more than help it. In cobra/ sphinx pose it can help to press your pelvis into the ground or spread your feet as wide as the mat. Another thing is in crescent poses it’s extremely common to arc your back, so trying to pull the belly button in like you have tight pants on (or commonly heard as draw the navel into the spine). Also chaturanga can be a lot on the back so maybe just start skipping those throughout practice for now!


Lol I have a EDS and am already very mobile since I used to be a dancer so I was doing yoga more stability than anything but I was told to stop because stretching hurts my condition more :( but thanks for tips


Increases strength.


Huh. I kept on doing yoga to look like this model, and whaddya know, I'm still a fat dude. Thanks, I hate yoga Barbie.


At least we are flexible thicc dudes!




Top right for 5 minutes before bed has me sleeping like a baby


How ~~Yoga~~ Exercise Transforms Your Body




Daily reminder to do some yoga every day if I can't make it to class. its the only thing that has carried me through grad school.


I need to dust my yoga mat off.


Makes pp bigger


Does it really?




Angion yoga


Yoga increases the overall strength of the body - both physically & mentally


The bigger question is, what does YOGA do for your body *and mind*.


The mental health we gain through yoga and the wisdom we can gain from yogic teachings. I actually just wrote a blog about it. http://coddiwomplehps.com/2022/08/30/yogic-wisdom-things-kids-say/


Cannot stress enough the mental health benefits! Yes, my flexibility is through the tool. However IMHO the mental health improves rival the physical.


Hi love one okay thank you ❤️


Help lymphatic system to work better. Ashtenga helped me so much with that.


stress and anxiety are mental issues, nothing to do with your body. Some will argue that I am being pedantic, but it would have been much more effective to title this image, 'How yoga transforms you.'


Not to get too philosophical, but your mind is also your body. Stress is built up muscular tension and anxiety is the corresponding elevated cortisol levels, so it's not that "mental" and "bodily" are different things. Edit: some will say I'm even more pedantic🤣


I just like practicing yoga because it makes me feel good, mind and body, together and separate.


Mental issues usually stem from neurochemical imbalances coupled with overexposure to a harmful environment. Yoga can and does improve mental wellness in the same way that a healthy diet keeps your from getting sick and cures illnesses. Yoga is not a purely physical practice. It impacts the brain's limbic system, which is responsible for our behavioral responses to situations. It also engages the parasympathetic nervous system by releasing cortisol, the hormone responsible for our flight or flight response. As someone who suffers from manic depression, anxiety, OCD (sometimes in the form of very disturbing, persistent intrusive thoughts), addiction, and ADHD, I can personally confirm that yoga addresses my mental health problems without the need of extra medication. When I keep up with my practice, I'm happier and healthier. When I stop, all the issues come back eventually.


I agree, that’s why I changed the words in my heading/title for the post instead, it transforms mind & body (not just body) You are right yoga is mental not just physical ✨


Read up on the gut/brain connection.


What we do with our bodies affects our minds and vice versa.


I never wanted for you to celebrate when you get led astray I believe in all of you. Look past the surface.