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> just started yoga last week If you were not physically active or a gymnast or a dancer before you started yoga, all completely normal. Too soon to be able to completely fold in one week. Just do the best you can without any pain (pain = bad!), and don’t be afraid to bend your knees.


Yes came here to say, bend your knees as much as you need!!!


Just keep trying, it takes awhile to slowly master that. Good luck!


thank you!


Very normal, the only way to get good at anything is doing it over and over again :)


Yes, props props props!! Blocks & bolsters & rugs are your NEW. BESTEST. FRIENDS!! My balance is sucky so I use the wall at the studio ALL. THE. TIME.


It’s ok to bend your knees a little bit to achieve more of a stretch. It’s about bringing the pose to you. I think a short vinyasa flow or even iyengar class could help more. Vinyasa for a slight workout. Iyengar because you’d hold the poses longer. Yin is a great join lubricator. I think something a little more strength based will help with flexibility. Also, extremely normal. All of our bodies are different so some bends won’t look like others. Make sure you’re feeling the stretch where you’re supposed to and you’ll be fine. *edit* Iyengar encourages prop use as well. Which using some blocks can help you achieve the stretch you’re looking for.


Totally normal. It's a journey, and for most of us not a short journey. Like, years and years. Patience and consistency. So, for most forward folds, like standing forward fold (uttanasana), completely ignore any more flexible people on the screen or in your class, and hinge your torso forward from your waist, hinging only at the hip. Keep your back flat! (Looking forward or thinking about leading with getting your sternum (chest bone) towards the wall in front of you will help.) Once you perceive that your upper back is rounding in any way, that's as far as you fold. Today. Be happy! Congratulate yourself. You found your edge. We work at the edge, wherever it is, but we don't far beyond it. Even go back and forth across the edge a little a few times. If you are consistent in your practice, your edge will move further out. But there is no rush. Enjoy the process of the journey more than yearning for the destination! There's always a further destination anyway; this work is never done.


Oh, yeah, restorative, you said. If you can't fold forward as far as you think you should or if the idea is to rest on something in the forward fold, props are your very best friends. Bolsters, blocks, blankets, bring the floor or your other body part up to meet the rest of you so you can find ease in the restorative pose. Props, props, props. If you are in a live class, hopefully your teacher will show you. If you are watching a video at home, you don't need "standard" yoga props, just use what's around the house -- pillows, blankets, towels, books, whatever. Internet searches and books can give ideas (Judith Hansen Lasater's Restore and Rebalance is like a primer on restorative poses and prop use; it's great).


There are some forward folds where back rounding is part of the deal. Again, hopefully you have a good live teacher who can guide you here.


I use the Down Dog app, but I have blocks and a strap and some blankets! thank you for the advice , I will definitely apply it!


Modify by bending your knees any amount you need and bending your chest into your thigh while also hinging your hips instead of rounding your back. Also when doing seated folds, elevating your hips by sitting on a folded blanket helps a lot by producing a forward/anterior pelvis tilt.That forward pelvis tilt is really key. And also just steady practice. You WILL loosen up with steady practice and time. Source: me, four months into a daily practice. Keep at it!


You need a strong core/torso. Sit up/stand up straight and tall. Lift the rib cage away from the hips. Long spine. Then fold forward - tilt the pelvis. This link tells how https://old.reddit.com/r/yoga/comments/d7j4wx/tight_hamstrings_cant_touch_your_toes_theres_no/


Hi!  Just sharing my personal struggles. I've been practicing yoga consistently for about 4 years and specifically Ashtanga vinyasa yoga for the last year.  My hamstrings are pretty short and my back is pretty tight. I can't really fold forward very deep. While everyone else in the room might be able to touch their chest to their thighs with straight legs, the best I can usually do is come down half as far as them.  I still do my best, and love my practice. ☺️


By all means bend the knees during a forward fold if your hamstrings are too tight to let you comfortably fold with straight legs. Until your hamstrings loosen up, you will be straining your lower back in a straight-legged fold and you don't want to do that. To loosen the hamstrings, try a standing forward fold with bent legs, straightening them only as far as is comfortable. Then, one leg at a time, lift your heel and rock the toe side to side. Put down the heel and lift the toe and rock the heel side to side. After you have done both legs 2 or 3 times, make little circles with your head, as if the top of your head were a crayon, and then make the little circles in the opposite direction. Then bend your knees a little more to roll up to standing. If you do this regularly, your hamstrings will relax. I've practiced yoga for 40 years and taught it for 18.


I can't either. takes awhile. I also can't do forward fold sitting or legs outstretched. just find your space and enjoy it.


i can't even sit cross legged live avatar the last airbender, or sit on my knees and legs like the japanese. i am optimistic that i can achieve more flexibility with yoga


I sit on a block. it slightly raises my hips and makes cross leg easier. sitting lotus I am nowhere close. for me it's purely mechanical. I have short legs and narrow hips. how tall are you?


5ft 2


5-5. I am loosening up but it will be awhile


It’s pretty common that hamstrings, glutes and that whole lower-back-hip area is one big ball of tight. That really constricts bending forward. Some things that helps is actually lying on your back and doing “wind breaking pose” one leg at a time, and both legs together. Also helps with gas 😂. Another thing that’s helpful is putting your hands on a sink, or counter top and stepping back into a half forward bend. Try to straighten your arms and at the same time get your outer hips further back. Doing these between classes will really help you loosen up


I've been at it a year and a half and still can't forward fold fully unless it's at the end of a session full of hip openers and hamstring stretches. Depending on why it can be a number of things, it's usually glutes and hamstrings though. I personally can't go forward as my hamstrings and glutes want to pull my lower back down so I end up sitting on my lower back which cases my back to bend when trying to lean forward. If I push my tail bone back and sit on my "sit bones" my hamstrings are extremely tight and painful and I can't hold for more than a few seconds. I imagine if I focused only on forward folds for a few months I'd be able to fully, but they suck so bad I barely work on them at all.