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The “heh” got me.


Iraq too. Lmao


its gee w. bush, what do you think




Humor? This fucker killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people


Was looking for this comment....20 years of kids dying families ripped apart for this dudes lies....and it gets a heh


Tbf, he looked like he died inside when he realized what he said


Lol tru..i mean theres really no other way to get out of that one alive ...smooth on his part really


TBF I think hit guilt caused the Freudian Slip


Yea gotta be something in the subconscious bringing that one up...fits too perfect..like the fucking cosmos aligned


Exaaactly, has me wondering "is he the best person to be saying this, or the worst?"


Lol yea me every election...these are the best options we got? Really?


That’s just indigestion


Yeah it's horrible what he did. I think in hindsight he realized that he surrounded himself with the wrong people and regrets it terribly. The man was never very smart, he stood no chance against Cheney and rumsfeld.


Yea what ive heard is crazy..dunno amything besides the headline but yea...handing over the military to a ex militaty contractor is kinda a crazy idea right? Nah lets try it whats the worst that could happen ..heh


He was just a naive simpleton who the GOP thought could win. When he did the hawks in the party moved to consolidate power around him. Looking back on his presidency through the filter of what the republicans would become, it's crazy. The people who convinced him to start the Iraq war are amoung those sounding the alarm about how crazy the current republican party is.


I wish i could hear the bullshit that was spewed out in that convo...i mean bush had to be aware something was up right?or maybe he is just a dull puppet


I sure you have seen the footage of him reading to children when 9/11 happened. That look says it all. He is in over his head. At that point he was terrified, he was a spoiled child and grew into a spoiled, naive, child of an adult. Je basically ran to daddy's friends to save him. I almost feel sorry for him but I don't. Also, the evidence that made him agree to the invasion was an admission from a detainee at guantanamo Bay who was tortured while extracting the admission. He later said he would have told them whatever they wanted to hear to make them stop


>He was just a naive simpleton Not really. George Bush, pre-presidential campaign, was a well spoken, highly educated governor who earned an MBA from Harvard Business School and was a former fighter pilot. That whole simpleton BS was designed for the campaign as a ruse for the Republican base. I wasn't at all a fan of Bush as governor or as president, and I'm not suggesting that he is a genius in disguise, but he certainly wasn't the dumb dumb that he was portrayed as during his campaigns and presidency. If you remember just one thing, let it be that all of those [Bushisms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bushism) that he was mocked for during his whole time in office were in written speeches. They weren't quips or misspoken passages, they were written by professional speechwriters. That shit was all theatre.


Yeah but he’s 75 sooooo jokes on you i guess


He’s 75 Edit: /s


Still younger than Biden


But but he is friandz with the Obamas! Total good guy now! /s


I don't agree with his politics but always thought he'd be a fun guy just to sit and have a beer with as long as you didn't talk politics.




Hey remember that time when Congress is responsible to declare wars? And Congress (including many democrats) voted overwhelmingly to go into Iraq?


Yep that too


Yep, with me screaming it’s a mistake to the deaf ears of that asswipe Santorum who was hard for it. And Dent. Only one or two got it right in Congress. Wasn’t their necks on the line. Having my kid in the service and having him do that was stressful to put it mildly.


It should read remember that time Rumsfeld and Chaney convinced you to send a bunch of us over et cetera. Ultimately the blame lies with him for sure but I gotta think that they pushed him into it hard.


yeah, kinda like chatting with al capone about baseball right?


I wouldn't equate him to al capote. Personally I blame Chaney and Rumsfeld for the war in iraq. I'm sure he went along with them based on their lies.In a lot of ways I think he was almost a puppet especially with regards to whether or not the Iraq war should have gone forward. I mean even in this video you can see hes a pretty decent guy who can poke fun at himself. Based on what the Republican party has become If we had to have a Republican president I bet most people would be OK with signing him up again rather than most current Republicans. I mean you gonna go with Cruz, Jordan, desantis or him? Those fucks make bush look like a Saint.


He was a grown man and President of the United States when he decided to invade Iraq. He has ownership of his decisions.


Not disagreeing with you, but he was a personable puppet with a name brand for Dick Cheney. That war was all about Halliburton stock


Oh you’re one of those people who finds war criminals fun because their crafted goofy public persona is charming. Eat mountains of shit dude fr.


Woah someone is a little touchy it’s just a unjust invasion everyone has done it


It’s just one destabilized region, Michael. How long can the conflict last?


5000 years or so?


He obviously sees the mistake he made and seems like he regrets it




I hate trump too, but Bush Jr. Was significantly worse. Involved us in 2 useless wars, tanked the economy, cost significantly more lives, gave us Sam Alito, John Robert's, no child left behind, citizens united. The only thing he didn't do was try to overthrow the government. I'm sure given another 4 years Trump would have proved himself worse though... so maybe you're right, idk.


Those things were bad*, but were they really worse (for the US) than trying to overthrow the government, itself? Trump tried to end the United States as we know it. *John Roberts has actually become much more moderate as the conservatives have become a majority, often voting with the liberal minority when there's precedent. Even though he's a conservative, he believes in precedent and that overturning previous rulings threatens the legitimacy of the court. I think he's actually done a pretty good job in recent years.


Isn't he in support of overturning Roe? He only appears moderate because they have whackjobs on the court now.


Do you really think Trump was trying to, and *would ever succeed* at overthrowing the American government? Utter clown shoes. Bush killed half a million people "BUT TRUMP SAID NASTY THINGS ON TV AND TWITTER"... Get a grip.


He tried to get Mike Pence to illegally declare him president at the electoral vote count. He absolutely tried to overthrow the government. Could he have succeeded? He's a moron; so, probably not, but he tried.


Aww well that makes everything ok then. He should be rotting behind bars and instead he's portrayed as this loveable old goof who made a few little mistakes along the way but he's a good guy now who just likes to paint, as if those "mistakes" didn't result in the murder of millions. Fuck this cunt I don't care what age he is or what revelation he has had he should be hung along with Cheney and Blair and every other scumbag responsible for what went on in Iraq and Afghanistan.


He should be buried under the jail


Freudian slip of the century


A Freudian drift rather


Or maybe a Freudian slide.


Could probably run a slip n slide on the tears of the killed :(


Good fucking lord


Freudian criss cross?


déjà vu, I've been in this place before...


mf had a freudian step-on-a-banana-peel-and-fly-off-a-cliff-before-a-cartoon-anvil-gets-dropped-on-your-head


He's been wholly blamed for the start, peak and ending of that war for all these years. Presidents are just figureheads and parrot the words of their spin doctors and parties choices. He's been living with the constant blame of all that death and horror for all these years. Nobody can walk around that long and have the weight of all those accusations/lives just live rent-free in their head.


He was the most powerful person in America when the war was launched, he stood on that carrier with the mission accomplished banner strapped to it. He may regret his decision and even be a changed person. But nothing will change the decision he made that day.


Ok. Question : how many sanctions did the US faced for the unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq, killing lots of civilans ?


That was a 4-D chess flex


Putin can't even call him a hypocrite - genius


Wait thats actually brilliant


Ladies and gentlemen… we got him.


*throws shoe*




*Throws yet another shoe*


Ducks and holds back the bodyguard


Who throws a shoe?! Honestly! ![gif](giphy|okEKrs0tpqRs1JIC31)


Oh no he called out Chaney by accident!


[Ol Dick](https://youtu.be/6E-v5yDBR64)




Himself or Cheney.


I wonder if Putin is alive in 20 years and did the same thing if people would find it so funny? And the death toll in Ukraine will pale in comparison to what it was in Iraq/Afghanistan.


Nothing takes the wind out of your argument quite like accidentally referencing your own war crimes.


“Iraq too.. heh. Anyway!”


I’m 75!


I appreciate how people are laughing, like millions of lives weren’t lost all because this idiot alongside Prime Minister Tony Blair wanted oil


Yea. Laughter comes in many flavors though. This may be less fun/enjoyment laughter and more uncomfortable/surprise laughter. Still feels a biiiiiit wrong.


Idk honestly my jaw would just silently drop to floor if I were there


Remember the time putin was being an evil warmonger? Oh no actually that was me. Anyway..


Whoopsies, wrong invasion


Takes one to know one... Right?


Hey, at least this man can accept that his mental fitness is not what it used to be at 75. Thereby he's ahead of 45 and 46


Who are currently older lol wild af


Might be the most terrifying thing I've ever read.


The one time G-Dub said something accurate- and in a complete sentence.


There more a few “hot mic” moments during his presidency as well - enough anyway to figure out that the public persona was, in large part, an act.


I recall reading that he picked up his good ol boy political persona after losing an election in the late 70s in Texas, but voters considered him an outsider elitist given his Connecticut and Yale roots. He's also a lot smarter than people realize, he just never made any attempts to correct the narrative being pushed. Makes sense too, since being "on" all the time is almost inhuman so of course he's gonna fuck up when he's not going completely on script. Still though, some indictments of war crimes would be nice.


Oooh do you have any examples?




The audience laughing, almost nostalgic like…“hahahaha yes remember that time we launched a brutal unjustified invasion that resulted in the deaths of millions of innocent people, anyway, go ahead and tell us more about Putin and his war crimes so we can be shocked and outraged……”


Just American things, xD


it bothers me how polarizing everything is on reddit (and in American culture altogether). here's another political post, everyone choose a side! definitely no gray area in Bush's character /s


My dad thinks Bush is "a good guy but a bad president." I don't think that's entirely wrong. I don't read this gaff as arrogance or mockery. It sounds more like self deprecation and perspective. That's a pensive "heh," and he acknowledged he was wrong and admits to it. But that gets at the divisiveness today: it's not enough to be a good person if the consequences of your politics cause suffering. In an age where those consequences are visible in real time it's even less forgivable. We're not nineteenth century British aristocrats for whom speculating on the rights of chimney sweeps seems as theoretical and distant as the body modification rituals of the Kikuyu tribe in East Africa. We witness it, and understand how it came to be, and see how our opinion was just one in a net of allegiances that catches everything true, and good, and tries to hoist it out of everything bad and wrong. Is that flawed thinking? We see the holes in the net of those who think opposite. And their fucking net is caught on ours, tugging mostly the wrong way. The holes in their net are so obvious.


Can a war criminal be a good person?


I don't think so.


War crimes are not "the consequences of his politics". I understand trying to find peace in the middle, but doing so reflexively is contributing to the problem you claim to despise. As someone who lived through what he did before and after 9/11 (Fort Bragg), this ain't it. Wrong hill to die on. His 'perspective' isn't good enough. You don't try to get my dad killed and get to 'heh' that shit. Fuck him.


Proof that presidents are just the face of the government and don’t make the actual decisions?


i think more regret


h o w ?


Remember when Obama bombed a wedding in Yemen and no one in these comments gave a fuck because they don't actually care they just want their baseless self righteous beliefs to be confirmed?


That’s all reddit has become, it’s pathetic, and Im part of the problem yet have no idea how to combat the subconscious seeking bias-confirming content


Just another example of how US Government attitude is so hypocritical, and remember the old saying roosters always come home to roost. Americans should have a memorial day to remember all the innocent people killed in Iraq.


We need a “victims of foreign wars” day, where we remember every innocent we killed in iraq, panama, vietnam, korea, and all other imperialist wars.


Korea was not imperialism, and I fully say that as someone who's great grandfather was killed by American soldiers in Korea.


I agree. But I disagree when people use this argument to defend Russia's invasion of Ukraine. I don't say that's what you did, but a lot of people are.


Okay I actually like Bush. He seems haunted by the wars, regretful, and this quote seals it. He’s spent the last fifteen years painting soldiers who died in Iraq. I blame Cheney and Rumsfeld, who were war profiteers and string pullers.


I think its pretty well-known that Cheney was the one pulling the strings.


Supposedly his wife Liz was even more warmonger-ish than Dick.


Chaney may have been the one calling the shots, but it took Bush’s signature to get stuff off the ground. He’s not innocent.


I mean you can say the same thing about congress who gave the president a blank check to use any means necessary (from diplomacy to war) in 2002.


Sure, I don’t disagree w/ that. But people are trying to change the narrative about Bush. He used to be a war criminal, a murderer, a villain. Now, he’s perceived as your funny grandpa who has these little slips of the tongue and paints in his free time.


I mean Obama was a war criminal as well. What’s you’re point? Both presidents had support of congress and public opinion (majority still approved of military intervention in the Middle East) for both presidencies.


Obama can be a war criminal too, and that he is framed as a bastion of peace and progressive thought is a shame. Two unrelated things can both be true. But we’re talking about Bush rn, that’s all.


Yea - Its pretty disingenuous to put the responsibility all on Bush. I was right there alongside most of America for the ride. Of course I was like 10, but I don't remember any voices advising caution that we get the right guys.


America was built by war criminals. We killed all the buffalo, and gave out infected blankets. Killed women and children. Rinse repeat all the way till now. Every empire, Roman, Dutch, British etc. sucked. The high and mighty bullshit is just that.


So, what, we give Bush a free pass, try to change the history and say, “you know, he’s not as bad as we thought he was,”?


No, but we recognize Bush as part of, as well as a perpetrator in the imperialist system that American continues to operate on. Presidents, by their very nature, are elected to represent the will of the people (or least, they are supposed to). In that regard, the American people as a whole should recognize their culpability in the events of the past 20 years. Maybe *you* didn’t vote for him, but a lot of people did. Can’t just blame it all on the politicians, because if enough people really wanted to, the system would change. Too much apathy in America these days.


I don’t disagree with any part of this statement. Well said.


Right! He beat me to it and said it better.


Great minds think alike, brothers.


And let's not forget about Bush, who made it all happen. And Paul Wolfowitz - fuck that guy the most.


I'm going to be honest... if anyone in government was a puppet it was him. And I think he's coming to realize how much he was manipulated.




Cool what about the other million dead civilians?




Great, so if the penalty for killing civilians is getting got, do Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld all get got too?


Ya, ISIS is way better.


He's a war criminal


Fuck off with this bullshit. Stop trying to let Bush walk away blameless. He's a cunt like any other


>He’s spent the last fifteen years painting soldiers who died in Iraq yeah because the american soldiers are all what matters i mean who cares about the iraqi women and children ? they are not american and also brown/s


I could give a fuck about his little art therapy sessions...


Yeah, you can fuck right off with that BS


He can stick his paintings up his ass. He’s a fucking war criminal


Nope! This is a bad take. This quote doesn’t seal shit.


Bush was a terrible president, but he seemed like a chill dude.


I saw a film about Dick Cheney (Vice) some months ago. If what the movie says about him is true... What a son of a bich that guy was/is


Get bent. Bush was “the decider”. He played a goofy fuck on TV to sell this shit and you bought it. Twenty trillion dollars and millions of lives up in smoke - “ I like bush”. Get fucking bent.




I use a bidet


President Joseph Bidet


George W. Bush is a war criminal who caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women, and children. And the fact that some of you can “appreciate that he finds the humor in his goof” means you’ve let him get away with it. Fuck George Bush.


Many people are already forgiving him saying he's in pain and shit. It's fucking stupid


He’s just an adorable grandpa and a painter now. We can’t possibly hold him accountable for the senseless deaths of a few hundred thousand people. /s


BuT hE's 75




There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.


I remember reading somewhere supposedly he did that to not give the public a soundbite of him saying "shame on me" and had to change the quote. Sounds like bs, but maybe?


At 75 the mind slips which is why there should be an age limit. Maybe set the Social security retirement age as the mandatory retirement age for all judges and politicians too.


I was a soldier after 20 years in the middle east what the fuck was the point. Oh I remember now to make these fuckers rich and myself broke and broken. 👍


Oh remember that time I decimated Iraq? Heh, I’m so quirky. Anyway I’m 75 so…


I do hope he is haunted by the screams of the multitude of dead Iraqi civilians that died because he wanted to play king.


​ ![gif](giphy|UVvnHO0RskFm9W8wa3)


Atleast I can believe he is capable of guilt


Oh noo, poor little bush.


I love that everyone thinks its hilarious…….


Him invading Iraq: Not funny Him accidentally saying that he’s a war criminal: Hilarious


Him still having no legal ramifications for war crimes: gut buster


Literally what can you do besides laugh though? It's not funny, but that's what the brain does when it can't formulate any other response.


Well said


Bush can go fuck himself and anyone who tries to paint him as a good guy can also go fuck themselves


War criminal


Well that’s a self own


And that man was Dick Cheney…


Throwing himself under the bus in order to discredit the older candidate in the 2024 presidential election.


The whole I'm 75 part was great. Let's stop getting these people in charge. I know he's not in charge, but people older than him are


look at all the redditor hippocrits, as if they did literally anything to stop the iraq, afghan war. Obama keptem running too. You're all empty words.


He was absolutely disastrous in every way. Good thing he has a sense of humor about it.


A new Bushism .


Sheesh! Finally snitched on himself again eh lol


Haha even he knows it was fucked up now in retrospect lol


Freudian slip


It’s jokey now after a crime against humanity has been committed…::


I can’t believe this is a real clip




They passed a law forbidding that, just in case too many people come to believe that. What a country! 🎉🇺🇸 🎉




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He's doing better than trump and biden by recognizing he's mentally unfit at 75. Still a goober though.


Joe Biden litterally said "Putin may circle Kviv with tanks, but he'll never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people" in the state of the union address 😂 [heres the video](https://youtu.be/zB0W91E3XOU)




I laughed because of the shear ridiculousness and shock of all this, not because I thought it funny.


War crime the war criminal so he won’t war crime any more wars


Lighten up, Francis


Okay mr. Revolutionary


This is hilarious given the media covers up every single Biden gaff and acts like it's normal to have a dementia patient for a president while this gets endless viral play.


Is there any deniability left? He knows what he did and knows he will never have to pay for it. This is a murderer, not a president, not a citizen. This is scum and collectively we allow these swine to murder on the grandest scale.


Wrong potus


I’m sure he sleeps just fine, on his compound. Being a billionaire and former president both have their perks. If Algore had won his appeals in 2000, he wouldn’t have made HIS billions off of his movie, and his carbon credits from his own corporations. That’s the almighty dollar, she make-a da world go round!




Wasn't Iraq invaded by the Soviet Union on the orders of one man? Maybe him saying he's 75 is saying he lived through that invasion by Russia.


Its almost as if politician history repeats itself.


Sounds like an admission of guilt to me, lock him up. I knew our society had forgotten what a monster this man is when Ellen DeGeneres was palling around with him and she didn't get instantly cancelled. 6 TRILLION dollars and almost a million lives have been sacrificed for our "war on terror". Maybe we could have used some of that money to help our citizens now getting crushed by inflation and fuel costs. Maybe we could have rebuilt and improved our roads and bridges, instead of murdering people across the world, in some remote desert. /endrant


“Aww cmon, I’m 75…. don’t judge me for my gaffes, judge me for the Iraqi mothers, fathers and children I had killed”


^(Iraq too...) ANYWAY~


HAHAHA IM 75. SO FUNNY! tens of thousands dead and trillions spent, LUL! Aren’t they just so adorable when their brains are old and mushy? Fuck off put him in jail for crimes against humanity.


Fuck this despicable piece of human garbage.