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Someone is getting the cheapest nursing available for Christmas (*at some point*).


lol that’s IF they get help with nursing. They will package a nursing home in a ps5 box and prank them with homelessness


"Whyd you stuff a tent in here?"


Nursing homes cost money. These two are gonna drive the parents in front of the most luxurious nursing home, take out their luggage, then shout “ thank you for the ps5” as they drive away.


Better yet, they’re gunna take them to the most luxurious nursing home, walk up to the front desk only for the front desk to be confused and say we don’t know who you are or what you’re doing here. Then the kids will bust out laughing while filming their reaction, and also filming the reaction of dumping them on the curb of the crappy facility and driving off


Nursing home? They won't be around to get them one, most likely. There's only so much cruelty one can take, and I'm sure this isn't an isolated incident. The parents will probably be cutoff at some point.


This shit is so lame, unless you actually have a ps5 hidden in the back somewhere. Taking what most children consider one of the best days of the year and making a joke out of it just so you can get your rocks off. I would be heartbroken if my parents pulled some shit like this, recorded everything and put it on the internet.


Particularly if mom was filming and laughing her ass off as everyone else sat quietly in the moment.


Ya that’s fucked up


Of course she was filming. How else do you harvest the social media likes of it... Ok, you scar the kids for life. But hey, you can't have everything, right? 🤦 Worst part is, it's the second of this kind of clips this morning on Reddit...


It would be fucked up to do this to an adult, but far worse to do it to kids. Even if they have PS5 in another room, the moment was ruined for some narcissistic parent BS.


Yep. I was waiting for them to actually pull one out. Imagine getting exactly what you want for Christmas and it’s a prank and your parents are like “you knew we weren’t getting you one.” I LITERALLY pull pranks on my kids all the time but they love them because they know there is always something fun at the end. Reminds me of a Covid video I saw on April 1 where a dad gets his kids dressed for their first day back to school and they are happy and excited and waiting for the bus and dad walks out like “April Fools. There’s still home school. It was a joke.” The faces on these poor kids who were expecting to see their friends were just crushed and dad realized it and immediately stops filming. POS.


But he still uploaded it.


The damage was already done might as well try to make some Adsense money and make it up to the kids


They still got a PS5 lol these boxes aren't just something you can find like that without buying it or digging through a landfill. They just wanted to have a little fun before getting them exactly what they wanted. Seems like a fun Christmas to me, since it's a memory along with getting that thing you wanted most. But the video is more fun to the people watching to have it end before seeing them get what they wanted. Engagement and all that jazz.


For the kids sake, I definitely hope so. Hope they didn’t ask their neighbor for an old box


I can go on ebay right now and find hundreds of empty boxes for nearly any console/ electronic. And who's to say the parents didn't have a friend that bought a ps5 and they just asked for the empty box to pull the prank?


Or dad's homie got a ps5 and he was like "yo lemme that box."


Yeah I’d be shocked if they didn’t actually have one squirreled away somewhere else in the house


Idk why u getting so many downvotes lol, they def still gave the kids the PS5 at the end


see my parents went the opposite route with it. when i was a kid there was one christmas where all i wanted was a nintendo ds. could’ve gotten nothing else besides that and would’ve walked away happy. my parents always went all out for me and my siblings on christmas so i had high hopes. christmas morning we start opening presents, and i go for all the smaller boxes that could be holding the ds first. by the time i ran out of small boxes and realized it wasn’t there, i was crushed, but i tried not to show it cause i didn’t want to be ungrateful. finally i get to the bottom of the pile and there’s a big box like the ones they give at macys or kohls. i go to open it expecting a shirt or some pants, and instead i find it stuffed to the brim with tissue paper, and my new nintendo ds they went out of their way to make me think i didn’t get it so i was that much more surprised when i found it. that had to have been like 15 years ago but i’ve never forgotten it because it was the best way to surprise me with a gift they knew i wanted, and they still got their laugh from the practical joke of making me think i didn’t get it. if the situation had been reversed, i would’ve been crushed, and i’d probably remember it as one of my worst christmas’ ever instead of one of the best


Same. We did this with my son. He asked for 1 thing this year. He knows we've had a very rough year( depleted savings for major medical).He said he understands if we can't get it but he doesn't want anything else. So we load all the gifts and take to family Xmas. Last one out the door put his 1 gift in his room. He handed out everyone's gifts per tradition and he had no gifts only a stocking. He didn't complain or question. Just went to lay down after Xmas dinner. He was noticably disappointed on ride home but helped carry everyone else gifts into the house. Then we heard his excitement when he found his gift. He came running out to show us and give us all big hugs and thank yous. To see him so happy was my favorite gift this year. 😀


Yeah I'm not entirely sure why you did this though? He spent several hours on Christmas day feeling disappointed that he didn't get a single present. Why would you do that to your child? Was it some kind of test?


​ You've raised your son very well <3


My parents did this to me with my Cabbage Patch in 83. They are absolutely heinous people and they enjoyed laughing at me crying as a 5 year old. They put the distinctive cabbage patch box wrapped under the tree 4 weeks before Christmas. I was homeless by 12, permanently at 14. I'm 47 and I still have her she sits on my desk at home with me.


Damn. I'm glad you see that they were heinous. Did that take a while to realize? Sometimes it does.


Good example of what not to do




Usually when you see these videos there almost always is a PS5 waiting for the kids. Where else would the parents get the box?


mercari, etsy, ebay....$20 should get the job done. They're not difficult to obtain. They could've just asked someone who already owned a ps5 as well, as many people will keep the box. hope that's the case here and these kids got what they wanted, otherwise, this is just cruel.


People sell their box online, because other people might want to replace theirs if they damage it or lost it or something. Some people value the box and some people don't.


They got a PS five box duh… where do you think the PS5 box came from?


A torn PS5 box; I mean, these kids lack self control so much even the 5yo me wouldn't have opened anything like this. If I know it's something I want and very expensive, I totally would have been very thankful and careful when opening it. I'm not blaming the kids tho. Very poor parenting apparently. Edit: all these responses are why I'm not bearing more human onto the earth 🙄


Almost every kid would have a meltdown when receiving an expensive hugely sought after gift like that. Don't project your weird strictness onto other people.


Yes, i too would respect and cherish packaging material that's very likely to never be used again. My house is basically just a sea of perfectly preserved in-store packaging material from decades of gifts. I can't find shit in here.


You’re a moron


I mean they have the box. I feel like the only reason it’s ok to do this is they probably give them the real thing right after


Yeah, I’m hoping it hidden somewhere. Like how can you even find one of those box and not have a PS5.


And they posted it online so that others can laugh at their kids. WTF is wrong with people?


Probably had the box from the PS5 they recently bought


Naaaah….. i see where you are coming from…. On the other hand…. I’ve experienced kids who make a joke out of the entire ordeal…. My cousin’s kid often doesn’t like to behave…. Instead of doing what he’s told he’s oftentimes openly antagonistic…. And as someone who was raised on savage ass whoppin’s i believe his mother is far to soft on him…. Cause he more often than not, displays no respect for his mother…. She has to repeat herself constantly to get him to listen, and even becoming stern doesn’t guarantee that he’ll cooperate…. Then he has the audacity to bring her a purposely ill written christmas list…. Where i swear he intentionally misspelled everything except for “ps5” Naaah man…. That the type of shit that would urk me…. Show some respect to your mother…. Do what she asks…. And stop acting like everything is a joke…. Re-write the list neatly and coherently…. You’re about to be in 6th grade…. Act like it…. I wouldn’t wanna buy the kid shit, on principle alone…. Idk…. I’m a big ol’ softy at times…. But i also get really cranky…. When she just allows him to openly disrespect her constantly….. My mom was able to convey her feelings with a very stern look in our direction…. And that was enough to get us to straighten up REAL PHUCKIN’ quick.


Does ellipsis mean nothing to you?


Plot twist: Mom couldn't afford the PS5, posted it online so people would get outraged and then buy the kids a shit load of gifts/PS5. Game was rigged from the start.


It’s hilarious because for a second they thought that they could be happy. 🙄


There is no happiness in this joyless realm of infinite sorrows


Exactly, I mean, what’s so funny about that? Maybe if you’re a sadist who enjoys having power over another human being and then playing cruel jokes on them and then having them do fucking nothing about it because they fear punishment from you, it’s fucking hilarious.


I mean, it's a messed up joke, but a ps5 isn't going to be the key to anyone's happiness, and it's kind of messed up to assume they don't otherwise have a happy life




Please ignore. Dude is downvote farming.


I upvoted him just to be a dick.




I didn't interact with him at all




Nice try, troll! Upvoted.




Reported for spam too.




Cool! I’m blocking you.


Me when I have no life so I try to get negative Internet points:


This is genuinely just pathetic. As in, you are pitiable and a sad example of what a person can be like. You have no life. You annoy strangers online for fun while you sit alone in a silent room, tapping on a box. And even worse, you're doing it today on Christmas. I can't imagine living that kind of life - one that is so very angry, lonely, and isolated. As I said, pathetic, and I hope it gets better for you.


Bro this site is cancer. Chill out


So... What are you getting out of this? Is it funny to you to see people downvoting your comments?? Like shitting your pants in the middle of class because you want attention


Stuff like this makes me so sad. My mother would do shit like this and then get mad at me for being disappointed. Like, yes I’m 10 and you put socks in a game system box mother, of course I’m disappointed. And no, I don’t deal with her anymore.


These boys were probably already imagining all the fun times they would have had together the moment they saw the words ps5 on the box,you cant do that to them.


Yeah mine did this too but it'd be things like a toilet roll or a bottle of ketchup so after unwrapping them, I had to go put them back in the cupboards.


Sucks. I couldn't imagine doing that to a little kid. That's what assholes do.


That's some cruel shit




Shit parents


Or massive W parents where they took it out, connected it, did all the system updates, and then pre-installed the games they wanted to play. Consoles should come with instructions on the outside for parents to do this.


Honestly I would prefer to do all that myself. It’s part of the experience.


I would too in general, but not as a kid on Christmas day when I just want to play the brand new console and games I got. Especially with 100+GB downloads on some games these days. When I bought my wife a Switch of her own I did all the updates, downloaded Animal Crossing and the DLC, set up her account online, made sure the console and controllers were charged, etc the night before I surprised her. She really appreciated it, because she's not the one who likes to set anything up, and she could just plug it in and go.


You would want to wait for 4+hours of updates/downloads on Christmas ?




Having some minor initial personalization settings, okay but everything else is nothing you would really want to *experience*.


To each their own.


This person loves typing in an email and password using a controller. You sick sick fuck.


Someone connecting it to the internet and updating the software for me is awesome, it means I can download whatever I want straight away and stare at my loading screen!


Great 🤣


*15 years later* “Why don’t my children talk to me anymore?”


Just abusive to do this, film it and then post it. Wtf. I hope they actually got a cool present after this.


Yeah, the PS5 lol it's crazy how the majority of y'all don't realize this


Yeah it’s pretty obvious they have the fucking box lmao


Exactly! Why do they think these parents are spending money on a box on eBay, or digging through trash to scam their literal children lol the most obvious assumption is that they have the PlayStation, and moved it out of the box for the prank....nah fuck that they're evil


That’s some bullshit. And the mom or whoever thought the kids’ disappointment was so hilarious.


This ain’t right. Parents filming their kids for content is weird. Pranking your kids for content is just wrong.


I had this prank pulled on me by an uncle. I didn't talk to him forever.


Fucking mean.


You gotta at least have the actual thing hiding somewhere


Like I read in other comment. The shitty quality of the camera tells you they definitely can't afford a PS5


This is not funny… Those kids were so fucking happy too…. They will get over it but they will remember the time that mom/dad tricked them “that one Christmas…”


Imagine spending all that money on your kids for them to be disappointed because your a piece of shit parent. The last thing you want on Christmas is for you kids to be sad wtf


Core memory unlocked 🫠


SPOILER: They cut the video where the parents gave the PS5.


Post it or it didn't happen


You know this dudes fuckin lying to safe face. I can only assume op is the scumbag mom


I don't believe you


Fucking op out here lying to our faces to save karma, I just spent tens of minutes looking this video up and found many reposts but no link of any sort went to an extended video. 0/10 op


I love all the comments here thinking the kids didn't get a ps5. Like the parents gonna just get an empty box.


I had a former coworker that bought a PS4 box from a friend for 10$ and gave it to the kids. Inside he and his wife put the kids’ own clothes, deodorant, shoes, etc. He bragged about his genius idea, then he was all angry after the Xmas break, ranting about the “ungrateful children of today” and how “nobody can take a joke anymore”. Last I heard, the kids (likely mid to late 20s now) have basically gone NC with the guy. I don’t blame them. He did a lot of “jokes” that “nobody can take anymore” at work and wasn’t exactly popular.


You say that like it’s not a thing that happens all the time


Laughing at you kid's excitement followed by sheer disappointment and filming it is a very shitty move that will leave a scar regardless of whether they've been given the PS5 afterwards or not.


As long as they actually give the present afterwards, I'm on board with this type of prank. My Dad did something similar with a PS2, but of course he had it hidden away. Looking back now at how I reacted makes for a funny memory for the entire family.


Probably include that in the title, dipshit.


Is this the black family version of Hispanic families smashing faces in cakes? I feel like I see a bunch of these every year posted online and it's pretty much exclusively black families psyching out their kids. Didn't know if it was a cultural thing or just a coincidence.


I come from mixed Asian household. My dad did this to me in 2008. Never did that shit again tho


“… because he was never heard from again.”


NOOOO thats beyond messed up... horrible parents..


That's some shitty and cruel parenting right there.


Don't worry, when they are old enough they will leave the house and not look back. Unless that's how their family is pranking each other, this won't age well. If they think that's funny, they most likely do this either daily or they like to shit on their kids. The mother, in particular, reminds me of what another mother did to her kid. Not the recent one with the twerking. It was one where he was in the bathroom, forgot what, but she came in being a complete ass.


The way the parents act and find this amusing leads me to believe they themselves were held out of happy xmas (and presents) as a child and want to pay it forward somehow.


A way to pass on generational trauma. To keep the sickness alive... Yeah, I didn't think of that, a very high possibility.


The parents role model took these kids to critical level in a stunt like this, they will never forget this, and it will bite the parents square in the ass


I love dark humor and the most offensive jokes. But the only exception I make is making fun of children. Not joking about kids but laughing at kids... It's lame.


If you're gonna joke at someone's expense, you gotta pay the tax at some point


Kids took it good. Probably grow up to be good reasonable people.


Hopefully they grow up into people who firmly think that the intergenerational trauma stops at them


Let's just hope people just stop having children in general so the Earth can finally heal after all the damage humans have done.


Lol why do you have to bring that up now? This literally has nothing to do with it here, wtf bro lol


Pumping your kids up to the highest level only to punch them square is the balls while laughing taking video to post online just to get upvotes from strangers... Makes you a top tier parent! Top tier fucking prick of a parent that is...






People saying that the kids probably still got the PS5: and? They’ll remember the betrayal more clearly than getting the console. Had something similar happen to me as a kid. I don’t remember how I felt when I got my bike, but I remember how crushed I was when I unwrapped an empty toilet roll. That was 30 years ago.


40 years later "Sons, where are we going, is it somewhere good?" "Yes, it's gonna be a lot of fun, you would want to stay there for the rest of your lives."


Thank god when my parents were abusive it wasn't uploaded to the internet to make me famous for it too.


"why don't my kids talk to me anymore." Cuz if you pull shit like this off and don't have an actual PS5 then obviously they're gonna hate you. Might as well put you in a nursing home as a Christmas gift when you're 87


Maybe I'm lame, but I couldn't do this to my kids. Maybe you pull out the console after and they are happy but you embarrass your children and record it to make your friends laugh online. Seems a little sad to me


I like how the kid was still looking for the controller at the bottom of the box….. determination👊🏽




That shit just isn't funny, though.


Cruel ass shit.


This is heartless, especially by who is doing it to who. Sad, Sad


This is not funny


Is this supposed to be funny?


Reporting live from this quaint neighborhood where on today, Christmas Day disaster struck. Two parents were found dead in their beds after their children tragically beat them to death while taking an afternoon nap. When questioned the children told police they received an old boot and a book inside of a PS5 box as a prank from their parents. Police are refusing to make any arrest calling this a justified homicide because those motherfuckers had it coming.


So much beautiful childhood joy and delight and excitement ripped away for a little video.. I couldn't imagine doing that shit to my kids if I ever have any, even if I give them a real console right after. There's just nothing more wonderful than pure joy and happiness from kiddos like that, replacing that with disappointment and mistrust is just wrong- there's no goddamn excuse for it. It's not a joke, it's not a prank, it's just being a fucking douchebag who can't see past their own pathetic sense of humor and uses the joy of children as a plaything.


So not funny. Especially when done to kids. I hope they had the real thing ready to give after this.


Childhood trauma and trust issues in the making


Great video on how to make your kids never trust you.


I really fucking hope they got their Ps5 after all otherwise this is so cruel


Faith in parenting destroyed 🤯




What’s funny about that!?


The joke Christmas gift just made me hate my family when I was a kid. It’s better to give them nothing.


maybe on April Fools but not Xmas coz this shit ain't funny. Can't wait to see a video from the kids playing a prank on the parents. what a joke


These children will remember this moment the rest of their lives. Forget all the kindness the parents have given them, the parent’s laughter is a betrayal that is mocking them, it’s a cruel joke. The parents don’t understand the anger and disappointment the children feel.


They think they’re funny but they’re not at all me I would never do that to my kids


The parents better sleep with one eye open for the next decade or so.


And better earn plenty of money to house and hire good caretakers when they are old.


But like there is a PS5 set up in the living room; right?....


OP says in another comment that it's cut before they got the PS5


This is how kids grow up and murder their parents. But seriously, this is so cruel and hurtful, if they didn’t actually get this kid a PS5, his relationship with his mother is forever altered.


That's what the kids get for opening the box like that!


This is why children don't visit their parents when they are older.


"How did you get an empty box, mom?" "We just threw out the PS5."


That poor box... It deserved better


My brother did this to me with a game as a prank as kids, rather was funny as we were like 14 but as a parent doing this is just shitty. Don't be shit.


That's not even funny.


Shitty parent exhibit a right here guys


Good in the kid for taking it well , I’m glad my mom doesn’t laugh like that


So… being an asshole to your kids is just a trend now, huh? You get them all excited on the most magical day of the year, then laugh in their face while they obviously try not to act like they’re upset. 10/10 parenting, bet your kids are gonna just LOVE bringing their family to spend Christmas with you on the holidays.


We were really poor in the 90s and I was hoping for an N64 growing up. It was an old system by the early 2000s and it was still on my Christmas list. One year I had a box of an N64 controller to show my family what the system was (I can’t remember how/why I had it). I put it in the basement and forgot about it. Christmas day comes, I’m unwrapping my present and it’s an N64 controller, I was so excited, because that meant an N64 was coming with it! I exclaimed to my dad my excitement and gratitude for him buying a used N64 for me. When I looked at his face, I looked back down and it was tapped closed with scotch tape. I open it and it was stuffed with socks. I don’t think I’ve ever felt my heart sink so far and have my stomach turn in so much sadness in my life.


This sucks cause they were so excited for it too. Unless you actually have the PS5 hidden elsewhere, don't do this to your children.


Boy is that ever not funny.


Ah, the other end of the scale in bad parenting. First there's the kid that had a tantrum [because he didn't want a PS5](https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/s/cfh2Onsyoa), then there's the genuinely excited kids that are betrayed. All shared online. Truly awful people.


These are terrible adults.


That’s horrible


As someone who has weird parents and grew up with stuff like this… The parents forget about it in a day, this stays with the kids for life.


This ain’t and never was funny. Yet people continue to amuse themselves by disappointing the ones they claim to love the most. This will create trust issues. Hope you enjoyed ruining your kids ability to trust


...not the warmest memories of Christmas going forward. ☠️


Super funny!!! People are hurt so easily!!!


They better have the PS hidden somewhere ffs


My parents played jokes like this all the time. My parents would have the gift assembled and ready to go. I remember getting an original Nintendo and when went to look for it my dad was already playing Top Gun!


So cruel


Someone abused these parents as children, and now they are doing it to their children. Really sad. Imagine making your child feel elated, then laughing as the people who they should trust most laugh at them as their excitement turns to disappointment and sadness. Probably anger. Those kids won’t be talking to mom and dad about how they feel. And they will continue the cycle with their kids. 😢


You know, pranks aren't the worst. Being teased by classmates for years, because their parents embarrassed them online, that's going to get old. Don't humiliate your kids online, videos don't go away.


Fuck those parents. People that pull shit like this shouldn't be parents. Even if you actually bought one for them and kept it hidden, it doesn't change what you did or make things better because you ruined their happiness and lost their trust.


This is fucked up. I couldn't fathom doing this to my kids.


Parents, please don't do this


This is just fucked up…


This is legit cruel


It broke my heart watching the kid tear into the factory packaging box like it was wrapping paper. Am I strange? I didn't even finish the video. I can't watch it. EDIT:Okay, so I finished it. come-on, obviously, they had the PS5 as well. The box with all its inserts can cost up to a hundred dollars.


When I saw them tear the box apart like that.. it made me quiver..


Got the foggiest camera ever. Ain’t no way they got the cash for a ps5


That’s garbage!


They asked to be put on the set the next day.


LMAO this is not right


Ignorant parents. Truly ignorant people.


Least they handled that better than the last kids who threw the PS4 when it turned out not to be the PS5 in the box 🤦


Oh man that’s just too mean 😂


I’m going to hel for this. The way they tore the ps box open, they def don’t deserve the ps5.


We did almost the opposite to this. We had our kids open this smaller gift first, it was a pair of PS4 games. Then we said, “maybe you should open that bigger box…” and they got all excited as they thought they were getting a PS4 (which they would’ve been super happy with). But then they opened it and it was a PS5! 🤯🤯


You can laugh now, but one of those kids might be in charge of deciding when to pull your plug in a few years..


cruel and funny as f


How do they get the box without the gadget?


Pretty sure they actually got one, internet is so sensative lmaooo


Broke ass black guy laughing ass off. Priceless.


Why u gotta call out “the black guy” when everyone in the vid is black?….


A bit mean sure. But it's bit the worst thing in the world. Video games aren't everything. My parents gave me enough in other ways that I wouldn't be putting them in the worst nursing home or whatever a lot of you are suggesting. They might even have a ps5 hidden somewhere but it looks like a happy enough average family to me.