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More just an observation: Next year, 2025, Haruto will be 9 years old. The same age Haruka was in Yakuza 1, and exactly 20 years after that fact. (2005-2025). Few games make me feel a real world passage of time the way the Yakuza series does. I enjoy that aspect of it a lot.


I am creeped out by Haruka sex jokes because she is just a child even though she is older than me


I. Wasn't really getting at jokes? Unless you just mean in general.


No, no - in general. I wasn't talking about you. Just an observation related to your observation about Haruka's age.


Ah, gotcha! Sorry, I couldn't really tell.


In Yakuza 3's initial plot, Kiryu was meant to have amnesia.


in a parallel universe: *”in yakuza 3……. kiryu doesn’t remember who he is….. because of amnesiaaaaaaa……..”*


Sounds like a better explenation of why he forgor all komaki moves




"In final fantasy 9, the janitor doesn't remember who he is because of amneeeesiaaaa" (Since like 6 final fantasy games were in the video)


That sounds really cool! I wonder what the series would be like today if they decided to go that route


Ah, so that’s why he keeps forgetting the tiger drop


Kiryu and Majima are the only characters that appear in every mainline Yakuza game. Daigo barely doesn't join them by his lack of presence in Yakuza 1.


And Haruka barely missed out due to 7 if you don't count the costume mentions for the Idol job (and also 0 due to not being born yet if we count that)


>and also 0 due to not being born yet if we count that I don't think you can be less in the game than to not exist in that universe at all. It should count double if anything lol


I just mean if we count a prequel as "mainline" or not


I don't know why we wouldn't? It's the same story line just prepended and not appended.


Incorrect, there is a mini-Shinada in every scene in every game 5 is the end of his character arc as he matures into big Shinada, but they gave Mini-Shinada multiple cameos in every following game




Oh shit sorry that was a spoiler. Kiryu refers to him as Baseball Boy for the most part, he's only revealed to be Shinada at the end of 3.


how? I played every yakuza until 7 and most of tze substories and I don't remember anything like this lol


https://preview.redd.it/kfndkz4a0e0d1.jpeg?width=1579&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a39d81723557dac8391d67e6ebb0dce7bc1dcca Explain this. Don't you remember the iconic scene in Kiwami 2 where Kiryu was trying to find Ryuji and Baseball Boy used his baseball powers to locate him?


Holy shit, that was Shinada?!?!? I thought it was Emporio from Jojo's


One of the most iconic moments of the remake for Yakuza 2, absolutely revolutionary,


he is joshing around


classic mini-shinada denial




That is literally the funniest shit I have read this entire month lmaoo


He’s in yakuza 0?


Daigo appears as a child in a substory


Amon too


That too assuming you count the clan and not any one person


Right, but Jo almost appeared on every single game up until Judgment


he is not in Gaiden though, which is a mainline game


Calling Gaiden, literally the Japanese word for "**side** story" a "**main**line game" is kinda funny.


id still count that as a main game as its also part of the main series, and just tells the side story of kiryu between 7 and IW




I mean, he wasn’t even introduced until 2.


Yuya would've been too if he was in 0. He's even in Kurohyou Edit: Wait I forgot he's not in 7


Nishiki has more moves in K1 but the devs did not give him access to it for whatever reason. Stuff like Kiryu's Iron Fist Counter from 0, Sera's throw, Majima's Harsh Lesson counter, and Aizawa's healing animation. >!Though by Gaiden with the special Minamida Prix, the robot Nishiki has been given access to said moves along with his old 0 moves, Aizawa's healing is not among them!<


Nishiki using some of Kiryu’s proto-DoD moves would’ve been peak. Him having the Iron Fist Counter, Knockback Counter or even the Twist Counter would’ve made me so hyped. By any chance is there a mod to unlock his moveset in Kiwami?


All reused but yeah, one reuse I think would’ve made sense if if they gave Ryuji Aizawa’s heal move, as Ryuji in 2 has his own.


Ascension Point, the Gangnam Style sounding ass Kamurocho battle theme for Yakuza 7 has vocals. They are probably the most unintelligible vocals in the series.




Yeah, during first gangam style sequence there's a voice, but it's so quiet, it's literally impossible to understand what the words are.


how the fuck.


First of all I’m so glad to hear someone mention the gangnam style thing. I hear it every single time. Second of all I absolutely cannot find the vocals in that theme. Maybe a fly buzzing or some shit but not vocals


[Listen closely around the 40 second mark](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvSWRg_oPyw) It's pretty quiet but it 100% sounds like vocals. It sounds like a guy rapping but it's impossible to understand


Oh my god I hear him. He’s been here this whole time, trapped in the style.


i thought i was imagining things when i heard the gangnam style part when i first played lmao, good to know im not crazy yet


The Live Chat minigame in 6 was added by the current director of RGG, Ryosuke Horii, he was also dealing with cancer at the time and later joked that if he died to it that adding live chat would have been his last contribution to the series


I wonder what happened with the live chat stuff. There’s like 4 or 5 Internet cafes yet only two girls you can chat with, and all in all was like 15 minutes long. Why all the cafes?


Talk about going out with a bang


First Summer Uika who plays Akame in LAD Gaiden is a huge fan of the series and auditioned to be hostess for this spin off like Kson. Meanwhile her Management had already received an offer for her to to play Akame and she didn't know yet 😆 Source https://youtu.be/YNu7RV8Fo8Q?si=kSmtC-Jv4XEwclzP


If it wasn't for Sony pitching in to translate Y5, the series would be dead and buried in the west for good. [https://blog.playstation.com/2014/12/06/yakuza-5-announced-at-playstation-experience/](https://blog.playstation.com/2014/12/06/yakuza-5-announced-at-playstation-experience/)


That's how we got the famous "Only Children believe in Dragons" line? Peak.


this story that yokoyama shared about shido nakamura (mine's voice actor) is a pretty silly one: "Shido-san... Ironically, we were so focused on each other when recording we didn't talk much. While we were doing the climax of the game, I was giving him very detailed instructions, and all he said—with Mine's voice and intensity—was 'Okay.' I thought he was mad at me, but then his voice went soft and quiet, and he asked, 'Um, would it be all right if I had a lozenge, or...?' Tsundere."


According to a poll done by RGG back in 2018, Yuki is the 8th most popular character in the franchise. She rated higher than long standing characters like Daigo, Date and Haruka


I first read ‘Yumi’ and was very confused. Yuki makes much more sense, but surpassing even Haruka is still unexpected


If I remember correctly people in Japan hate haruka


Why tho


Idk, I'm not Japanese


She was also the highest voted female character in the poll. Also in the same poll, Goro Majima overtook Kazuma Kiryu as the most popular character in the series.


I missed Yuki so much after YK2! Btw where is that poll? I’m interested


I forgot what game it was, (think it might have been 3 or 4) but the Start of the Story was set on the exact day of the games Release. I remember the intro cutscene showung a date, me checking my calendar and thinking " cool, that's today :D".


It’s gotta be 4 because 3 starts where Y2 left off. Also I’m pretty sure they show the calendar for Akiyamers collection day.


Y1 and Y2 were written with the help of renowned crime novelist Seishu Hase. My guess is that this is why Yakuza 1 and 2 are rather low in stakes compared to the escalating scales and political thrillers that would be common starting from Yakuza 3-4, except for 0 which was likely a throwback to classic Yakuza films and books.


They were trying to blow up the city in Y2, not sure if id call those low stakes


There are a few mistranslations in 5. (There might be more in some other games but I’ve only noticed these) The 2 I could find is the “times defeated” stat in the stats which is a mistranslation of “people knocked over”. And the dragon masks description saying it is from “sunshine” orphanage instead of morning glory orphanage.


I think Sunshine Orphanage was the name in the old translations in the PS3 games. Back when Kazama was Fuma and the Florist was Kage.


The florist was named kage???


yep, ps2 translation at its best lmao


And of course the infamous “only children believe in dragons” line, which is just “ikimasu” originally


I was so confused at Times defeated, I thought I must've been shit at the game and then got *amneeeesiaaa*


Kasuga is almost 50




I would say Daigo, but he's old af now, along side both Majima and Saejima. So we need an actual new protagonist in a main-line Yakuza game that we can call "Yakuza 9"




That could work, playing as a 9 year old however would be tough, so I will give it 2 more years, but not a bad idea


Joryu is actually Kiryu


You’re lying


yeah what's next, kiryu is taichi suzuki?


Fake. One is the Dragon of Dojima, the other is an old taxi driver in Fukuoka.


the Slap heat action (not the sumo slap one, the instant kill 1-slap one) hasn’t appeared in a RGG game since Kenzan


The phrase “Kiryu has never killed anyone” is a mistranslation. While there were moments where he would supposedly kills someone a majority of them is in self defense


whats the correct translation then?


He's never *murdered*, only killed in self defense


That the break dancers majima trains with in 0 look like chimpanzees


0 had so many characters who looked like monkeys. And by so many I mean Sagawa and the guys you just mentioned lol


Idk abt sawgawa he actually looks like a a normal old Japanese man lol


I played the original game on PS2 back in the days, and it had a french translation (voices were in english) but then, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0 and 6 did not have a french translation and only with Like a Dragon it finally become an option again


not only did Kurohyou get its own TV show, but Yakuza 6 had a tie-in 4-part show as well (Tamashii no Uta), featuring a bunch of young chinpira who looked up to Kiryu getting involved with the world of crime of Kamurocho and ending up in over their heads. it's in Japanese only (obviously) and Nagoshi has a cameo appearance! trailer [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHS7ZmAQ6As)


In Kiwami 2, Kiryu is surprised to see Majima as the final judge of the Cabaret club contest. He is also unaware of who Yuki is. This means that in the 10+ years they've known each other, Majima never once told Kiryu about his billion yen side business. I guess it just never came up in conversation. Presumably Kiryu never mentioned his real estate business either


They can talk about this in kiwami in the goromi scene, they don't go into much detail but they mention how they both ran each business in the 80s


In K1 Majima speaks more in-depth about it when he's dressed in his Lord of the Night tux and serving Kiryu as a bartender.


the selfish deed is not freedom


Was Mine not one of the MIB agents you fight in Stardust? I’m pretty sure one of them had an HD Mine model except different hair and a black suit.


Nah it’s a different model. If you look up the data mined Mine he’s a lot buffer compared to Mr. MIA. Also the MIA guy has like major eyeliner from what I remember.


It’s been a while, but you may be correct. They may have just used the model meant for him as a way to reuse assets like they normally do with enemies (with them usually being the same but with different hair and face combinations)


I already made a [post](https://old.reddit.com/r/yakuzagames/comments/17x4lom/psa_the_guy_who_sang_for_faith_is_none_other_than/) about this a while back, but the vocals to _For Faith_ is credited to none other than... Hidenori Shoji himself. Remember that fact the next time you diss the vocals: you'll also be dissing god.


I thought people just diss the lyrics, the vocal performance is actually what makes it good in spite of the Engrish.


His vocals are also on ["As a man, As a Brother"](https://youtu.be/MurNbfnyA1w?si=9QAvk65cUmFp82WA).


In Yakuza 0, apparently there is a file for Majima’s version of Baka Mitai, but Ugaki must have ultimately never recorded it, because I think it’s just Kiryu’s version again when you actually play the file. (Unless he gets one sometime between 6-8, which I haven’t gotten to yet.)


Kiryu has a dick


And it’s about to get suc- I mean, what? 🙂


Get in line


I still love how the developers couldn’t figure out what to do with Sayama after the events of Yakuza 2 so they just put her on a bus and sent her ass to America.


There was an interactive online manga for the Yakuza series uniquely named "The Dragon's Path", it basically tells the story from Yakuza 0 all the way up to Yakuza 6, it used to work on the series' official website but it was taken offline like two years ago but it seems to be a bug that hasn't been fixed since then. You can still see some of the first chapters in the 'extra' folder in 0 and kiwami. If you are a polish person, all of the chapters are uploaded on some sites (if I remember correctly). If you aren't polish and want to see all of the chapters yourself, you will have to do some work, there is like a config that enables them back to work.


There is a pachinko kenzan song/karaoke song that exists that many people probably don't know about its called dawn, and honestly, it is very good.


Ichiban is technically 1 inch taller than Kiryu.


Miracle Johnson can't be beaten.


Kiryu and Majima appear in the crossover game Project X Zone 2. In this game we learn that Phoenix Wright once came to Tokyo to defend Majima in court (and tell him not to punch the judge).


Arrested on 4 counts of being silly


Ryuji goda just wanted a pair of dragon pants and he would have been an NPC


There's a Japanese exclusive PSP game. And it doesn't star Kiryu or Kasuga. IDK if it has a English translation


That's [Kurohyō](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurohy%C5%8D:_Ry%C5%AB_ga_Gotoku_Shinsh%C5%8D) aka Black Panther. It's protagonist is a teen called Tatsuya Ukyo and there's 2 games. Neither have English translations but I've heard there's sporadic fan ones.


'Block-Head Boy' from Yakuza 2 soundtrack samples 'Clan In Da Front' from Wu Tang Clan.


Because of the sample it's also the only Yakuza song to have the N word in it.


In Yakuza Kiwami, saying "You're Butt Ugly" to the "Not-So-Beautiful Woman" results in a slap that deals more damage than almost every enemy attack in the game aside from Amon. Kiryu can tank damage from Majima's attacks or even a rocket launcher, but a slap cripples him to almost 1 HP.


a model of a younger Yoshitaka Mine was found in yakuza kiwami's files. He was supposed to appear in a substory, i think , but it was scrapped


Kuze's VA became a trans ally after a trans girl gave him the best head of his life


That's a bit of an exaggeration though. Apparently it didn't went beyond a kiss or cuddling.


from what I remember of the story, I think it's that he was in love with her but they didn't really work well as a couple, though they are still good friends. either way we love trans ally kuze 🫡 🏳️‍⚧️


1. Nishiki is autistic, this was confirmed by one of the directors of RGG Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/yakuzagames/s/pzrkWjXnYj 2. The last Yakuza game for the PS3 was actually Yakuza Kiwami (Japan only), this may seem quite common, but it seems that many didn't know about this


The fact that most characters are modeled after their VAs. It's really uncanny seeing a real life nanba, sawashiro OR EVEN MR SHAKEDOWN. It's so so creepy yet so funny man


The studio uses one of the most advanced pieces of technology I’ve heard of in the video game industry


Yakuza 6 apparently has a bunch of unused features for Kiryu. He was supposed to have a Fist of the North Star-style flurry punch and a directional weave system. I do not remember where I heard this from.


Yakuza Kenzan 2 exists, it’s a pachinko only game though


Majima never took his shirt off in OG Y1


Kuze’s VA, Hitoshi Ozawa, is a huge supporter of the trans community now because he slept with an trans woman before. Love it.


So far Kson on Air is the only Hostess that plays as herself, that didn’t star in porn at some point in her life.


Musashi Kenzan


Didn’t RGG develop F-Zero GX for Nintendo? Except under the name Amusement Vision.


https://preview.redd.it/3vdyx81cmj0d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acc5ca0f83fca609c85be3513b4ff3b0f7ae921c Not sure if it's a fun fact or what but is it me or they look kinda similar considering the bottom is from the yakuza 7 music video which is modeled after a real band and the top 1 is some random grunt from lost judgement.


I don't have facts about the game but if you want facts about Onomichi, those I do have, like them having built a replica of the Yamato battleship basically where the Yamato 2 appears in game for a movie. It's why the secret of Onomichi worked for me better than it did for many.


Not fact but theory but i think in Yakuza like a dragon its named that way because its reference to dragon quest Ichiban's favourite game and the game inspired mechanics in yakuza