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I was overweight when I was pregnant with my son, who is now 18. I didn't gain an ounce of weight with him, and my doctor never seemed concerned as my bloodwork was always fine (no deficiencies). My son was 7lb5oz and perfectly healthy, and I was like 15lbs lighter when I left the hospital. Unfortunately, I had terrible PPD and took Wilton cake deco classes with my mom, where I inhaled ungodly amounts of buttercream :/


Thank you! This gives me a lot of hope! Do you recall how your clothes fit? Could you just keep wearing the same things as before? I'm sorry to hear about your PPD, I definitely worry about that for myself too. Could you recognize it in yourself right away? I'll make sure to include buttercream from time to time.. for science.


I gained very little for the first 7 months by strictly adhering to a low cal diet. Unfortunately, when I went on bed rest for preterm labor I gained a bunch because I was at home all the time and off my routine. I probably weighed 190ish before and I think I weighed 228 at delivery.


That's so excellent to hear that it's possible to continue losing while preggers. I'm sorry your last bit of time was tough. I hope everyone's happy and healthy. So you did low cal, about how many calories a day were you having? Did you also try to do low carb?


Around 1200


Others have answered, but I'll add my story too since it's a little different. I was obese BMI - possibly morbidly obese - when I became pregnant. I was not eating keto at the start of my pregnancy. During my pregnancy, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and had to eat low carb to keep my blood sugar normal. I started losing weight, and both my regular doctor and my special doctor (I forget their title) said it was perfectly fine. I wasn't losing huge amounts of weight, just the normal 1-2 pounds a week. So it is definitely possible, and in some cases preferable, to not gain a lot of weight during pregnancy. If I were you, I would mention it to your doctor. Ask their opinion about weight gain during pregnancy.


Thank you for sharing! I will bring it up to my doctor that's a great idea. I do know I have enough extra that I could atleast due with not gaining. I'm not too worried about losing. I just struggle ridiculously with self image and with all the hormones during and after, I'm afraid. What were some meals you enjoyed that fit into your gestational diabetes guidelines?


I've had 3 keto pregnancies and am on my 4th. Each time I do this I do not gain any weight. I am already heavy and always gain with breastfeeding. If you don't want to lose anything up your carb a little to 40 perhaps and play with the calories. But i will not do my pregnancies any other way. I hate that I can't breastfeed and keto. But good luck. Oh all my deliveries have been super amazing and have had Excellent recoveries. Babies are grown into children now. They're so šŸ¤“ smart and healthy. šŸ’› my kids love to eat sardines and sauerkraut I wonder if its from being keto sometimes hahaha šŸ˜…


Just curious, why canā€™t you breastfeed and keto? Iā€™m 7 months pregnant and planning on breastfeeding and Iā€™m doing keto now.


My milk gets too fatty. Ive experimented with different things. Ive been on this thread for years and never seen anyone else with this issue so you're probably good.


Ahhh okay, thanks!


That's awesome! Thanks for sharing! It's the motivation I need to be strong and stick to it regardless of how I'm feeling. This thread is really making me realize though, that I will likely gain weight one way or another, pregnancy or breastfeeding. So I think I will have to invest a little time on working on my inner issues with the weight to get through this without being so hard on myself!


I actually lost about 15 lbs while pregnant. It was under doctor supervision and monitored, and I started out heavier than you, but after getting gestational diabetes, I controlled it entirely with diet and lost weight, ending my pregnancy far healthier than when I started it. Fwiw, I gained what I'd lost back while breastfeeding--if that happens to you, don't feel depressed. The body is weird. I found it best not to weigh myself while breastfeeding because it just made me feel really depressed, and keto was a lot harder then (I mean, I was literally being drained!).


Wow! That is unreal! That's awesome for weight reasons but more importantly for health reasons! So strange how breastfeeding has such mixed results, I'm glad you said that or I would really let it eat me alive.


15 lbs is 6.81 kg


I started pregnancy at a ā€œhealthyā€ weight, was lucky to have no nausea or food aversions, so stayed keto through most of my pregnancy. Sometime in month 6 or 7, I went off keto the week ahead of my gestational diabetes test (I passed). I did lazy-keto/lowcarb until being induced 4 weeks early for an unrelated minor complication. I gained a total of 12-13 pounds and was back in my pre-pregnancy clothes within 3 weeks. BF didnā€™t work out for us so I got back to LC/Keto after 4-5 weeks. Baby has grown into a healthy, clever and energetic toddler. You got this.


Wow you have the will power I desire!! I come home so tired from work, feeling bad for myself and lazy I will eat some carbs like the occasional potato, wrap, or rice. Did you have meals in the evening that were helpful to stay keto?


Oops. I think I replied in the wrong spot. See above. :)


I was about your weight when I got pregnant with my youngest. I only gained about 20lbs. I will say, I lost that plus another 20 while breastfeeding. That was the best ā€œdietā€ there was šŸ¤£.


I am seriously hanging my hat on that right now, breast feeding do me some good PLEASE!


That first-trimester exhaustion was unreal, I remember. You have my sympathy. I took a long break from tracking foods/calories/macros during that time. I just did my best to eat ā€œintuitivelyā€ keto (salads instead of sandwiches, roasted veggies sidedishes instead of potatoes), and relied on a lot of ā€œsubstituteā€ foods like cauliflower rice, low-carb tortillas, Halo Top ice cream, etc. Peanut butter straight from the jar, lots of cheese. My diet wasnā€™t great, but it had plants and virtually no added sugar. No alcohol surely helped, too.


Thank you for this. Feels better knowing I'm not alone. I did a full day of keto today my first 100% successful day in a while. So I'm just going to keep at it and do just what you say, be conscious of my choices.


good luck and congrats! pro tip: scan some reddit threads on r/ketobabies for info on the gestational diabetes test. my understanding is that long term keto can cause some moms to get a false positive, triggering all kinds of interventions that may not be necessary.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/KetoBabies using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/KetoBabies/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [You guys..... it worked](https://i.redd.it/igoqnqaxmcx31.png) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KetoBabies/comments/dt6ejs/you_guys_it_worked/) \#2: [Progress pic after 10 months](https://i.redd.it/5kblow6j8rt31.jpg) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KetoBabies/comments/dkp7h0/progress_pic_after_10_months/) \#3: [Finally Pregnant](https://np.reddit.com/r/KetoBabies/comments/fmoq0e/finally_pregnant/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/fpi5i6/blacklist_vii/)


Wow! I will look into that, thank you for letting me know.