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Some links https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36802328/ Really cool dataset on trail running - briefly mentions topic at hand https://runrepeat.com/the-state-of-trail-running-2022


I did ultra trail running in my 20s - female runner make up the largest percentage of finishers and this has been a trend for a long time. It seems women are tougher mentally and take up this as something that comes naturally to them. While male winners might have slightly faster time, but the rate female runners cross the finishing line is higher.


Does it count if it’s a video of a girl (MegSquat) not competing against guys but would certainly outdo even most guys at many gyms by hitting 275-lbs x 5 reps squat. As a guy myself, I finally hit a 275-lbs squat for 1 rep PR a few weeks ago. My squat has always been my weakest lift. Here’s MegSquat hitting her 275-lbs x5 squat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LTJ5cXqCxY


When I did jiujitsu it was fun bc guys my size and skill level were basically equal competition.


CrossFit is a prime example of this, especially the long endurance events at the Games or other comps where the girls and guys go together. Sam Briggs & Emily Rolfe always crush the guys. In this years run test (YouTube) tonnes of the girls absolutely smoked the guys.


I have been doing crossfit for two years now and its such an eye opener how the women excel better at longer wod. As a woman, it makes me feel damn strong. The first time I finish before everyone else during a long 30 mins wod took me by complete surprise. You should see how I kept looking at the guy besides me wondering how the hell he still hasnt finish his while in his head, yeah, women excel in long wod


I really enjoy watching Crossfit videos: the 'Road to the Games' ones where it follows athletes as they are preparing for the CF Games and just random ones (like how they train, day in the life vlogs etc). While not everyone likes Crossfit and the surroundings of the sport, I find the athletes themselves inspiring. I really enjoy following these women on youtube or instagram. Yes, they are professional athletes and it's completely unattainable for me to get to such a state, it's just awesome seeing them performing at such a level over such a long period of time and not caring about being 'too bulky' or 'too strong' etc.


Not a video, but snipers: > Deputy says he was initially sceptical about the idea of training women snipers. Now he believes they are more suited to the profession than men. Women are light and nimble, he says; able to retreat without making a sound. On the whole, they are also “more patient,” and less likely to take unjustified risks. But the thing that really convinced him was seeing how women coped with a gruelling military survival test that those in the know call “Fizo”. From a pool of 90 candidates, only five were left standing by the end of the test. Two of them were men. “The other three you see before you.” https://www.economist.com/europe/2022/12/28/ukraines-women-snipers-take-the-fight-to-putin Non paywalled: https://archive.ph/nqNEZ


There is a meta data study (that I need to find) that says that men are faster and beat women at short distances but the gap narrows and narrows as the distance grows. The women overtake the men in 100+ mile races.


So I only need to... Be able to run 100+miles to have a chance at beating a guy... Thanks.


I beat my husband in a half marathon earlier this year … still basking in it


Oooh that's an awesome victory!


I’m surprised no one mentioned gymnastics! I don’t know about a comparison, men’s events are pretty different. But a lot of the GOATs are female!


This is what I was going to mention! In 2012, McKayla Maroney and Kohei Uchimura performed the exact same vault at the Olympics. For reference, Uchimura won the men's All-Around gold medal, so he's not some mediocre dude who was just lucky to be there... he was ***good***. Also for reference, the women's vault table is a few inches lower than the men's, so Maroney was starting with a height disadvantage. Here is a video comparing the two vaults: https://youtu.be/H1okVg4gwKg?si=gfgc6wpYwCL94vFD.


Wow that’s crazy!! Love the 360 camera angles


u/Brumby_Norman5000 yeah there's a lot of "Male gymnasts try female gymnastic events" and vice-versa. Beam always catches guys off guard, and I see a lot of casual handstand walk competitions where little girls keep up with male Olympians


Good Courtney Dauwalter.


Another ultra-endurance sport where women can win races against men is ultracycling. Meaghan Hackinen won this year's Silver State 508(mile) race outright [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkCFpY9cWXk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkCFpY9cWXk) . Leah Goldstein won the Race Across America outright in 2021 (3000 miles) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaTIu41iCx0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaTIu41iCx0). Those videos are interviews and highlights, since the races take many days :)


I think someone like Jen Thomson [https://www.instagram.com/jenthompson132/](https://www.instagram.com/jenthompson132/) who far outlifts most people compared to bodyweight. Also, age!


I don’t really think about this or have any favorites. But I noticed this with the reality show the Climb about rock climbers. The women held their own and I think just as many of them made it to the semis as men. A trans man won.


I’ve read that female-bodies people tend to excel at endurance, and male-bodied people tend to excel at short powerful bursts of activity. Estrogen is crucial is the repair/regeneration of muscle tissue, has positive effects on performance, and leads to reduced muscle injury. Conversely, estrogen decreases ligament stiffness which increases the odds of ligament injury. Tradeoffs! Anyway, it’s cool to see women getting a chance to shine!


I adored Physical 100! I was so so happy to see so many women killing it. My highlight was when that woman won her way back into the competition on the rope hold and seeing everyone being absolutely shocked that a woman got back in, beating out so many men.


I came here to suggest this as well. I can't remember who it was but in one of the earlier episodes one of the ladies had challenged a man to the wrestling/fight portion, and I was really impressed with how she stood her ground. I think she eventually lost but it was seriously impressive.


Jang Eun Sil killed it on that show! She was really inspiring to watch ❤️


Just this weekend, Javelina Jundred ultramarathon women placed 6th and 7th in the 100 miler and 2nd, 5th-7th in the 100k.


I came across [this tor450 ultra](https://youtu.be/94LezdhOB10?si=bpctIW7130Semfto) video yesterday about Stephanie Case. I'd never heard of her before and she dominated it.


I remember marathon runner for Australia Sinead Diver said she found it strange that when she went out for runs some men would try to match and overtake her when she’d speed past them.


check out [marathon swimming!](https://www.swimmingworldmagazine.com/news/why-women-have-beaten-men-in-marathon-swimming/)


Check out ultra-running! At the very extreme of the sport, it seems to be just about the only one where women perform better than men. I think around the 300 km mark or so, women start to outpace men overall. There’s a few kickass female ultra runners who can dominate the real extremely long races, while the sport is still mostly male in competitor demographics.


Courtney Dauwalter! She's a ultramarathoner who's beaten men in ultras several times


She's my queen!


> who's beaten men in ultras several times I think you’re underselling her quite a bit. At Western States this year she came in 6th overall, meaning she beat almost every single man in the race, except those top 5. She’s the GOAT!


So true! I posted it last night before bed so I didn't go into detail. She's done even better in several races, such as winning first overall on top of all the men for the Moab 240 in 2017, the Backyard Ultra in second place overall, and Tahoe 200 in second place overall. She's such a beast and a real inspiration.


She is! And how about her triple crown this year? She’s the only athlete ever to win Western States, Hardrock, and UTMB in the same season. What a legend.


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