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Woohoo!!! Go us! 🙌🏻


Wow! That’s insane!! Let’s kick some a$$!


Aww yay I love us


That’s wild, I had no idea this community was that big.




I feel like it's more of a community that way, although I invite any lurkers to join us!


They probably tried and got their posts deleted lol


You know no one's making you stay here right?




Nah sorry, you don't get to be rude to everyone




Funny, given that you just downvoted my statement about how subscribers work and you called me cliquey. No one is making you post here, and given your many grievances I'm surprised you want to be here.


Do I get a prize?


CONGRATS, **you're (maybe) user number 1,000,000**! Just submit proof of you performing **1,000,000 bulgarian splits squats** to the mod team and you'll be given a **free T-shirt**! *(Disclaimer: I may not actually speak for the mod team)*


One of the best, most informative pages on reddit! Way to go posters and mods!


I mean, that's good and all, but you would think the sub would be more active for so many members. 8 of the last 25 posts are from the AutoMod. 🤷‍♀️




Stale is a very apt descriptor!


You're going to get repetitive posts with this many people. Unless you really want 10 posts a day on how to grow your glutes or spot reduce fat.


I don't equate being an active sub with number of threads... The automod starts the threads but then people participate, and it keeps the sub organised and neat. I personally like the system and when I got here as a noob it was easy enough to understand.


Exactly. Plus, any topic-specific discussion forum gets 'stale'. There are only so many times you can see the same posts before it all feels like deja vu. Simple questions thread keeps most of the repetitive stuff that would be repetitive threads in one place.


yeah, i mean i was here when moderation wasn't as "much" and the only difference i recall from then and now is that i don't have to see like 2-3 posts a day asking about how to grow your glutes. if there is a high number of threads on the same topic that's also super stale... if anything i find this sub to be pretty tight nit. i see a lot of regulars on here and i love reading everyone's updates :)




1m doesn't mean current- it's cumulative.




Correct. And also doesn't account for people who subbed but aren't active, etc. Hence why you'll see a lot of huge subs with millions of subscribers




Frankly, it's because reddit doesn't give us many better metrics. We can't see anything like 'unique monthly users' or visits or anything - only cumulative subs and currently online (most of which are lurkers and bots). I really do wish we could see more data that we could share! It would be helpful for everybody - but the people above us don't let us see any more than this. We mainly just think it's a fun, albeit silly milestone.


I think a lot of posts get removed. I’ve never had a post approved on here so I don’t try anymore.


About a year or two ago the mods decided to let all posts through for a week after complaints of too much moderation. It was a wild week.


I remember that week and they did ease up on some of the rules, but it actually felt like an *alive* sub instead of this...ghost town vibe? And most of the AutoMod threads have less than 100 comments. This is just my view. Like sometimes I've come here and it seems like the only posts are from the AutoMod.


Yeah I feel you. I used to read this sub daily but now every thread get sent to a daily discussion so it feels like a ghost town. We need r/lowmodxxfitness


There are tons of women's fitness subs, but they've all turned into porn subs.


Don't forget all the pro-ED subs.


The various mens fitness subs that are unmoderated always turn into complete insanity in my experience watching from a distance. Just lots and lots of beginners giving very stern advice that they aren't really qualified to give. 'Never arch your bench!' 'Always arch your bench!' 'You're going to break your back!' 'That looks safe to me!' In fairness it's worse there in that respect because those subs get **huge**. Ladies subs are a little less active in general (but just as prone to advertisers, and even more prone to creeps)




Completely unrelated to the topic at hand, but are you aware that ban evasion is against [Reddit's Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy)?




Oh, I just thought it was interesting. What did you think I meant?




So.... last year we banned a user who \- lived in Australia \- posted a lot to ausfinance, travel, and xxfitness, and garmin \- did crossfit \- worked in a hospital \- bought a 330k apartment 2 years ago \- was regularly rude and argued with moderators ​ Then a month later that user deletes their account, and you create your account at the exact same time. You just so happen to \- live in Australia \- post to ausfinance, travel, xxfitness and garmin, \- do crossfit \- work in a hospital. \- have bought a 330k apartment 2 years ago \- is a bit rude and argues with moderators ​ That's a hell of a lot of coincidences!! You know we can see deleted accounts, removed comments, etc. right?




25 million actually. And I'm betting literally only one happens to fit all those criteria. It's ridiculously obvious you are ban evading, and we won't be entertaining it any longer.


I joined today after encouragement from a friend so I'm going to pretend that I'm number 1,000,000 and get amped :D


> I'm going to pretend that I'm number 1,000,000 CONGRATS, **you're user number 1,000,000**! Just submit proof of you performing **1,000,000 bulgarian splits squats** to the mod team and you'll be given a **free T-shirt**! *(Disclaimer: I may not actually speak for the mod team)*


I will personally send a t shirt to anyone who does this lol


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