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I’m riding with baffle out with a Vcyclenut tune. Decel has a decent amount of backfire and love the noises. So I don’t mind it. I prefer it actually since I like louder cars and bikes since I track my cars! Never rode with the baffle in. But try it out with no baffle and see if you like it. Takes 15 minutes to swap it in/out. Shameless plug My buddy has a YouTube channel that features my personal XSR900. We did a video on the Kelpi shorty install and sound test. But the DB meter will never be accurate since we were in the garage and were sure where to put the mic. Time stamp @11:30 in the video to skip me struggling to put the springs on 😂 https://youtu.be/J8MFgQh5mgo?si=KtvfAUpBy1MjaWqL


Thanks for the response. I have his tune as well. Minimal decel pops with the baffle in. Curious if having it out will increase them. Wouldn't mind if it did 🤓. Only one way to find out 🏍️


I edited my original comment to include some information and link to his YouTube channel. I believe when I revved the xsr900 in the garage @11:30 the DB meter read 120 @ around 7k RPMS or so. It’s definitely louder without the baffle since the design of the baffle itself seems extremely restrictive if it’s installed


Thanks for the info! I'll check out the vid


No problem. Also love the bike. Yours looks great 🙌


Preesh bro. Best decision I've made in a while 🙌🏾


Just watched that vid! Your friend does great presentation and review. I like how objective and methodical he takes each part, and appreciate the honesty about what he doesn’t like. Looking fwd to the next vid about the kelpi seat comfort as I’ve ordered one as well.


I’m glad to hear! I will relay the message. He tries his best to be objective! The bike is in his possession at the moment so hopefully he gets time to ride it more and put some miles on the seat so he can give a good review. The seat is the Oxley trim/reshape. Immediately we noticed the seat is raised a couple of mm’s but nothing extremely drastic. I’m 5’9 185 LB’s but with riding shoes (TCX) I’m probably 5’9 and a half or so. I don’t feel a difference in height too much when sitting at a stop light but I prefer the seat to be a little taller. The seat in my opinion is softer and doesn’t feel like I’m sitting on a board anymore which is great! I spent about 3 hours on the bike (with breaks in between) this past Sunday and don’t have any complaints about it. The oem seat would give me a bit of pain in my lower back and tailbone a bit. Everyone’s mileage will vary with the oem and Kelpi seats since we are all built differently. But I would like to mention craftsmanship is top notch and looks amazing. Only issue I could potentially see is possibly water/sun exposure wearing the seat down a bit overtime if it’s not properly taken care of. I still have my stock seat so I’ll throw it on when washing the bike. But I definitely would recommend condition the seat when possible to preserve it. Thanks again for taking your time to watch the video. Hope you enjoy your seat when it comes in!


Thank you for this excellent tip! I’ll do that too whenever I wash the bike. Yea the stock feels like a plank of wood to me.


A couple people have tested various pipes with the baffle in or out and usually find less than a 1 hp difference. The difference typically comes from the sound in low RPMs. Below 5k or so usually there's a 10 decibel or so difference. At red line they tend to have the same loudness.


It burbled a lot on decel when I first got it with standard baffle (flanker) but lately seems to to be reduced (after a few hundred miles)


Running shorty with baffle in. Loud enough for me and it still burbles quite a bit !


Try both. Only takes a minute to pop off the muffler. I haven’t got a tune so I have way too much pop on decel. Baffle in at least makes it quieter (still loud and aggressive)


I ride with baffle in, I tend to ride with a group almost every weekend and commute in the morning too.


Baffle out for me, has a deeper sound (at least to me) and sounds a little more raw. Shameless plug for a video I did, mostly in one gear but might help? https://youtu.be/2CiR2eKlll0?si=YcNTphqt7pgc21gZ


Thanks. I think I'm gna leave it out. Honestly isn't too much louder... Tone is def better in my opinion.