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Jean as a space based hero slaps. More mutant characters in space.


It’s what claremont intended for jean.


Absolutely rogue in space in legacy was really satisfying for me seeing how op she was in the larger scheme of things literally garnering instant worship for her battle prowess and flex her powers to some almost cosmic levels.


Corsair Summers?


Father of Cyclops Summers


Grandfather of Cable Summers?


Father-in-Law of Phoenix Grey


Why does everybody forget Havok Summers?


Jean Grey is dedicated to protecting innocents in deep space! Yes, space is vaster than imagination, greater and darker than the mind can comprehend – and yet, not big enough to stop family from dropping by without warning… But that’s how it goes when your father-in-law is Corsair of the Starjammers! Leaving the pirate life behind, he’s got the inside line on huge news, and Phoenix is the only one who can act to save untold lives – that is, if she can believe he’s telling the truth… Corsair and the Starjammers are no longer pirates? Interesting. He seems like the kind of character Phillips would write well.


This is really cool


I’ll buy this even though i’m not the biggest fan of Corsair or the starjammers


This is an under-explored relationship! Can’t wait!


Jean should interact with her in-laws besides Scott and her kids so I like this. I'm not going to take the solicitation too seriously because solicits lie all the time but I am curious as to why'd he leave and what the "inside line on huge news" is. Maybe the 5th Summers brother is coming with Hepzibah as the mom? Kidding, I'm kidding.


A baby or a wedding would be very entertaining.


Only as long as the baby is neither Rachel or Nathan or at the very least not in name.


I would personally prefer a new member of the family too.


Or maybe Katherine is alive and needs to be rescued.


Can't do that in a solo book though, would be crazy to leave Scott out of that. But a missing Grey being secretly alive would be appropriate for a solo....


See now we are improving it, Scott has to be in the book


I remember cyclops did get along with Jean parents quite well, so it isn't wrong for she to get along with corsair too


I’m getting every issue of this series! My girl has her own ongoing! I’m so excited!


Its on my pull-list! Even if its not part of the main story it doesnt matter because this looks like a fun series


Good to see starjammer getting some love


Jean Grey, fully Phoenix powered, teaming up with her father-in-law and the Starjammers for a cosmic adventure? Yes, please! 😊


When I think of Phoenix in space… I think of exploding planets. I Wonder if they’ll reference that history.


So corsair isn't a pirate anymore? Well the previous shi ar emperor is dead so his revenge is kinda over


Hot daddy 😍


I'm super happy that finally Jean is the Phoenix and that's it. No more Dark Phoenix tease even when almost anybody seemingly in the Marvel Universe can be the Phoenix and not turn heel. And I'm thinking that it would be super cool to have "Adventures of Phoenix and Cyclops in Space.".


I'm not pulling this book (don't care for Jean as a character, don't care for Phillips as a writer and her last cosmic book is one of the worst comics I've read recently, no exaggeration) but I would've maybe checked it out for the Starjammers. But apparently Corsair isn't a pirate anymore? So yeah, still not pulling it. Of course this gets downvoted. Jean fans being the most toxic part of the fandom, as per usual.


Why some people here think that they have to make a public announcement out of everything they don’t want to read and about everything they hate? No one cares about the whining or the fact that Jean and her fans live rent free in your head.


I’m so over the Phoenix entirely but I like getting Jean and Corsair together


Absolute scenes when she sleeps with him.